(Note: The FAQ is about to start undergoing major revisions. The
intent is to provide more answers to transgender issues, so that the
FAQ does not focus on introductory and internet issues exclusively.
Send suggestions to Diane Wilson at dewi...@pobox.com .)
Table of Contents
1. What is soc.support.transgendered?
2. Who may post in soc.support.transgendered?
3. What may be posted in soc.support.transgendered?
4. What are all these strange words and abbreviations?
5. What other electronic resources are available?
1. What is soc.support.transgendered?
This is the charter of soc.support.transgendered, as approved in the
newsgroup vote (June-July 1994):
soc.support.transgendered is a forum for the discussion of issues
surrounding transgendered behavior, for support and networking of
crossdressers, transsexuals, intersexed persons, their mates, friends, and
families, and the simply curious. It is intended to foster discussion on a
wide variety of topics, ranging from discussion of the perils and benefits
of surgery and hormone therapy to makeup tips, and including health- and
job-related issues, issues of parenting and of other relationships, and
discussion of gender roles and expectations. It is the proper forum for
support of transgendered persons, ranging from autobiographies to names and
addresses of support groups, surgeons, and commercial outlets friendly to
the transgendered community. It may be used for calls for help from those
depressed by their inability to live up to the social expectations
appropriate to the gender assigned them at birth. It provides a place for
discussions of discriminatory legislation, for discussions of the sources
of gender identity, and for discussion of the impact of transgendered
behavior on everyday life. It is also a place where those who are
interested may come to learn what it means to be a crossdresser,
transsexual, or intersexed person.
soc.support.transgendered is NOT a newsgroup for the posting of fiction
with transgendered themes, personal ads, or blanket condemnations of the
transgendered. Posters are expected to know and abide by the rules of
Ultimately, the newsgroup's goals are dual: to provide support and advice
to those in need, and to act as a source of information to those interested
in learning more.
History of the Charter
The Request For Discussion and Call For Votes for soc.support.transgendered
were initiated and edited by a group of six transgendered persons of
various brands and nationalities: Amy Lewis, Kristin, Linda, Marge Otto,
Meli, Mharia, and Paulette. The above charter and group name were approved
on 12 July 1994 by a vote of 298:72. The most controversial issue in the
vote was the inclusion of the word "support" in the name.
2. Who may post in soc.support.transgendered?
Anyone may post in the group, so long as the post is on-topic and not
excluded by the charter. It is not necessary that the poster be
transgendered; posting to the group does not make someone transgendered.
For those whose situation requires anonymity, there are a number of
anonymous posting services available. For details and instructions on using
any of these services, look for an article posted through the service, and
follow the included directions (in the signature at the bottom) to receive
more information.
3. What may be posted in soc.support.transgendered?
What may not be posted:
There are newsgroups specifically for personal advertisements, most in
the alt.personals hierarchy. In November, 1995, the newsgroup
alt.personals.transgendered was formed specifically for personal ads
in order to prevent their being posted either here or in the
alt.transgendered newsgroup.
In late Spring, 1995, an initiative was undertaken for the creation of
a soc.personals hierarchy (moderated) which would probably be more
widely propagated. The initiative passed but at the present time has
not been created due to difficulty in establishing a moderator address
for postings.
Pictures, programs, or anything uuencoded. There are newsgroups
devoted to binaries of various types; they clog discussion groups and
cause groups to be dropped at various sites (therefore, they are
specifically prohibited by the charter).
Two newsgroups which accept GIFs and JPGs of transgendered people are
alt.sex.trans and alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.transvestites,
although many sites refuse to carry them because of the large amount
of disk space needed to store newsgroups with binary posts. (If your
site doesn't carry them, it does not mean you can violate the charter
and post them here.)
Largely because it tends to be sex-related, and this can get the group
banned at certain sites (the charter specifically prohibits this sort
of post). There are places to post such materials: for erotic stories,
try alt.sex.stories or alt.sex.stories.tg; for non-erotic,
We're not interested in knowing that you consider us bad and sinful!
Go away!
