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PineSol F/f

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May 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/27/00

Adults ONLY!

You know how certain smells can bring back very strong memories? Like
strawberry perfume means 9th grade or the scent of a lover's shirt makes you

For me, the strong odor of PineSol, the cleanser, can make my face flush and
my behind tingle.

My mother was a clean-freak and a control-freak. Every Sunday morning she'd
scrub her bathroom with PineSol before we all went to church, and every Sunday
after church was punishment time for me.

Every Sunday, from age 8 to 14, I was spanked. If I'd been good, as I
usually was, I just received a "warning" spanking which was bad enough. If I'd
misbehaved during the week, my spanking would be much more severe.

I had a few outfits which were strictly church clothes. Yellow or white
frilly dresses, with slips, long white socks and shiney black shoes. This
juvenile garb was topped with ribbons tied in my pig tails.
God forbid if I ever got my church clothes soiled at all !

Right after church, Mother would march me up to her big, sparkling clean
bathroom where she would draw a bath for me while I carefully took off my
The dress had to be hung properly, the slip folded and my socks and underwear
rolled together. For some reason, I was always made to keep the ribbons in my

When the bath water was steamy enough to turn my pale skin pink, I stepped in
and began a thorough washing. While I washed, Mother would take my clothes to
be cleaned - though I'd only worn them for a couple hours.

Naked in the tub, I scrubbed my body as completely as Mother had scrubbed her
bathroom, and I'll never forget the strong scent of PineSol cleaner filling the
PineSol was advertised as reminding users of "a pine forest" but for me, the
stringent smell will always be a reminder of being spanked.

Mother would return in her spanking clothes. She had special clothes for
everything! She would be wearing a pair of pajama pants and a bra. The pj
pants were to soak up water from my wet body and the bra was for modesty.

Though she didn't consider MY modesty at all, as she sat on the toilet and
watched me finish bathing. When she came over to pull the plug, it was my
signal to stand for inspection.
Mother would check to make sure I was clean enough, then she took me by the
ear and out of the tub.

Totally naked, soaking wet, my strawberry body giving off steam, I was
quickly taken over Mother's lap as she sat on the toilet. My face was inches
from the white tile floor, the stench of PineSol up my nose, while she adjusted
me for punishment.

"Annette Fairchild Smith!" she used my full name. "You are going to get your
fanny spanked."
She always started with duh!...then would either compliment me or
scold me on last week's behavior. If I was good, like usual, she'd just tell
me to "keep up the good attitude" and "take this warning spanking like a good

WHAP SMACK her hard hand would start spanking my still-wet bare bottom and she
would spank stern and slow, smack smack smack....Those spanks really stung and
I could feel my damp warm skin drying off with each spank.

She didn't really lecture, just a few words of warning, and I only had to take
about 20 spanks. As a girl, it made me cry, all the humiliation and fear and
But as a young teen, I could take a warning spanking without much whimpering.
Just the total shame of being naked and spanked was worse than the sting.

But if I had a BAD week, anything like talking back, not doing homework or
chores, getting my clothes too dirty or not cleaning my room well enough,
squabbling with my brother...mostly anything - I'd get the bath brush.

The bath brush was a horridly long handle with an oval head of smooth red
plastic. The back of that bath brush could cover one of my bare buns with one

On paddling Sundays, Mother would lay the brush on the counter while I
finished my I had the smell of PineSol AND the sight of the brush to
remind me what I was in for.

For paddlings, Mother would adjust me, naked, already crying, over her lap and
reach for the brush on the sink counter. WHAP WHAP WHAP she'd start in on my
bare wet fanny and smack the bejesus out of me!

I'd be bawling in seconds and kicking enough to make her pin my legs with her she could deliver a serious series of 20 slow searing SMACKS which
turned my little bare, wet fanny into a cauldron of firey pain!

I bawled and begged but still got spanked over and over with that awful brush.
After that last scalding brush spank, I lay over Mother's lap sobbing.
Then she started in with her hand and the lecture. SPANK SPANK SPANK her
stiff palm blasted my already scorched bare behind, as she lectured me on my

Those hand spankings and lectures went on until I was twisted. Completely
beside myself in pain and humiliation. Of course, it was much worse the older
I got.
Wiggling over Mother's lap at 10 yrs old was no match for how it felt to step
out of the tub at 13 - half grown - staring at the bath brush by the
sink...knowing I was soon to be bawling and begging with a cherry red
The sting of PineSol in my nostrils.....

Anyone else have scents or smells which remind them of punishments?



May 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/27/00

I hope this twisted account is just a harmless figment of your
which case, I can understand the turnon. Otherwise it's sick, scary abuse
that's probably done untold damage..

Kate -- not preaching or judging...just hoping it's the former


May 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/27/00
Loved it. On the way out the door to buy Pine Sol!

yes, scents definitely bring me back to childhood, mostly out of the blue and
without reason. But never about spankings, since i didnt get any.


The Prince Of Darkness

May 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/27/00
to is reminded of her (fictional?) youthful spankings by a
smell. I particularly liked:

>Mother would return in her spanking clothes. She had special clothes for
>everything! She would be wearing a pair of pajama pants and a bra. The pj
>pants were to soak up water from my wet body and the bra was for modesty.

An unerotic combo made very sexy by the use to which it's put...

The question about whether smells remind one of spankings...Yes, but not
It would be that undefinable 'school smell' -- a mixture of disinfectant
(Dettol), stale sweat, chalk dust, crayola crayons, water color paints,
plasticine, pencil sharpenings, institutional food, and the hum of old shoes


Dr. Discipline

May 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/29/00
On 27 May 2000 00:03:19 GMT, in soc.sexuality.spanking you wrote:

>Adults ONLY!
> You know how certain smells can bring back very strong memories? Like
>strawberry perfume means 9th grade or the scent of a lover's shirt makes you
> For me, the strong odor of PineSol, the cleanser, can make my face flush and
>my behind tingle.

[Story snip]

> Anyone else have scents or smells which remind them of punishments?

Vanillia! Not of spanking, but of childhood. Mmmmm I can smell it


Jun 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/8/00
Lovely story annie, I too have many scents that remind me of things from my
childhood.Not of spankings though :)
love kess

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