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Stepmother Spanks F/f

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Sep 19, 2000, 10:22:36 PM9/19/00

If you are not over 18 years old this is not for you.


I walked the last block home from school with my behind itching under my
jeans. At 15 years old, I didn't feel "too old" to be spanked, because I still
got plenty of spankings.
And I'm not the type to whine about it. I knew I shouldn't have cussed-out my
asshole P.E. teacher, but he deserved it and I did it and even as the words
left my mouth I knew I would be spanked at home.

It would even have been worth it, I thought, if I hadn't forgotten that Dad
was out of town. If Dad were home, he'd have given me the usual.
I recalled the last time I'd gotten it from Dad. He'd given me a short
lecture, then said he was sorry to do he took his belt off...then he
It was a bit embarassing when he pulled my jeans down - but he'd seen it all
before. Quickly, I was over his lap and he slid my underpants off the crown of
my good-sized bottom.
I held my breath.

The next 3 or 4 minutes were not enjoyable. Dad is strong and he spanked with
purpose. It didn't take long to cover my entire bare fanny with stinging belt
licks which drew my gasps, moans and finally tears.
Once the belt started in on the second round, I would be crying for reals and
promising to be good. Dad spanked good and hard and the belt really tenderized
my nude skin but he didn't lecture me or anything, just spanked steady until
I'd had my backside covered with lashes 3 times.

After that, I'd jump up, yank my clothes back up and Dad would give me a hug
and all would be forgiven. He'd been spanking me like that for years, all
fair and square, until my Stepmother, Miss Bitch, moved in when I was 13.

I had to hand it to Step. She was younger than Dad and quite beautiful and she
had him by the balls. I don't know how, she must have been a great lay or
And she was RICH...we moved from our apartment into her HUGE house and I had
all the clothes and stuff I could want. She even "tried" to be nice at first,
but when I gave her the cold shoulder, she was too stuck-up to try again and I
was too stubborn to give her a break.

Fair enough. I didn't marry her and I only had to last till I was 18 and
she'd pay for me to go to Europe and then college. That was my dream and why I
put up with her kinky shit like I would have to today.
It started the first time I got too sassy with her and Daddy decided to spank
me for it. I knew I deserved it and kinda thought maybe Step would be appalled
or something and feel sorry for me.

Christ was I WRONG! Right away it irked me as Miss Bitch started talking as
Dad was preparing me.
"Oh," she acted all innocent, "You are going to strap Stephanie?"
Well, DUH, Dad was taking his belt off...go figure.
Then as my shorts fell, "Oh, I see," she nodded, "Stephanie gets her spankings
on the panties or bare?"

I was only 13 but still saw right through the bitch. Even Dad seemed
exhasperated by her stupid comments. She kinda shut up when she saw his
But right then I KNEW she was getting off on this. She just LOVED to say the
words "Stepanie and Spanking" in the same sentence and if she could work in a
"bare bottomed" or "strapping" she was in heaven.

That first time I did my best to take my licking with some dignity. I didn't
cry or kick as much as usual but a real belt licking makes me cry and jerk no
matter who's watching.
After the last lick, I got up and got my pants up but had to listen to her
whine, "I hope that spanking taught you a lesson Stephanie. I'd hate to have to
see you go through this again."
She wouldn't win an Oscar for acting, but she was a first class liar!
Dad was clueless enough to jump in and make me apologize for sassing
her....which I did through clenched teeth..but he didn't make me PROMISE to
never talk back again....

Which I did, of course, and was soundly spanked for it everytime, Step made
sure of that! Even with all that, I was prepared to live with her slobbering
over seeing my bare behind whipped, as long as she kept the clothes and jewelry
and such coming.
But I hadn't calculated that Daddy travels alot for work and what would happen
in that case.

The first few times I was left alone with Miss Bitch for a few days at a time
I made her life a living hell. I copped an attitude most Homocide Detectives
would have struggled with. I gave her fits, even though the whole time I knew
just what she meant by her "just wait until your father gets home" threats....
But that sentence only works once, as I knew Daddy would only spank me once,
no matter how many times I'd given Step shit over the days.

And I did get spanked, hard and bare and right in front of a wiggling grinning
Step...but as much as she enjoyed my squirming reddening bare whippings...SHE
knew and I KNEW that I'd CHOSEN to take a licking in exchange for the pleasure
of tormenting her.

