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News from Social Actions

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Christine Egger

Jun 17, 2010, 12:55:16 PM6/17/10
to Social Actions Developers
Hi all,

I'm writing to make sure you've seen an important post from Social
Actions, Peter's latest entry titled "Taking Social Actions to the
Next Level." It draws attention to a decision we've made to identify a
well-resourced and mission-aligned organization or group of
organizations to assume ownership and responsibility for Social
Actions' programs:

We hope you'll have an opportunity to review the post and linked
materials, which provide additional context including a commitment to
maintaining the open source, global, and inclusive nature of the
Social Actions API.

Please don't hesitate to share questions or suggestions, and let us
know if you'd like to discuss potential next steps for Social Actions
in more detail.

Thank you & we're looking forward to keeping you all posted as those
next steps develop ~


Christine Egger

Jul 27, 2010, 2:21:20 PM7/27/10
to Social Actions Developers
Hi all,

I'm writing to share an update on the Social Actions transition
process. As you may have seen, Peter and I are requesting formal
Letters of Interest (due August 20) from those seeking to assume
ownership of Social Actions' programs:

We're fielding a number of opportunities from individual
organizations, and continue to see possible interest in a
collaborative governance model as well. As an open source project,
there are plenty of potential scenarios to create and consider. Please
be sure to let us know if you have one in mind, want to participate in
some way, or otherwise would like to contribute to the process of
defining Social Actions' next steps.

Thank you, too, for sharing this latest update with your networks, and
we look forward to sharing more updates soon ~


On Jun 17, 12:55 pm, Christine Egger <>

Christine Egger

Sep 23, 2010, 12:09:51 PM9/23/10
to Social Actions Developers
Hi all,

I'm writing to share the latest update on Social Actions'
organizational transition. Peter and I have been working diligently to
identify a well-resourced and mission-aligned organization, or group
of organizations, to assume ownership and responsibility for Social
Actions' programs. Most recently, we asked for those who were
interested in stewarding Social Actions to send a formal letter
clarifying that intent. The request, including a description of the
information we asked for, is posted here:

In response, Social Actions received Letters of Interest from three
well-known, well-resourced, and mission-aligned organizations. Each
represents a compelling direction for Social Actions, and reflects the
letter and spirit of the goals we outlined when first describing our
intent to transition Social Actions to a new home:

As a formal next step, each of the organizations that submitted an LOI
will receive a Request for Proposal. The RFP will ask for more detail
about how Social Actions' programs would be supported and developed in
their new setting, and will expand on the criteria used to assess each

Please get in touch if you'd like more information or would like to
participate in the RFP review process, and we'll be sure to share more
updates as the process develops!


p.s. This update is also available online for easy reference and
sharing at

On Jul 27, 2:21 pm, Christine Egger <>
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