Searching by category is coming soon (tomorrow morning). Searching by
location is something that may take a little longer. We have enough
information for most entries to at least geocode by city, but I still
have to add the geocoding library. I'll get back to you tomorrow on when
I think that'll be complete.
In terms of search syntax, we use sphinx 0.9.8 in "extended match" mode.
The syntax is outlined right here:
For sorting, you can add an 'order' field to url's query string with any
one of the the following values:
'title' , 'description', 'subtitle', 'url', 'latitude', 'longitude',
'expires_at', 'profile_source_id',
'profile_first_name', 'profile_middle_name', 'profile_last_name',
'profile_email', 'profile_citizenship',
'profile_location', 'profile_picture', 'profile_url', 'profile_rss',
'program_name','program_url', 'program_email', 'organization_name',
'organization_url', 'organization_location','orgainization_email',
'ein', 'created_at'
Category sorting will be supported when category search goes live.