Finally, last year when I was 14, she'd given Daddy enough blow jobs (I guess)
and argued him into the boredom of agreeing that SHE could give me my
punishments when he was not around.
She gave him some song and dance about how SHE was spanked as a teen by HER
mom and how I could BENEFIT from the it was all for MY good...the

I actually argued with Daddy for the first time in years. How could he let her
lay a hand on me? I accepted his spankings but would NOT take one from HER!
But he was whipped, himself, I discovered. So I learned the power of pussy,
at least, and decided to accept and behave because it was only for a couple
years and I realllllllllly wanted HER to pay for my Europe trip and College
like she kept promising.

So I was "miss wonderful" during my times alone with her, and I loved driving
her crazy by being so good she had no real reason to spank me, even though I
could almost FEEL her palm itch.
But finally I lost my considerable temper one day and gave her what-for. At
first Step was aghast..."Why! I'd NEVER talk that way to an adult!" but quickly
she was not-so-secretly last, she thought.....

So she established the "call your father" routine where she'd call Dad on his
cell phone and exaggerate how bad I'd been and get his permission to punish me.
That was Dad's idea, to protect me, so I couldn't blame HER for the
humiliation of the phone call routine. But I knew she loved it.

The first time she spanked me I was 14 and I actually recall thinking, "OK
bitch, let's see what you've got." I was used to strict bare belt whippings
over dad's lap, so I figured I could handle whatever this "woman" had to offer.

I was right and I was wrong. The spanking she gave me stung, but it was just a
hand spanking, as my father had decreed, and didn't hurt anything close to the
belt whippings Daddy gave me.
But what I didn't count on was Step's horrid spanking routine and total
enjoyment of the act. Daddy spanked from duty, with honest sorrow and justice,
Step spanked me out of excitement and power.

So as I walked home from school, in disgrace, I was cursing my stupidity for
acting up when Daddy wasn't home and preparing myself emotionally for Step's
triumphant trouncing.

She could barely contain her smirk as I walked in. The school had called home
and I knew she'd been prancing around the house in anticipation of having my
bare bottom under her control.
That's what hurt. Not the spanking, although a good spanking always
HURTS...but that I was so dumb as to give her the pleasure...

I was barely in the door before she was all over me.
"Stepanie Marie!" she acted shocked, "I can't BELIEVE you would talk to a
teacher that way...blah blah blah the whole nine yards god that woman loves to
hear herself talk....

Finally she got down to business and sent me to the corner just to humiliate
me as much as possible. I know she was going for the "bad little girl who
needs to be spanked" routine, but I wasn't buying it.
I had been "bad," in the strictest sense, but I was no "little girl" and I
wasn't quaking in my boots cuz she was gonna tan my fanny. I'd taken worse
spankings from better people...

But she tried her best to degrade me by calling my Dad, as I stood in the
corner, telling him how awful I'd been and how I need strict discipline right
She could have called him hours ago, when she first heard from my school, but
she saviored and relished making me stand in the corner listening to her detail
my misdeeds and how I need to be spanked.

Unfortunately, Daddy was busy and he quickly agreed to let Miss Bitch punish
me "as necessary." So I had a decision to make. Step is tall and strong but I
could have fought her off if I wanted too. I still would have been whipped by
Daddy, though, and probably could have kissed-off any Europe or College money,
so I gritted my teeth and took her kinky course.

First, she made me take off my jeans and put my hands on my head, still in the
corner. She stood behind me and lectured endlessly..."show respect...follow
orders...your elders...blah blah.."
and she kept lightly smacking the seat of my panties as she breathed down my
None of the spanks hurt, just tingled, but I cringed because I knew how MUCH
she loved feeling my buns under her palm. The perv.
I answered her questions with monosyllables.
"Do you deserve this spanking Stephanie?"
"Will a good spanking teach you a lesson?"
"Do you know I'm going to take your panties down for this?"

God what a production! She cooed the word "panties" like it was
"pearls".....I'm surprised she didn't have a heart attack she was so wound up
about this.

Finally, she sat down and called me over. Moment of truth, but I was
determined to get though this with as little fuss as possible, just to show
She relished taking my panties down. Big deal I thought, or tried to think, as
she slowly exposed my puffy bush of brown pubic hair just inches in front of
her face.

"I know how you hate this," she assured me, "and I know you must feel like a
bad little girl to be getting spanked like this."
But I didn't. I was 15 and more mature than she was, at least more honest
about my feelings. So I just felt like a teenaged girl about to be spanked.

