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Job Opportunity w/ Meaningful Media

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Peter Deitz

Dec 17, 2009, 11:22:12 AM12/17/09
to social-actions
Hi Social Actions Dev,

Below is a job opportunity with Meaningful Media's Mediapedia project.

Perhaps someone on the list will find this opportunity of interest.

All the best,


Meaningful Media is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the quality, visibility and impact of social issue media.

We are redesigning our website and need a nonprofit-friendly freelance web developer to bring our vision to life.

Project Details:

The new website will feature the Meaningful Mediapedia, a comprehensive searchable database that aggregates and curates thousands of projects and organizations at the intersection of media and social change. Our new site will be the go-to place for people who care about using media (across mediums, genres and platforms) to communicate about the issues they care about most. The database will encourage user-contributed content and eventually link into a social network that connects students, educators, non-profit organizations, activists, policymakers, journalists, artists, content creators, consumers, distributors and exhibitors.

If you’d like to see more, you can download a PDF showing the design and functionality of the Meaningful Mediapedia here:


We’re a close-knit team and looking for a like-minded developer who’s sociable and committed to the project. 

We are still deciding on the right platforms for the job—and will depend on our developer to help us choose the best tools—but are learning towards using an open source platforms such as Drupal or a custom PHP/MySQL solution that is easily expandable, has a robust content management system, and allows for user-contributed content and different access levels. Developer must have substantial experience in one of these platforms.

We’d prefer someone in LA, but are willing to work with someone remotely if they’re the right fit. We will not consider applicants living outside the United States.


Development work will start in January 2010.


Email your resume to Please also include: relevant links to sites where you were the sole or primary developer and a cover letter telling us why you're interested in the project and whether you have non-profit experience.
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