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Smoke.Obama.Out of the Bushes Where He*s Hiding

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Joe Cooper

Sep 5, 2017, 10:34:28 AM9/5/17
It is high time to smoke out Private Citizen Resistance
Leader Barack Obama from the bushes where he's been hiding
since January 20, 2017

Just when it matters most, one brave soul is doing what Congress should
have been doing all along: smoking ‘Resistance leader’ Barack Hussein
Obama out of the bushes and bringing him into the clear view of the
masses whose lives he risks ruining.

While senators and congress critters from both sides of the aisle pretend
it isn’t happening, Obama, the Private Citizen continues to do what
Obama, the President was doing for eight long, uninterrupted years:
working to turn America over to the globalists desperate to rid the world
of a strong USA in order to impose on the masses, the sick Utopia they
call “One World Government”.

That one brave soul smoking out Obama is the Reed Irvine-trained reporter
and masterful researcher Cliff Kincaid, President of America Survival

Kincaid’s recently launched book, ‘Comrade Obama Unmasked’: Marxist mole
in the White House can be best described as a kick in the keester for the
now ‘underground’ Obama, who refuses to let go of his obsessive dream for
the destruction of America.

Even as self-serving politicians from both sides of the political aisle
pretend not to see it, Obama’s resistance forces, (Black Lives Matter,
Anti-FA! et all) continue their push for violence and anarchy.

Leaving Obama out there with a $60 million-plus book deal to propagandize
his ‘Resistance’ and access to the millions raked in by Organizing for
America is akin to springing French Revolution’ leader Maximilien
Robespierre on society with millions of dollars at his disposal.

On Obama’s case from the get-go, Kincaid presents “the smoking gun
evidence of Barack Hussein Obama’s deep personal relationship with
suspected Soviet espionage agent Frank Marshall Davis in the real Russia-
gate scandal.”

The outing of Obama, now that he operates freely under the cloak of
anonymity is more important than it ever was


“In the time period of 2007-2008, two journalists—Trevor Loudon, a
blogger from New Zealand, and America’s Survival President Cliff
Kincaid—tried to interest the public and the media in the story of their
lifetimes. It was how a first-term largely unknown Senator from Illinois
was a covert communist with backing from Russia who was poised to win the
presidency of the United States.” (RenewAmerica, Aug. 3, 2017)

“But the story of Obama’s Marxist revolution—the “fundamental
transformation” of the United States—does not end there. Kincaid, Loudon
and their co-authors, including a former Intelligence Community insider,
also examine Obama’s on-going effort to organize “resistance” on a
national and global level to President Donald J. Trump.

“This important book, available from, looks at Obama’s
financial master George Soros, Obama’s Catholic training and links to the
Vatican and Colombian narco-terrorists, and even how the Obama
Administration has created a marijuana counter-culture within U.S.
borders. One explosive chapter looks at “Obama’s inspiration, South
African President Nelson Mandela, who was exposed as a secret member of
the South African Communist Party after his death.

“America’s intelligence community, Kincaid argues in the book, must be
retrained in the art of detecting subversion and preventing communist-
inspired and radical Islamist violence. He says they failed to warn
America in 2008 that Obama was a Marxist who couldn’t pass a basic
background security check.”


The timing of the release of ‘Comrade Obama Unmasked’: Marxist mole in
the White House couldn’t possibly be more critical now that Obama’s
leftovers in office are ganging up on President Donald Trump.

“New York governor Andrew Cuomo served notice Monday that he will sue if
President Trump ends the Obama-era program that allows illegal immigrants
who came to the U.S. as children to stay. (FoxNews, Sept. 4, 2017)

“If he moves ahead with this cruel action, New York State will sue to
protect the ‘dreamers’ and the state’s sovereign interest in the fair and
equal application of the law,” Cuomo said.

“Cuomo said the policy’s end would impact about 42,000 New York

“In New York, we are stepping up to protect immigrants,” he said.

“President Obama established the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
program in 2012 to young children who came to the U.S. without legal

“According to data from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, about
790,000 people have been granted work permits under the program.

“President Trump is expected to end the program soon, sources have told
Fox News, giving Congress six months to figure out a way to replace it

While top Dems ripped President Trump’s DACA as “wrong, immoral and
insulting” on Labor Day, a source close to Obama told Politico that the
former president will speak out on Facebook and Twitter—where he has a
combined 148 million followers and fans—if the current president pulls
the plug on DACA.

“Although Obama has mostly refrained from criticizing his predecessor, he
said in his final press availability that he would not remain silent in
the face of “efforts to round up kids who have grown up here and for all
practical purposes are American kids, and send them someplace else, when
they love this country,” reports Politico.

“Critics of the program have called it an abuse of President Obama’s
executive power, while those that benefit from it are reportedly in
“panic” mode with its future uncertain.”


For the safety and wellbeing of beloved America,
Smoke. Obama. Out!

Obama, who has thus far run his ‘Resistance’ from the cover of shadows
has not come out into the open. If he steps forward to save DACA, it will
be his first public foray.

Here’s hoping that Kincaid’s Comrade Obama Unmasked’ leaves Hillary
Clinton’s “What Happened?” in the dust by meeting the same fate as Al
Gore’s “An Inconvenient Sequel”, which was outsold on Kindle by
climatologist Roy Spencer’s E-Book, “An Inconvenient Deception”.

It is high time to smoke out Private Citizen Resistance Leader Barack
Obama from the bushes where he’s been hiding since January 20, 2017.

For the safety and wellbeing of beloved America, Smoke. Obama. Out!


"The Marxists, communists and fascists of the Democrat Party have
launched a strategy of deception, projection, and a new generation of
brown shirts who fanatically believe that their violence is honorable,
and necessary, to save America from some kind of a Fourth Reich
perpetrated by the GOP." (Douglas Gibbs )


Sep 12, 2017, 1:53:17 AM9/12/17
Joe Cooper wrote:
> It is high time to smoke out Private Citizen Resistance
> Leader Barack Obama from the bushes where he's been hiding
> since January 20, 2017
> Just when it matters most, one brave soul is doing what Congress should
> have been doing all along: smoking ‘Resistance leader’ Barack Hussein
> Obama out of the bushes and bringing him into the clear view of the
> masses whose lives he risks ruining.


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