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Story: Strict Aunt Part 2; F/m, n/c, no sex

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Dan Sternberg

Aug 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/25/99
I want to thank everybody for the pleasant reactions to my first story. I am
feeling creative and am going to continue the saga (which I hope will be

Disclaimer: Usual stuff here.

Strict Aunt. Part 2: The next day

F/m, n/c, no sex.

Auntie Christine woke me up early the next day. I felt a little
disoriented, but I didn't say anything since the previous day's spanking was
fresh in my mind. She started talking. Her voice sounded friendly again,
just like when I first met her the previous day.

"Danny, I'm sorry I had to spank you yesterday. You have to understand,
you gave me no choice. I expect my nephew to be obedient and a good boy. You
were neither of those things yesterday. Are you going to be a good boy from
now on?"
"Yes Auntie." I replied. I didn't want any more spankings from her. They
hurt a great deal. I never thought anything could hurt that much.
"I have laid out some fresh clothes for you, please change into them."

I did as she told. The clothes were pretty much the same uniform I had
on, just clean. I had a feeling that she wanted me to wear this full time.
She helped me with my tie again. Her touch felt soft, very caring. It was
hard for me to believe that this hand, so soft against my cheek could be the
same one that made my rear hurt so much. The pain from that spanking didn't
fully go away yet.

"Auntie Christine, can I ask you a question?"
"Yes Danny, you may." I couldn't get over how friendly she seemed.
"Is my rear still red?"
"Well, not as red as it was last night. Right now, it's a healthy shade
of pink. It should stop hurting by tomorrow."

I followed her downstairs for breakfast. I was starving. I couldn't
believe that she cooked for me. On the table, there was oatmeal, bran
muffins, a tall glass of milk and some cereal with milk in it. There was
only one problem with that meal. I hated oatmeal, bran muffins and milk! The
cereal didn't have any sugar either. Even though I was hungry, I told her
that I would prefer something tastier.

"Danny, you will eat what I give you." She said.
"But, what if I don't want to?" I asked.
"I will make you want to."
"You can't make me do anything I don't want to do!" I yelled at her.
A stern tone came into her voice. "Danny, do you remember what happened
yesterday when you didn't want to wear those clothes?"
"So, you wouldn't do it twice in a row!" I was sure she was just trying
to scare me.
"DANNY! Don't test me. You know I don't bluff."

That tone scared me. Without another word, I ate all of my breakfast. I
guess it didn't taste too bad. It was then that I decided to try not to make
her mad. I really didn't want a repeat of my last spanking. She called me
back into the living room. I went in.

"Danny, we didn't get to finish our discussion the other day. I want to
finish explaining what is expected of you. You will have some chores to do
around the house. They are to be done without question. You are to take out
the trash once a week, mow the lawn every two weeks and do the dishes
"Yes Auntie." I said.
"Now, I'm sure you are curious about your new school. I want you to read
this." She handed me a pamphlet. "This should tell you everything you need
to know about the school. I want you to read it now."
She left me alone with the book. It was really uncomfortable for me to
keep sitting on the couch, so I took it back upstairs and started reading it
on my bed, while I was on my stomach.

"On behalf of the staff of the Alabama Preparatory School (APS) we wish
to welcome you to our school. In the following pamphlet, you will find a
list of classes and rules that you will be required to obey."

I suppressed a yawn, it was so boring. I turned the page. It had all the
rules. There were three columns and the print was very small. The must have
been over 300 individual rules. They were put into three categories. The
first was labeled 'Primary Rules' the second 'Secondary Rules' and the third
was labeled 'Required Rules'. The third column was entirely in bold type.
The first column seemed pretty standard, about tardiness, back-talk, etc.
The second was about homework, tests, etc. The third column was about the
uniform, policy on cheating, swearing, etc. The next page listed
punishments. It struck me as odd that though there was a minimum punishment
for each class of rules, there was no maximum. For breaking a primary rule,
there was a minimum of 10 strokes of the paddle over the pants from the
teacher, for breaking a secondary rule, it was 10 strokes over underpants,
also from a teacher. If a required rule was broken, the punishment was
administered by the head-mistress. The minimum here was 6 strokes of the
junior cane on the bare bottom. Each punishment was accompanied by a note
that had to be signed by a parent or guardian. The next page consisted of
the methods of punishment. I started reading it.

"The aforementioned punishments are merely minimum suggestions and are
not necessarily followed by all teachers. They have the right to spank any
student with any implement ranging from a slipper to the senior cane or
strap. The only requirement of the teachers in this case is that the minimum
punishment be given as well."

I didn't have to read any further. It was obvious that this school
expected me to be perfect at all times. I also remembered what my aunt said
about my grade requirements. They had to be straight A's. I rubbed my rear
thoughtfully, I wondered if it would ever feel normal again, and not
recovering from a spanking. With those thoughts in mind, I drifted off to

A few hours later, I heard a knock at the door.
"Danny, it's time for dinner. I know you are tired, but you have to
I didn't respond. Why wouldn't she just let me sleep. She knocked again,
"Danny! It's time to eat."
"Go away!" I shouted.
"Danny, since you are a little drowsy, I will overlook the fact that you
gave me an order, but come downstairs immediately!"
"Fuck off!" I replied.

She stormed in and dragged me into her bedroom. She wasted no time
pulling down my pants and underpants and bringing me over her lap. She
started to lecture me.

"Never, ever use language like that. Do you hear me! When will you learn
to obey! Will I have to spank you every day this year?"

She started spanking me with the hairbrush. Immediately, the memory of
yesterday's spanking flooded back into my memory, and the memory of the pain
receptors in my rear. It felt like she had just spanked me 10 minutes ago,
when it was really a full day. I was soon in tears and promising her to be
good from now on.

"You told me you would be good yesterday. I don't think I left a lasting
impression at all."

She continued spanking me with that hairbrush. She even went down the
backs of my thighs this time. An area that had never been spanked. It really
hurt. I was bawling like a baby. Still, the spanking continued. Eventually,
I just didn't have the energy to cry anymore. That's when the spanking

"Now, will you obey me Danny?"
"Yes Ma'am." I felt a mess, I don't know how I managed to say it, but I
did. I was determined to keep my promise this time. I didn't know how many
more spankings I could take.
"Now, come down for dinner. It's a vegetable medley, all your favorite
foods. Peas, beans, and mushrooms." Those were all the foods I hated, I
didn't dare argue with her though.
"Could I at least have a pillow to sit on?" I ventured.
"No, I want you to remember this spanking every time you sit down. Last
time I left the backs of your thighs alone. This time you will have to oasis
in your burning rear."
I just sighed and accompanied her for dinner. I was polite. I cleaned my
plate and I did the dishes. I wouldn't give her any reason to spank me.

The next week was uneventful. I did everything Auntie Christine said. I
even offered to help her. In time, the pain in my rear did subside. I didn't
want to be spanked ever again. My wish didn't come true though. The first
day of school, my luck would run out. But, that's another story.

-End of part 2.




Aug 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/26/99

I enjoyed this story! As a child I often fantasized myself to be a bad boy
during spanking fantasies tho I was a very GOOD little girl. It seemed to me
at the time that boys were more likely to be spanked in any stories that I
read. Also boys just seemed more free to be BAD. So reading your story was an
easy transition for my mind.

Your visit with your Aunt certainly "swacked" all the right "spank spots" in
my opinion. I am looking forward to young Danny's first day of school with
great anticipation! ( I just love school stories of ANY
kind...:::salivating:::::) And your list of rules made me shiver with delight.

I also went back and read your first story just to get myself up to speed.

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