Today (Wed) 5-7pm Gates 459: First Social Data Lab meeting of the quarter

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Andreas Weigend

Apr 4, 2012, 6:10:20 AM4/4/12

Hi there,


Welcome back from Spring Break! Wanted to remind you that the first Social Data Lab meeting this quarter is TODAY at 5pm. The official part of the meeting starts at 5:30pm sharp, and end at 7pm. New location for this quarter is Gates 459.

Please bring your fresh ideas and invite a friend to check it out! There will also be some new students from this quarter’s CS341 “Mining Massive Data Sets” that I am co-teaching with Jeff Ullman (emeritus prof), Jure Leskovec (assistant prof), and Anand Rajaraman (who also was at Amazon and now heads up Walmart Labs).


And here is the preview for Spring quarter:


04Apr (Wed) HP Executive Briefing Center in Cupertino 

I am giving the keynote “The State of the Revolution” and have free passes for all labsters. If you don’t see me there, just tell them that you are in the lab and Tony Perkins invited everyone from the lab to attend.


10Apr (Tue) Evening in San Francisco

Panel: Data is the New Oil -- will be driving up after class. Let me know if you want to go.


21Apr (Sat) Summit at Stanford

SDL Summit, focus on Health and Social Data. SDL Summit, focus on Health and Social Data. Final decision will be made in the 04Apr lab meeting.


25-27Apr (Wed-Fri) Conference in San Francisco

John Milinovich and I will give a fun talk on how the business is changing radically through and after the Social Data Revolution  Would love to discuss your ideas in a lab session


19May (Sat) TEDxStanford

We should be presenting!! We need to act fast to get on the agenda. Who can take the lead on this one?


20May (Sun) Annual retreat in San Francisco.

Shall we accept free dinner at Poesia if we let the owner attend our retreat  that afternoon.(similarly to what we did with 5a5 last year?)


31May (Thu) 4:15pm Stanford

Team presentations of CS341, followed by poster session and food

Come and understand what the teams pulled out of data from Meetup, Walmart, Twitter and Skout (who just got USD 22 million funding from Andreessen Horowitz: Congratulations, and happy to have served on the board for the first 3 years!)


05-06Jun (Tue-Wed) San Francisco

Remember last year when everyone in the lab got comp tickets for the Big Data conference by The Economist? This year, we might have a chance to present! Location this year is San Francisco, see  .


More to come…. we want and need the input of everyone in the lab. While I am happy  to create another stimulating quarter with quite exciting opportunities, we need help with the wiki. Or if someone has a better idea, abandon the Google site and move to something that works better. Let’s discuss this in today’s meeting. Please arrive between 5 and 5:30 at Gates 459.




650 906-5906



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