I wanted to let you know that Social Actions is in the process of
migrating the content of its main website to wiki.socialactions.com. We
are making this change to encourage our partners and community to update
on their own the content that describes what they do (ie, removing our
small team from being a bottleneck).
For instance, each of the 'action sources' that contributes content to
the Social Actions API will have its own page on the Social Actions wiki
(under 'Community') where they can describe their services, upload
videos & screenshots, and communicate with people who have an interest
in their organization.
Similarly, we have created a page for each of the 'action apps' that
draw on the Social Actions API in some manner. Most of the apps we are
aware of were created as part of last year's Change the Web Challenge.
And most of the developers who created these apps are subscribed to this
Google Group.
When you get a chance and if you feel inclined, please 'claim' your app
and add details (text, images, video) that describe the application in
more detail. (Note: I'm afraid you'll need to request an invitation to
edit the wiki).
I hope everyone on this list is doing well.
All the best,
Social Actions