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zzz Story: The Computer Lesson (M/F)

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Willard McBain

Nov 20, 2012, 11:55:00 PM11/20/12
Sorry to hear the group might be going away. But here's one more story
before the apocalypse. It's sort of a sequel to a story I posted back
in March.

Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved.
The following story may contain adult material of a sexually explicit
nature and/or corporal punishment. If you are under the legal age to
view or would be offended by such material, do not read any further.
All persons and events in the story are fictional. Any resemblance
between a character in the story and any actual person is purely
The Computer Lesson

At the computer desk in the back of the classroom, Kathryn Robinson
was working late on a Friday afternoon after the students and most of
the staff had left. She wondered if she was the only one left in the
building as she finished entering the test scores into a spreadsheet
and slapped the side of the display monitor in frustration. The old
computer had frozen up again, and if the file didn't save properly,
she would lose an hour's worth of work.

Kate was an assistant teacher and the newest staff member at Brentwood
Academy. After graduating from the private school four years
previously, she had obtained her degree in education and returned to
her alma mater to teach. She had been hired on a probationary basis
and would need to complete a semester as an assistant before becoming
a full-fledged teacher.

Finally, a message on the screen reported the file had been saved
successfully. Kate sighed with relief and was about to shut down the
computer, but hesitated. As long as she had stayed this late, she
might as well take a few minutes of personal time at the computer.

The computer was connected to the internet, but was protected by a
filter program which blocked students' access to most inappropriate
websites. However, there was sometimes a legitimate need for a teacher
to access a blocked site, so staff members were given the password to
bypass the filter.

Kate entered the password and then typed the address of her favorite
porn site to see if anything new had been added since her last visit.
Internet porn was usually considered more of a guys' thing, and it
wasn't as if Kate was forced to resort to virtual sex for a good time.
She was an attractive young woman and had no problems attracting men.
But she wasn't currently in a relationship. She wasn't promiscuous and
didn't want to risk getting hurt in a series of short-term encounters.
So, she would sometimes satisfy her libido with fantasies of herself
in the position of the women in the pictures. She reached under her
skirt and stroked herself as she imagined she was the one about to be
skewered by the well-built guy in the picture on the screen.

"Hi, Kate. Working late, I see." Ryan Bradford called out a friendly
greeting as he entered the room. The school didn't have a full-time IT
(Information Technology) position, so Ryan maintained the computer
system in addition to his job as a math teacher.

Fortunately, the computer screen faced away from the classroom door.
Kate's face turned red as she quickly pulled her hand from under her
skirt. Her imagination briefly superimposed Ryan's face on the guy in
the picture. He was just five years her senior and Ryan had been the
new teacher at the school when Kate had had a schoolgirl crush on him
during her senior year. She still found him attractive and he was
still single. He'd been friendly, and a few times, he'd looked at her
as if he wanted to say something. But he hadn't made any moves and it
felt a little strange to consider a relationship with her former math

"I heard you're having problems with that old computer," Ryan said.
"It's past due for replacement, but money is tight so we've had to
make do. I hope to replace it next month, but I thought I'd stop by
and see if there's anything I can do in the meantime."

As Ryan was speaking, he was walking toward the back of the classroom.
Kate reached for the mouse, pointed it at the little 'x' in the upper
right corner of the screen and clicked to close the picture. But the
computer chose that moment to freeze up again and didn't respond to
her frantic clicking as she desperately tried to close the browser
window. The picture remained on the screen.

It happened so fast, Kate didn't have time to think. She reached
behind the monitor, her fingers searching for, but not finding the
power switch. And then it was too late. Ryan rounded the corner of the
desk and got a good look at what she'd been viewing. His eyes opened
wide in surprise.

"Miss Robinson!" he exclaimed, addressing her more formally now. "What
are you doing?"

Kate's face was scarlet and she thought she would die of
embarrassment. "I... I... was just... um..." she stammered. Her voice
trailed off as she realized there was no possible explanation she
could give him.

"Miss Robinson, I know you're familiar with school policy on misuse of
computers. You signed a statement of acknowledgment of the rules when
you were hired. Did you know your position only became available
because a former staff member was dismissed for the same sort of
thing? The computer saves a history of sites you've been to and a
cache with copies of pictures you've looked at. What if a student
found that?"

Kate gulped and her face began to shift from red to pale. She hadn't
known that last part. She knew the rules, of course, but hadn't known
it was considered so serious, and never dreamed she would get caught.

