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the return a rejuve universe story (And a welcome home gift for Nadia!!! I missed you girl!)

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Misty Henry

Sep 22, 2012, 7:06:46 PM9/22/12
The Return. A Rejuve universe story

this story is for Nadia who has finally returned to us! I'm glad
you're alive Nadia! I'm so sorry for everything.

there won't be any spanking in this it's just a sweet little story to
show Nadia how much she was Missed.

And now

the return.

Emma sat nervously on the morning before Birthday number 6. She had a
lot to worry for. Funnily enough the cane was far from her mind and
heart. No she had a bigger worry. Jenny. Today they would know if all
was well or if she was going to lose her best friend. (Well one of
them.)... So today she had all her friends with her for support plus
her family.

Tommy who had taken off work to be with his daughter had already
veto'd going to the doctors office to wait 'on the front lines' as he
called it, however he had readily agreed to letting Emma invite Lauren
over and James. Nadia was there too and the four friends sat
nervously by the holo phone pretending to be interested in a
Children's holo show. (they weren't).

If it wasn't bad enough today was such a scary day (and tomorrow
scarier!!!) Emma hadn't seen Jenny in MONTHS not since their big fight
when Emma and her friends had tried to strike out on their own and
find Nerd Prime. Emma knew Jenny forgave her. The call that came at
9am on the nose this morning proved that. But even the phone call and
the accompanying song couldn't soothe Emma's nerves much. (though for
Jenny she faked it. no use making her worry)

"It's ok Little Mate." James said for the fifth time that hour. "We'll
know soon. keep your chin up."

"No matter what We'll be here for you tomorrow and as much as we can.
" Lauren chimed in softly moving closer to her little penny friend.

"Me be here too" Nadia chimed in not wanting to be left out. She and
Emma were friends too.

"thanks..." Emma said with a sigh and a wiggle. "But me will feel
better just knowing if....." she sighed she couldn't even say the

"we know" a new voice chimed in as Kim joined the group to wait. "We
all will even your Daddy and I will and Aunt Kat too."

"Aunt Kat too..." Emma echo'd nodding. then with a sigh she turned to
James and with a half smile she spoke

"Tell me...." Emma began...

James groaned having a feeling he knew what she wanted to be told. But
He'd play along and humor his best mate. "Tell you what?" he asked as
if he didn't know.

Emma smiled and shook her head. "About Nerd Prime."

James laughed and smiled at her. She was amazing. "Alright. I'll tell
you. "

and so he began to tell her again like he had time and time again
about Nerd Prime and the wonder he was and how if anyone could save
Jenny it was him.

Oh sure they both knew the story by heart but if it took her mind off
her fear and made her have faith he'd tell it again. And again. And
Again. And Again.

Only he never got to finish this time. The phone rang and they all
jumped and the cat let out a noise that was a cross between a hiss and
a meow. that sent emma into giggles. Crazy Cat.

"Johnson residence Kim speaking," Kim said answering the phone trying
to keep the nervousness out of her voice.

The four friends held each other and watched carefully for any sign
that would tell them what happened....

"Yes Dr Marcus. We've been sitting here waiting. What? Oh yes. She's
here. Hang on. I'll put her on." Kim smiled holding the phone out to

"It's Dr Marcus. He has something to tell you." Kim said softly . She
knew it was good news. Had it been bad he wouldn't have asked to talk
to Emma.

Would he have?

Emma refused the phone with tears in her eyes too afraid to find out
the truth. But a few swats from Kim brought her around to remember her
manners and she took the phone saying Hello and listening to the voice
on the other end.

"It's alright. I'm fine. It's not back. It's alright. Don't be afraid

But that voice wasn't Dr Marcus it was...........

"JENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Emma squealed loudly making the cat jump
again. And run. Darn Cat.

"I will see you tomorrow just as I promised."

The End.

there Nadia safe and sound and THAT my friend is how worried *I* have
been for YOU!

Get your tail on AIM girl. I want to hear all about it.


Nov 15, 2012, 12:23:06 AM11/15/12
"But a few swats from Kim," well, that's at least a touch of spanking for Emma, isn't it?

"Misty Henry," hmmmm?

Does this story mean that Jenny's mysterious disease is merely in remission?

Can't Nerd Prime cure her? So what good is the guy otherwise?

I suppose now Emma can take a dozen cane stripes across her tender bare buns...
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