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API development update, December 6 2010

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Dec 6, 2010, 3:55:44 PM12/6/10
to Social Actions Developers
As of November 30, the new Social Actions API has entered integration

The introduction of Solr as a new search library has allowed for more
focused queries while retaining a simple query syntax. Individual
terms can be made mandatory, exclusionary, or can be boosted in
importance. Results will show scores indicating the relative relevance
of all of the returned results.

Perhaps of more significance, the introduction of Natural Language
Processing and Entity Extraction means that Freebase and Dbpedia URI's
can be used as search terms, for more accurate and focused results.

In the next couple of weeks, integration testing will proceed, along
with polishing on the web search function and enhancement of
administration and cleanup functionality.

Peter Deitz

Dec 11, 2010, 1:10:53 PM12/11/10
Hi Doug, Thanks for sharing this update. 

SA-Dev, The enhancements that have been made to the Social Actions API are pretty remarkable. We're getting better results with a more versatile querying syntax and are automatically identifying disambiguated issue and location data, which is pretty cool.

We expect that the enhanced Social Actions API will go live on Wednesday or Thursday. 

Please keep an eye out for an update / blog post from me with details on the upgrade. I'm thinking of calling the blog post, "Introducing the Watson for Taking Action" For those not up-to-speed on Watson, it/he is IBM's latest foray into artificial intelligence, using semantic technology to answer Jeopardy! style questions.

All the best,

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Peter Deitz

Peter Deitz

Jan 30, 2011, 7:02:33 PM1/30/11
Hi Social Actions Dev,

I've been meaning to follow up on this thread. The enhancements that Doug described in early December have since been completed. Last week, Amy Sample Ward (who's on this list I believe) posted an interview with me in which I attempt to describe the significance of the enhancements. You can read the interview you:

As part of this upgrade, we moved the code repository from LaunchPad to GitHub. I encourage you to have a look at the refreshed Ruby on Rails code here:

And finally, new documentation for querying the Social Actions API is available:

Thanks again Doug for helping us through this significant leap forward. 

All the best,
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