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PayPal X Developer Challenge

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Peter Deitz

Dec 10, 2009, 11:38:54 AM12/10/09
to social-actions
Hi SA Dev,

Here's another link to a developer challenge / contest that some of you
may find interesting...

PayPal is offering $150,000 in cash and waived transactions fees for the
"most innovative payment app for businesses in areas such as services,
social media, gaming, mobile and consumer electronics, using the newly
launched PayPal X APIs "

Details available here:

All the best,

Lend4Health (Tori Tuncan)

Dec 10, 2009, 11:49:15 AM12/10/09
FYI: If anybody has an idea for how Lend4Health could use this, let me know! We use PayPal for our transactions, and waived fees would be amazing for us. We currently use ChipIn but if something could be created for this contest that could work for Lend4Health, I'd be a happy camper!

I don't know anything about developer stuff, but my one idea is that I'd love to have some sort of app that aggregates all the Lend4Health microloans made through PayPal in various places on-line. For example, I'd like people to be able to make loans over Twitter using TwitPay, but if they do so, it currently can't be reflected in the ChipIn widget. There also is the new PayPal Facebook widget. I'd love for people to be able to make a loan right from Facebook, and have that aggregated with other loans made via Twitter or directly on the Lend4Health website.

Does that make sense?

I want people to be able to make a loan from whereever they are online - a website, somebody's blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc, without having to come to the actual Lend4Health website. Similar to Social Actions' idea for having social actions all over the web where people are, I'd like people to be able to make a loan/donation from anywhere on the web and have that somehow collected and reflected on the site.


Tori Tuncan
Founder, Lend4Health

Community-based, interest-free microloans for health . . . make a loan!

twitter: @lend4health
skype: lend4health


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