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Literary & Musical Fluff

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не прочитано,
14 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0014.12.1999
What is everyone reading/listening to? I'm definately leaning more
toward fluff these days (an avoidance of real life, no doubt) - so any
suggestions of light entertaining books/music would be welcomed.


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Kelly Fairbairn

не прочитано,
14 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0014.12.1999
On 14 Dec 1999, deb wrote:

> What is everyone reading/listening to? I'm definately leaning more
> toward fluff these days (an avoidance of real life, no doubt) - so any
> suggestions of light entertaining books/music would be welcomed.
> -deb

Now reading:

Queer Family Values by Valerie Lehr
Life before Man by Margaret Atwood
White Weddings by Chrys Ingram (I was thanked in this one. I figured I
may as well read it!)
Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler

Now listening to most frequently:

Moxy Fruvous--Live Noise
Melissa Ferrick bootlegs
Indigo Girls--Come on Now Social
Rose Polenzani--Dragersville
Richard Shindell--Blue Divide

Full of fluff,
%^ Kelly Fairbairn %^
^% ILL Dept. ^%
%^ Sage Troy Campus Library %^
^% ^%

Julie the MS

не прочитано,
14 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0014.12.1999
Sue's recent reads include:
>_Godmother Night_ by Rachel Pollack

I second it. :)

My recent and/or current reads:

_Stir-fry_, _Hood_, and _Kissing the Witch_ by Emma Donoghue
_On Strike Against God_ by Joanna Russ (finally!)
_Animal Dreams_ by Barbara Kingsolver
_Ender's Shadow_ by Orson Scott Card

About to start:
_Trouble and Her Friends_ by Melissa Scott
All those Vorkosigan (or something like that) books by Lois Bujold
Melanie Rawn's _Exile_ series


-anything Melissa Ferrick
-random Ani Difranco stuff that various obsessed friends lend me
-alternative stuff that I loved last year that now makes me nostalgic,
including Eve6, Everclear, Goo Goo Dolls, Offspring, Metallica, that kind of

"History is all fantasy." - Joanna Russ in _We Who Are About To..._


не прочитано,
15 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0015.12.1999
I've been reading the following :

- 101 Essential Tips Puppy Care by Bruce Fogle, DVM (with all kinds of cute
puppy pictures... because my girlfriend is getting me a dog for Xmas ! )

- Book of Canadian Poetry by A J M Smith (edition from 1960 that my mom
gave me)

and my class notes because I'm having an exam tomorrow ...

My favorite CDs for the moment are:

- Ella Fitzgerald, The Cole Porter Collection, Volume 1
- Mary J. Blige, Mary
- Beastie Boys Anthology : the sounds of science
- Deborah Cox, One Wish

and I'm getting into Christmas music a little... I bought Ella wishes you a
Swigning Christmas... and it's very good ! For Christmas music...

Have fun !
deb <> wrote in message news:1.2{l-_2}

> What is everyone reading/listening to? I'm definately leaning more
> toward fluff these days (an avoidance of real life, no doubt) - so any
> suggestions of light entertaining books/music would be welcomed.
> -deb

> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Сообщение удалено


не прочитано,
15 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0015.12.1999
In article <1.+oo-_21|>, Katia Roberto <>

>P.S. The last book I finished was A Ghost in the Closet by the lovely and
>talented Mabel Maney.

I didn't finish it. It was just so identical to the Nancy Drew books that it
spooked me out. It also bored me, which was sad, since I bought every Nancy
Drew book in hardcover when I was in grade school. I remember when the price
went up from US$2 to $2.25, and I could no longer get them with one week's

On the other hand, cute-poet-chick finds the Nancy Clue books, ummm, arousing.

"You might like the gypsy life; you judge your progress by the phases of the
moon. Get your compass and your sharpest knife, 'cause people love you when
they know you're leaving soon." -- John Gorka

Diane Duane

не прочитано,
17 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0017.12.1999
On 14 Dec 1999 13:32:41 -0500, Susan Davis <> wrote:

>the _Door_ series by Diane Duane (but when is she going to finish it?)

I'm working on it, already. :) Or maybe that should be "still".

Best! -- D.

Diane Duane / The Owl Springs Partnership
County Wicklow, Ireland


не прочитано,
17 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0017.12.1999
Diane Duane <>, in article <1.}>, dixit:

>On 14 Dec 1999 13:32:41 -0500, Susan Davis <> wrote:
>>the _Door_ series by Diane Duane (but when is she going to finish it?)

>I'm working on it, already. :) Or maybe that should be "still".

Hooray!! <virtual chocolate>
Piglet "But male conditioning, nonetheless. You were not treated like a woman." [to Julie H.]

Piglet Needs Programmers!!

