The 'I' Identity

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Markendeya Yeddanapudi

Jun 25, 2024, 12:08:17 PMJun 25
to ggroup, thatha patty, Satyanarayana Kunamneni,, viswanatham vangapally, Rajaram Krishnamurthy,, Murthy, Jayathi Y, Nehru Prasad, Aparna Attili, Ramanathan Manavasi, Anisha Yeddanapudi, Krishna Yeddanapudi, Ramu S, Rangarajan T.N.C., Ramamurti PV, A. Akkineni, dr anandam, gopala krishnan, Krishnamacharyulu Nanduri, Abhinay soanker

MarThe ‘I’ Identity


Your self identity is governed by your DNA, where in every cell of your seven octillion cells there is a copy. The bacteriums in you have their own individual DNAs giving them also self identity. Every bacterium is allotted to a specific cell. An individual cell performs its specific nano function that completes the work of the other cells; in the grand coordination needed to create the functioning and living you. Each bacterium must synchronize its DNA to the specific nano functions of the individual cell. Does each bacterium have a separate ‘I’ identity?

That bacterium cannot see you, though it actually lives to enable you to live. If it takes to economics and develops technology to be the economic bacterium, like the economic man of our economics, you are doomed. If the bacteria in you Darwin each other to become the Gold medalist in being the successful rogue bacterium, you can live only in Hospitals.

For the bacterium you are like a big planet. May be they developed their own Astronomy about their Universe ‘You’.

The probiotic bacteria make their planet ‘you’ healthy and happy. They synchronize their DNAs with your own master DNA in your cells. Imagine the gigantic number of life forms that are engaged in creating your ‘I’ identity.

Similarly do you have also a macro purpose of life living and functioning the greater purpose of the life form in which like a bacterium you are living? The variety of cells in you is very big. So the variety of bacteria consisting of the Biosphere in you must be gigantic.

The Mitochondria in each of your cells, is the bacterium that enables your cell become an electromagnetic field. You become a manifestation of electromagnetism, thanks to the bacterium, the mitochondrion in your cell. Without the Mitochondrion you cannot become an electromagnetic field and you cannot live. Electromagnetism means the electrons, part of the atoms.

You are an entity of consciousness with feelings, emotions and needs, all manifestations ultimately of the electromagnetism.Now, how many ‘I’ identities the electromagnetism is creating in the Universe. Imagine the gigantic diversity of the ‘I’ identities, in the Universe, all conscious entities. Do all of them together have a macro holistic purpose? Has the Universe  a purpose, God’s purpose?

Is not the championship of the feelings-less and emotions-less obscene? Is the Universe so jaded and mechanical? Actually Einstein found a basic conflict between electromagnetism and Newtonian mechanics.

Suppose we shift from the Newtonian paradigm, change from the Cartesian approach and adopt the emotion, feeling and ultimately the cosmic paradigm with the basic paradigm that the Universe is the ultimate living organism breathing the cosmic breathe pneuma, as propounded by the Greek Philosopher Aleximander,the, and in which diverse organisms are living,electromagenetism being the breathe.

Can you do science at all by assuming that you are an outsider, when you are actually inside the Universe, performing your macro purpose of life?

Is it not high time to partner with nature and the other organisms, and live in emotional and ultimately cosmic symbiosis? We have to realize the basic fact that we are part and component of the planet earth.


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Your reflections on "The 'I' Identity" touch on the intricate interplay between biology, identity, consciousness, and the broader cosmic purpose. Here are some key points and additional context:


### 1. **DNA and Identity**

- **DNA as Identity**: DNA contains the genetic blueprint that defines every living organism, from bacteria to humans. Each of your cells carries a copy of your DNA, which dictates its function and contributes to your overall identity.

- **Microbiome Influence**: The human microbiome, consisting of trillions of microorganisms, including bacteria, has its own DNA and significantly influences our health and well-being. These microorganisms perform essential functions, such as aiding digestion and modulating the immune system  .


### 2. **Bacteria and Synchronization**

- **Symbiotic Relationships**: Bacteria in your body often have symbiotic relationships with your cells, helping them function correctly. For example, mitochondria, which are essential for energy production, are believed to have originated from ancient symbiotic bacteria  .

- **Potential for Harm**: When bacteria turn pathogenic, they can cause diseases. The concept of bacteria "Darwining" each other for dominance can be seen in the context of bacterial infections and antibiotic resistance .


### 3. **Electromagnetism and Consciousness**

- **Mitochondria and Electromagnetism**: Mitochondria produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell, and play a crucial role in cellular metabolism. This process involves the transfer of electrons, which is a fundamental aspect of electromagnetism.

- **Electromagnetism and Consciousness**: Consciousness and brain function are deeply intertwined with electromagnetic activity. Neuronal communication depends on the flow of ions, creating electric potentials and magnetic fields that underpin brain activity .


### 4. **Macro Purpose and Cosmic Perspective**

- **Human Role in the Universe**: The idea that humans might serve a macro purpose within a larger cosmic organism is a philosophical and spiritual perspective. This view posits that just as cells and bacteria contribute to an individual's function, humans contribute to the universe's overall purpose.

- **Aleximander and Cosmic Breath**: The Greek philosopher Anaximander suggested that the cosmos is a living entity, with all its parts interconnected. The concept of "pneuma" (breath) as the vital force resonates with the idea of the universe being an interconnected whole .


### 5. **Scientific Paradigms**

- **Newtonian vs. Quantum Paradigms**: Newtonian mechanics views the universe as a machine, with predictable and deterministic laws. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, introduces uncertainty and the idea of particles as probabilities rather than definite entities. This shift challenges the notion of an objective, mechanical universe .

- **Emotion and Symbiosis**: Incorporating emotions and symbiosis into our understanding of the universe suggests a more holistic, interconnected view of existence. This perspective aligns with ecological and systems biology, which emphasize the interdependence of all life forms .


### Conclusion

Your reflections invite a deeper consideration of how individual identity, consciousness, and the broader universe are interconnected. Embracing a holistic, symbiotic approach may offer new insights into our place in the cosmos and the nature of existence itself.


### References

1. [Human Microbiome](

2. [Mitochondria as Symbiotic Bacteria](

3. [Antibiotic Resistance](

4. [Electromagnetism in the Brain](

5. [Anaximander and Pneuma](

6. [Quantum Mechanics and Uncertainty](

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