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Willow's games (BtVS) F/M (implied and M/F implied) F/F (Tara)

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Feb 9, 2003, 12:21:40 AM2/9/03
People have asked for a Willow/Tara story for a long time.. and since I've
recently been inspired by Season 3...well here you go!

Willow stared at Oz incredulously, "What do you mean you have to redo your
senior year?"

"Well uh, I thought we already went over this, Will. I missed all those
classes, and than forgot to do the whole summer school thing. Who knew they
actually wanted you to show up?" Oz gave his redheaded girlfriend a sheepish

She wasn't amused. "And you thought I would think it was cute? Oz this is soooo
not cute," Willow said, scowling.

OZ shrugged, "Guess I was too wrapped up with the junior slayage, and the band.
It slipped my mind." He was of course referring to the fact that the 'Scooby
gang' had spent the summer trying to keep the vamp population down to a minimum
while Buffy was gone.

They seemed to sense the absence of the slayer and had been busy little undead
beavers. It had taken them a while to get the hang of things but when they had,
they'd polished off a number of the blood hungry monsters. At least a few

"That is no excuse," Willow said sternly. "You're a genius remember? High test
score boy! How could you get held back a year?"

Oz blinked, reaching for one of his familiar witticisms to make her smile and
relax; nothing came to mind though. To be honest he wasn't exactly happy about
it either. The last thing he felt like doing was attending another year at
'Hellmouth High'. When people said they were happy to have survived until
graduation at this school, they meant they were really happy they SURVIVED.

He was frustrated with himself as well. He'd meant to attend his classes, sort
of. There were other more interesting things on his mind though. He was way
beyond every student at the school, with the exception of Willow, and it felt
like a waste of time to him. Then, he had meant to attend summer school. But,
Buffy had disappeared and Willow had been worried out of her mind.

He'd had to be there for her. He'd also helped take an active role in
patrolling Sunnydale and slaying vampires. And there was the wasn't a
great band, but it was fun. All of it was infinitely more interesting than
spending the summer sitting in a classroom, listening to a teacher drone on
about things he already knew, or wasn't interested in.

So he'd allowed it to slip his mind. He was regretting it now. Especially
because Willow was more upset than he had expected her to be. He should have
known better, she took grades so seriously. She wasn't laidback about life the
way he was, and at the moment she looked seriously annoyed.

"Alright Will, I'm sorry. I'm going to do the whole class thing though. Grades,
tests, and uh...what's that other thing? Oh yeah, homework," he grinned.
"You aren't taking this seriously," she accused him.

"Willow, I never take anything seriously. This is me remember?"

"I...I wish I could spank you!"

Again the implacable Oz blinked, "This is new," he said with a bit of
uncertainty. Oz always seemed in a bit of a daze, but the truth was he didn't
miss much, and he was sure he would have remembered Willow wanting to spank

Willow blushed and looked a little sheepish, "Everywhere I turn someone is
joking about getting spanked, or spanking someone. I guess it rubbed off," she
admitted. "In fact, I used to feel a bit left out. So um...can I?"

"Can you spank me?" Oz repeated. He gave the petite redhead an incredulous

"Well yeah, I mean...cause you were all naughty and stuff. Bein' with the
truant and all," Willow said. Her face was filled with a hopeful kind of

"I dunno Will...well...I guess if you want to," Oz agreed reluctantly. He
really couldn't picture his naīve little Willow dressed in black leather and
making with the Dominatrix gig, but on the other might just be fun.

"Great! do we uh start?" she asked, uncertainly.

"I think..."

* * *

"You're kidding!" Tara exclaimed. "You really spanked him?" she demanded. She
sat cross-legged on the bed across from her lover Willow.

Willow paused in her story, blushed and giggled. She was no longer that same
shy bookish girl, but she still found some things embarrassing. "Well...."

"C'mon Willowww tell me!" Tara begged, with sparkling eyes.

"Oh all right," Willow sighed and drifted back into her memories. Those days
before OZ had taken off with another werewolf; days before she realized she
could ever have a romantic interest in another woman. In Tara.

* * *

Later, they returned to her house. Her mother wasn't home and they had the
house to themselves. They had taken to doing a little afternoon cuddling on her
bed (fully clothed) but today there was a different agenda.

She gasped, "Oz what are you doing?" she demanded.

The teenage werewolf froze with his hands at the waistband of the baggie jeans
he was wearing. "Well uh...spankings um...they usually happen without pants,"
he reminded her.

Willow's face blushed a crimson color, "But you can't...we...we haven't even
gotten to second base yet," she spluttered.

"Good point!" Oz removed his hands, "Pants stay on."

