After quite a few years of being the technical moderator of this
group, it's time for me to move on. It's clear to anyone from my lack
of engagement with the group generally that I don't really have the
time or the energy that it needs and deserves, which means I need to
pass on the job to someone who can give it both of those things. I've
been involved with the group on some level since its creation, but my
kink energies are going in other directions now.
It's also clear that the group is massively quieter now than it was in
its early days. There are lots of reasons why that's the case, but I
don't believe it necessarily follows that SSS doesn't have a valuable
place among the other spanking/CP and kink forums on the 'net. Its
self-ownership and freedom of expression are just as important now as
they ever were. I can't pretend that the group's future isn't
complicated, but I do think it has a future - just not one that I'm
able to contribute much to.
To that end, this post should be considered a formal call for
volunteers to take on technical moderation of the group. There isn't a
mechanism for replacing the technical moderator, as there is for
replacing the other moderators, so this is largely something to handle
in the best way I/we can manage. The first step will be to find
someone both willing and able to do the job. I'm not expecting this to
be a stampede, but I'm hoping that someone out there is willing to
give it a go, and to try to make the group thrive again. (I'm also
willing to consider that the job might be doable by a group of people,
rather than a single person.)
To be clear, I'm not putting a deadline on the process, and I won't
leave the job until/unless there's a new technical moderator in place
that I trust, but I'm not able to continue doing the job indefinitely,
so please do be aware of that.
Other than the above, what skills does the technical moderator need?
- Basic Unix skills, including Procmail.
- Some ability with Perl programming. The moderation 'bot is coded
in Perl. The moderator doesn't need ninja-level Perl skills, but
an ability to debug code and to make minor changes is important.
- Some awareness of how Usenet works behind the scenes.
- Reasonable web design and management skills.
The SSS website ( and moderation 'bot are
currently hosted at an ISP in New York, NY. Running costs for the
group are approximately US$180/year, which includes about US$150 for a
Unix shell account and domain hosting, and about US$30 for domain
Anyone who wants to be considered, or wants more information about
what's involved, should write to me at
Thanks for reading.