the Metafiction on Tumblr (the story within the story).

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facu medina

Apr 20, 2009, 11:44:52 PM4/20/09
to Social Psycho
hi guys. i was thinking about the project and how i could put
something in. i thought about becoming a victim but i was thinking,
maybe we could use tumblr to create a device to help the story on a
simbolic, metaphorical level, maybe even with a bit of sarcasm or just
build on the context, like let´s say weather reports.

the idea basically is to use a tumblr to help with the narrrative on
another level, to give the fiction other points of view, to give the
reader the chance to find other meanings in the story we´re telling or
as i said before, just build on the context.

basically it´s a part of the story that can tell other parts or views
of the story with in the story. for example: as the psycho is having
his thoughts, there´s something in correlation with that happeing in
the context tumblr, maybe it´s a weather channel, a "storm is coming"
or maybe it´s a news story about a "burning building".

i hope i explained myself correctly. if not, i´ll make a victim. just
an idea i´m putting out there to debate.

i leave you some links.

- Metanarrative: a story about a story, encompassing and explaining
other 'little stories' within totalizing schemes. (http://
- - Metafiction: a type of fiction that self-consciously addresses the
devices of fiction. (

Marcus Brown

Apr 21, 2009, 2:01:35 AM4/21/09
Hello Facu

Brilliant stuff. I've been working on something similar for you guys and hope to reveal it soon (I'm still testing it).
Marcus Brown

Tweet Reading Channel:

New Creative Commons Project: "Social Psycho"

facu medina

Apr 21, 2009, 10:06:08 AM4/21/09
to Social Psycho
ok, great..

i was thinking "what" it could actually be, but then i thought maybe it
´s a bunch of stuff.

some serve as "context builders" like the "weather tumblr" and the
"news twitter". another context builder could be the "neighbors blog",
infact it can be two blogs, his and hers. maybe, at some point, Psyco
kills him for her.

about the Metafiction, i was thinking about making something more out
there, like a puppet tumblr. it´s a an evil little puppet, a bit
gremlish, that in it´s own metaphorical way, represents Psyco´s
thought and schemings.

On 21 abr, 03:01, Marcus Brown <>

Apr 22, 2009, 1:22:58 PM4/22/09
to Social Psycho
You know what Facu, it's a great idea. I've put the profiling engine
together which works quite nicely for getting contextual information
for characters:
but I having thought about it I think you should ahead and try. What
ever you do please check out the "Victim Room" page and make sure you
pack the feeds to anything you are doing in there.


Apr 26, 2009, 7:00:32 AM4/26/09
to Social Psycho
Hi all, just building on this idea (or not), Karla Reynolds is
currently working on a reality TV series which she's described as 'CSI
meets Survivor' and a show that 'takes reality to a new level'. I
haven't thought this through, but there might be an opportunity to
link our story to the premise and development of a reality TV series
through a meta narrative. Or perhaps it's just a background thread in
the story. Thoughts?

facu medina

Apr 27, 2009, 12:38:12 PM4/27/09
That´s a great idea.

How can we develop it? I´m thinking Youtube obvoiously, but as we don´t have any budget to do real production, maybe we can do the series´presentation and see where we go from there.


Facundo Medina

2009/4/26 Kate <>
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