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[COURSE] Sandi Metz is coming to London!

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Chris Parsons

Jun 4, 2014, 6:24:16 AM6/4/14
Hello lovely software craftsmanship people:

So in case you weren’t aware, we at Kickstart Academy have got Sandi Metz coming over to teach her Practical Object-Oriented Design classes later this month and early next month in London.

You should be there because:

* Sandi has lots of Smalltalk and Ruby development expereience
* She’s one of the most experienced and best object thinkers we know
* She’s an amazing teacher

Check out the podcast we recorded last month here for a taster:

I’m personally really excited about this course, which is the first time it has run in the UK. There are two options: a 3-day from 25-27 June and a 2-day from 3-4 July.

The early-bird discounts have all gone: but we’re still doing 5% for three or more seats in one booking (use BULK as the code).

Any questions or follow up info needed, please do let me know.

Thanks all!

Chris Parsons

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