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With Enemies Like This, Donald Trump Doesn*t Need Friends

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Joe Cooper

Feb 8, 2018, 11:52:12 AM2/8/18
So, the Washington Post says that Donald Trump wants to honor the
military with a parade, which the Trump-haters inform us is the worst
thing that ever was because it’s Donald Trump who wants to honor the
military with a parade. The very day the Democrats decided that they
should make fun of Trump’s physical disqualification for military service
– Democrats were pretending to think not serving is bad that morning –
the Donkeys also decided they needed to spazz out about honoring our

Whap! That’s the sound of the Democrats stepping on another rake.

Is a parade a good idea? A bad idea? Irrelevant! It’s a hilarious idea,
because when this idea erupted on social media, it was absolutely certain
that the liberals would immediately take a position that required them to
say, “No, we should totally not honor our troops.”

Oh, I’m sure they’ve got plenty of nuance to that position – my favorite
is their newfound concern about spending – but at the end of the day the
message is clear. Trump wants to honor the troops, and the Democrats

Hilarious! And Trump does this to them all the time.

The president’s quarters have to be echoing with laughter every night
after another day of the Beltway Bubble Boys ‘n Girls dancing to The
Donald’s tune. By leveraging tweets, leaks, and off-the-cuff statements,
no one has ever owned the mainstream media like Donald Trump. Those
Democrat court reporters hate him, to be sure, but when he says “Jump,”
they say, “How low?”

The “treason” imbroglio was another glorious liberal clusterfark. Trump
gleefully giggles as he uses that word and within seconds there’s a
Hiroshima of Huffiness. The land echoed with the high-pitched squeals of
“Oh, well, I never!” in the wake of PDT using the very same word that
tens of thousands of leftist idiots and their Fredocon pals had spent the
last 18 months tossing about more promiscuously than Bill Clinton in
Mazatlán on spring break.

So, for a couple days, we were treated to the delicious spectacle of the
liberals arguing that, “No, we’re not traitors!”

Name one Trump supporter who, in the wake of a year of listening to
fevered fantasies about Russians and Hitler Reborn and all the rest, gave
one-millionth of a damn that the Dems were tearing their thinning, gray
hair out over Trump joking about “treason?”

Hint: There wasn’t one. Not one.

And for those of us still fuming about how the liberals play kissy-face
with legit traitor Jane Fonda, you fussy fakers are going to have to show
us a lot more than that to move the needle on the Give-A-Schiff meter.

Every day, the Democrats seem intent on stepping on a new rake. The tax
bill comes out, and the Democrats’ promise that those of us not already
dead from Trump pulling us out of the Paris Climate Change Grift were
going to be dead from getting more money back in our paychecks.

Whap! Rake! Because working folks keeping their own money is bad – for
Democrat prospects.

Then a bunch of companies start giving bonuses to their employees, which
the Dems pooh-pooh.

Whap! Rake! Because money not dispensed by Uncle Sucker doesn’t count or

And then Nancy Pelosi, the gift who keeps on gibbering, announces again
and again that a grand is just “crumbs.”

Whap! Rake! Way to remind us why everyone hates San Francisco limo libs,
Richie Witch.

With powerful midterm messages like, “We intend to repeal the tax reform
bill that gave you Normals a few more bucks,” and “More illegal aliens or
you’re racist!” the Democrats are a shoo-in to hold their House seats in
Manhattan, Marin County, and Chicago! Say, a month ago wasn’t there a
blue wave coming? Oops.

Then there was the early February stock market stutter, where a short-
term correction sent the Dow plunging to depths not seen since last
December. Naturally, when America stopped winning for a moment, the CNN
gang was ecstatic – you half expected the panels to break out the
Marlboros and start cuddling. But Tater Stelter and the rest of them then
had to contend with a 500+ point rebound the day after the big dip, and
they did so by changing the subject. But the damage was done – when you
crow about how the Dow dropped about a net 1500 points over three trading
sessions, it only highlights how the Dow rose about 7000 points since
Inauguration Day.