(but see "pointers to resources," below) Advertisements by people
unconnected with the group, and especially for goods and services
unconnected to the interests of the readers of the group, are a Very
Bad Idea. Informational postings, even if they are by nature
commercial, and especially by those who participate in the group in
other ways, are usually welcome.
Massive cross-posting, multi-posting, off-topic predigested pink meat
substitute posts. (To be nitpicking and technical, "spam" is
multi-posted; "velveeta" is cross-posted.)
netiquette violations generally
If you don't know what netiquette is, please read one of the guides to
to usenet, and the group itself, before posting. Emily Postnews is one
of the standard guides. Try following the newsgroup news.answers for a
month or so (there are numerous interesting sorts of things posted
there, anyway).
What often is posted:
personal accounts
triumphs and tribulations, requests for advice or offers of the same
questions and tips
on clothing, makeup, techniques, doctors, organizations, etc.
on the nature of being transgendered, on the meaning of gender, on the
relationship between being transgendered and [fill in the blank], etc.
pointers to resources
T*-friendly stores, magazines, etc. Note that this sometimes crosses
the line into advertisements, which will probably result in your
mailbox being filled with irate email. This is most easily avoided if
you are otherwise a regular contributor.
What is extremely unwelcome:
personal attacks
We're all human, and tempers will flare occasionally. In general, this
sort of thing is best resolved quietly, in email. From time to time,
though, a public response is appropriate; it's a judgment call, and
you should be ready to take responsibility for your words and for
their results.
We're all here to deal with personal issues. Courtesy requires us to
accept others as they present themselves. Attacking someone for who
they are, or worse yet, telling them that they aren't who they say
they are, is extremely inappropriate in a support group. If you do
these things, you are likely to make quite a few enemies, beyond the
people that you attack directly, and you are likely to be introduced
to several people's killfiles.
flame wars
Either of the above is likely to lead to retaliation. If you must say
something harsh in public, the mature follow-up is to drop the subject
and let it go. All too often, that's not what happens, and the entire
newsgroup becomes consumed in a vicious fight that may last anywhere
from days to months. Consider the following:
1. If you flame people, there's a good chance that it will cost you
the respect of others.
2. If you are considered the instigator of a flame war, your name
will live in infamy in the newsgroup.
3. Many people post anonymously. Flaming through some anonymous
servers can cost you your anon account. Flaming from a forged
address guarantees instant, complete, and lasting loss of
credibility. (And remember that many forgeries can be traced. The
net isn't that anonymous.)
4. The worst part about flame wars is that they are extremely
repititious. Whatever the subject is, it's happened before, and
no one really wants to be dragged through it again. But they
still happen.
5. The worst flame wars center on labels--who is or isn't a
transsexual, who is or isn't transgendered, and who has the right
to decide. soc.support.transgendered is not not NOT the place to
argue such issues. If you are asked to take these topics
elsewhere, such as email or alt.transgendered, please do so.
This is not to say that all controversy is inappropriate. All we ask is
that you be civilized about it. Growth and learning can both result from
controversy. What is not appropriate is pushing it to the point that it
hurts other people. If you hear someone yelp, back off and take a hard look
to see if you did something to cause that other person to hurt.
What happens when you post inappropriately:
Someone, or several someones, will tell you so--sometimes politely,
sometimes not.
In addition, there has been discussion recently about the occasionally
large number of messages that are crossposted between this newsgroup and
related newsgroups. The consensus has been that this newsgroup, being in
the "mainstream" big 8 hierarchies, is focused more on giving advice and
support, and that the "alt" newsgroups are a more appropriate place for
discussions about the philosophy of crossdressing and transsexualism (e.g.,
alt.transgendered). In relation to several newer newsgroups, the role of
soc.support.transgendered has become more general and community-based,
while the alt.* groups are for more specialized issues within a particular
subject area. However, this is only a suggestion by consensus and does not
have the same degree of inappropriateness as the above section.
When in doubt, don't crosspost.
