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US Jews Could Pay High Price for Iraq War by Ira Chernus

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no leída,
30 nov 2005, 2:47:4130/11/05
US Jews Could Pay High Price for Iraq War
by Ira Chernus

Jews who support a U.S. war
against Iraq should think again.

If the war "goes bad," with too many
U.S. casualties and not enough rapid

the finger of blame could well
point at the U.S. Jewish community.

That may be unfair,
but fairness will hardly
matter if it starts to happen.

It could spell the end of the Jewish
community's free ride in this country.

Smart Jews may want to think ahead.

In the past week,
the issue of Jewish support for
war has become a hot media issue.

The immediate trigger was
Virginia Congressman James Moran.

He told a public forum that

``If it were not for the strong
support of the Jewish community
for this war with Iraq we would
not be doing this. .

The leaders of the Jewish community
are influential enough that they could
change the direction of where this is

Republicans immediately cried anti-semitism.

They saw it as Trent Lott payback time:

If my racist must go, so must yours.

Within a week,
the nation's ranking liberal,
House minority leader Nancy Pelosi,
moved to end the controversy.

She forced Moran to quit his post
as Democratic House whip for the
mid-Atlantic region.

Moran's words were certainly inept.

But there is no reason to
believe they were anti-semitic.

Moran himself says he only put
it that way because he was responding
to a questioner who identified herself
as Jewish.

If the questioner had been Catholic,
he says, he would have blamed Catholics.

Maybe that's true.

Maybe it's just trying to cover his behind.

In any event,
Moran was offering
a somewhat crude
political analysis,
not a racial slur.

His crude analysis is not terribly convincing.

If the Jewish community were neutral
and relatively silent about Iraq,
the Bush administration would surely
still be pressing just as hard for war.

If the organized Jewish community
took a very strong principled stand
against war,

it would surely strengthen
the antiwar movement.

But most of the national church
organizations have come out
against the war,

and it's not clear they've
changed the direction of events.

Why do people think the Jews could?

The answer lies partly in an
old fantasy that Jews control
the banks, the government,
and just about every big
institution you can think of.

It was a common expression of
anti-semitism among small,
marginalized, disempowered
people in this country in the
early 20th century.

It has not vanished by any means.

But there is no way to know how
much the current belief in Jewish
power reflects anti-semitism.

In the last 30 years or so,
it has also become a sober
reading of reality in one respect.

Jewish organizations now do have a
disproportionate influence on the
U.S. government,

when it comes to Middle East policy.

Last week the New York Times gave
one of its writers a chunk of the
op-ed page to deny that

"we are about to send a quarter
of a million American soldiers
to war for the sake of Israel."

"The idea that this war is about Israel
is persistent and more widely held than
you may think," Bill Keller wrote.

The idea rests on far more than
vague awareness of the power of
the "Israel lobby."

The smoking gun is a coterie of
influential neo-conservatives in
the Bush administration,

who have long histories of promoting
right-wing leaders and policies in

No one will ever know for sure whether
these neo-cons (notably Paul Wolfowitz,
Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith) really
promoted war with Iraq primarily to help

It is not very likely, as Keller say.

If a war in Iraq "goes bad," though,

the truth will not matter.

Americans will look for scapegoats,
and the organized Jewish community
may be near the head of the line.

It won't be just the
organizations who will
be blamed;

it will be "the Jews."

That is certainly unfair.

The organizations and their leaders
are more conservative than the whole
Jewish population,

especially on Israel and the Middle East.

While nearly all the leaders support
a war in Iraq, polls show that 40% or
more of U.S. Jews are hesitant,
at best, about war.

But the organizations and leaders
always claim to speak for all American Jews.

Why shouldn't most American non-Jews
believe them and assume all Jews are
to blame?

These Jewish groups and leaders have
struggled hard to gain their enormous
influence on Middle East policy.

They have largely achieved their aim.

and the many Jews who do support them,
have had a free ride.

They wield great clout
without any noticeable increase in
anti-semitism. Here's the irony.

If we have the war they want,
and it "goes bad,"

the Jewish community might pay a
steep price in rising anti-semitism.

Are U.S. Jews really willing to take this risk?

Congressman Moran was probably wrong.

A major Jewish push against war,
by itself, is not likely to stop
war-especially since it would be
resisted by Jewish leaders and Bush
administration neo-cons who are pro-war.

But Jews with common sense
should make that push anyway.

They should see that the price
they might pay for this war is
too high,

especially when so little
good is likely to come of it.

They should quickly put as much
distance as they can between themselves
and those Jews who support the war.

Jews with sensitive moral conscience
will not stop to calculate their
chances of success.

They will work against war because
they know that thousands of Iraqis
are sure to die.

They know that Israel's Jews
will be directly at risk, too

(though Israeli military intelligence
foresees less risk this time around
than during the 1991 Gulf War,

since Iraq's weaponry is far inferior now.)

They should also know that, under cover of war,
Israel may very well step up its actions against

Imagine a Jewish community
where that kind of moral concern,

all by itself, would be enough
to turn all of us Jews against war.

Imagine an American community where moral
concern turns all of us against war.

This season of debate about war gives
us a golden opportunity to take a big
step toward that kind of community.

Ira Chernus is Professor of Religious
Studies at the University of Colorado
at Boulder.

no leída,
30 nov 2005, 4:41:1030/11/05
Whose War? (Israel's War):

Paul Findley on Capitol Hill, This Thursday, 2:30 pm

US Support of Israel is primary motivation of US terror problem:


no leída,
30 nov 2005, 6:00:0430/11/05
On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 07:47:41 GMT, " torresD" <>

Robin Hood Zoro

no leída,
30 nov 2005, 6:02:4230/11/05
On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 07:47:41 GMT, " torresD" <>


Robin Hood Zoro

no leída,
30 nov 2005, 6:04:4430/11/05
On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 07:47:41 GMT, " torresD" <>


no leída,
30 nov 2005, 20:42:5830/11/05

On 30-Nov-2005, wrote:

> Whose War? (Israel's War):

It takes a loon who pretends that Cindy has ever spoken a lie
to post another lie like this [snip rest].


no leída,
30 nov 2005, 21:12:2330/11/05
The feeling that Iraq is just a war "for Israel" has long been
rampant here in the South - where a very disproportionate share of the
special-ops troops doing the actual heavy fighting come from. The
backlash from that began LONG before Chernus wrote this!

