Hi Yves,
I like your description of the metaphor very much.
For my master studies 14 years ago (arrg, I can't be that old...) I found a (german) study about the use of metaphors in innovations and product development. The authors of the study found a recurring pattern: successfull innovations/products often used metaohors but broke explicitly with certain aspects of the original.
I remember a story about the Wright brothers: They used birds as a kind of metaphor. They transferred the form of the wings to airplanes. But the airplane became useable when they decided not to have flapping wings but fixed wings.
The limitation of the kitchen metaphor might be that it totally makes sense for professional cooking but most people at home first cook and then clean up the kitchen. And sometimes they delay the cleaning until there is no more place to place the dirty dishes. And guess what: That works also :-)
Dipl.-Inform. Stefan Roock
Senior IT-Berater, Certified Scrum Trainer
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