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Tacoma Democrat Mom raped 11-year-old on her son's lacrosse team, Pierce County prosecutor says

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Comrades At NBC

Feb 15, 2022, 2:50:02 AM2/15/22
TACOMA — A 44-year-old is woman is accused of raping an 11-year-old
boy who was on her son’s Pierce County lacrosse team, our news
partner Q13 News reports.

Su Hyon Dillon is charged with four counts of first-degree child
rape after allegedly admitting to having sex with the boy. She
pleaded not guilty Wednesday in Pierce County Superior Court.

According to the charging documents:

Police received a call from the victim’s mother in early April. She
told police her son had been “acting out” for the past couple of
years and was sent to live with his father in Virginia.

While in Virginia, the victim told his mother that he had sex with
the mom of one of his teammates on a Pierce County lacrosse team.
They had sex a few times, he said, between 2014 and 2015.

The boy told investigators that Dillon first kissed him when he was
10 years old during a team event. The suspect was considered the
“team mom.”

The victim said after kissing, he was staying at Dillon’s house when
she approached him during the night. The suspect allegedly laid next
to the boy and they had sex.

Dillon had sex with the boy multiple times, including during a team
lacrosse trip to San Diego. The victim said Dillon often walked
around her house in her underpants, and also gave him $200 for his

Police interviewed Dillon, who allegedly first denied having sex
with the boy. She eventually admitted to sex with the boy, and said
she was having trouble in her marriage. She said she wanted to end
the relationship but “liked the attention.”

Dillon denied having sexual contact with any other boys.

She was released on her own recognizance and ordered not to have
contact with any children Wednesday.
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