4. What are all these strange words and abbreviations?
transgendered, TG, T*, trans
an umbrella term including just about anyone who acts or thinks in a
manner not socially approved for the gender assigned him or her at
birth. T* is a computerish abbreviation for all the variants of
trans-whatever: TV, TG, TS. "Trans" is a newer term that avoids the
frequent misunderstanding between the meanings of "transgendered" and
transgenderist, TG
One who lives in the social role opposite that of the sex assigned at
birth, but who does not intend to have surgery, and may not wish to
take hormones. Note that the term overlaps somewhat both with
transgendered (although it is rarely used in this fashion) and with
transsexual. It most commonly refers to MtFs, as FtM surgery remains
much less accepted. Note that to refer to someone as "transgendered"
does not in any way suggest that they are, or should be,
transsexual, TS
One for whom the sex assigned at birth is incorrect; some take
hormones, some will have surgery to correct the genitals. "Preop" or
preoperative transsexual refers to one who has not had SRS (q.v.);
"postop" or postoperative to one who has. "Non-op" transsexuals have
not had SRS, and have accepted that for a variety of reasons
(including health-related, financial, relationships, or other things)
they will not be having SRS in this lifetime.
transvestite, crossdresser, TV, CD
One who dresses (for any of a number of reasons) in clothing
appropriate to the sex opposite that assigned at birth, but whose
gender identification generally remains that of the birth-assigned
sex. "Transvestite" is sometimes regarded as an epithet or as too
An intersexual is someone for whom the process of biological sex
differentiation has been non-standard.
Sex Reassignment Surgery [Gender Reconciliation Surgery, Genital
Reassignment Surgery]. The surgical process of creating a phallus or
vagina; also, sometimes used to refer to "upper" surgery--mastectomy
or breast implants. Colloquially, a "sex-change operation."
Hormonal Reassignment [or Replacement] Therapy. The medical process of
inducing changes in the body by taking hormones appropriate to one's
gender identity. For detail, see the hormone FAQ.
Sometimes used to refer to the whole process from the end of denial to
whatever the culmination may be; most often encountered as a synonym
for going full-time.
Going full-time, or living full-time, in the social role of the sex
opposite that assigned at birth. Required by the SOC before surgery.
F->M, FtM, F2M
Female to Male crossdresser, transsexual, etc. Alone, TS is usually
M->F, MtF, M2F
Male to Female crossdresser, transsexual, etc. Alone, TS is usually
Standards of Care. The usual reference, and the most widely followed
guidelines, are the Henry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria
Association "Standards of Care: The Hormonal and Surgical Sex
Reassignment of Gender Dysphoric Persons." The International
Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy has also created
and published a document called Standards of Care.
How much do all these labels matter? Not a lot, really. There's no right or
wrong way to be transgendered; either you are or you aren't and that's
about it. Besides that, there isn't a label to fit each and every person;
some fit more than one, and some fit none at all. And people change.
5. What other electronic resources are available?
Due to the ever-changing nature of the Net, this list is probably
incomplete, and becomes out of date quickly between postings. Updates and
additions are always welcomed.
Internet addresses are set between <> symbols for clarity but are not part
of the addresses themselves.
Other FAQs or FAQ-like postings
The Hormones FAQ. This multi-part FAQ contains a great deal of information
useful to anyone considering starting HRT. Read it before you meet with an
endocrinologist, so that you can ask informed questions. A pointer to the
FAQ is regularly posted to the soc.support.transgendered and
alt.transgendered newsgroups around the fifth of each month. It is also
available by anonymous FTP at ftp://savina.com/users/valerie/hormone/faq or
via the WWW at http://www.savina.com/confluence/hormone/. Those with only
e-mail access may receive the most recent copy by sending mail to
<arc...@xconn.com> with the subject (for female to male)
or (for male-to-female)
and the file will be sent by e-mail the same day.
The Breast Form FAQ contains a great deal of information about breast
forms, up to and including how to make your own, as well as information
about fitting, T*-friendly suppliers, and much more. The FAQ is regularly
posted to the soc.support.transgendered and alt.transgendered newsgroups.
It is also available on the web at <http://www.eskimo.com/~bloo/bformfaq/>.