No $4 to park! No $6 admission!

Ben Cramer

no leída,
1 dic 2005, 5:55:471/12/05

<> wrote in message news:Cysjf.6744$AB2.1177@trnddc08...

Why would anyone believe a pathological liar such as you?

Morton Davis

no leída,
1 dic 2005, 8:17:421/12/05

"Ben Cramer" <[REMOVE]> wrote in message
Why would anyone care about what Sheehan says? Because she's the FOUNDER OF
GOLD STAR FAMILIES FOR PEACE? Sounds impressive until you find out it has
under 60 members after over a year of existance.

no leída,
1 dic 2005, 9:28:061/12/05

On 1-Dec-2005, "Morton Davis" <> wrote:

> "Ben Cramer" <[REMOVE]> wrote in message
> news:dmmkrj$2fh5$
> >
> > <> wrote in message
> news:Cysjf.6744$AB2.1177@trnddc08...
> > >
> > > On 30-Nov-2005, wrote:
> > >
> > >> Whose War? (Israel's War):
> > >
> > > It takes a loon who pretends that Cindy has ever spoken a lie
> > > to post another lie like this [snip rest].
> >
> > Why would anyone believe a pathological liar such as you?

I think this is one of the most projectionary posts he's ever made.

> >
> >
> Why would anyone care about what Sheehan says?

Oh, I thought someone was picking on Cindy in the ng.
But I was, of course, correct about the other lie.
At any rate, cramer's just trying his usual desperate projectionary
obfuscation. He figures if he screams that everyone else has his
flaws, and all w/out a shred of proof, that it'll maker it true.


Morton Davis

no leída,
1 dic 2005, 9:37:351/12/05

<> wrote in message news:WLDjf.2175$w74.664@trnddc03...

Sheehan doesn't have flaws. She has gaping cracks from which her anti
semetism flows like a river and her insanity is an ocean.

no leída,
1 dic 2005, 19:03:281/12/05
Hardly anti-Semitism to tell it as it is.. 'Anti-Semitism' is simply
the smoke screen blown by the Jewish Israel firsters who don't want the
real agenda behind the Iraq war exposed as conveyed by esteemed US
intelligence author James Bamford in his 'A Pretext for War' book (the
recently released paperback version conveys on page 403 that JINSA
Israel firster Douglas Feith had Israeli generals walk to his office at
the Pentagon like they owned the place). We went to war in Iraq for
Israel in accordance with the 'A Clean Break'/war for Israel agenda
that Bamford discusses on pages 261-269/321 of his 'A Pretext for War'
book... Bamford was just on MSNBC's 'Hardball' program to discuss his
article for the latest issue of 'Rolling Stone' (December 1st, 2005
issue) - repeats at 4 PM and 12 Midnight PT and 7 PM and 3 AM tonight

White House Cabal (of serving Israel first JINSA/CSP/PNAC Neocons who
took US to war in Iraq for Israel):

Even Cindy Sheehan mentioned that her son died for a PNAC Neocon agenda
to benefit Israel (even if she is disingenuously denying it now) as one
can scroll down to the 'Rhetoric' paragraph of the following URL for

Cindy Sheehan has lied (in not having the courage to stand by what she
had so accurately written in the 'Nightline' email about Bill Kristol's
PNAC Neocon cabal) and comes across as a hypocrite as a result:

JINSA/CSP/PNAC Neocons moving for swift action against Syria (for
Israel) in accordance with their long desired 'A Clean Break' agenda...

Felix D.

no leída,
1 dic 2005, 22:46:491/12/05

"Morton Davis" <> wrote in message

That's a better showing than her recent book signing. <chuckle>

I was amazed those pictures ever made it out. It looks like even the media
is getting tired of this ... person.

Felix D.

no leída,
1 dic 2005, 22:49:041/12/05

<> wrote in message

CUT <blah blah blah>

Yep, Cindy was sharp enough to call for the US to get out of occupied New
Orleans, too. That built her lots and lots of credibility.

So what's your problem you keep fawning over her?

no leída,
1 dic 2005, 23:18:361/12/05

That anti-semitic message was a FRAUD.
I say this not so much to defend Cindy Sheehan but the *truth*.


The Re'evd

no leída,
1 dic 2005, 23:30:191/12/05

Suzy Cohen the foul-mouthed Irish fishwife convert
<> wrote:

Don't you dare disagree with the schvartze, Suzy. He'll accuse you of
a Nazi®. Tell us again, Chrissie - what is a Nazi®?

> Suzy

no leída,
2 dic 2005, 1:12:062/12/05

On 1-Dec-2005, wrote:

> Hardly anti-Semitism to tell it as it is..

True,but this has nothing to do with what you;re doing.

'Anti-Semitism' is simply
> the smoke screen blown by the Jewish Israel firsters

Thanks for showing that it IS Jew-hatred on your part.

> who don't want the
> real agenda behind the Iraq war exposed

The truth is that you idiots refuse to understand that ISRAEL
is the ONLY nation who dealt w/S.H, effectively before the
US felt the need to crush him - and it didn't take *years*
& thousands of soldiers to do it, either.

Look up "Osirak" & choke on it.


Ben Cramer

no leída,
2 dic 2005, 1:17:452/12/05

<> wrote in message news:wWPjf.5633$3x2.868@trnddc07...

> On 1-Dec-2005, "Morton Davis" <> wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > Why would anyone care about what Sheehan says?
>> >
>> > Oh, I thought someone was picking on Cindy in the ng.
>> > But I was, of course, correct about the other lie.
>> > At any rate, cramer's just trying his usual desperate projectionary
>> > obfuscation. He figures if he screams that everyone else has his
>> > flaws, and all w/out a shred of proof, that it'll maker it true.
>> >
>> > Susan
>> Sheehan doesn't have flaws. She has gaping cracks from which her anti
>> semetism flows like a river and her insanity is an ocean.
> That anti-semitic message was a FRAUD.

