Installing Drip Irrigation at Jackson Elementary, Saturday June 23rd

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Ashley Edgette

2012年6月20日 上午11:28:562012/6/20
收件者:anna sherr、Ashley Teter、Ben Lobrot、Cait Christensen、chelsea sjs、Cindy Molinar、Dan Filler、dane jorgensen、David social justice、deng bior、DylanG、、、Geneva、、、、、、jay jensen、Jeff Dove、Jesse Ward、Jessica Moody、、john nielson、jordan miller、justin michelle jouras、Katie Nix、、Kenzie Larsen、Lauren Brocious、Leslie Cepeda、Liliana Marinez、Lindsey Hubley、Liz Conway、、Luke Williams、matt bradely、meg wood、、Meher Samineni、MINGMING CAI、、Nathan Goodman、、、、Rachelle Roberts、Rebekah Adamson、、Rials Christensen、Robert Lewis、、Sara Bechard、Sarah Budge、、、、Stephanie Cooke、Tri Nguyen、、、、、Willem Collier、、yamila Martinez、Yanmiao Xie、최미향、風間亮
Hi Everyone! 

This is Ashley Edgette from Social Justice Gardens.  I wanted to let you know that this Saturday we need volunteers and community gardeners who are available to help us install drip irrigation for the gardening beds!  This way, we won't need to water the garden by hand any longer! We will be volunteering from 9 am until noon this Saturday June 23rd at Jackson. The Jackson Elementary Community Garden is located at 750 west and 200 north. 

Thank you for all your participation and support,

Ashley Edgette 
University of Utah
Gardening for Social Justice 
(801) 414-5091

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