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Request for Information about {quadratureGrid}

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Muhammad Imran

Jan 22, 2014, 9:12:33 AM1/22/14

Hello Dear Sofia Developers and Users

I am trying to compute sound field diffusion in opera houses by using Sofia Algorithms. There is no doubt about its great applications especially for Matlab users.
I am feeling some troubles in generating "quadratureGrid" for my 32-channel Eigenmike spherical array of mh-Acoustics. mh-Acoustics provides information about the orientation of microphones in terms of Azimuth and Elevation only with mic number.
I wonder how I calculate the weights regarding each Az and Ele to generate gridData for computing Pnm.
Moreover is there any literature available to understand the concept of "quadratureGrid".

Eigenmike pic is displayed as follows


M. Imran
MS (Physics)
PhD Candidate
Acoustic Labs
Hanyang University Seoul, Korea

Benjamin Bernschütz

Jan 22, 2014, 10:19:46 AM1/22/14
Hello M. Imran

as I already recommended to you this morning, you should ask the guys at mh acoustics (e.g. by a simple email) for providing the respective grid nodes and weights. I am sure the guys at mh acoustics are glad to support you. It strongly depends on the nature of the quadrature, how the nodes need to be weighted. Generally it is not that easy calculating the weights. I don't know which quadrature is used for the Eigenmike - but it appears to be any equidistant distribution. In the best case the weights are all equal 1/32 - this could be the reason why mh acoustics does not provide any weights. (This simple weighting is valid for very few optimized quadratures only.) To be really sure, you should contact mh acoustics.

Advice: Be careful about the coordinate systems when generating the final matrix for SOFiA. Maybe the angles provided by mh acoustics follow a different coordinate convention and need to be transformed.

Best regards,
Benny Bernschütz
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