Hello Social Actions Dev,
I'm writing with some very exciting news.
Social Actions is preparing for a major upgrade to our open source database of opportunities to make a difference.
For those of you who have been following the Social Actions story since the beginning, you'll see this development for what it is -> a major milestone in our collective efforts to make the web more philanthropic. Going back to the Change the Web Challenge, and even before that, we have been calling for an Internet that seamlessly connects people with meaningful opportunities to take action on the causes they care about. The API enhancements that we are now in a position to design and implement will go a long way to advancing this mission.
Over the next three months, we are planning to work with a development firm that has expertise in natural language processing and the semantic web with the goal of dramatically enhancing the querying capabilities of the Social Actions API. Please refer to the attached Request for Proposals for more information about this exciting upgrade, or click on the link below:
Our time line is extremely tight. Proposals are due Wednesday, September 1st at 5pm ET and the first pass of the deliverables must be completed by the end of September. We encourage you to submit your own proposal for this project, and/or to forward this RFP to qualified developers you have worked with in the past.
For some background on how this upgrade came about, please refer to Christine's post from late-July:
We'll be using the SA Dev list as the primary means for soliciting your feedback and communicating news about this build-out. With this in mind, and as the summer winds down, please prepare yourselves for a very exciting and action-packed September.
PS - Many of you are also aware that we are in the process of transitioning ownership and responsibility for Social Actions to a well-resourced and mission-aligned organization (TBD). The API enhancements described in the RFP and their implementation are happening independently from the transition, and will most likely be completed before the transition is finalized.
Peter Deitz