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Introducing Deyan Vitanov and Erinn Andrews of GuideStar

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Peter Deitz

Oct 17, 2011, 5:22:55 PM10/17/11
to Social Actions Developers
Hello Social Actions Dev,

I know it's been a while since the most recent update on this group.
Apologies for the radio silence. The quiet does not reflect what's
actually been happening.

As you may know, earlier this year, Social Actions found a new home
within GuideStar, a leader in data aggregation and distribution for
the nonprofit technology sector:

Here's a blog post I wrote announcing the news:

As part of the transition, Deyan Vitanov and Erinn Andrews have
assumed responsibility for the day-to-day operations of Social

* Deyan Vitanov is responsible for developing opportunities to expand
on Social Actions’ programs, and for developing a shared vision for
the integration of Social Actions and GuideStar.

* Erinn Andrews is responsible for strengthening Social Actions'
relationships with its community, and
for helping to expand Social Actions’ presence on GuideStar’s site and
across the web.

More information about their backgrounds and responsibilities can be
found here:

Deyan and Erinn are now both members of this Google Group, and are
available to take questions and suggestions on where Social Actions
could be headed from here.

I am as convinced as ever that the world needs a robust, open source,
and widely distributed database of meaningful actions people can take
to make a difference online and offline.

With the capable team and resources that GuideStar has put in place,
the potential for Social Actions to deliver on its truly unique vision
for the philanthropic sector remains strong.

It's been a wonderful journey to date. Thank you for your past
involvement and continued interest in Social Actions. Welcome Deyan
and Erinn!

All the best,

Allen Gunn

Oct 20, 2011, 3:04:41 PM10/20/11
Hey Social Actions developers,

The 2011 Nonprofit Software Development Summit is less than a month
away, and we hope to see many of you there!

The latest session list is posted at

More sessions are being added daily, and we welcome additional session
proposals and requests!

Event registration (sliding scale-compatible!) and other details are at

This is looking to be the best Dev Summit yet, and we hope you can join us!

thanks & peace,


Allen Gunn
Executive Director, Aspiration

Aspiration: "Better Tools for a Better World"

Read our Manifesto:

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