Many news servers do not carry alt.* groups, or carry specific groups only
on request. if any of these groups are unavailable to you, contact your
system administrator.
Created October 30, 1992. Ongoing discussions of the creation of a group in
the soc.* hierarchy were cut short by the creation of a bogus newsgroup in
the alt.sex.* hierarchy. In order to forestall that sort of stereotyping,
an alt.* group was created (this takes less time than a soc.* group).
soc.support.transgendered was originally proposed as a replacement for
alt.transgendered. The group continues to attract posters, and is far from
"replaced" at this point. To subscribe, use your newsreader's "subscribe"
or "goto" command.
Created August 1, 1996, for discussion of issues related to sex
Created in April, 1997 to replace alt.support.sexreassign, primarily
because the word "sex" in the newsgroup name attracted some unwanted
alt.fashion.crossdressing and alt.support.crossdressing
Created in December 1966 for discussion of issues related to crossdressing.
Created in December 1966 for discussion of issues related to crossliving,
specifically to those who crosslive without surgery.
Created in 1995 for personals relating to transgendered people.
If you are having difficulty accessing any of these newsgroups through your
newsserver, you may also want to try reading them through these links to
Mailing Lists
Note: Please do not send subscription requests to the poster of the FAQ!
Transgen is an unmoderated, non-anonymous mailing list, with
membership by approval of the listowner. Discussions range very
widely, and traffic is significant. To subscribe, send an email
message containing only the line:
subscribe transgen YourFirstName YourLastName
to <list...@brownvm.brown.edu>. Further information is available by
reading the listowner's informational file on the web page
Administrative requests/questions:
<mailto:cd-re...@TheRev.LosAlamos.nm.us> To subscribe, send a
message to the administrative address.
Here is the list administrator's blurb: cd forum is a non-profit,
private, digested electronic mailing list for the support of
cross-dressing, transsexuality, and other gender issues. Friendly and
frank discussions. No membership fees. Your address will be kept in
strict confidence. Articles you submit for publication in the forum
are stripped of header and signature ID unless you instruct otherwise.
To subscribe, please send a short paragraph describing your interest
in cd forum, and where you heard of it. You will be required to submit
an introductory article within one month of your subscription.
UKTG mailing list
The UKTG mailing list was created on 3rd October 1994 in response to a
call for a UK Transgender newsgroup. UKTG has over 100 subscribers
from around the world--made up of approximately 50% UK, 40% US, 10%
other. Discussion of any kind is welcomed, although it should
generally be of relevance to the UK. UKTG is on a private domain, on a
UUCP dial-up connection. A poll is done at approximately 4 hourly
intervals. Mail is sent out as individual posts--a digest will be
added in future. The option to post anonymously is available (a
different address where headers are manually stripped). An FTP
facility is currently being added. This will be on my service
providers machine and moderated by one person from the UK and one from
the US (chosen, but to be announced).
How to subscribe: Send a message containing the single line:
subscribe uktg YourFirstName YourLastName
to <uk...@roses-online.org>. Subscription requests through anonymous
remailers will not be honored.
This is a list for people all over the world who have friends or
family members who are transgendered. We also welcome the
participation of those in the tg community who are concerned with
issues of parental/familial acceptance.
This list is part of the in-development PFLAG Transgender Family &
Friends Support Network. PFLAG National is not responsible for
postings or comments that may be made on the list.
TGS-PFLAG is an unmoderated discussion list, and is provided as a safe
space to share personal experiences, to provide support, or to help
list members find resources in their own communities.
Although list membership is public, all subscription requests must be
approved to protect the safety of this space. Any list member who
posts personal attacks of other list members, or hate-filled drivel of
any sort, will be immediately removed from the list and barred from
future participation in this group. In this matter, the judgement of
the list owner shall be final.
To subscribe to this list, send the one word message
to <tgs-pfla...@mtcc.com> or for the digest (which comes out
approximately once a day) send the same message to
An e-mail list for daughters and sons of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender parents, to talk about AIDS, teasing, gay and straight
parents, feelings, school, and much more (all the things we can't talk
about anywhere else).