Willow heaved a sigh of relief. She wasn't ready to see Oz- full monty just

"Are you going to use your hand or..." Oz watched as Willow dug around in her
purse and pulled out a hairbrush, "Nevermind."

Willow giggled a little, "My mom...she always used a hairbrush. That's okay
right?" she asked quickly.

"Well, sure I guess. I'll uh just uh..." He looked around the room and his eyes
finally settled on the bed, "lay down here?" he asked.

Willow nodded. She was still feeling a bit unsure of herself, but it was
starting to get a bit exciting...

* * *

"Way to go you sly little tramp!" Tara said, laughing. Willow smacked her with
a pillow and the two girls rolled around the bed in the midst of a pillow
fight. When they stopped; panting and out of breath, Willow was laying on top
of Tara. She gazed down into her lover's eyes. "You seem awfully interested in
the idea of my spanking people," Willow said, a wicked gleam in her eyes..

"Uh, well I...uh..." Now it was Tara's turn to be nervous. She looked pretty,
her pale skin flushed pink, her blue eyes wide and startled.

"You ARE interested!" Willow pounced with glee. "If you're that curious I could
showwww you," Willow said happily.

" I was only..."

"You're so hot when you beg," Willow commented.

Tara couldn't help but smile at that. "You can spank me if you want?" she
offered shyly.

"I'll spank you if YOU want," Willow countered.

Tara whispered, "Okay."

Dawn was at school, Buffy was out somewhere, doing something; it was a rare
moment of alone time in the Summers' house. Willow rolled to the side and sat
up, "Slide over and stand up," she said, patting the bed.

Tara obediently moved towards the side of the bed and got to her feet. Her
hands reached for her waistband automatically, but Willow brushed them away.
Tara looked startled; "You don't mind seeing ME without pants, do you?" Tara

"No doofus," Willow grinned in amusement, "I just want to do it myself," she
explained. She deftly unfastened the tall blonde's pants and let them slide
down her legs to pool at her feet. "Step out," Willow directed.

Tara obligingly lifted her feet one by one to step out of her pants. Willow
grabbed them and tossed them away. Next she began to unbutton Tara's lavender
sweater and helped the woman to shrug out of it. The bra, and then the panties
followed...until Tara was nude.

The two had been lovers for some time. They'd become used to each other enough
that casual nudity was no rare thing. Somehow though, it felt different this
time. She flushed, her skin tingling, and her breath began to come in short
pants, which Willow was all too aware of.

Willow got to her feet and touched Tara's face gently. "I love you," she
whispered. She flung her other hand up casually and a shower of rose petals
burst into being and drifted down slowly to cover the sheets.

She took a step back and held out her hand to Tara. Taking the girl by the
hand, she led her back to the bed and helped her to lie face down across the
bed of satiny petals. "Just relax baby," Willow advised.

"I am relaxed," Tara lied, she was shaking slightly.

Willow patted her ass gently in response. "We'll start out nice and slow..."
Willow began with light slaps, and when Tara realized it was actually raising a
nice sting she began to relax. "Mmmm Willow. Nice nice Willow," Tara murmured.
Her long pale hair had slid forward to cover her face, but from the tone of her
voice Willow could tell she was getting the desired reaction.

The witch stepped up the pace, making each slap land with just a touch more
force. Tara's bottom went from a dusky pink to a nice cozy red hue after a few
minutes of slow, tantalizing attention.

"It stings Willow," Tara said softly. Not a was more of a
request. So Willow landed several harder slaps across the juncture of her
lover's ass. Tara only moaned softly so the red haired woman gave her a longer

After such a nice warm up, Tara wasn't minding the extra pain at all. The heat
and throbbing in her cheeks had somehow moved between her legs and she was
practically writhing across the bed. She was in too deep to realize it, but
Willow was not unaffected by the woman's show.

She couldn't help herself. She had to lean forward and plant a kiss in the
center of each red orb. Kissing turned to licking and then gentle nibbling;
Tara moaned louder as Willow's tongue and teeth danced across her ass.

An impromptu bit of magic relieved Willow of her clothing, and somehow the
women found themselves in each other's arms. It might have been a spell, but it
wasn't. At least no more of a spell then any desperate lover might find
themselves using.

Passion had taken control. Hunger, and animal instincts reigned supreme,
bringing them together in a fierce coupling that shook the bed violently. Tara
had never felt anything right. None of her fantasies of previous
experience with Willow had prepared her for the feelings that the spanking had
raised, and she reveled in it.

By the time the two women had snuggled up, exhausted and a bit stunned, in the
center of the bed, Tara had gained an entirely new understanding about
spanking. "Spanking is good," she said simply.

"Uh-huh," Willow replied. "Spanking is very good," she added.

There was a long bit of silence, and Willow had begun to drift off into a
comfortable sleep when Tara finally spoke again, "Did Oz...did he like it?"

