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teeth and tinfoil

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Mar 23, 2015, 8:01:25 AM3/23/15
this morning i wake up from a dream. a part
of it is was having my teeth wrapped in tinfoil
so heavily that i could barely breathe. as i'm
telling Ma about this she mentions that grandma
used to take the small pieces and wrap them into
a larger ball and kept them in a drawer along
with the larger pieces that she washed and folded
so she could reuse them. Ma said that she could
not remember her ever doing anything with the
balls of tinfoil, but i mentioned that during the
war years they were probably turned in for the
war effort and recycling.

then she mentions that in her family she never
remembers having tinfoil at all and that she
didn't even remember having a garbage can. then
i come back with the idea that they probably just
ate it and the quip from her favorite show about
her being the family dog.

at the time of my getting up to do my morning
tinkle we have the nice eastern view of the
sunrise. the colors were first starting to show
on some clouds along the edge in pinks and purples,
but there is also this spot of blue which is in
between turquois and purple, but not blue blue
either. then we laugh about pinkish hue as that
is another line from a favorite show of hers.
and now the sunrise is back to clouds and no
particular color other than blues and grays and
i'm back in my roost contemplating how so much
of our communication and humor is riffing off of
shared experiences from watching these same shows
so many times we know most of the dialog by heart.

in other news the worms are still doing ok and
keeping up with scraps and making plenty of
little ones. in a few weeks/months a lot of them
will get put out into the gardens and i can begin
yet another season of gardening.

it's friggin cold again, i won't get too much
done outside today, but at least California got
some rain yesterday and last night and Florida
looks to have gotten some too. maybe this week
we'll get some rain, but i won't count on that
until it begins to hit my tinfoil hat...


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