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Serb Racist spies selling pirated SW

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Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
Serb Propaganda spies uncovered. These Serb agents who take their orders from
Milosevic are planning a fear campaign in the United States using the
Internet. Their primary order is to spread rumors, exaggerations and lies
just like their counterparts on Serb TV. They gather and exchange live info
via their Chat room which acts as
their marshalling point to plan dis-information campaigns on the Internet.

Prior to the events in Kosova it served as a great place to obtain Pirated
software. That is how these guys can finance their activities in the US, as
Belgrade has ordered them to be self sufficient to some degree, by selling
pirated software from ADOBE, Macromedia, Microsoft, Metracreations, Kinetix
and others. However, now they have put aside those efforts (and now just use
their Russian sites-see below) in order to concentrate on their propaganda
campaign. Besides selling pirated software could get them shut down and they
need to stay operational under the direct command of Milosevic. One of the
key members (see below) Boris Pribich, uses and distributes for a price
pirated copies of Kintex's 3D Max, Metacreation's Ray Dream Studio, Adobe's
After Effects 4.0 production bundle, MicroSoft's Soft Image and more. Mr
Pribich also goes by the name Ivan and the handle "FOSI" which he uses to
freely distribute lower end software (in order to get one to inquire AND buy
the above mentioned products and to garner $$$ from Porn) at sites he runs
with the aid of his Russian pals see: then go to:

or his other site:

About porn, he makes a nice living off of their Porn banners, some of which
are linked to Child pornography. See for yourself if you have the stomach for

I believe there is a reward for turning them in but you would have to contact:

i.e. 'the refugees left because of the bombing and have not been raped, their
families esp. menfolk murdered and they would be safe coming back.'
Etc etc.

The people who host their site: May or may not realize
or be party to their activities. You would have to contact them at: or via telephone: 1 412 681 6932 (FAX) 1 412 681 6945 Perhaps
they also support the use of their servers for cracking software piray and
don't care if Adobe, Macromedia and Microsoft get taken. Emails sent to the
owner were not returned to this reporter. The key domain name, BEOGRAD.COM,
the hub of Serb activities in the US, is run by an agent trained in Belgrade:
Brian Andjelich and can be reached at this email br...@ALLSTON.COM or by
telephone: 617-492-5577 (FAX) 617-531-2069 Internic database reveals thus:

EXUCO (BEOGRAD-DOM) 955 Massachusetts Ave., Suite 364 Cambridge, MA
02139-3180 US the address is a Mail Boxes Etc location, call them to
confirm: Phone: (617)868-5055 Fax: (617)868-8209 The owner Ken White says he
supports their activities against the United States and will willfully act as
a conduit to disperse their propaganda.

Their activities began in coordination with Serb actions against Kosova on 06-
Mar-96. However, they redid the site to hide their actions 9which is stupid if
you ask me) by changing their Internic database information on 7-Apr-99 funny
if one will lok at the Internic records ALL of these inter related Serb
propaganda sites changed the database on that date.

Other mundane data related to their site is their IPs
Primary: NS7.PAIR.COM
Secondary: NS0.NS0.COM

Some other key operatives under the pay of Belgrade that work in this ring
Bojan Pavlovic of 10656 Ewing ave, Chicago, IL 60617 312-337-7242
who runs the site: where we can find examples of the
propaganda, i.e. "NATO has lost 88 men and 32 aircraft in its war operations
against Yugoslavia" or better yet: "Here are some amateur pictures of NATO
carting away one of the 19 dead US soldiers"
Bjan's job is to work the midwest of the US.

A site that clearly demonstrates Serb racism and in this case anti-Semitism
is This site is run by a Serb who participated in the
ethnic cleansing of Bosnia which was stopped in 1995. Apparently he not only
hates Moselems but Jews as well. His name is: Boris Pribich, tele:
805-522-1363 who owns (please note again by referring to the
Internic WHOIS database,(see: that these sites have
all been upgraded via the Internic database on April 7th at the same time.

This site is also hosted by the same folks that host the
site....hmmm strange coincidence? This site is one prong of the Serb
propaganda machine operating in the USA that is trying to foster hatred
amongst our various ethnic groups. Here it is the Jews, next it will be
African-Americans, and ironically they have also tried to work on Hispanic
Americans even though they continue to taunt the lives of 2 of our boys who
were kidnapped, Ramirez and Gonzales and their families who are only
sustained by their faith and support from all of us, if we can give it to
them without being fooled by these serb spies. (please send a birthday card
to Sgt. Ramirez via: Spec. Steven Gonzales, 1917 East U.S. 190, Huntsville,
TX 77340, at least his family will know we are behind him).

Mr. Pribich owns:
Interactive 3D Engineering
2760-7 Tapo Canyon Rd. #177
Simi Valley, CA 93063

Mr Pribich uses the Kinko's of Simi Valley, located at 1542 East Los Angeles
Avenue Simi Valley, CA 93065 to spread his printed hate propaganda. Some of
which was done for his pals in the KKK, Posse Comitas, and other various
militia groups, similar to the one that was behind the Oklahoma City bombing.
A map of exactly were he lives can be found at: please select
"map" from the toolbar menu and then enter his address, 1) street address:
2760-7 Tapo Canyon Rd 2) City: Simi Valley 3) state: CA 4) zip code: 93063 it
is an apartment building off of the corner of Alamo Street and Tapo Canyon

The Internet as their own weapon...........

One other key assignment that they have gotten from Belgrade is to jam the
home pages centric to Albanians. By operating in places like Cambridge, Mass,
Chicago, Illinois and Simi Valley, California they can jam the servers of (try to reach for a clear
demonstration) or in by using the
telecommunications dynamics of this country. You will notice that you can't
get through.

To very briefly explain how this is done, they know that packets (pieces of
Net traffic) must pass through regional hubs or back bone centers on the Net-
consider them key hubs on an Interstate highway. By working from these
strategic key parts of our country, West Coast, Mid West and East Coast they
can overwhelm the nodes that they target. This also allows them to spam the
various chat rooms, bulletin boards, etc. For example: where they know that their
IP's and domains will be shown when they post so they must have different IP
Ids to mask their identities. Also they change their names when they post to
sound more American.

In essence they are using the Internet, something we developed under ARPNET in
the 60s, as yet another weapon of their propaganda, against us.

Please feel free to pass this information on, since we live here in a Free
and Open society, it is easy for our own freedom to be used against us. Let
us hope that more of these serb spies are uncovered here in the USA. We
Americans need to know who is behind the mass Pro-Serb postings on many of
the MSNBC, CNN and other news boards. Please note, that to make their efforts
appear to be garnering mass support they are working over time using several
identities (Hotmail, etc) to post emails, send threatening letters and to
spread false stories. More news to follow.

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David J James

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
to , as if anyone were going to take political
comments seriously from someone with that name, wrote in message:

>Serb Propaganda spies uncovered. These Serb agents who take their orders
>Milosevic are planning a fear campaign in the United States using the
(Rest of sensationalist gibberish snipped).

Leave the Serbs alone, matey boy.

Already more has been thrown at Miloszewic than ever was at Saddam Hussein.
And SH went outside his own country. And there was an oil interest involved.

Anyway, as the old song (nearly) goes:

'Some of my best friends are Serbs
Some of them old ones, some of them new.'

If you like the Albanians so much, maybe you'll be inviting some of the
refugees to stay under your roof. If you have one, which is doubtful.


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