"Not so much," Willow replied sleepily. "He said it wasn't his thing. Being
spanked I mean...after that time that Xander and I...well we got caught
kissing...bad scene...remind me to tell you about it sometime. Anyway I had
groveled for days to get Oz to even talk to me again," Willow felt her stomach
clench as she remembered the horrible guilt and unhappiness she had felt..

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to bring up the bad," Tara said comfortingly.
Her hand moved slowly through Willow's red hair, which lay draped across her

"It's okay. Ancient history," Willow said. "Anyway, Oz decided that maybe I had
earned a spanking for cheating on him. Even though Xander and I only kissed. He
spanked me, not like this one, but hard and fast! By the time he was done I was
crying like a baby, but he forgave me...and hugged me and everything felt good
again," she sighed happily.

"You miss him, don't you?" Tara asked. She was secure in the knowledge that
Willow loved her, but part of her always worried that Oz might come back. And
what would Willow do then, she wondered.

"Sometimes..." Willow said carefully. "I love...loved Oz, but...I never
felt...I..." she looked up into Tara's eyes.

The love shone so strongly from her face that Tara was instantly comforted. "I
understand. You miss him, and you loved him...but you and me, we're special,"
Tara said.

"Yes. You and me Tara. Forever, promise?" Willow asked.

"I promise Willow," Tara replied. As soon as she said the words a chill of
premonition went down her spine. She froze. She didn't know why but in that
instant she knew that the promise would be broken.

She pulled Willow closer for comfort, but the comfort didn't reach her soul.


Feb 9, 2003, 1:31:09 PM2/9/03
Kess wrote:

>People have asked for a Willow/Tara story for a long time.. and since I've
>recently been inspired by Season 3...well here you go!

<raising hand> - Me! This people, right here!

Thanks, it's wonderful!


>before OZ had taken off with another werewolf; days before she realized she
>could ever have a romantic interest in another woman. In Tara.

Yes, but it is Tara - how could she not?

>Willow got to her feet and touched Tara's face gently. "I love you," she
>whispered. She flung her other hand up casually and a shower of rose petals
>burst into being and drifted down slowly to cover the sheets.

That's lovely...perfect for Willow and Tara.

>By the time the two women had snuggled up, exhausted and a bit stunned, in
>center of the bed, Tara had gained an entirely new understanding about
>spanking. "Spanking is good," she said simply.
>"Uh-huh," Willow replied. "Spanking is very good," she added.


That's cute :-)

>"Yes. You and me Tara. Forever, promise?" Willow asked.
>"I promise Willow," Tara replied. As soon as she said the words a chill of
>premonition went down her spine. She froze. She didn't know why but in that
>instant she knew that the promise would be broken.
>She pulled Willow closer for comfort, but the comfort didn't reach her soul.

Oh, Kess...sad stuff :-(

I like to think they will be together forever, if not any more in this

Thanks for posting this neat story.



And my dark soul is happy again, because it does not know how to be anything
else for very long, and because the pain is a deep dark sea in which I would
drown if I did not sail my little craft steadily over the surface...Lestat


Feb 9, 2003, 4:08:48 PM2/9/03
Hey Jessie,

Glad you liked it! I've wanted to do something with them for a long time :)

love kess


Feb 10, 2003, 9:52:00 PM2/10/03

What a lovely and tender story--and how wonderful it would to have seen this on
the screen!

This fantasy was well worth waiting for. You realized their special
relationship so strongly...

Brava, Kess!



Feb 10, 2003, 10:20:15 PM2/10/03

>This fantasy was well worth waiting for. You realized their special
>relationship so strongly...

Thanks Courtney! I think a lot of people missed this one because of the way I
had it labeled. I'm glad you didn't!

love kess


Feb 10, 2003, 11:31:44 PM2/10/03

And I just wanted to add to my previous praise(!) that the whole Oz vignette
was also very vivid.

The laconic Oz character is a personal fave character of mine (plus the actor
Seth Green:), and once again, you hit the dynamic of his and Willow's couple
essence. (Nifty phrase, huh?)

I really enjoyed this story. And relish the care you take with the beloved

Well done, Kess. Thank you very much!



Feb 11, 2003, 7:10:01 PM2/11/03
In article <>, (Kessily) wrote:
>People have asked for a Willow/Tara story for a long time.. and since I've
>recently been inspired by Season 3...well here you go!

Oh this was GREAT... I love buffy stories



"Don't try to date outside your age, looks or intelligence;
you just end up looking like a sad case." - Unknown.

See my spanking stories at:


Feb 11, 2003, 7:29:56 PM2/11/03

>Oh this was GREAT... I love buffy stories

Thanks Colin!

love kess

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