cash for clunkers, the gap it will create for poor persons.

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Aug 3, 2009, 6:47:07 PM8/3/09
to Ella .wilsey,,, DANA Beyer,,,

I was just made very sick. I watched a news story on Cash for "Clunkers", they are going to destroy cars I could only hope to someday afford. Some are so very nice and if they run its better than my 89 Mazda with holes in the floor.

It may not be a subject others care about but as a Vet on disability, I sure could use some of those cars.

is this just another way of making the rich richer and the poor even poorer. I voted for Obama in the belief I as a vet and as disabled would fair better than under McCain.

Now I have to wonder, the Government kept my incentive bonus's, they have made it imposable for me to pay my bills on time, I have had to let everything go. It is even imposable for me to file Bankruptcy as I can not afford 2000 for a lawyer or even more.

I am not alone there are thousands of us. Most were not smart enough to join the service after school to have VA benifits, they are on the street or worse living with children who do not have enough either.

The Idea of a cash for clunkers sounded good but it turned out that the clunkers are going to be destroyed and they will not trickle down to us in the low income range. I could sure use a nice running car, without holes in it.

Why not ask the Government if we can have them rather than the junk dealers who will resell parts and destroy the engines then crush the bodies forr scrap.

Pauline Overby

The first step of any journey is the hardest, the last the most fulfilling, yes, you can stop and smell the flowers on the way. May your God walk with you. When its Time, its Time.

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