No it wasn't. It was originally stated. As well you know.

Ben Cramer

no leída,
2 dic 2005, 1:18:552/12/05

<> wrote in message news:WARjf.5862$ob7.3357@trnddc04...

Another illegal incursion into foreign territory. The fucking yids are very
good at this type of thing.

> Susan

Morton Davis

no leída,
2 dic 2005, 7:54:272/12/05

<> wrote in message news:WARjf.5862$ob7.3357@trnddc04...
Susan, if Israel "crushed SH", what was he doing in power and why did he
have all those troops and tanks. It took us DAYS to crush Saddam. He has not
been in power since before his statue was pulled down.

no leída,
2 dic 2005, 8:11:312/12/05

Hmmmm.....which nations do not have a spy and operations apparatus in
foreign nations?

I do note though the massive size of the Jewish Commonwealth
Nations...oh wait, my bad. That's the British Commonwealth Nations.
But then there's always Isreal West Africa, and The Jewish West Indies.
And the Dutch East Indies.

I probably meant the Isreal Samoa, and all the other Jewish
"Protectorate" island countries. Right?

Your message is likely a fraud. But cute.

The propensity for the Jews to invade and occupy or incur intelligence
operations in is direct proportion to either those that have foolishly
declared war on them, or threated to. As I recall pre-US liberation
Iraq managed to land a missile or two in Palestine...and interestingly
in that part that includes a higher proportion of Jews. In fact, I
think their capitol.

You leave the Jews alone and I find them a rather industrious and
peaceful folks busily tending their own garden. But threaten and or

Ask their arab neighbors.


> >
> > Susan

Lynn K. Circle

no leída,
2 dic 2005, 22:59:212/12/05

"Ben Cramer" <[REMOVE]> wrote in message
I'm a "fucking yid" with an honorable discharge from the U.S. Army. You're
a fucking asshole whose only discharge is your wet dream.

Lynn K. Circle
NRA, TSRA, American Legion
Happily Jewish


no leída,
2 dic 2005, 23:07:492/12/05

Why did Wolfowitz, Feith try so hard,
push so much to get Moron=Bush to
attack Iraq?

A Mother Jones Special Investigation
The inside story of how the Bush
administration pushed disinformation
and bogus intelligence and led the
nation to war.

By Robert Dreyfuss and Jason Vest

According to insiders,
Rhode worked with Feith to purge
career Defense officials who weren't
sufficiently enthusiastic about the
muscular anti-Iraq crusade that
Wolfowitz and Feith wanted.

Rhode appeared to be
"pulling people out of nooks
and crannies of the Defense
Intelligence Agency and other
places to replace us with,"
says a former analyst.

"They wanted nothing to do
with the professional staff.

And they wanted us the fuck out of there."

The unofficial,
off-site recruitment office for
Feith and Rhode was the American
Enterprise Institute,

a right-wing think tank whose 12th-floor
conference room in Washington is named for
the dean of neoconservative defense strategists,
the late Albert Wohlstetter,

an influential RAND analyst and
University of Chicago mathematician.

Headquartered at AEI is Richard Perle,
Wohlstetter's prize protege,
the godfather of the AEI-Defense
Department nexus of neoconservatives
who was chairman of the Pentagon's
influential Defense Policy Board.

Rhode, along with Michael Rubin,
a former AEI staffer who is also
now at the Pentagon,

was a ubiquitous presence at AEI
conferences on Iraq over the past
two years,

and the two Pentagon officials seemed
almost to be serving as stage managers
for the AEI events,

often sitting in the front row and
speaking in stage whispers to panelists
and AEI officials.

Just after September 11, 2001,
Feith and Rhode recruited David Wurmser,
the director of Middle East studies for AEI,
to serve as a Pentagon consultant.

Lynn K. Circle

no leída,
3 dic 2005, 3:44:423/12/05

" torresD" <> wrote in message

> Why did Wolfowitz, Feith try so hard,
> push so much to get Moron=Bush to
> attack Iraq?
Because they are Hispanic?

Lynn K. Circle

no leída,
3 dic 2005, 10:16:193/12/05

" torresD" <> wrote in message
> Why did Wolfowitz, Feith try so hard,
> push so much to get Moron=Bush to
> attack Iraq?
Your problem is that driven insane by your Jew-hatred, you are unable to
differentiate between what Aristotle called "essential" and "accidental"

Since the President is the one who ordered the invasion of Iraq, does that
mean he did so because he is Christian? Or can your little mind comprehend
the possibility that he did it for a variety of other reasons?

Likewise, simply because a government official is Jewish does not mean
everything he does is a function of his religion. There were good and
necessary reasons for the US to occupy Iraq. That remains true,
notwithstanding the fact that the Bush administration did a piss-poor job of

We might still win in Iraq. But if we do it will be entirely because of the
men and women we put on the ground there. It will be DESPITE the policies of
the current administration and never because of them.

Lynn K.Circle

Robin Hood Zoro

no leída,
3 dic 2005, 10:36:463/12/05
On Sat, 03 Dec 2005 04:07:49 GMT, " torresD" <>

Robin Hood Zoro

no leída,
3 dic 2005, 10:39:403/12/05
On Sat, 03 Dec 2005 04:07:49 GMT, " torresD" <>


no leída,
3 dic 2005, 18:33:013/12/05

On 2-Dec-2005, "Morton Davis" <> wrote:

> <> wrote in message
> news:WARjf.5862$ob7.3357@trnddc04...
> >
> > On 1-Dec-2005, wrote:
> >
> > > Hardly anti-Semitism to tell it as it is..
> >
> > True,but this has nothing to do with what you;re doing.
> >
> > 'Anti-Semitism' is simply
> > > the smoke screen blown by the Jewish Israel firsters
> >
> > Thanks for showing that it IS Jew-hatred on your part.
> >
> > > who don't want the
> > > real agenda behind the Iraq war exposed
> >
> > The truth is that you idiots refuse to understand that ISRAEL
> > is the ONLY nation who dealt w/S.H, effectively before the
> > US felt the need to crush him - and it didn't take *years*
> > & thousands of soldiers to do it, either.
> >
> > Look up "Osirak" & choke on it.
> >
> >
> Susan, if Israel "crushed SH",

