Become a victim?

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Apr 16, 2009, 11:17:09 AM4/16/09
to Social Psycho
This is a build on one of Michael's ideas in the „About the Prologue“
thread and I kind of like it. If you’ve read the prologue over on
Social Psycho, you will have noticed that the main character in our
little story has reached the end of a journey that cost the lives of
15 people. Michael suggestion was that we create digital lives,
stories, friends, family etc for these people on various online
platforms; which I think is a brilliant idea.

Maybe we could build on this. Maybe would should build on this.

Any thoughts?

Frank Paynter

Apr 16, 2009, 3:01:09 PM4/16/09
many thoughts... not prioritized at all...
1. I hope the protagonist survives and lives to kill another day.
2. I liked Michael's idea about drawing fictional characters to parallel some of the real life SMEBbishes that we all know and love. I'm having a hard time picking one.
3. Creating this across the range of accessible social media is inspired. I visualize a twitter account with a steady flow of updates that just goes dark one day.
4. I hope the protagonist is creative in the ways s/he dispatches the smebbishes. Sniper fire is deadly, but repetitive.
4. etcetera ad hilarium

Apr 16, 2009, 3:13:14 PM4/16/09
to Social Psycho
This is great. When I was putting this together in my head I had the
protagnist dying. Now I'm not so sure. A couple of things I do know:

1. It's a he: see the video:
2. He's very creative, but in "getting there".
3. Google Maps play a huge role in the "getting there"
4. Michaels idea is bloody excellent - or inspired as you say.

On 16 Apr., 21:01, Frank Paynter <> wrote:
> many thoughts... not prioritized at all...
> 1. I hope the protagonist survives and lives to kill another day.
> 2. I liked Michael's idea about drawing fictional characters to parallel
> some of the real life SMEBbishes that we all know and love. I'm having a
> hard time picking one.
> 3. Creating this across the range of accessible social media is inspired. I
> visualize a twitter account with a steady flow of updates that just goes
> dark one day.
> 4. I hope the protagonist is creative in the ways s/he dispatches the
> smebbishes. Sniper fire is deadly, but repetitive.
> 4. etcetera ad hilarium

Michael O'Connor Clarke

Apr 16, 2009, 5:25:58 PM4/16/09
Yes, thanks, and yes.

There are risks - big ones - with this, but it's incredibly entertaining to think of Social Psycho in terms of a fully-realised parallel universe played out entirely through the soshul meejah space.

Who's to say that all those buddies you have on Facebook, Twitter, and so on are actually real at all?  OK, so you've chatted with them online, pinged back and forth on their wall, chortled as you've retweeted their inanities, and creeped yourself out paging through photos of their semi-hot friends on Flickr - but have you any proof that these people you claim to be so friendly with really exist?

This is a reversal of "the meme that would not die" circa 2003. There was a question that kept bouncing around the echo chamber back then about the difference between online and real world friendships - some arguing that friends you shagged in Second Life weren't really "friends" ("it's not adulterous if you're just pixel-slapping!"), others taking the view that friendships established through the ether could be just as real and valuable as those much smellier, stickier meatspace friendships.

If we were able to paint the grand vision of Social Psycho, it would be a Joyceian epic that would unfold steadily over a period of months or even years (we'd need to start creating some of the character's FB pages and Twitter accounts NOW!).  Each of the victims would be as fully drawn as possible - even role-played, perhaps.  There should be absolutely no curtain-twitching at all: no hint that the characters are anything other than real people who are, one by one, killed off by our anti-hero.  Fifteen totally believable people created entirely online in a wonderful, complex narrative web.

This Google Group is marked as private, right? I scare me.



Apr 17, 2009, 6:54:22 AM4/17/09
to Social Psycho
I really like the Michael's idea as well - that's also what I was
thinking when the threads yesterday.

I'm going to start some a couple of characters, probably this evening
and over the weekend.
I was thinking of a colleague of the main character (Another person
and their 'personal' diary telling about working with a guy they might
sus[ect is just a bit weird) and someone in Paris, Montmartre who may
end up being a victim - following on the Montmartre lead in the

Marcus, do you have a specific place of work / company in mind
already..? Or just keep it vague / fictional for now?