And then there’s DACA, the ultimate rope-a-dope, where Trump has
maneuvered the Democrats into being the ones who are stopping these
illegal aliens from getting amnesty because the Dems don’t want to give
in on border control measures everyone who is not some pinko doofus
wants. Please please please, Chuck, shut down the government again, and
again, all for the benefit of law-breaking foreigners. Step on that rake!
You know you want to!

Oh, and simmer in outrage at how Trump tweeted his condolences to the
family of Edwin Jackson of the Colts after some illegal alien who should
not have been here got hammered and killed him. Yeah, Trump is the
problem for telling the truth, not the illegal aliens who are killing

Let’s have that talk, liberals. You keep telling Normal Americans they
are bigots for complaining about having to bury their brothers and
sisters, their fathers and mothers, their kids. That topic is not
hilarious, like your other stupid strategies, but it demonstrates the
undeniable fact.

Trump owns you liberals. He has your pink slips. He holds your strings.
You dance to his tune.

Your unreasoning hate, not just of Donald Trump but of the Normal
Americans he champions, and your burning desire to take back the power
you have lost, has blinded you to the truth. It’s also made you deaf to
the coherent, which is why so much of what you say sounds insane to
Normal Americans. And that’s why everything else you say is drown out by
the “Whaps!” of you dummies stepping on Trump’s rakes.


"Conservative actor James Woods let America know exactly what “#DACA is
about” in one devastating tweet that included a meme depicting Senate
Minority Schoolmarm Chuck Schumer ‘saying,’ “It’s very simple to
understand actually – If Americans won’t vote for Democrats, then we’ll
import people who will."” (Scott Morefield)


Feb 8, 2018, 6:02:29 PM2/8/18
On 02/08/2018 11:52 AM, Joe Cooper wrote:
> So, the Washington Post says that Donald Trump wants to honor the
> military with a parade, which the Trump-haters inform us is the worst
> thing that ever was because it’s Donald Trump who wants to honor the
> military with a parade.

Four guys, one of each with a flag a flute a drum and a Rifle.....

They can play Yankee Doodle.... The people and costumes should cost
less than the permit for the parade?

Once again the high cost will be due to the bloated Liberal Government.

That's Karma

24 - It's NOT what you earn it's what you keep.

Mitchell Holman

Feb 8, 2018, 10:05:04 PM2/8/18
Joe Cooper <> wrote in

> So, the Washington Post says that Donald Trump wants to honor the
> military with a parade, which the Trump-haters inform us is the worst
> thing that ever was because it’s Donald Trump who wants to honor the
> military with a parade.

President 5 Deferments doesn't want to
honor the military with a parade, he wants
a parade for the military to honor HIM.

If he really cared about the military
he would devote the $21 million price tag
to upgrading VA hospitals.

Governor Swill

Feb 13, 2018, 9:30:00 PM2/13/18
On Thu, 8 Feb 2018 16:52:11 -0000 (UTC), Joe Cooper
<> wrote:

>So, the Washington Post says that Donald Trump wants to honor the
>military with a parade, which the Trump-haters inform us is the worst
>thing that ever was because it’s Donald Trump who wants to honor the
>military with a parade. The very day the Democrats decided that they
>should make fun of Trump’s physical disqualification for military service
>– Democrats were pretending to think not serving is bad that morning –
>the Donkeys also decided they needed to spazz out about honoring our
>Whap! That’s the sound of the Democrats stepping on another rake.
>Is a parade a good idea? A bad idea? Irrelevant! It’s a hilarious idea,
>because when this idea erupted on social media, it was absolutely certain
>that the liberals would immediately take a position that required them to
>say, “No, we should totally not honor our troops.”

Military parade.

"Bungled collusion is still collusion." -- Charles Krauthammer.

