I am proud of my roots

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Jul 5, 2008, 12:43:45 PM7/5/08
to society.culture.african.british
Loads going on feeling fabulous. Racial harrassement is a pain and
who wants to live somewhere where racial harrassement is the order of
the day. London is a good as it gets. My neighbours picked on me
because, I am strong and beautiful. My neighbours harmed my family
way of life because my child is a reflection of the fact that I am a
brilliant parent, not from Northampton and my child does not need them
to survive. Actually they are jealous of my child and I, you can not
buy manners. To be picked on by people who are mear human-beings like
myself ; because I am proud of my roots, yes I am a Londoner and I am
proud of the fact, my family do not want or need their exceptance
anymore. See my whole personna is a reflection of the fact that there
is no way I was raised in Northampton and my child is a living
testament of my beauty. I will never forget those people who through
their own ignorance supported the community whilst they stoned me on
my doorstep. That was then and this is now. My child is living proof
that racial abuse which is rife in Northampton; will make you stronger
if it does not kill you. The same people that caused my family harm
are now saying we like you, we want you. My reply is who cares;
because we sure don't.

To prove another point, guess what my? My probation officer failed a
questionnaire about me; he does not have a glue about who I am, even
what my favourite colour is. I compiled the questionnaire after I
went to London to make a request to move back home without making
myself intentionally homeless. I recieved communication that no
application for housing had never been made by the probation to move
my family; actually the sad thing is that probation were in fact
spending time ignoring the issue. Ignoring the issue was not of
benefit to my family. Anyway I was housed in London for four days
(more info coming), I came back adamant that I am going to giive
probation hell.

In writing it was confirmed that probation were leaving my family to
rot and if anyone wanted to attack us they had the backing of the
police because the police would just come along and give me a
harrassment warning if I dared open my mouth without swearing. It is
OK to swear continuously at my child, and then we will blame the
parent when the child starts swearing. C**** is a word that is
commonly used in the community I live in and some how it is I that is
blamed for using that word and other swear words.

A punch of old women who feel inadequate, mix in young women who have
spend all their lives drinking, drug taking and some how forgot to
work and get an education in between feeling useless with themselves
and deep down they are aware that their men waant to have sex with
me. Add the authorities who promote the abuse of children in
Northamptonshire, then to blend everything together add one beautiful,
intelligent, hardworking strong woman who happens to be yes a bit
different to the boring norm and is black. Finally, as a finishing
touch add this woman's child who is fanatistic and proves yet again
that living in Northampton Town is of no benefit to the child's
upbringing and that our society is failing our childen badly.

Referring back to the questionnaire for the probation service which
was about me. I have had to listen to waffle from my probation
officer for months on end. I knew something was up when there was no
evidence to support his statements and I was really getting bored of
his company. So I went to London and my suspisions were confirmed, in
writing. I came back to Northampton smarting and put a questionnaire
together, my probation officer failed to get one question correct. One
of the questions but to my probation officer concerned naming one or
all of my favourite colours. Did he pass or what?

Recently I walked into a bakery for the first time. By the time I paid
for my items the cashier turned to me grinning stating that she does
know what my favourite colour. I enquired as to how?
She replied, not difficult because "I have observed your glasses, your
big bag, your small bag, your purse and you hair." This incident
occured (I am starting to sound like a legal professional) before I
gave my probation officer the questionnaire.

Guess what?
My probation officer did not have a clue and for so many months he did
not even note this important detail. Another question was which
service provider promotes the abuse of children and families?
Depending on where you live the question is so easy and furthermore
from my families own experinces the answer is Northampton Social
Services. My probation officer did not get one question right within
the questionnaire? Maybe he was tranfixed by my beauty and he became
brain dead. Seriously though, this proves my point:-
"Shape your own life do not let anyone do it for you, unless the
person loves you and you love them".

Furthermore, I am really enjoying my life at the moment and I will
take what ever is thrown at me because; it is love that rules in my
house. This is all that is important.

Good-bye for now more coming soon about my protest to London and that

PS. I found out my child has been doing some letter writing of her
own, but I need to see it before I can make any comments. Officers
came my house saying that I have been doing some more letter writing.
My child does me proud her hand writing is that good (refer to the
diary and you can see that the child is in distress). It is the same
officer who allowed me to be stoned on my doorstep, then told the
community do not stop on the account of the police. I refused to
discuss this letter that I have never seen with a man who has made it
clear that he can not stand black people and he is frightened of
them. He was fumming when I told exactly where to go when he came to
my home without any evidence or doing his homework. If is OK for
children to stone people, cause criminal damage and then go to school
and disrupt lessons; and no-one apprehends their parents. A family
stands up for their rights as human-beings and the authortities start
name calling (is it because I is black or is because the authorities
are failing children miserably?). Anyway, if there was any evidence
he would have burn it before the matter got to court and
Northamptonshire CPS would have distroyed any evidence in support of
my defence.
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