business server, rendering browser

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Aug 1, 2008, 9:29:04 AM8/1/08
Hi all,
As recently introduced, we thought we could tell you where are we
coming from and where do we want to go.
As it looks there is some knowledge around the table about thin
servers, we'd like to get your feedback or split this in various

We come from the SAP world where we were building web apps on top of
the Human Resource module.
SAP was obviously holding the business logic.

To put it short, we developed a series of modules to turns SAP as an
abstract HTTP server that was able to receive and send XML as services
(the POX way and not REST).

Then the browser was rendering those XMLs using XSLT through a custom
JS framework.
We started to build apps this way by 2001.

In 2006, our company OpenHR, was acquired by another one, Arinso
International, that was also acquired by another one, Northgate IS,
that finally was acquired by an equity group KKR.
As the fun was going down at each acquisition, Yves and myself left.

This is where we came from. Now where do we want to go...

We started BeeBole early this year with the objective to provide small
businesses with quality software, but with the same "business server,
rendering browser" quest that we had, while working for big

Here are some recent blog posts(quite long actually) where your
feedback would be very appreciated:

Erlang as a powerful business backend:
- fast concurrent computing, compiled-dynamic-functional language
- highly reliable, hot upgrade (no shutdown)

The browser playing an important role in aggregating different
business services. But keeping exclusively a rendering job.
If we want one day to provide truly user centric apps, the center
needs to be the browser not a server.

And finally PURE our brand new rendering engine that runs fast and on
the browser.
The big shift, at least in our office ;) is that you can turn any
portion of the loaded HTML document in a template on the fly.

Thanks for any feedback,
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