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Mom Said No F/f nc

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Feb 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/20/00
This story was originally posted under the name lb.

Mom Said No F/f nc

"Mom, why can’t I go to the party? It’s just not fair!" I practically yelled at
my mother. After all, I was 18. I shouldn’t have to ask permission to go to a
party on the weekend.

"We’ve gone over this a hundred times, Lauren," my mom replied, sounding
exasperated. "You may be 18, but you’re still in high school, and no daughter
of mine is going to an unchaperoned party where who knows what may take place.
I don’t care to discuss this matter any further."

"Oh all right," I answered. "You don’t have to be such a bitch about it,
though," I mumbled.

"What did you say, young lady?" mom asked angrily.

"Uh, nothing mom," I answered, hoping she hadn’t heard me.

"Lauren Elizabeth! You know good and well what you just said. And you know
that kind of talk is not permitted in this house, especially directed at your
mother." Mom looked mad.

"Yes ma’am," I said, trying to look repentant.

"I think you had better go on up to your room," she told me.

"Mother! you’ve got to be kidding," I retorted. "Go to my room? I’m 18, not a
little kid."

"Lauren Elizabeth, if you don’t go up to your room this instant," mom began, "so
help me . . ." I saw a look on my mother’s face that I hadn’t seen in years, a
look that I knew better than to argue with.

"Yes, ma’am," I answered, and I stomped up the stairs.

As I sat on my bed, I wondered how long I would be sentenced to look at the four
walls of my room. It had been awhile since the last time I had been sent to my
room for arguing with Mom, but I remembered that I usually was allowed to come
out by dinner time. I seemed to recall Mom mentioning something about having
liver tonight, so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if she made me miss dinner after
all. I’d already finished my homework before I asked Mom again about going to
the party, and I wasn’t allowed to listen to the radio when I had been sent to
my room for punishment. I’d read a book, but unfortunately, I’d left my library
book in the living room. So I sat, and stared at the wall, and thought about
what had taken place downstairs.

I still couldn’t believe it. Here I was a grown woman in the eyes of the law,
sitting on my bed being punished like a little kid. Surely Mom wouldn’t ground
me, too. It was going to be hard enough to explain to my friends that I
couldn’t go to the party because my mother wouldn’t let me. I couldn’t imagine
having to explain that I couldn’t do other things for the next week or so
because I’d been grounded. And I still couldn’t get over Mom making such a big
fuss about the party not being chaperoned by Rebecca’s parents. Heck, at 18 I
ought to be old enough to chaperone the party. While lost in my
thoughts, I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Come In," I said, a bit more sharply than I ought to under the circumstances.
Mom entered my room and closed the door. She still had that look, and I noticed
she had the hairbrush in her hand.

"Mom, no," I began, “You can’t be serious. You don’t mean it. I mean, you just
can’t. I’m too old."

"Lauren," Mom said in a soft, but firm voice. "I will not have you acting the
way you acted towards me downstairs a few minutes ago. You seem to think that
since you turned 18 a couple of months ago that you no longer have to be polite,
much less respectful towards the family and especially me. Well I am not going
to put up with it any longer. You are long overdue for an attitude adjustment,
young lady, and I intend to give you one. As much as I hate to do this, I’m
going to give you a spanking."

"Mom, please," I begged. "You just can’t do this. I mean, you haven’t spanked
me since junior high. Please, Mom, I’m too old to get a spanking."

"Lauren, I think you know better than to argue with me about this," Mom said in
that still soft voice. "I don’t like having to spank you, but I will not put up
with the way you’ve been acting any longer. Stand up, please, Lauren."

I slowly stood up and Mom took my place on the edge of the bed. My hands
instinctively grabbed my bottom. I hadn’t been spanked in about five years, but
I hadn’t forgotten how awful Mom’s spankings were. My stomach was doing flip
flops as I waited for that next dreaded command to be uttered.

"I know it’s been a few years, Lauren, but I think you remember what to do," Mom
said. "Pants and panties down please."