Where did I say she did that/
Again, as in the last time you answered a post of mine, read
what I wrote & not what you wish I had.


no leída,
3 dic 2005, 18:35:153/12/05

On 2-Dec-2005, "Lynn K. Circle" <> wrote:

> "Ben Cramer" <[REMOVE]> wrote in message
> news:dmop0f$ots$
> >
> > <> wrote in message
> > news:WARjf.5862$ob7.3357@trnddc04...
> >>

> >> The truth is that you idiots refuse to understand that ISRAEL

> >> is the ONLY nation who dealt w/S.H, effectively before the
> >> US felt the need to crush him - and it didn't take *years*
> >> & thousands of soldiers to do it, either.
> >>
> >> Look up "Osirak" & choke on it.
> >
> > Another illegal incursion into foreign territory.

Sidestep, evade.
Notice how he also sidesteps the fact that he's agreed with me -
that Israel DOESN'T NEED the US to invade Iraq for her.

> > The fucking yids are
> > very good at this type of thing.
> >
> >
> I'm a "fucking yid" with an honorable discharge from the U.S. Army.
> You're
> a fucking asshole whose only discharge is your wet dream.

I like it - at leat your nonsequitur is true :-)


Gray Ghost

no leída,
4 dic 2005, 0:02:364/12/05
Has anyone else noticed that these nutballs are begining to sound a little
like the Nazis in the 20s and 30s before they got real ugly? If I were
Jewish I would have to seriously question my political affiliations.


no leída,
4 dic 2005, 6:56:534/12/05

I can vouch for the fact that Cindy NEVER lies.


no leída,
4 dic 2005, 14:39:454/12/05

The pathological liar was claiming -YET AGAIN WITHOUT ANY
PROOF WHATSOEVER (I figured I'd put that in caps for cramer's
sake, he seems to miss all the other dozens of requests for proof
that are aimed at him) that *I* am the liar. Or is that "as well"?
Knowing the proven pathological liar, cramer, probably so.


Morton Davis

no leída,
4 dic 2005, 17:16:134/12/05

<> wrote in message news:5CHkf.8073$wF.7552@trnddc08...
In other words. Cindy Sheehan's anti Jew comments were a truthful
representation of her racist beliefs..

no leída,
4 dic 2005, 23:34:274/12/05

a) I thought cramer was lying about Cindy Stein
b) I knew cramer was lying about me
c) Cindy Cheehan never said anything anti-Jew - it was a hoax.


The Re'evd

no leída,
4 dic 2005, 23:36:394/12/05

I bet she don't like schvartzes much either, boy!


no leída,
4 dic 2005, 23:41:414/12/05

The Re'evd wrote:
some crap

So they let you use a computer in prison I hear. Got to do something
about that.

Ben Cramer

no leída,
5 dic 2005, 5:50:475/12/05

<> wrote in message news:5CHkf.8073$wF.7552@trnddc08...

Still maintain you're jewish?

> Susan

Ben Cramer

no leída,
5 dic 2005, 5:52:345/12/05

<> wrote in message news:nrPkf.308$EB3.125@trnddc09...

Cindy whom? I suggested Cindy Sheehan was not lying. If you'd had access to
European press, you would have known that.

> b) I knew cramer was lying about me

When? Where?

> c) Cindy Cheehan never said anything anti-Jew - it was a hoax.

Bullshit it was a hoax. It was all revealed on European TV, but pulled very

Morton Davis

no leída,
5 dic 2005, 7:57:325/12/05

<> wrote in message news:nrPkf.308$EB3.125@trnddc09...


> c) Cindy Cheehan never said anything anti-Jew - it was a hoax.

You LIE Cindy Sheehan spoke where she thought she wasn't heard but she was -
on national television.

no leída,
5 dic 2005, 8:31:075/12/05

reread the thread.

> > c) Cindy Cheehan never said anything anti-Jew - it was a hoax.
> >
> >
> You LIE Cindy Sheehan spoke where she thought she wasn't heard but she was
> -
> on national television.

Funny how no one has a record of it.


The Re'evd

no leída,
5 dic 2005, 9:14:105/12/05

She lies about all kinds of things, boy. The thick Irish cunt has been
lying about being jewish for years!

Chris Morton

no leída,
5 dic 2005, 13:21:255/12/05
In article <>, The Re'evd

>She lies about all kinds of things, boy. The thick Irish cunt has been
>lying about being jewish for years!

How long have you been lying about being human?

Boy, you sure are a slimy, anonymous coward, aren't you?


Gun control, the theory that 110lb. women should have to fistfight with 210lb.

The Re'evd

no leída,
5 dic 2005, 13:56:215/12/05

Chris Morton wrote:
> In article <>, The Re'evd
> says...
> >She lies about all kinds of things, boy. The thick Irish cunt has been
> >lying about being jewish for years!
> How long have you been lying about being human?

Hay, don't be going all apeshit on me, boy!

> Boy, you sure are a slimy, anonymous coward, aren't you?

Who are youz calling boy, boy?

What is a NIGRA?
I bet youz can't wait to tell us, boy!.


no leída,
5 dic 2005, 14:02:355/12/05

"Chris Morton" <> wrote in message

> In article <>, The
> says...
> >She lies about all kinds of things, boy. The thick Irish cunt has been
> >lying about being jewish for years!
> How long have you been lying about being human?
> Boy, you sure are a slimy, anonymous coward, aren't you?

Just ignore him Chris. He is not worth anyones time.

Chris Morton

no leída,
5 dic 2005, 14:35:255/12/05
In article <f90lf.54464$>, DoD

But I love the sound the toe of my jump boot makes when it hits his groin!

no leída,
5 dic 2005, 20:05:405/12/05

On 5-Dec-2005, Chris Morton <> wrote:

> In article <>, The
> Re'evd
> says...
> >She lies about all kinds of things, boy.


