Can You Feel It?

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Feb 12, 2016, 12:43:38 PM2/12/16
Can You Feel It?
Can you feel it America? Can you feel the noose of tyranny tightening around our collective neck? Are you the least bit alert to the atrocities going on as you blindly work to believe the lies being spun by the government and their complicit press? Do you continue to refer to those of us who see the truth as “conspiracy theorists” as you have been indoctrinated to do, rather than feel any need to get off your couch and actually do something to help save our dwindling liberty?
For some of us, it is difficult to understand how people can write off the slaughter of 76 men, women and children by government murderers at Waco in 1993, the murder of LaVoy Finicum last month, and now the arrest of rancher Cliven Bundy and others this week. The problem is bigger than can be stressed in one article. Where are the presidential candidates on these latest atrocities? Federal encroachment crimes are so egregious and so dangerous that talk radio hosts won’t even discuss them. Plain math makes it impossible for us to imagine how the federal government can accuse, indict, convict, and /or kill people in landlocked parcels in the middle of nowhere, of encroaching upon federal property when it is CONSTITUTIONALLY FORBIDDEN from owning any land outside harbors, forts, and Washington, D.C. But for those who must feel this is just and lawful, to maintain their comfort, there is probably not much we can expect of them. Rest assured Mr. and Ms. Average American, your government and their lapdog press really appreciate your willingness to believe that your water is safe, that you must consent to unconstitutional searches at airports, ranchers are criminals, four patriots were killed in Benghazi because of a video, and no one in Washington had anything to do with it. You are very good at being very good.
There are some things that the average American has got to learn. First, is that their complete ignorance of our founding documents has put our nation, our future and our children in mortal danger and most enjoy that ignorance. Second, it is we, the people, who have allowed the governments on ALL levels to overstep their authority and limits. We are permitting ourselves to be ruled, not governed, by a ruling elite that tells us lies or nothing at all.  The fact that a treasonous felon and a communist are vying to run for president on the Democrat ticket gives testament to how dangerously America is circling the drain. Our forefathers would be shocked and disgusted.
So what are you going to do about it? Well, if you are an active patriot who loves America, you are viewing the general population thinking, “Nothing, most of you are willing to do nothing”. Our government has already made lists of what it has labeled, “domestic terrorists”.  Do you know who is on those lists? It includes, Americans who bear 3rd party bumper stickers, those in bible groups, people who teach, preach and learn The U.S. Constitution, car owners with Ron Paul stickers affixed, patriot groups, those who listen to talk radio, returning military veterans, those who support the 2nd or any other amendments in the Bill of Rights, and others. Do you know who is excluded from such lists? Crypts, Bloods, MS13, and other gangs and their members. Mosques, military deserters, politicians who violate their oath of office, public employee unions who are destroying our educational and other systems, occupy groups and rioters, illegal alien support groups, CAIR, or those who would give up al-Qaida generals in exchange for a military deserter.  While they are coming for the patriots who are standing their ground, you do nothing because you are not a patriot. When they come for your guns, you do nothing because you pretend government knows what is best. When they come for the artists, engineers, and authors, you will sit idly by because you are just a computer geek or some such. Well, don’t expect any help when they come for you when any who are left sit and watch as you have been doing.
We are trying to awaken you and hold the line of liberty as we await your help. We hope that you will see what has been happening over the decades and come to our side to stand with us.  It is up to you, my fellow Americans.  Will you be our John Wayne and come to the rescue to help us stem the tide of tyranny in America’s hour of need, or will you become just another Hilary Clinton and turn your back as we are slaughtered?
© Bobby Florentz
For Guardians of the Oath
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