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With friends like these... MF/mf

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Oct 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/7/00

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As a girl growing up, the most difficult part of being spanked was that my
spankings were not very private, even some of my friends knew about my
I was only spanked in front of friends as a youngster, but it was plenty
embarassing and in high school these same friends knew I was still taken over
mom's lap for bare bottomed corrections.

On the good side, at least I was not the ONLY girl in my neighborhood to be
spanked, so we could commiserate at least.
On the bad side, I was spanked more frequently and worse than most everyone
else. Plus, my mother felt no regard for my modesty in such regards.

Having friends over to the house meant I had to be on best behavior - which
was hard because that's the time we like to show off and act up for each
other...being silly or sassy or sometimes stupid.
My ears and face would burn as mom would announce, "Talk back like that one
more time Annie, and I'll take you over my lap."

Or, "If I have to come up here to quiet y'all down again...I'm bringing the

The worst, at 12 years old, was when I put off doing chores because my pals
Cindy and Stacy were over.
The second time mom reminded me to do the dishes..NOW...she gave me her
spanking look but I was crazed with trying to impress my friends and somehow
blocked it out.

Fifteen minutes later, Mom snapped off the television set and grabbed me by
the ear. "Come on girls," she orderd and my friends followed us into the
Mom stood me by the sink, turned on the hot water and scolded me on my lazy
obstinence while I begged "no mom okay I'll do them now."

It was too late for that. Mom lifted the wooden spoon from the drawer, sat and
pulled me over her lap. She pulled my skirt up, my underpants down and
proceeded to SMACK my bare behind with the spoon.
I kicked and cried like usual while Cindy and Stacy stared, white-faced, as my
little fanny burned red.

I was careful to avoid any such public punishments ever again, but I was
certainly frequently spanked until 18 years old and my friends knew it.

You can blame Stacy's mom for that. Stacy was my only friend who was spanked
more often and worse than I. Unfortunately, her mom was friends with my mom.
Mrs. C was a big gossip who thought spankings were prime material. She would
come over to have coffee with my mom and they could spend an hour chatting
about my and Stacy's most recent punishments!

I used to eavesdrop, totally horrified listening to my mom detail my last bare
bottomed blistering, but tingly interested to hear Mrs. C talk about spanking
Unfortunately, Mrs. C also gossiped with other mothers about my and Stacy's
spankings. So it was common knowledge when my panties came down.
Admittedly, at about 14 yrs old, I realized that as much as I dreaded my own
spankings, I found it exciting when others got it.
Stacy and I had a rep as the most spanked girls so it was always gratifying to
me when SHE got more than I did.

Even better, were the four times I got to see Stacy take it.
Mrs. C didn't believe in sparing her daughter's pride in front of people.
Stacy told me she got spanked in front of family and least it was
only family for me :-(

First time I saw Stacy spanked was when we were 10. We played Barbie Dolls at
her house after school and when Mrs. C came home there was trouble.
I don't even know why Stacy got it. Her mom didn't say much besides "come
here." I honestly think Mrs. C just felt like spanking her daughter, so she

I was nervous as hell but nothing compared to Stacy as she went over her mom's
lap. Down came the shorts, then the panties and Stacy took a good hard hand
It was not that big a deal, in those days, but Stacy's cherry red fanny and
crying and Mrs. C's total control made an impression on me.

The same year I was 12 and got the wooden spoon in the kitchen in front of
Stacy and Cindy, Stacy got another one in front of me.
I walked Stacy home from school and we were met by Mrs. C who was mad!
The school had called her about Stacy's calling another girl "nigger" at
lunch. Even at that young age I realized Mrs. C was a hypocrit bigot, as I 'd
heard HER use that same word!
Mrs. C wasn't angry about the word, just that Stacy had been caught!

And for the first time, I was old enough to recognize the spark in Mrs. C's
blue eyes. She didn't care about Stacy learning prejudice, just was happy at
the chance to spank her daughter in front of me.
I couldn't help watching as Stacy was bared and taken over the lap. My ears
filled with the slap and shout of a spanking as poor Stacy got her bare bottom
blasted with the back of a hairbrush.

I remember being slack-jawed at the unfairness of that spanking and at
realizing that what I was watching - a young half nude girl having her tight
little bare butt SMACKED red - was what I looked like under the spoon only
weeks before.
As an adult, I've wondered if Mrs. C gave Stacy that spanking in front of me
just because she wanted my mom to know she was just as strict?