> > The thick Irish cunt


has been
> >lying about being jewish for years!


> How long have you been lying about being human?

As soon as he could talk is my guess, judging from his posts.

> Boy, you sure are a slimy, anonymous coward, aren't you?

Anyone who advocates pedophilia *&* thinks he can re-write
a religion to suit his own bigotry is more than just slimy.


Lynn K. Circle

no leída,
5 dic 2005, 21:00:285/12/05

"The Re'evd" <> wrote in message
You mean just like you've been lying about being an Anglican priest for

When are you and Alex getting married?

The Re'evd

no leída,
5 dic 2005, 23:22:065/12/05

Chris Morton wrote:
> In article <f90lf.54464$>, DoD
> says...
> >
> >
> >"Chris Morton" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> In article <>, The
> >Re'evd
> >> says...
> >>
> >> >She lies about all kinds of things, boy. The thick Irish cunt has been
> >> >lying about being jewish for years!
> >>
> >> How long have you been lying about being human?
> >>
> >> Boy, you sure are a slimy, anonymous coward, aren't you?
> >
> >Just ignore him Chris. He is not worth anyones time.
> But I love the sound the toe of my jump boot makes when it hits his groin!

Y'all havin one of them wet nigra dreams, boy?

The Re'evd

no leída,
5 dic 2005, 23:27:225/12/05

Suzy Cohen the foul-mouthed Irish fishwife convert

> On 5-Dec-2005, Chris Morton <> wrote:
> > In article <>, The
> > Re'evd
> > says...
> >
> > >She lies about all kinds of things, boy.
> (Prooooooof?)

See below.

> > > The thick Irish cunt
> (Proooof?)

Only a thick Irish cunt could actually believe that you can change race
and become a jew!

> has been
> > >lying about being jewish for years!
> (Proooof?)

You've often admitted you're just a 'convert', you thick Irish cunt.

> > How long have you been lying about being human?
> As soon as he could talk is my guess, judging from his posts.


> >
> > Boy, you sure are a slimy, anonymous coward, aren't you?
> Anyone who advocates pedophilia


*&* thinks he can re-write
> a religion to suit his own bigotry is more than just slimy.

I'm not trying to rewrite jewdism, you thick Irish cunt. The jew race
and the jew religion are two separate things. You can join one but not
the latter. Not that you'll ever understand.

> Suzy

The Re'evd

no leída,
5 dic 2005, 23:32:435/12/05

I never lie, Zerkelstein. That's a jew thing. It's genetic.

> When are you and Alex getting married?

When are you moving back to 'Israeel'?

> Lynn K. Circle
> NRA, TSRA, jew Legion
> Incurably Jewish

No longer happy to be living in Tejas, Zerkelstein?

The Re'evd

no leída,
6 dic 2005, 0:00:156/12/05

Are youz a nigra lover too, Doodoo?
Of course you are.

The Re'evd

no leída,
6 dic 2005, 0:01:376/12/05

So do you want to buy that bridge or not?
The offer expires at middday EDT today.

The Re'evd

no leída,
6 dic 2005, 0:02:256/12/05

So do you want to buy that bridge or not?

The Re'evd

no leída,
6 dic 2005, 0:04:206/12/05
a wrote:
> The feeling that Iraq is just a war "for Israel" has long been
> rampant here in the South - where a very disproportionate share of the
> special-ops troops doing the actual heavy fighting come from. The
> backlash from that began LONG before Chernus wrote this!

It wouldn't be so bad if the jews themselves actually got involved in
the fighting.

Uncle Sam

no leída,
6 dic 2005, 0:13:426/12/05
On 5 Dec 2005 21:04:20 -0800, "The Re'evd"
<> wrote:

I'd pay top dollar to see them kill you!

no leída,
6 dic 2005, 1:11:416/12/05

On 5-Dec-2005, "Lynn K. Circle" <> wrote:

> "The Re'evd" <> wrote in message
> >
> > Morton Davis wrote:
> >> <> wrote in message
> >>

> >> > c) Cindy Cheehan never said anything anti-Jew - it was a hoax.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> You LIE Cindy Sheehan spoke where she thought she wasn't heard but she
> >> was -
> >> on national television.

Except, of course,that she never did.
What Morton seems to forget is that it was an *e-mail*, not an interview,
and it was a FAKED e-mail. She has said so all along.

> >
> > She lies about all kinds of things, boy. The thick Irish cunt has been
> > lying about being jewish for years!
> >
> You mean just like you've been lying about being an Anglican priest for
> years?

Nono, he means thatit's just something he wants everyone to think is a lie
without any proof whatsoever. Like everything in the post above.

> When are you and Alex getting married?

The phony rev doesn't like men - just boys.


Ben Cramer

no leída,
6 dic 2005, 4:52:556/12/05

<> wrote in message news:viXkf.4610$H84.3094@trnddc04...

It was pulled very quickly. The next news broadcast I saw had it edited out.
Can't even remember which service it was on, but was definitely European.

> Susan

Chris Morton

no leída,
6 dic 2005, 15:42:566/12/05
In article <>, The Re'evd

>DoD wrote:
>> "Chris Morton" <> wrote in message
>> > In article <>, The
>> Re'evd
>> > says...
>> >
>> > >She lies about all kinds of things, boy. The thick Irish cunt has been
>> > >lying about being jewish for years!
>> >
>> > How long have you been lying about being human?
>> >
>> > Boy, you sure are a slimy, anonymous coward, aren't you?
>> Just ignore him Chris. He is not worth anyones time.
>Are youz a nigra lover too, Doodoo?
>Of course you are.

We know what you love, Shorteyes.

Chris Morton

no leída,
6 dic 2005, 15:41:586/12/05
In article <>, The Re'evd

>It wouldn't be so bad if the jews themselves actually got involved in
>the fighting.

Says the anonymous coward, sending death threats through a remailer.