Diane Duane

не прочитано,
17 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0017.12.1999
On 17 Dec 1999 14:42:55 -0500, Susan Davis <> wrote:

>*SWOOOOOOON* >thud<

(looks around panicstricken) Oh, geez, did anyone remember to pack
the smelling salts...?

>Question: who do we need to slap with a flounder to get your first
>three volumes back in print? I'd love to be able to give them as
>gifts to my bi-poly-pagan friends (i.e. most of 'em), and my own
>copies (especially "Fire") are getting dogeared from re-reading and

There have recently been some occurrences which I don't yet feel
comfortable discussing, but which may yet rectify this situation.

Boy, was *that* obscure. Well, anyway, the initial indications are
good, so people shouldn't despair, if you get my drift.

Best! -- D.

Diane Duane / The Owl Springs Partnership
County Wicklow, Ireland


не прочитано,
17 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0017.12.1999
Diane Duane <>, in article <>, dixit:

>On 17 Dec 1999 14:42:55 -0500, Susan Davis <> wrote:
>>*SWOOOOOOON* >thud<

>(looks around panicstricken) Oh, geez, did anyone remember to pack
>the smelling salts...?

Emergency kit by the door. Standard issue by there-is-no-cabal[tm].

>>Question: who do we need to slap with a flounder to get your first

>>three volumes back in print? ...

>... the initial indications are

>good, so people shouldn't despair, if you get my drift.


Piglet "But male conditioning, nonetheless. You were not treated like a woman." [to Julie H.]

Piglet Needs Programmers!!


Julie the MS

не прочитано,
18 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0018.12.1999
amY says:
>>_Ender's Shadow_ by Orson Scott Card
>=-D What did you think of _Ender's Shadow_? I was prepared to hate
>it and even tried to hate it, but it was great... I was really

I loved it, but I expected to. I love most of OSC's work. (The man himself is
an entirely different matter.)

> If you like sci fi, have you read _This Perfect Day_ by
>Ira Levin?

Nope, but I'll put it on my list of Books I Look Up At The Library On The Off
Chance I Decide I Could Find Time To Read Them. (Although I'm now on winter
break! I probly can read as much as I want, in between going to my GLBT youth
group twice a week instead of once, watching the rest of the Babylon 5 tapes a
friend is lending me, reading the other books I have been putting off forever
such as _Foucault's Pendulum_ that I've been meaning to read since September.)

Julie, now sidetracked by _Trouble and Her Friends_ by Melissa Scott

"History is all fantasy." - Joanna Russ in _We Who Are About To..._


Jenny Holmberg

не прочитано,
18 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0018.12.1999
Diane Duane <> writes:

> On 17 Dec 1999 14:42:55 -0500, Susan Davis <> wrote:
> >Question: who do we need to slap with a flounder to get your first
> >three volumes back in print?

> There have recently been some occurrences which I don't yet feel
> comfortable discussing, but which may yet rectify this situation.

Whee! Lovely! I've only been able to find the first volume in this
benighted country.

/Jenny, who wouldn't mind reading more about Rhiow either...

Jenny With the Axe, and the Temper
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
"You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
--Ambassador Delenn, B5

Jenny Holmberg

не прочитано,
18 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0018.12.1999
deb <> writes:

> What is everyone reading/listening to?

Oh, lots. There's the geek books collection (Algorithms in C, Palm
Programming, and my favourite story book Structures and Interpretation
of Computer Programs). But apart from that, I've been back to Dorothy
Sayers a bit. And I saw the movie The Haunting[1] recently, which
reminded me of 19th century horror novels, so I'm re-reading
Northanger Abbey.

As for music, one of my friends has recently started working with us
and sits at the desk next to mine. And he brings lots of interesting
CDs. So at work it's The Cassandra Complex, Inkubus Sukkubus, with
some Tom Lehrer and Kate Bush thrown in.

Some of our cow-orkers find us weird. I generally take that as a
compliment, much like getting called "aggressive", or "perverted
lesbian scatterbrain".


[1] SPOILER! In that movie, Catherine Zeta Jones plays a bisexual
polyamorous woman, who, contrary to all the Hollywood Laws of Movies,
does *not* get killed.

Jenny With the Axe, and the Temper

"If, as your eyes close, you think to yourself: "Thank god, I'm dying,"
it isn't sleep. It is a subtle hint from your subconscious. Pay no
attention; what does IT know about your quality of life?" -simes

Diane Duane

не прочитано,
18 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0018.12.1999
On 18 Dec 1999 09:51:40 -0500, Jenny Holmberg <>

>Whee! Lovely! I've only been able to find the first volume in this
>benighted country.
>/Jenny, who wouldn't mind reading more about Rhiow either...

Well, not sure how much you've read so far, but it looks as if the
series is going to stop with volume 2 for the moment. Neither the
first nor the second book sold particularly well, with the result that
neither the UK publisher (Hodder) nor the US one (Warner) feel they
can publish the projected book 3 (THE BIG MEOW) without taking a bath.
That's the way it goes...

