SDTIC on Adolescence next Friday April 5th!

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Aline Hitti

Mar 29, 2024, 3:51:48 PMMar 29
to, Aline Hitti, Chris Daddis
Hello SDT group,

Looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming SDTIC on Adolescence. The conference will be over zoom and here's the link:

Here's our exciting and detailed program in Eastern Standard Time (US East Coast):

11 - 12:05 Opening words by Dr. Judith Smetana

12:05 - 2:10 First Break

12:10 - 1:15 Panel on Adolescents & Authorities plus Discussion

1) Reasons why Adolescents Disclose to Close Others: Moms, Dads, Siblings, & Best Friends.

Panelists: Maria Victoria Aceves-Power, Nicole Davis, Taleeya Stewart, Yue Guo, and Nicole Campione-Barr

2) Parental Authority Beliefs and Information Management in Muslim Mothers Living in the United States.

Panelists: Ayah Said, Christopher Daddis, PhD

3) Reasoning and decisions about cheating: Lessons from high schools.

Panelists: Tal Waltzer, Shirley S. Fan, Gail D. Heyman

4) Unpacking "defiance" and "disrespect" in school discipline: Adolescents' evaluations of teacher responses to authority-related transgression.

Panelist: Jean Sack

1:15 - 1:20 Second Break

1:20 - 2:15 Panel on Adolescents and Social Inequalities & Justice plus Discussion

1) The Role of Peer Norms and Attitudes on Children's and Adolescents' Bystanders' Responses to Social Exclusion of Refugees in Türkiye. 

Panelists: Seçil Gönültaş and Serengeti Ayhan

2) TBD

Panelist: Jeanine Grütter

3) How Adolescents Reason about Wealth and Racial Inequalities

Panelists: Amanda R. Burkholder, Rose Beacham, & Sky’Asia Wright

4) Centering social justice in moral development. 

Panelist: Laura Elenbaas

2:15 - 2:30 Closing remarks by Dr. Melanie Killen and open comments.

We have allocated time for discussion after each panel.
See you soon!
Aline and Chris

Aline Hitti, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Director of Child and Youth Studies Minor

Psychology Department, KA G52
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA, 94117

Pronouns: she/her/hers
Land acknowledgment: The University of San Francisco resides on the traditional homelands of the Ramaytush Ohlone tribal nation. It belongs to the Village of Yelamu (pronounced “ye-LA-moo”) of the Ramaytush (pronounced “RA-ma-toosh”) speaking people, one of eight nations referred to as Ohlone. The Yelamu still reside on this territory and are working hard for their right to remain in San Francisco. For more information please visit:

Office hours: 

1) Tuesdays: 11:45 am to12:45 pm online 

 ( or

2) Wednesdays: 11 am - 12 pm in person (K-Hall G52)

3) By appointment (please email me)

*** For information on the Child and Youth Studies Minor, please watch the following advising videos:

(a) CHYS minor advising video for NON-Nursing majors -   

(NOTE: Only 3 major courses can double count for both a student's major and minor.)

(b) NURSING majors -

(NOTE: NURS students need 3 minor elective courses - not 2 - in order to complete their CHYS minor.)

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