Governor Swill

Feb 13, 2018, 9:31:53 PM2/13/18
On Thu, 8 Feb 2018 18:02:26 -0500, #BeamMeUpScotty
<> wrote:

>On 02/08/2018 11:52 AM, Joe Cooper wrote:
>> So, the Washington Post says that Donald Trump wants to honor the
>> military with a parade, which the Trump-haters inform us is the worst
>> thing that ever was because it’s Donald Trump who wants to honor the
>> military with a parade.
>Four guys, one of each with a flag a flute a drum and a Rifle.....
>They can play Yankee Doodle.... The people and costumes should cost
>less than the permit for the parade?
>Once again the high cost will be due to the bloated Liberal Government.

It would be if we had a liberal government. Meanwhile, the Republican
House, Republican Senate and Republican President just passed and
signed the biggest spending increase since Obama's 2009 stimulus
package. And unlike the one shot stimulus, the GOP spending is

Siri Cruise

Feb 14, 2018, 1:11:32 AM2/14/18
In article <>,
Governor Swill <> wrote:

> On Thu, 8 Feb 2018 18:02:26 -0500, #BeamMeUpScotty
> <> wrote:
> >On 02/08/2018 11:52 AM, Joe Cooper wrote:
> >> So, the Washington Post says that Donald Trump wants to honor the
> >> military with a parade, which the Trump-haters inform us is the worst
> >> thing that ever was because it’s Donald Trump who wants to honor the
> >> military with a parade.
> >
> >Four guys, one of each with a flag a flute a drum and a Rifle.....
> >
> >They can play Yankee Doodle.... The people and costumes should cost
> >less than the permit for the parade?
> >
> >Once again the high cost will be due to the bloated Liberal Government.
> It would be if we had a liberal government. Meanwhile, the Republican
> House, Republican Senate and Republican President just passed and

Scotty has problems with sanity and/or sobriety.

Oh, no! It's the FLying Magic Christians.

Mamcy PelosiL: Fly, my pretties! Fly!

:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
I'm saving up to buy the Donald a blue stone This post / \
from Metebelis 3. All praise the Great Don! insults Islam. Mohammed


Feb 14, 2018, 11:06:35 AM2/14/18
On 02/14/2018 01:11 AM, Siri Cruise wrote:
> In article <>,
> Governor Swill <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 8 Feb 2018 18:02:26 -0500, #BeamMeUpScotty
>> <> wrote:
>>> On 02/08/2018 11:52 AM, Joe Cooper wrote:
>>>> So, the Washington Post says that Donald Trump wants to honor the
>>>> military with a parade, which the Trump-haters inform us is the worst
>>>> thing that ever was because it’s Donald Trump who wants to honor the
>>>> military with a parade.
>>> Four guys, one of each with a flag a flute a drum and a Rifle.....
>>> They can play Yankee Doodle.... The people and costumes should cost
>>> less than the permit for the parade?
>>> Once again the high cost will be due to the bloated Liberal Government.
>> It would be if we had a liberal government.

Make no mistake that the government is Liberal and there's that Liberal
Shadow Government that Obama is still trying to run.

The cost and the regulations are now perpetual and the Liberal Shadow
Government is a perpetual motion machine..... the only way to slow it
down is to cut the flow of money and power to the entire government and
disinfect what is left after a drastic cut. Purge the disease by
banning the flow of spending, and the Liberal parasites will flee the
government to be hucksters and flim-flam artists in other professions.

That's Karma

154 - "To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the
suffering." --Nietzsche--

Governor Swill

Feb 16, 2018, 2:17:20 AM2/16/18
On Wed, 14 Feb 2018 11:06:32 -0500, #BeamMeUpScotty
<> wrote:

>Make no mistake that the government is Liberal

Really?? The Republican House, Republican Senate and Republican
President are all liberals?

Actually, considering how fast they're spending money we don't have on
their new tax bill, you could be right for once.

"Democrats are the party that says government can
make you richer, smarter, taller, and get the chickweed
out of your lawn.
Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work,
and then they get elected and prove it." - P.J. O'Rourke
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