I began to fumble with the top button of my jeans. My hands were damp with
sweat and were shaking. Finally I got the button undone and pulled down the
zipper. I still couldn’t believe this was happening to me. I looked at Mom
once more with pleading eyes, begging for a reprieve, but Mom just tapped the
hairbrush impatiently against her hand. Closing my eyes in shame, I slowly
pulled my jeans and panties down to my knees. My legs began to tremble at the
thought of what was about to come.

"Let’s get this over with, Lauren. Over my lap, please," Mom said not ungently.
She reached out her hand for mine, to help guide me across her knees. Once I
was securely over her lap, she put her right foot up on the bed frame, raising
my bottom high in the air. I felt so terribly exposed as the air cooled my
tightly clenched bottom cheeks.

SMACK! My head shot back as the hairbrush landed on my right cheek.
SMACK! The left cheek joined the right cheek in pain. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
SMACK! Mom had quickly found her rhythm, alternating cheeks, leaving no part of
my bottom untouched by the hairbrush’s furry. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I
gritted my teeth, determined not to cry. I would show Mom that I was too old to
be spanked. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Unfortunately for my bottom, Mom
was equally determined to prove that I was not too old for a sound spanking.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The hairbrush continued to rain its fire down on
my poor bottom. The first tears began to run down my face and my legs began to
kick as I started to squirm on her lap.

SMACK! "Ouch!" I cried out. The hairbrush had found my right thigh. "“OW!" I
yelled again as the brush targeted my left thigh. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
Mom was showing no signs of letting up as the hairbrush struck my bottom and now
my thighs without mercy.

"Are SMACK! you SMACK! ever SMACK! going SMACK! to SMACK! talk SMACK! to SMACK!
me SMACK! that SMACK! way SMACK! again SMACK!?" Mom asked.

"NO MA’AM" I cried out in pain.

"Are SMACK! you SMACK! ever SMACK! going SMACK! to SMACK! use SMACK! that SMACK!
kind SMACK! of SMACK! language SMACK! again SMACK!?" she asked.

"NO MA’AM!" I howled.

Mom gave me another dozen or so blistering smacks with the hairbrush and it was
over. I was a sobbing wreck over her knees. Mom let me cry for a few minutes
over her lap before helping me to my feet. She hugged me tightly, telling me
how much she loved me and how much she hated it when she had to spank me. Then
she reminded me I had 30 minutes of corner time to do and said I could be
excused from dinner if I wanted. As I hobbled over to the corner with my jeans
still bunched at my knees, still crying quite hard, I vowed I would never argue
with my mother again.


Feb 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/20/00
Beth wrote:

<snip of a great story>

This is a great first story! I look forward
to reading more of your writing.

And your delurk was lovely. Welcome to SSS Beth.
I hope you find a lot of happiness here.

Thanks for your posts.



posted and emailed

"If trees could scream would we be so quick to cut them down?
Maybe. If they screamed all the time and for no good reason."

Feb 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/20/00
:-S I always wanted a mother like this. Nice into story to SSSville. :-)


Feb 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/20/00
beth83 <> wrote in message
> From

<snipped wonderful story to keep this short>

This was a really good, well-written short story. Keep posting, I'm sure
your stories will be very popular here in Asssville! :-)


Mary Catherine
Let go of your fears . . .

Check out Mary Catherine & Andy's latest adventures at:

<p & e>


Feb 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/21/00

Very nice story. Well told and enjoyable to read. I hope we will see more.

Thank you for posting



Feb 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/21/00
>Very nice story. Well told and enjoyable to read. I hope we will see more.

I agree! Beth, this was a perfect example of the genre I and so many reades
love best -- the loving but necessary taking down a peg and of panties.


Karen Fizz

Feb 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/21/00
I'm glad you reposted this story as I had missed the original posting. Very
good story and I hope to read more of your stories. Thanks.



Feb 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/22/00

Great story, Beth... and I *do* love the phrase "attitude adjustment".
Welcome to the neighborhood....



Feb 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/22/00
<snip of great story>

This story was a pleasure to read this morning beth. Welcome to Asssville, and
keep on writing :).

Terri, now 99% Domme & proud to belong to Micki


Feb 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/26/00
This was a great story to read...that hairbrush seems to do the trick every

Why only gets you half of what you want.

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