Marcus Brown

Apr 17, 2009, 6:57:11 AM4/17/09
Hi Wilhelm,

the next installment reveals the work place and the service that his company supplies. So it's probably best to wait a little on that part. I like the idea of a colleague. I hadn't even considered that.
Marcus Brown

Tweet Reading Channel:

New Creative Commons Project: "Social Psycho"

Michael O'Connor Clarke

Apr 17, 2009, 8:48:38 AM4/17/09
+1 on all points.  The colleague idea is a really good one.  But this guy shouldn't ever come close to really suspecting - he should just be entertained by the fact that his workmate is quirky and unusual in that "crazy guy" kinda way. Twittering about: "Heh - my cubicle buddy is such a joker. You'd never believe what he just said he's going to do to the next customer to complain! LOL. What a Friday!!"



Apr 17, 2009, 9:40:23 PM4/17/09
to Social Psycho
I also like the idea of the voice/character of a victim being revealed
and portrayed through their friend or lover. Might give it a go this

On Apr 17, 10:48 pm, "Michael O'Connor Clarke" <>
> +1 on all points.  The colleague idea is a really good one.  But this guy
> shouldn't ever come close to really suspecting - he should just be
> entertained by the fact that his workmate is quirky and unusual in that
> "crazy guy" kinda way. Twittering about: "Heh - my cubicle buddy is such a
> joker. You'd never believe what he just said he's going to do to the next
> customer to complain! LOL. What a Friday!!"
> /m
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Marcus Brown <
>> wrote:
> > Hi Wilhelm,
> > the next installment reveals the work place and the service that his
> > company supplies. So it's probably best to wait a little on that part. I
> > like the idea of a colleague. I hadn't even considered that.

Matt Moore

Apr 20, 2009, 10:14:31 AM4/20/09
to Social Psycho
There's a very dark option here: real people as victims (N.B. not in
the actual murder way). I'm looking at the front page of the SMH &
like most newspapers it's got more than its share of death. People who
have been victims of something.

Right, now I've said that I don't have to do it (there are

Less interested in creating victims. More interested in creating
witnesses (human & not). Documents, artifacts. Things outside the
orbit of Twitter, Facebook, etc. Things that are a little bit

Marcus Brown

Apr 20, 2009, 10:43:02 AM4/20/09
I get what you're saying Matt, but Social Psycho is a work of fiction. I'd be uncomfortable linking in anything factual/real into the story. But maybe I'm alone.

I do, however, love the idea of creating stuff outside of the "sphere". Very cool indeed.

Michael O'Connor Clarke

Apr 20, 2009, 12:57:33 PM4/20/09
+1 to stuff that expands outside the sphere, including stencilled graffiti and/or fly-posting in hip areas of major cities (this would be a GREAT Banksy-like poster/graffiti campaign).

The real people thing freaketh my wig a little too much. I've already been scaring myself trying to figure out how we'd synthesize newspaper reports and/or police blotters when one of the characters disappears.  Getting too close to meatspace worries me.


Matt Moore

Apr 20, 2009, 4:49:26 PM4/20/09
Marcus & Michael,

Fictional projects always have connections into the real world. I would personally draw the line at involving someone without their permission - and I would not want to cause a grieving family more pain. Just exploring the edges...

I am looking forward to producing some real fakes (nothing illegal of course).



Apr 22, 2009, 2:01:09 AM4/22/09
to Social Psycho
I have started a profile of one of the victims. And her friend.
Karla Reynolds and Nadine Jeffries are both heading off to Europe on a
trip in a couple of weeks time from their home town of Sydney,
Karla has a profile on Twitter
Nadine is a bit less web savvy but is working up to it.