Chris Morton

no leída,
6 dic 2005, 15:44:326/12/05
In article <>, The Re'evd

>Chris Morton wrote:
>> In article <f90lf.54464$>, DoD
>> says...
>> >
>> >
>> >"Chris Morton" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >> In article <>, The
>> >Re'evd
>> >> says...
>> >>
>> >> >She lies about all kinds of things, boy. The thick Irish cunt has been
>> >> >lying about being jewish for years!
>> >>
>> >> How long have you been lying about being human?
>> >>
>> >> Boy, you sure are a slimy, anonymous coward, aren't you?
>> >
>> >Just ignore him Chris. He is not worth anyones time.
>> But I love the sound the toe of my jump boot makes when it hits his groin!
>Y'all havin one of them wet nigra dreams, boy?

Why don't you come and find out, Shorteyes? After all, you've got my address.

What's the matter, SCARED?


no leída,
6 dic 2005, 16:09:586/12/05

"Chris Morton" <> wrote in message

> In article <>, The
> says...
> >
> >
> >DoD wrote:
> >> "Chris Morton" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > In article <>,
> >> Re'evd
> >> > says...
> >> >
> >> > >She lies about all kinds of things, boy. The thick Irish cunt has
> >> > >lying about being jewish for years!
> >> >
> >> > How long have you been lying about being human?
> >> >
> >> > Boy, you sure are a slimy, anonymous coward, aren't you?
> >>
> >> Just ignore him Chris. He is not worth anyones time.
> >
> >Are youz a nigra lover too, Doodoo?
> >Of course you are.
> We know what you love, Shorteyes.

Chris, the Rev got kicked out of St.Louis and now he has to live in Turd
World Belfast. I don't suspect that he would be mouthy if you were in front
of him.

The Re'evd

no leída,
6 dic 2005, 20:35:016/12/05

Chris Morton wrote:
> In article <>, The Re'evd
> says...
> >
> >
> >Chris Morton wrote:
> >> In article <f90lf.54464$>, DoD
> >> says...
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >"Chris Morton" <> wrote in message
> >> >
> >> >> In article <>, The
> >> >Re'evd
> >> >> says...
> >> >>
> >> >> >She lies about all kinds of things, boy. The thick Irish cunt has been
> >> >> >lying about being jewish for years!
> >> >>
> >> >> How long have you been lying about being human?
> >> >>
> >> >> Boy, you sure are a slimy, anonymous coward, aren't you?
> >> >
> >> >Just ignore him Chris. He is not worth anyones time.
> >>
> >> But I love the sound the toe of my jump boot makes when it hits his groin!
> >
> >Y'all havin one of them wet nigra dreams, boy?
> Why don't you come and find out, Shorteyes? After all, you've got my address.
> What's the matter, SCARED?

Why don't you come down from your tree and say that, boy?

What's the matter, chickenshit nigra?

The Re'evd

no leída,
6 dic 2005, 20:36:226/12/05

Chris Morton wrote:
> In article <>, The Re'evd
> says...
> >
> >
> >DoD wrote:
> >> "Chris Morton" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > In article <>, The
> >> Re'evd
> >> > says...
> >> >
> >> > >She lies about all kinds of things, boy. The thick Irish cunt has been
> >> > >lying about being jewish for years!
> >> >
> >> > How long have you been lying about being human?
> >> >
> >> > Boy, you sure are a slimy, anonymous coward, aren't you?
> >>
> >> Just ignore him Chris. He is not worth anyones time.
> >
> >Are youz a nigra lover too, Doodoo?
> >Of course you are.
> We know what you love, Shorteyes.

Tell us all about NAMBLA, boy!

You know - the Nigra American Man Boy Love Association!

The Re'evd

no leída,
6 dic 2005, 20:38:246/12/05

We know how to deal with nigras up here, Doodoo.

I suspect you're a nigra lover as well as a jew lover.
Why do you hate your own race so much?


no leída,
7 dic 2005, 0:16:397/12/05

Says Radavich who has been lyinh about his profession (and almost everything
else ) for years.



no leída,
7 dic 2005, 0:18:207/12/05

The Rev'd Bullyboy, who gets his jollies by getting all 'Romper Stomper'.

What a coward.



no leída,
7 dic 2005, 0:19:087/12/05
Chris Morton wrote:
> In article
> <f90lf.54464$>, DoD
> says...
> >
> >
> > "Chris Morton" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > In article
> > > <>, The
> > > Re'evd says...
> > >
> > > > She lies about all kinds of things, boy. The thick Irish cunt
> > > > has been lying about being jewish for years!
> > >
> > > How long have you been lying about being human?
> > >
> > > Boy, you sure are a slimy, anonymous coward, aren't you?
> >
> > Just ignore him Chris. He is not worth anyones time.
> But I love the sound the toe of my jump boot makes when it hits his
> groin!

Steel capped jack boots?


no leída,
7 dic 2005, 0:20:207/12/05

I would put money on the fact that you fanatasise about having sex with
black women.
Poor little reject, like most racist bigots.



no leída,
7 dic 2005, 0:22:347/12/05
Chris Morton wrote:
> In article <>,
> The Re'evd says...
> >
> >
> > Chris Morton wrote:
> > > In article
> > > <f90lf.54464$>, DoD
> > > says...
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > "Chris Morton" <> wrote in message
> > > >
> > > > > In article
> > > > > <>, The
> > > > > Re'evd says...
> > > > >
> > > > > > She lies about all kinds of things, boy. The thick Irish
> > > > > > cunt has been lying about being jewish for years!
> > > > >
> > > > > How long have you been lying about being human?
> > > > >
> > > > > Boy, you sure are a slimy, anonymous coward, aren't you?
> > > >
> > > > Just ignore him Chris. He is not worth anyones time.
> > >
> > > But I love the sound the toe of my jump boot makes when it hits
> > > his groin!
> >
> > Y'all havin one of them wet nigra dreams, boy?
> Why don't you come and find out, Shorteyes? After all, you've got my
> address.
> What's the matter, SCARED?

Here's betting the Rev'd's legs turns to jelly when there's real
He's a typical bullyboy and coward.



no leída,
7 dic 2005, 0:24:077/12/05

Do you abuse the bottle blonde as well Rev'd?
I almost feel sorry for her.