At least for me, that was the last year I got it in front of friends. But poor
Stacy was in for more.
The best spanking I saw Stacy take was when we were both 15. I was spending
the night at Stacy's and was jealous of her because she just made the
Cheerleading squad.
Stacy was short but compact in a sexy way, cute as hell. Blond hair, rosy
smile, pert breasts and something of an attitude now that she was a

We read magazines and gossiped about boys and make-up for hours, twice
interrupted by Mrs. C who asked Stacy to "change for dinner."
Stacy did NOT want to take her cheerleading outfit off. She did look like
candy, in black and red top and skirt with black underpants. But she was taking
it too far. I knew Stacy as a 5th grade geek, so this Miss Cheerleader act was
wearing thin.

When we came downstairs to dinner, and Stacy was still wearing her cheer
dress, Mrs. C went ballistic.
"I told you to take those slutty clothes off! Mrs. C scolded.
"I let you be a cheerleader even though I don't like you showing your self like
this! If you can't obey my orders at home...then..."

Stacy totally changed! "I'm sorry mom! I didn't mean...I will change..."
But I recognized the spanking look in Mrs. C's eyes.

In the dinning room, I winced as I saw Stacy taken over her mom's lap. I
watched, tingling, as her mom raised her skirt and began to SMACK the backs of
Stacy's black underpants.
"You want to show your panties to people? Mrs. C asked as she slapped and
slapped, causing Stacy to murmer, "No ma'm."

SPANK SPANK SPANK Stacy's behind bounced under her underpants and her face was
red as her behind. Stacy deserved this spanking, I would have been spanked
for the same thing. So I felt a strange enjoyment at her predicament.
At 15, Stacy was too big for her mom to really hurt her behind like this. But
Mrs. C had a plan. She spanked and spanked and spanked until Stacy's rump was
stinging hotly and Stacy was reduced to mild pleas.
"Okay mom...okay...OUCH...okayyyyy ow ow ow...enough....okay..."

I admit it was cute watching stuck-up cheerleader Stacy reverting to a
spanked girl...with her "owws...and pleases"...

But Mrs. C wasn't as pleased as I was, she asked her husband for his belt! I
felt my breath tighten just as Stacy's buns tightened while we both waited
for him to hand his strap of leather to Mrs. C.
Mrs. C made Stacy stand up, as the mother took the strap and doubled it, she
ordered Stacy to take off her cheerleader skirt and pants.

I stood stock still, mesmerized, as uppity Stacy was taken down a notch along
with her panties. Stacy didn't dare disobey, so she unzippered her skirt and
dropped her panties quickly. I saw her exposed patch of blond pubic hair...the
promised land for the boys at school... and with shameful pleas Stacy reduced
herself, "Oh no god no not the belt o mom nooooo please nooo not here"

But she did get it in front of me. A belt whipping. Hard and long and
desperate with her cries and kicks. Her mom whipped her bare bottom so hard
and steady Stacy could barely catch her breath between screams and hiccup
pleas..."Nooo aaaah no hhaaaa sto ouccccwww waaaa waaaa"

Stacy's firm full plump bare bottom wiggled and was strapped red for 15
minutes in front of me. She dissolved into babbling and I winced at the raising
of welts across her bare tender thighs...

I'd never seen such a whipping, I'd taken them, but was amazed at the scene
before me........

I'l never forget Stacy's cheerleader licking.....

I saw her spanked again, once, after that...but that's another story...

icu or Lori

Oct 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/8/00
Ok AnnieFanny....

I am sure I sent a reply on this one already but it
didn't show up so once again...

Really good story...<g>

<< I saw her spanked again, once, after that...but that's another story...

Well, did you expect me not to ask....
PLEASE....and thank you

The happy camper
pick your poison... ;->


Trish Thomas

Oct 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/8/00
> As a girl growing up, the most difficult part of being spanked was that my
> spankings were not very private, even some of my friends knew about my
> punishments.
> I was only spanked in front of friends as a youngster, but it was plenty
> embarassing and in high school these same friends knew I was still taken
> mom's lap for bare bottomed corrections.

Yikes! I only saw _one_ of my friends spanked once. The memory shot
back as I read your story. I'll never forget how non-chalantly my 12 yr old
friend told me to just wait in her room while she got spanked (her mom got
tired of her sassy mouth). She was sent to her mom's room to get it with a
hairbrush on the bare, bent over the bed. I was so afraid that the mom
might spank me too, so I bailed out of her window. I don' t know what
possessed me, but I stopped at her mom's window and peeked in. My friend
had already been bared and had taken a couple swats. I felt my face flush,
as though I was watching something x-rated. I remember thinking if I got
caught now, I certainly would get the same thing. Hearing my friends cries
come through the glass pane was enough to get my feet in gear. I ran all
the way home. The next day my friend asked why I left.... that struck me
odd at the time.

Nice story, thanks for sharing Annie!

Trish :))

The soul would have no rainbow, if the eyes had no tears. -Anonymous

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