The list is open to anyone who is a daughter or son of l/g/b/t
parent(s); including people with gay foster parents or other
guardians; people whose parents are just coming out, or whose parents
were out before they were born; kids, teens, adults. The list is
moderated by someone with a lesbian mom. No parents will participate
in the list unless they have gay parents themselves.
To subscribe to the list, send e-mail to: <majo...@vector.casti.com>
and write in the body of the message (not the subject):
subscribe kidsofgays yourfirstname yourlastname <e-mail address>
So for instance, Janice Doe would send: subscribe kidsofgays Janice
Doe <Jan...@aol.com> Kids may use their parent's e-mail address, but
we ask that parents refrain from reading or contributing to the list.
A free-form conference for discussion, debate and discourse on
transgender spirituality. Members of all religions are welcome,
although the list is not to be used as a forum for the proselytization
of a particular religion and/or its dogma. To subscribe to TG-SPIRIT
send e-mail to <list...@listserv.aol.com> with the message
American Educational Gender Information Service (AEGIS)
News items and press releases, postings from AEGIS and other
organizations and individuals. To be on the list, send e-mail to
<list...@xconn.com> and on the first line of the body of your
message, include the following:
subscribe aegisnws
Addressing issues of coming out, transition, sexuality, etc. Largely
transsexual in content, but no restrictions on membership, only a
requirement that postings address the issues. To be on the list, send
e-mail to <list...@xconn.com> and on the first line of the body of
your message, include the following:
subscribe genderhelp
A general purpose list for the Atlanta transgender community to
coordinate events. To be on the list, send e-mail to
<majo...@lists.mindspring.com> and on the first line of the body of
your message, include the following:
subscribe atlanta-gender <your e-mail address>
Transgendered Canada Listserv is a private list devoted to the
discussion of issues pertinent to the Canadian Transgendered
community. Issues ranging from political and medical matters, family
difficulties, all the way to shopping trips and tips are welcome.
TGC-L does not have a particular viewpoint, and all opinions are
welcome. We urge members to be polite, considerate and supportive.
Flames and personal attacks will not be tolerated, and abusive
subscribers will be dropped. Anyone interested in subscribing should
send a message to <mailto:list...@yorku.ca> containing the single
The message will be bounced to a list administrator who will contact
you for a bio. List Administrators are Sherry, <fi...@vcn.bc.ca> and
Miqqi Alicia, <gil...@yorku.ca>.
Available as of January, 1997. Despite its name, it is actually for
people who identify as lesbian and bisexual MTF TS's: pre-op, non-op,
and post-op. The list is also for people who identify as
transgenderists and who consider themselves to be lesbian or bisexual
women. To subscribe, send a message to
<tslesbia...@lists.best.com> containing the single word
You will receive a verifcation message which you must read and respond
to in order to complete the subscription process.
glbt-workplace is a general discussion list on any topic which is in
some way related to both GLBTs and the workplace. There are many
unique concerns that GLBTs have in the workplace - being closeted,
outed and coming out; interactions with coworkers and managers;
activism to attain equitable treatment; workplace activities in the
community, etc. This is the appropriate place to post news stories,
action alerts, questions, or just general discussion.
The goals of this list are to: - provide a supportive space for the
workplace concerns of GLBTs - share what it is like to be GLBT in
various fields - industry, acedemia, professional, blue collar, pink
collar, etc. - facilitate activism and an exchange of ideas - share
resources for information and mutual support
To subscribe, send email to <Majo...@QueerNet.ORG>, with the body
subscribe glbt-workplace your-email-address
Questions? Contact <kly...@queernet.org>
NOTE: The transgender online service Cross Connection carries the TRANSGEN,
TG-DISCUSS, TG-SPIRIT, and AEGIS mailing lists as local echoes; users of
this service do not need to subscribe to these lists to read them. The
GenderHelp list will also be echoed on Cross Connection once it is active.
