[SP(I)] Please help Rajniji

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Satinath Choudhary

12:57 PM (8 hours ago) 12:57 PM
to Socialist Party
Dear Sandeep ji and other friends, 

Rajniji is one of the many poorest individuals, afflicted by unfortunate incidents. A few days ago she got struck by one such incident: a fire, ignited by electrical short circuit. It destroyed her one room abode. Thank God, no one was physically harmed. 

When there is a large scale destruction, government and other institutions step in to help the victims of the said calamity. But similar help should be available even for the victims of random unfortunate incidents. If some such help is available, please let me know. I will let Rajniji know of the same. 

Be that as it may, some construction specialized have given an estimate of about Rs. five lakhs to reconstruct the room, including the floor, walls and roof.

 Rajni ji is a Dalit widow, taking care of her 5 year old grand son (her daughter passed away last year, leaving behind her son with Rajniji). Rajniji earns some living by cooking for some students here and there in Sant Nagar, Delhi. She used to cook for me too when I used to spend some time in Delhi. 

 If any of you can help, please do so by transferring some money in the account of her son given below, and oblige: 

Bank name _ punjab National Bank. Bank costumer NAME _SACHIN 
AC number _0991001500050790 

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