"I'm sorry. Please don't report me!" she pleaded. "I swear I'll never
do it again." She told him she couldn't afford to lose her job. She
had her college loans to pay off as well as trying to help her
disabled mother get by on her social security check. And being fired
for cause would make it very hard to get another teaching position.
Besides, she really enjoyed working with the younger children, and
would be heartbroken if she had to give it up.

Ryan frowned. "You're asking me to ignore my responsibility. I don't
want to see you lose your job, but I don't think it would be fair for
you to get off free after another teacher was fired for the same
thing. It's too bad there isn't an option somewhere in between, but
once I report it, it's out of my hands. And the administrators are
very strict."

He paused and looked thoughtful as he remembered his senior year at
another private school where corporal punishment had still been in
use. He'd been caned by the beautiful female principal after being
wrongly accused of an offense. When she realized her error, she had
apologized, and after his graduation and eighteenth birthday, she had
invited Ryan to her apartment. There, she had provided him with a
paddle, a cane, and her bare bottom so he could teach her a lesson
about making hasty judgments. She had obviously wanted the 'lesson',
so he obliged. Afterward, she had taken him to bed and taught him
other lessons a young man should know. He could still see Miss Wood's
face, as well as her red striped bottom, in his mind. (Despite their
intimacy, he'd never been able to think of her as 'Karen'). Except for
a chance meeting on the street, Ryan had never seen her after that,
but the incident had left him with a penchant for punished female

He dismissed the past from his mind and continued speaking to Kate.
"It wasn't all that long ago that there were ways of providing
correction to a naughty schoolgirl that would make an impression
without ruining her future. For example, she might be required to bend
over and present her bare bottom for a dozen strokes with a paddle or

Ryan looked around the room, his eyes searching. But these were modern
times at a different school, and such methods and implements had long
since been banished from the academy. But he spotted a possible

He walked to the front of the room and returned with a long pointer
used by the teacher to direct students' attention to a particular spot
on the chalkboard. The wooden rod, with a red plastic tip, was about
the right length and diameter, and lacked only the flexibility of a
proper cane or switch. But it would do.

The rod made a menacing 'whoosh' as Ryan gave it a test swing and
showed it to Kate. "How about it? Would you like to accept an
alternative punishment?"

Kate swallowed hard as her eyes opened wide. "But... but... I'm not a

"That's fortunate. I wouldn't take the risk of giving this opportunity
to an underage student without authorization. But it's up to you. You
may refuse if you'd prefer that I report the incident."

Kate was dismayed and her heart pounded as she looked at the rod in
Ryan's hand. But she couldn't afford to lose her job and didn't see
she had any choice. "I... I guess I'll take the punishment," she said

Ryan nodded. "Stand up and remove your skirt."

Blushing, Kate stood and unfastened the skirt. She remembered Ryan had
mentioned a 'bare bottom', but hoped he wouldn't go that far.

Her hopes were immediately dashed. "Panties too," Ryan said as Kate
laid her skirt on the desk.

"Please. Don't make me..." Kate cringed, but the stern and impassive
look on Ryan's face told her he was serious. Tears of humiliation
began to flow as she slid the panties down and laid them on the desk
along with the skirt.

Ryan pointed toward the end of the desk. "Stand there, bend over and
put your hands on the desk." He instructed her to bend at the waist
and keep her legs straight.

When she was in position, Ryan tapped her buttocks with the rod. "I'm
glad you're not a student, Miss Robinson. If you were, it would be
totally inappropriate for me to mention the fact that you have a very
lovely ass. Spread your feet further apart."

Kate gritted her teeth as she forced herself to obey. Under the
circumstances, the compliment only heightened her humiliation as she
spread her feet and fully exposed herself to him. But the
embarrassment took second place to the pain as she heard a swish and
the rod cracked hard across her bottom.

"Yeow!!" She hadn't expected him to strike so hard. Kate jumped up
and clutched at her backside, rubbing furiously at where the rod had
burned a red streak across the middle of her buttocks.

Despite her reaction, Ryan didn’t think the rod was quite as serious a
weapon as a proper cane. A full dozen would be a just, painful
punishment, but not excessively cruel.

"Please get back in position, Miss Robinson. And I'd suggest you keep
the noise down. There may be someone else still in the building, and
if we can't keep this private, I'll have to make an official report.
Then you will have taken the punishment for nothing."

Whimpering, Kate bent over again and clutched the edge of the desk.
Knowing now how much it was going to hurt, her buttocks and thighs
quivered as she waited for the next stroke.