IRC Channels
A stable channel, with a number of regulars. If you know how to use
IRC, once you are connected, type /join #crossdress. Check with your
site administrator to find out if your site provides IRC access. Once
you're on the channel, do take advantage of the automated server
program, CDserv. Type "/msg CDserv help" for more information.
Formed January 1995, the channel has gained a regular following. To
join the channel, type /join #transgen. The channel has a server,
JulieBot. Type /msg JulieBot help for more information.
FTP Sites
Well, it is a frequently asked question! To answer it, there are no
publicly-accessible FTP sites with pictures of the transgendered, to the
best of my knowledge. There may be private archives, but they usually do
not contain erotic pictures. If you desperately need erotic pictures of the
transgendered, buy some sleazy magazines and a scanner.
The transgender community on-line service Cross Connection maintains a free
access archive of various information text files, including many files
edited from Usenet and mailing list postings. The server transmits files by
e-mail in response to properly-formatted requests; to receive instructions
on using the server, send e-mail to <arc...@xconn.com> with a blank
message body and the subject
and the server will e-mail you an information file.
The soc.support.transgendered FAQ is available through the CROSS CONNECTION
archive server by using
as the subject. It is also available on the web at
World-Wide Web Pages
an extensive gender information directory in Scotland.
Julie Waters' personal collection of writings and connections to other
web resources.
Jenny Sands' collection of writings and connections to other web
the home page for the International Federation for Gender Education,
with links to organizations, support groups, and more.
Brenda Thomas' personal home page
Diane Wilson's personal home page, gender history, and resource list
Home page for Press For Change, the UK transsexual action group
The Sussex Transgendered Page, including the TransEssex group
Information on therapists, lawyers, endocrinologists and surgeons
Resources and tips
Christianity and transpeople
TransFamily, a transgender/family/friends support group
J.U.M.P.S.T.A.R.T., a New Jersey-based support group
Intersex Society of North America
Intersex Voices
Web pages are only included in the FAQ if the author/owner has posted it to
me by e-mail or publicly in a newsgroup or list. Please don't send me the
URL for someone else's page; have them drop me a line.
Other Electronic Resources
TransgenderNet is the first and only private e-mail and discussion forum
network for crossdressers and transsexuals.
TGNet includes forums on crossdressing, MTF and FTM transsexuality, and
BDSM; special forums for post-op transsexuals and partners of transgendered
people; a personals area, and general discussion of transgenderism. There
is no cost to subscribing BBS operators other than a short phone call to a
hub each night.
For information, send e-mail to <arc...@xconn.com> with the subject line
and a uuencoded zip file will be returned by e-mail (you willl need both
UUDECODE and PKUNZIP to read the file).
If you would like to sample TransgenderNet, the full feed is available here
at Cross Connection in Van Nuys, California. Dial in with your modem to
1-818-786-8887 and type GUEST at the login prompt for a free 15-minute look
around. (Be sure to also check our 90% spam-free Usenet in Adult Interests,
Transgender Community, and Worldwide Personals.)
Disclaimer: Use this at your own risk. Things change daily on the Net and
this FAQ may not necessarily be correct. The only part of this document
that can be considered perpetually accurate is the charter quoted in the
first section.
Copyright claimed. This post may be redistributed only after notifying the
authors and entirely without changes other than what may be required for
formatting into another medium.
Last updated April 25, 1997.
The soc.support.transgendered FAQ was originally authored by Amy A. Lewis
<ali...@pobox.com>, and was updated in late 1995 and early 1996 by
Kymberleigh Richards <sysa...@xconn.com>. It is currently being maintained
by Diane Wilson <dewi...@pobox.com>; updates and additions should be sent
to the latter address. This document is also available via the Cross
Connection archive server; instructions for same appear at the end of the
Amy A. Lewis
Kymberleigh Richards
Diane Wilson
Diane Wilson |
anon-...@anon.twwells.com | What we need is an optimistic
http://www.lava.net/~dewilson/ | Shostakovich.
http://www.lava.net/~dewilson/asd/ | --Shostakovich, quoting
http://www.acm.org/chapters/trichi/ | official sources