Comparing Funder Feeds?

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Zachary M. Berke

Feb 2, 2010, 3:45:03 PM2/2/10
Hey SEDev folk!

There may be a small problem with the way data in the API.  It may be a format-of-funder-feed issue, a how-the-data-is-loaded issue, or something else.  Here's the scoop:

Civic Ventures told us that part of their feed (for an Entrepreneur named Tim Will) included the following:

<category term="Food, Nutrition, Agriculture" />
<seapi:category_issue_area term="Food, Nutrition, Agriculture"/>

However, the JSON for Tim Will that we get from the API looks like this:

[full json is pasted at the end of this message]

Note that none of Food, Nutrition, or Agriculture are anywhere -- not as separate issue_area's and not as free text (unless of course we're totally overlooking something obvious!)

I wonder if maybe CivicVentures misformated their feed?  That might explain why all the data doesn't seem to be making it in?  I don't currently have access to the different funder feeds, but maybe if we could compare CivicVentures to one or two other funder feeds, we might immediately see if+what they did wrong.  I'd be happy to lend a hand on this analysis if SEAPI is comfortable sending over a few funder feeds for us to look at.


Tim's full JSON:
[{"connections": [{"citizenship": "United Kingdom", "rss": "", "picture": "", "first_name": "Joe", "source_id": null, "last_name": "Smith", "middle_name": "", "location": "London, UK", "email": ""}, {"citizenship": "United Kingdom", "rss": "", "picture": "", "first_name": "Joe", "source_id": null, "last_name": "Smith", "middle_name": "", "location": "London, UK", "email": ""}], "target_populations": [{"name": "Unknown"}], "program_email": "", "latitude": null, "expires_at": "2008/12/15 00:00:00 -0500", "categories": [{"name": "Community Building and Renewal"}], "site": {"name": "Civic Ventures", "url": ""}, "title": "Timothy Will", "tags": [], "organization_url": "", "url": "", "referrer_count": 2, "organization_name": "Foothills Connect Business and Technology Center", "organization_email": "", "award_statuses": [{"name": "Winner"}], "subtitle": "Will brought broadband to his Appalachian community, then linked local farmers and chefs through an online ordering system, lifting the area\u0092s economy.", "description": "Tim Will saw that his adopted community  -  chosen for its stunning beauty  -  was decaying. Manufacturing jobs, the Appalachian county's economic base, had moved elsewhere, and the area lacked the infrastructure to support new business in a technology-driven world. So Will used his telecommunications background to connect the North Carolina county's agrarian past to a digitally supported future. After getting the rural area wired (no small feat), he linked local farmers and chefs in the nearest big city through an online ordering system, bringing laid-off factory workers back to farming and lifting the area's economy.", "profile": {"citizenship": "USA", "rss": "", "picture": "", "first_name": "Timothy", "last_name": "Will", "middle_name": "Robert", "location": "NC,USA", "email": ""}, "hit_count": 11, "issue_areas": [{"name": "Community Building and Renewal"}], "organization_ein": "", "longitude": null, "source_id": "4765", "program_url": "", "regions": [{"name": "Unknown"}], "program_name": "Community Building and Renewal", "created_at": "2009/01/01 00:00:00 -0500"}]

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