racial harassment the probation report

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May 26, 2008, 9:56:51 AM5/26/08
to society.culture.african.british
I have been informed by Westminster that Andrea must refer me to
Westminster Housing Department. So the main aim of the probation
service was to cause me misery and harm my family. The truth is now
out or I may be wrong (right). Andrea must refer me to Westminster
Housing Department on 27/05/2008. Andrea lied, she had done sod all.
Two months of misery and deceit by the probation service. As usually I
am doing it myself. What a waste of time the last two months has been.
Again, I am doing someone else's job and neglecting my own needs, what
an insult. Westminster have classified the issue as racial harassment
as with every other organisations situated outside Northamptonshire.
Northamptonshire probation service must explain to me what they have
been doing to support me and clear my name. Are they really on my side
or supporting the Miss Perez Duty Clerke who promotes abuse of
process; this woman came out with the CPS and they both did high five
in my face as I was waiting for my verdict (reference Northampton
Magistrates' Court) who conducted a farce of a trial; which was a
blatant abuse of legal process. My probation officer told me last
Thursday that he would refer me back to court. He must explain fully
why because at the end of the day it was I that was prosecuted for
rubbish. What does he really mean when he states "mitigating
circumstances". The Probation Service Report was nonsense. It refused
to acknowledge the abuse my family have received from the police, Miss
Peet, her children and their supporters. This is commonly referred to
as racial harassment; the probation service report ignored this
important issue.


May 26, 2008, 10:00:10 AM5/26/08
to society.culture.african.british


Jun 3, 2008, 12:19:39 PM6/3/08
to society.culture.african.british
Since I went to London the realisation that Northamptonshire Probation
Service have done nothing apart from add to my misery made me feel
sad. That was then and this is now; I have now done what should have
been done in the first instance. If I had not backed my bags and gone
home to London I would have been listening to Richard's waffel. Yet,
again I have done what overs have promised to do in the first
instance; what a waste of two months my probation has been. I have
learnt the hard way organisations like Northampton Probation Service
are a complete waste of time and if one is not strong these type of
organisations will seriously damage your health and bame you for it.
In the meantime, the Offending Manager (no joke this is her title and
this title suits her to a T) demands that I now must sit down with
Richard and draw up a contract, really? So after I have spent over two
months on probation for a piece of paper and a bit of rubbish, had to
be go through being sworn and screamed at within probation, then going
to London doing the job Andrea and Richard should have done; this
person has the nerve to insist that I should waste my time further and
formulate a contract with the Probation Service. Yet again I am
insulted further. For whose benefit is this contract anyway? There is
no service that is open to me, so now they want me to call them stupid
and make up a service for me to use. By the way Richard will be
getting paid, whilst I will not; so there is her answer. My Probation
is to consist of 5 minutes supervision, my mouth will remain closed
and then I will get up and go. What a farce and a blatant abuse of

On May 26, 3:00 pm, kissedangel <theokec...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> http://practice-direction-criminal-proceedings.googlegroups.com/web/c...
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