The Re'evd

no leída,
7 dic 2005, 0:56:457/12/05

Oh look, another nigra lover - Steffi from Auckland, NZ! LOL
How's the schvartze son-in-law, twatty? Had a go yet?

The Re'evd

no leída,
7 dic 2005, 0:58:387/12/05

Dream on, twatty, you little jew slag. I was in the Maze, remember?


no leída,
7 dic 2005, 0:59:127/12/05

"The Re'evd" <> wrote in message

And how do you deal with them?

> I suspect you're a nigra lover as well as a jew lover.
> Why do you hate your own race so much?

Who says I hate my race?

The Re'evd

no leída,
7 dic 2005, 1:02:397/12/05

*Nobody* fantasises about having sex with schvartze women, twatty.

You, on the other hand, constantly fantasise about having sex with your
schvartze son-in-law. Who knows? One day your daughter might feel
sorry enough for you to let you have a go. LOL

> Poor little reject, like most racist bigots.

Poor little jew scrubber: alone and desperate, like most jew


no leída,
7 dic 2005, 1:04:307/12/05

"The Re'evd" <> wrote in message

What is the Maze?


no leída,
7 dic 2005, 1:16:357/12/05

The notorious former Belfast Prison.



no leída,
7 dic 2005, 1:17:267/12/05
The Re'evd wrote:
> Poor little jew scrubber: alone and desperate, like most jew
> divorcees.

You have quite an imagination old boy.



no leída,
7 dic 2005, 1:27:507/12/05

"Tilly" <> wrote in message

Must not be too notorious.

I would bet the Rev. wouldn't last a day in a place like San Quentin. Not
running his mouth like he does here.


no leída,
7 dic 2005, 1:41:297/12/05

The Maze was akin to San Quentin. It was where the worst of the IRA and
Unionists were imprisoned during the Troubles.
The IRA hungerstrikers (Bobby Sands etc....) daubed themselves and the
wallss of their cells with excrement.



no leída,
7 dic 2005, 1:51:067/12/05

"Tilly" <> wrote in message

I doubt it. There are three or four groups that actually run San Quentin,
and none of the groups include the Prison system itself.

It was where the worst of the IRA and
> Unionists were imprisoned during the Troubles.
> The IRA hungerstrikers (Bobby Sands etc....) daubed themselves and the
> wallss of their cells with excrement.

Heh, when we took out Panama, I was on patrol one day (I have told this
story once here already) and a dude came up to me thanking me for getting
him out of jail. He was a school teacher, imprisoned for talking about
democracy. He told me that many times that they put him in a pit filled with
unrine and feces for days.... That is something I will never forget Tilly.

You may think I am a right wing loon, but I have a belief that all humans
are all equal, and noone should be treated that way.

no leída,
7 dic 2005, 1:57:597/12/05

On 7-Dec-2005, "DoD" <> wrote:

> "The Re'evd" <> wrote in message
> >
> > Tilly wrote:
> >> Chris Morton wrote:
> >> > In article <>,
> >> > The Re'evd says...
> >> > >

> >> > > Y'all havin one of them wet nigra dreams, boy?
> >> >
> >> > Why don't you come and find out, Shorteyes? After all, you've got my
> >> > address.
> >> >
> >> > What's the matter, SCARED?
> >>
> >> Here's betting the Rev'd's legs turns to jelly when there's real
> >> confrontation.
> >> He's a typical bullyboy and coward.
> >
> > Dream on, twatty, you little jew slag. I was in the Maze, remember?
> What is the Maze?

It's a prison, but his incarceration therein does not in any way negate
what Tilly said - tho' we have only the word of the chronic liar that he
was ever there.


no leída,
7 dic 2005, 1:59:497/12/05

On 7-Dec-2005, "DoD" <> wrote:

Oh, please - where do you think he developed his taste for masculine
anal sex? What do you think the guys in prison do to little wimps like
him?? In order to survive, he taught himself to like it - it's that simple
(much like him all over).


Ben Cramer

no leída,
7 dic 2005, 2:37:107/12/05

"DoD" <> wrote in message

It is actually. But you're Merkin. And from Kansas at that.

Ben Cramer

no leída,
7 dic 2005, 2:38:237/12/05

"DoD" <> wrote in message

Piss of to Austria and get David Irving out of gaol. He's in there for
talking about the holohoax.

Ben Cramer

no leída,
7 dic 2005, 2:41:067/12/05

"The Re'evd" <> wrote in message

Begs the question. Why are there so many jew divorcees posting on this



no leída,
7 dic 2005, 5:40:287/12/05

Do you know anything about the IRA and the Unionists.
Believe me they were as bad as the gangs , some of them still are.

> It was where the worst of the IRA and
> > Unionists were imprisoned during the Troubles.
> > The IRA hungerstrikers (Bobby Sands etc....) daubed themselves and
> > the wallss of their cells with excrement.
> Heh, when we took out Panama, I was on patrol one day (I have told
> this story once here already) and a dude came up to me thanking me
> for getting him out of jail. He was a school teacher, imprisoned for
> talking about democracy. He told me that many times that they put him
> in a pit filled with unrine and feces for days.... That is something
> I will never forget Tilly.

Your point? Unfortunately this isn't uncommon.

> You may think I am a right wing loon,

???? I don't presume anything.

but I have a belief that all
> humans are all equal, and noone should be treated that way.

So believe the same as I do.



no leída,
7 dic 2005, 5:48:457/12/05

The above comment illustrates the point I made before, that many Americans
aren't very knowledgable about international politics or news. (the troubles
in Ireland were news on a frequent basis in the restof the world.)

Many Americans tend to believe the US is the world and very little else
exists or has importance.It's idiotic .
In our schools, homes and institutions we learn about the entire world and
we travel more than any other people on the planet.


no leída,
7 dic 2005, 5:49:337/12/05

The Maze was a hell hole.



no leída,
7 dic 2005, 5:52:467/12/05
Tilly wrote:


> So believe the same as I do.

So you believe the same as I do.


Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje


no leída,
7 dic 2005, 6:47:477/12/05
Daniel Bernard wrote:

> On Wed, 7 Dec 2005 23:48:45 +1300, "Tilly"
> <> wrote:
> > The above comment illustrates the point I made before, that many
> > Americans aren't very knowledgable about international politics or
> > news. (the troubles in Ireland were news on a frequent basis in the
> > restof the world.)
> >
> > Many Americans tend to believe the US is the world and very
> > little else exists or has importance.It's idiotic .
> > In our schools, homes and institutions we learn about the entire
> > world and we travel more than any other people on the planet.
> FFS, CNN had a "map" of France during the recent riots that showed
> Strasbourg in Germany and Toulouse in Italy. Of all the towns and
> cities shown on the map, only Paris was in the correct place.

Do you have a link?

> Comparing HMP Maze to an American "big house" is like comparing apples
> and pears. One primarily housed terrorists and political prisoners in
> wings segregated according to affiliation and the other houses the
> typical garden variety criminals.
> --
> amicalement,
> Daniel

I know, but all of them have a gang mentality.Many of them are gangsters
these days.
The Rev'd is a very good example.


no leída,
7 dic 2005, 8:11:117/12/05


> The Maze was a hell hole.

I wasn't denying that - only that the phony rev was ever there.



no leída,
7 dic 2005, 8:24:587/12/05

He has finally discovered the following. God knows I gave enough hints!

Dear Tiscali Member,

Thank you for your co-operation in dealing with an Internet abuser.
We are happy to inform you that Tiscali have taken appropriate measures to
prevent the abuser from abusing the service in the future.
Thanks again for bringing this matter to our attention.

Tiscali Abuse Team

This email and its attachments are confidential and intended for the
exclusive use of the addressee(s). This email and its attachments may also
be privileged or protected by legal rules. If you have received this by
mistake please let us know by reply immediately and destroy the email and
its attachments without reading, copying or forwarding the contents.

-----Your Message-----

Delivery-date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 10:05:12 +0000
Received: from ([]:56678)
with esmtp (Exim 4.43 #1 (FreeBSD)) id 1Cfxw8-0007NO-3w
for <>; Sun, 19 Dec 2004 10:05:12 +0000
Received: from ([])
by with ESMTP
for <>; Sun, 19 Dec 2004 23:05:10 +1300
Received: from ibmbn139hp ([]) by
with SMTP
id <>
for <>; Sun, 19 Dec 2004 23:05:09 +1300
Message-ID: <017e01c4e5b2$4294bd80$0bb337d2@ibmbn139hp>
From: "green1583" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re:Forging
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 23:05:21 +1300
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
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X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1409

For months many people (myself included) in groups as diverse as
nz.general,soc.culture.jewish,soc.culture.israel, have been forged by a
poster whose ISP is
He uses a range of nyms/addresses and changes email address on almost a
daily basis.In the last two weeks he has used at least fifteen different

I enclose details of this current forgery :

rom: george <>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.israel,soc.culture.jewish
Subject: Re: Support Heinrich vouch for him !!!
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 05:08:18 +0000
Message-ID: <>
References: <>
<> <Hfkvd.27167$>
<> <>
<> <E_Tvd.27904$>
<> <>
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 2.0/32.652
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 20
X-Trace: 19 Dec 2004 05:06:56 GMT,
Xref: soc.culture.israel:920133 soc.culture.jewish:799891

I understand many people have already complained to about this
individual and still nothing has been done by tiscali to close his account .

In my experience most other ISP's would have terminated his account long
ago. <sigh>

What does this poster have to do before you will actually take action?

I look forward to hearing from you.



Se ha eliminado el mensaje


no leída,
7 dic 2005, 8:47:117/12/05
Daniel Bernard wrote:

> On Thu, 8 Dec 2005 00:47:47 +1300, "Tilly"
> <> wrote:
> > Daniel Bernard wrote:
> > > On Wed, 7 Dec 2005 23:48:45 +1300, "Tilly"
> > > <> wrote:
> > >
> > > > The above comment illustrates the point I made before, that many
> > > > Americans aren't very knowledgable about international politics
> > > > or news. (the troubles in Ireland were news on a frequent basis
> > > > in the restof the world.)
> > > >
> > > > Many Americans tend to believe the US is the world and very
> > > > little else exists or has importance.It's idiotic .
> > > > In our schools, homes and institutions we learn about the entire
> > > > world and we travel more than any other people on the planet.
> > >
> > > FFS, CNN had a "map" of France during the recent riots that showed
> > > Strasbourg in Germany and Toulouse in Italy. Of all the towns and
> > > cities shown on the map, only Paris was in the correct place.
> >
> >
> > ROFL!
> > Do you have a link?
> Still, it cannot beat the map that showed Iraq has sneakily replaced
> Germany in central Europe.
> --
> amicalement,
> Daniel

OMG that map is hillarious!!!!

Is the Iraq in Europe on an Islamist site?


Se ha eliminado el mensaje


no leída,
7 dic 2005, 8:54:487/12/05
Daniel Bernard wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Dec 2005 02:47:11 +1300, "Tilly"
> No it was another CNN map.
> --
> amicalement,
> Daniel

Surely it was a joke?



no leída,
7 dic 2005, 8:59:387/12/05
Daniel Bernard wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Dec 2005 02:47:11 +1300, "Tilly"
> No it was another CNN map.
> --
> amicalement,
> Daniel

A couple of weeks ago "due to a technical hitch" , CNN had Cheney giving a
major speech with a big X over him for a few seconds


Chris Morton

no leída,
7 dic 2005, 9:11:077/12/05
In article <Ktvlf.6280$>, Tilly says...

>The Maze was akin to San Quentin. It was where the worst of the IRA and
>Unionists were imprisoned during the Troubles.

I'm betting that the Maze looked like Ronald McDonald House compared to San
Quentin, nevermind Pelican Bay. Rev. Pedo would learn to recite the Anglican
Book of Common Prayer with some Mexican Mafia guy's dick in his mouth.


Gun control, the theory that 110lb. women should have to fistfight with 210lb.

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