She took forever to adjust me over her lap. Like what was THAT about? If she
just wanted to feel my crotch rub against hers..that's gay!
Next she started hand spanking my bare bottom and I thought it was no worse
than a mosquito bite! slap slap slap slap ooohhh ooohhh...big fucken deal
Her hand was small but she was strong - a tennis player - and it was weird
feeling her palm cup my buns after every decent smack.

It took her at least 50 spanks to get a rise out of me. At that point I was
bored and sore enough to murmer, "Okay, I get the point."
This got a rise out of her as she yelpped, "I'm spanking you for your own good
girl! Don't sass me NOW!"
So she had a little spunk, which I could respect even more as she renewed her
lame assualt on my bare bottom...SMACK CRACK SPANK

On and on it went, spank after spank, I knew her palm must have been red as my
bottom as she put everything into spanking me. But she was determined, I
admired that, and she didn't stop until she'd spanked me about a hundred times.

This spanking was twice as long as any Daddy had ever given me and I admit my
behind was glowing red and puffy-hot. And I was glad it was over, and amazed at
the dampness between my legs.
Then I was surprised when she lifted me to my feet and grabbed my ear-lobe in
a death grip!
"What?" I demanded.

"March girl," she commanded, and as usual, couldn't shut up.
"WE are not halfway done, young lady. You've been asking for this for AGES and
now you are going to get it!" she droned as she drug me to her bedroom.

What the hell? I thought as my ear hurt and my bottom hurt and I began to feel
the humiliation of being quick marched to my next fate. "Your father
said I could punish you as I see fit," she stated, "and that's what you're
going to get."

For the first time I was a little scared. I'd taken my chances, earned a
good spanking, but was not prepared for THIS whole routine.
In my parents' room, I was left standing, bare below the waist, showing all
with my butt cheeks red while Step got the hairbrush from her dresser.

"I know your father belt spanks you," she began, "but I prefer the wood."
Who was this person? I wondered, who so wanted to take the back of the heavy
thick black wooden hairbrush to my bare bottom?
Maybe she did care for me after all?

In seconds she took me over her lap, pinned my left leg with her right, held
my desperate hand up my back and proceeded to blister my bare behind with the
back of that awful brush.
Daddy's belt stings, and leaves welts, but that hairbrush bounced off my bare
bottom with a firey burn from the first SWAT!

Still I held out, muffling my cries with groans as the brush painted my
backside and I yearned for Step's soft palm again. It took 20 horrible WHACKS
of wood to make me burst into tears and start kicking...which I HATE to do cuz
I shows so much but the way she had me held down I could kick one leg free and
open while the other was held down....totally bad.

As bad as it kicking my legs open and showing my pussy, the sting and
burn were worse and I raised my heels and voice at once, bellowing, begging,
pleading for this spanking to end.
Step consoled me, even as she SMACKED my bare thighs...the worst of it...."You
can be good," she assured me, "just learn this lesson...." SMACK CARACK WHACK
the hairbrush did it's job on my tender thighs where Dad's belt had never

WHACVK SMACK CRACK I was beside myself, yelpping and bawling and
begging..."please no more oh god stop I'm sorry i'll be good" as the wood
blemished my bare behind with awful awful burning SMACKS.

At the end, I was let up, to jump and bawl and grasp at my blistered bare
buns, flashing my pussy hair inconveniently and gasping for breath.
I had been spanked, truely and completely and when I looked into my
Stepmother's eyes I saw love and complicity, as she could see my wet excitement
dripping down me legs as surely as the excitement flowed between her thighs....

And I knew, right then, that I'd found my new "mother' and found my sexual


Sep 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/20/00
On 9/19/00 10:22 PM, AnnieFanny13 at wrote:


Annie Fanny this was a GREAT story! I loved the way that Stephanie talked
to us as we read and the situation ... AND the spanking description. You
were pushing all the right buttons with me. whew!




icu or Lori

Sep 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/20/00
Very Yummy Story !!

Stepmother Spanks.....would love to know where
their lives went from there.......

( That 's me...always wanting more <g>)

Thanks for the story !

The happy camper
pick your poison... ;->



Sep 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/20/00
Steven raves about "Stepmother Spanks," "Bravo! Two thumbs up and one pair
of panties down!!! Great story!!!"

Thanks for making my Wednesday morning quite HARD <eg>



Oct 15, 2000, 9:21:43 PM10/15/00
Phew!! Wicked hot story, Annie. Felt the sizzle just reading this one, lol


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