When I was a kid, I struggled in education system wondering the meaning of life and stuff. Luckily, I found this quote unravels everything——
Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. - Albert Einstein
Even fictional martial artist would agree——
危急之中,风清扬的一句话突然在脑海中响起:“你剑上无招,敌人便无法可破,无招胜有招,乃剑法之极诣。” - 金庸 《笑傲江湖》
It's basically saying that "forget everything you've learned, and it will make you undefeatable in a kung-fu fight."
This got me thinking:
In order to 【Learn Something】, we have to forget everything we've learned and to see the world from a different angle——children's angle. When in doubt, just try to recall those memories from your childhood.
When Steve was a kid, one of his saints bribed him with candy and 5$ bills to get him interested in learning.——Errr, so you've been told. If you try the same "bribe" solution on 100 kids, I bet you won't be able to make half of them interested in learning. Why? Because children's mind don't work that way, and the key point is not the "bribe", it's the "surprise"——Steve never would thought something like that could happen to him and it's the feeling of the unexpected experiencing kept him interested, rather than the "experience" itself. In another word, if he guessed Imogene might bribe him, then it won't work.
1、What's right for kids? -- Something unexpected and intriguing. 2、Do they really need those books we decided they have to learn? -- Only if they don't know what's coming next. 3、Does every child has the potential to become Leonardo Da Vinci? -- Yes! They certainly do! But if they can't survive the education system without damaging their brain, then adios Steve and hello Mr. President.
ZhuangZi(庄子) lived around 4th century BCE believed to rule a kingdom, the only thing the king needs to do is nothing, just go with it and it'll be fine——
无名人曰:“汝游心于淡,合气于漠,顺物自然而无容私焉,而天下治矣。” --庄子《应帝王》
When Muhammad was a kid, his mother was afflicted with psychological illness. I can imagine with a jewelry store to run and a wife can't really help much, Muhammad's dad must been too busy to take care of all 9 children. And Li Ka-shing(李嘉诚), whose father died when he's 14. Since he had to take care of his mother and 3 brothers & sisters, I thought he might not been able to get lots of attention from his parents, too. Both extraordinary man, not able to get much parenting when they were kids. See the pattern here? But Why?
4、"If they do, what's stopping them from being Leonardo Da Vinci?" --It's because all the "anti-pedagogy" forces around the kids, left them no chance to lead and no room to fail.
5、"What about those kids in underserved regions?"
--Let's do it the 'Bangladeshi Style': Invest the money into a new-born kid for his education as venture capital, and expecting to be paid after 2 decades from the kid's salary. In the time being, we can exchange our investment like stocks, as long as we get the kid's school reports and analyze them like they're financial statements.
From a sceptic's eye, it doesn't seem very promising with all those governing rules in financial world. But let's take a minute from recent time and put it back in ancient Chinese, in a book that solves everything The I Ching 《易经》——
Means it's ok for you to rush into something and lost some money, when it's an urgent call. I think it's pretty safe to say, our education system needed to be remodeled decades ago, and we're far behind our schedule. So, chop! chop!
When Muhammad meets Steve, they decided to change the world by combining sophisticated financial tools & stunning education technologies into children-oriented solution, and no kid should be left behind. Let's sum this hybrid business model, global P2P learning environment, game-like platform up in DNLE fashion: Value, Pedagogy, Content and Technology.
a、Value: Children got the most potential to became Leonardo if we let them. Just imagine what this world would be like if everyone is great enough to understand how humble he/she is. b、Pedagogy: Learn through unexpected experiencing, learn through leading/teaching, learn through mistaking. c、Content: Keep "every knowledge we taught is for children to forget" in mind, every grown-up should provide their real-life experience for children to learn from, inquiry-based style. d、Technology: Mobile-Internet, SoLoMo, O2O, IoT, personal-cloud..... you name it, nowadays it's not that easy to surprise a child with technology, and we intended to surprise them.
Well back in 6th century BCE, LaoZi(老子) call these four things(In the order of: Value, Pedagogy, ,Technology,Content) different names——
道、法、术、器 *--老子《道德经》
We all human-beings, we all share the same earth, and we all want our children to live in a better world. Let's starts TODAY! Let's make 【Learn Something】 a real deal!
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此次培训会针对非Project WET培训教师的上海小学教师们,时间为2013年5月18日(周六下午),地点为徐汇区徐家汇社区文化活动中心,详细信息请见附件。