In terms of their characters, they are both loosely based on people I
Nadine is a beautiful Eurasion woman in her early 30s. She studied
psychology but spent most of her twenties working in top notch strip
joints. She's now married to quite a wealthy man and doesn't work.
He's slightly older. She's warm, a little fragile and quite trusting
of people and despite everything, a bit naive.
Karla is more spontaneous, strongwilled and fairly independent. She
works as a producer on reality based TV shows. She's single, curious
and loves travelling. She spends a lot of time online. She'll be
taking a few pics and maybe even a video camera with her on the trip
if she can score one.

I haven't decided which one might be a victim as yet. Thoughts anyone?

Chris Hurst

Apr 22, 2009, 4:32:33 AM4/22/09
I'd like to introduce you all to Mr Augustus Crimmond.

He's not told me that much about himself yet.  All I know is that he inhabits Edinburgh's New Town and was kept at arms length from his parents by means of an expensive education.  These days he describes himself as a serial entrepreneur.

Who knows what the next few days will bring him?  He's just getting to grips with Twitter but has already attracted the attention of the Greek Chorus / internal monologue at


2009/4/22 Kate <>

Apr 22, 2009, 12:46:32 PM4/22/09
to Social Psycho
Brilliant stuff Kate. You/we will have to wait and see which one will
be a victim.

On 22 Apr., 08:01, Kate <> wrote:
> I have started a profile of one of the victims. And her friend.
> Karla Reynolds and Nadine Jeffries are both heading off to Europe on a
> trip in a couple of weeks time from their home town of Sydney,
> Australia.
> Karla has a profile on Twitter

Apr 22, 2009, 12:47:45 PM4/22/09
to Social Psycho

This is great. I'm really liking Augustus.
I really must start mashing the feeds of you and Kate together.

On 22 Apr., 10:32, Chris Hurst <> wrote:
> I'd like to introduce you all to Mr Augustus Crimmond.
> He's not told me that much about himself yet. All I know is that he
> inhabits Edinburgh's New Town and was kept at arms length from his parents
> by means of an expensive education. These days he describes himself as a
> serial entrepreneur.
> Who knows what the next few days will bring him? He's just getting to grips
> with Twitter has already attracted the
> attention of the Greek Chorus / internal monologue at
> C
> 2009/4/22 Kate <>

Apr 22, 2009, 2:20:25 PM4/22/09
to Social Psycho
Kate. The second post is now up. I've integrated Reynolds into the
story! You can have a look here:

On 22 Apr., 08:01, Kate <> wrote:
> I have started a profile of one of the victims. And her friend.
> Karla Reynolds and Nadine Jeffries are both heading off to Europe on a
> trip in a couple of weeks time from their home town of Sydney,
> Australia.
> Karla has a profile on Twitter


Apr 24, 2009, 3:00:37 AM4/24/09
to Social Psycho
Thanks sorry have been a bit snowed last few days but will be checking
it all out on the weekend

Charles Frith

Apr 25, 2009, 8:12:03 AM4/25/09
Hello everybody

You're all coming up with such splendid ideas that I'm content to watch this develop. However I wondered if any of you might object if I adopted a devils advocate role now and again?

I don't want to people to think I'm just sniping from the sidelines but it it's not welcome then equally I don't want to dampen any of your creative efforts.



Charles Frith

+66 86993 0870

2009/4/22 Chris Hurst <>


Apr 26, 2009, 6:35:37 AM4/26/09
to Social Psycho
I've started a Tumblr account for Nadine and Karla's European holiday.

Their itinerary is currently London, Paris and Spain. If you'd like
them to visit elsewhere, or stop by any sites in any of those places
let me know? They leave Saturday 2nd May.

I'll post this under the meta-narrative banner as well, but you may
have noticed that Karla is a TV producer and she's just started work
on a new reality show which she's dubbed 'CSI meets Survivor' (I
haven't thought through the premise in any detail). Maybe this is just
a random thread in the background or maybe it speaks to some of the
themes or happenings in our story. Thoughts?

Chris Hurst

Apr 27, 2009, 4:15:30 AM4/27/09
Sounds good to me. 

"Featuring  Charles Frith as himself" ?


2009/4/25 Charles Frith <>
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