However, what I *can* say at this point is that book 5 of the Young
Wizards group, THE WIZARD'S DILEMMA, is about to be commissioned by
Harcourt in the US: probably it'll be turned in sometime in the
summer of 2000 with publication probably in the spring of 2001. And
in other news, SO YOU WANT TO BE A WIZARD has been optioned for screen
-- movie-for-TV or theatrical release, we're not sure which yet -- and
the script is presently being written by the young guy who wrote the
recent Patrick Stewart "Mony Dick". The Harry Potter phenomenon seems
to be helping.

Oh, and there are two new "Rihannsu" / Romulan Trek books which will
be coming out next November, after the reissue of the first two. Oh,
and Heyne Verlag in Germany have bought my only unpublished book, A
WIND FROM THE SOUTH, the one based on Swiss myths and folktales (and
containing, mmm, a rather dangerous and interesting Maiden form of the
Goddess.) But that will only really benefit the German-language
readership for the moment. Anyway, things are moving along pretty
well around here.

Oh, and I'm in the middle of a Xena short story today, of all things.
Busy busy.

Best! -- Diane

Diane Duane / The Owl Springs Partnership
County Wicklow, Ireland

Diane Duane

не прочитано,
18 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0018.12.1999
On 17 Dec 1999 21:55:14 -0500, (Koko) wrote:

>Emergency kit by the door. Standard issue by there-is-no-cabal[tm].

(heh) *I* knew there isn't. (innocent look)

Best! D.

Julie the MS

не прочитано,
18 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0018.12.1999
>However, what I *can* say at this point is that book 5 of the Young
>Wizards group, THE WIZARD'S DILEMMA, is about to be commissioned by
>Harcourt in the US: probably it'll be turned in sometime in the
>summer of 2000 with publication probably in the spring of 2001.

Oh goody! I love this series.

> And
>in other news, SO YOU WANT TO BE A WIZARD has been optioned for screen

Don't let it get screwed up too badly! Making books into movies rarely works,
IMO. (Contact being the only exception I can think of.)


"History is all fantasy." - Joanna Russ in _We Who Are About To..._


Diane Duane

не прочитано,
19 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0019.12.1999
On 18 Dec 1999 21:51:12 -0500, (Julie the MS)

>> And
>>in other news, SO YOU WANT TO BE A WIZARD has been optioned for screen
>Don't let it get screwed up too badly! Making books into movies rarely works,
>IMO. (Contact being the only exception I can think of.)

Well, the initial indications are good. We'll see how things go.

Best!-- D.

Diane Duane / The Owl Springs Partnership
County Wicklow, Ireland

Julie the MS

не прочитано,
19 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0019.12.1999
Diane Duane:

>On 18 Dec 1999 21:51:12 -0500, (Julie the MS)
>>Don't let it get screwed up too badly! Making books into movies rarely
>>IMO. (Contact being the only exception I can think of.)
>Well, the initial indications are good. We'll see how things go.

Do you know yet who's going to act in it?

"History is all fantasy." - Joanna Russ in _We Who Are About To..._


Diane Duane

не прочитано,
21 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0021.12.1999
On 19 Dec 1999 22:25:23 -0500, (Julie the MS)

>Do you know yet who's going to act in it?

No indications on that as yet -- still much too early. I wouldn't
mind Michael O'Hare as Tom, though.

Best! -- Diane

Diane Duane / The Owl Springs Partnership
County Wicklow, Ireland

Maevele S.A. Straw

не прочитано,
22 дек. 1999 г., 03:00:0022.12.1999

Diane Duane wrote:
> On 14 Dec 1999 13:32:41 -0500, Susan Davis <> wrote:
> >the _Door_ series by Diane Duane (but when is she going to finish it?)
> I'm working on it, already. :) Or maybe that should be "still".

> Best! -- D.

> Diane Duane / The Owl Springs Partnership
> County Wicklow, Ireland

I'm re-de-lurking, just to comment that the day after I read this
post, and found out that You were a published author, I ran across
one of your Door books (door into fire in fact) at the thrift shop
where I work. I haven't started it yet, I should have a chance this
weekend. I just though it was an interesting coincidence. I was
really excited at the time, and was trying to explain to my baffled
co-workers why it was so exciting.

не прочитано,
6 янв. 2000 г., 03:00:0006.01.2000
In article <1.2{l-_2}>,

deb <> wrote:
> What is everyone reading/listening to? I'm definately leaning more
> toward fluff these days (an avoidance of real life, no doubt) - so any
> suggestions of light entertaining books/music would be welcomed.
> -deb

I personally can't get enough flowery sentences in my life, so I lean
towards Wilde and F. Scott. (Never saw much in Gertrude Stein's
writing - her life was much, much more interesting.)


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