Swish – whack! The rod struck again and a second streak appeared just
below the first. Kate did her best to stifle her outcry as she bolted
upright and rubbed it again.

Ryan ordered her back into position. Anger now mixed with Kate's pain
and humiliation as she bent over again. She might have admitted to
deserving some consequence for her actions, but surely this was too
much! It seriously hurt! And adding further insult, it looked like
Ryan was enjoying it!

Ryan leaned over to inspect his handiwork, then reminded Kate to
spread her feet a bit wider as he raised the rod again.

Swish – whack! Kate shuddered and struggled to minimize her reaction
and give him as little satisfaction as possible, but she couldn't stay
in position and reached back to rub the burning pain. She looked back
at Ryan, hoping to see some sign that he might show a little mercy,
but his face remained impassive as he directed her back into position.

Tears dripped off Kate's nose and onto the floor as the strokes kept
coming. The rod raised a dense pattern of overlapping welts from just
above the middle of her bottom, down to the top of her thighs. She bit
her lip to keep from screaming, but couldn't help crying out again
when the rod landed at an angle across the previous welts. Somehow,
she managed to keep returning to position to receive the next one
until the twelfth stroke landed.

"Stand up and face me," Ryan ordered.

Kate would have liked to cover herself as she turned toward him and
saw Ryan glancing down at the neatly trimmed patch of hair at her
crotch, but her hands were too busy clutching and rubbing her sore

"Have you learned a lesson?" he asked.

Kate nodded. "Yes. I'm sorry." She grudgingly tacked on a 'sir' as
Ryan looked hard into her eyes.

Ryan saw the pain on Kate's face, but there was a bit of anger and
defiance also. That wouldn't do.

"I wonder if you're really sorry for your actions, or only sorry you
got caught. If you were a schoolgirl, I suppose that would be
sufficient. But you are an adult and a staff member. You should be
more responsible and need to be held to a higher standard. I think a
bit more is in order. Assume the position again." He flourished the

Kate gasped in horror and dismay. She had carefully rationed her
strength and resolve to take twelve strokes, and now she seemed to
have none left. "Please! No more! I'm really sorry. I swear!"

"Assume the position, or I shall have to make a report to the
administrators," Ryan repeated sternly.

Sobbing in despair, Kate turned and bent over the desk again. She
didn't see how she could take any more of the cruel beating, but
neither did she see how she could afford to lose her job. She was
completely at Ryan's mercy, and he seemed to be totally lacking in
that quality. Again, he ordered her to spread her feet wider apart as
he leaned down to inspect her punished bottom.

Ryan applied four more strokes. They weren't as hard as the first
dozen, but by now, her buttocks were so sore, Kate couldn't tell the
difference. Telling her to remain in position, he said, "Turn your
head and look at me. Have you learned a lesson?"

"Yes sir!" she sobbed. This time, there was no defiance and she
sounded sincere. It wasn't just four more strokes that broke all
resistance. It was the understanding he could give her as many as he
wanted and she had to take it.

Ryan lowered the rod and Kate gasped in shock at the feeling as he
lightly traced his fingers over the welts on her bottom. "Stay there
in position. I'm going to check out this computer while I consider
whether you need some more."

Kate's position as she remained bent over at the side of the desk left
her facing Ryan as he sat down at the computer, but she lowered her
head so she wouldn't have to look at him.

Ryan deleted the offending files and internet history. "What's this?!"
he exclaimed as he looked at the background programs running on the
computer terminal. His tone made Kate look up.

"Another reason not to visit such websites, Miss Robinson, is that you
can pick up viruses and other malware. It's a wonder this computer is
working at all." He looked pointedly at the rod he had laid on the
desk in front of her.

Kate groaned and sobbed, wondering how much more she would get. Ryan
went back to working on the computer while she hung her head and
whimpered softly.

It took a while as Ryan muttered to himself about freeing up RAM and
defragging the hard drive. Gradually, the pain in Kate's backside
subsided from a fiery agony to merely a mildly throbbing ache, and she
was startled to realize it felt rather erotic to have her sore bottom
exposed like that. But it was still painful enough that she definitely
didn't want any more. She sensed Ryan looking at her and glanced up
fearfully. To her surprise, he no longer wore the stern expression he
had when punishing her with the rod. As their eyes met, the corner of
his mouth twitched in a poorly suppressed smile.

"Do you have a computer at home, Kate?" he asked.

"Yes sir." She blinked in surprise at the change in tone and the fact
he used her first name again. Maybe that was an indication she wasn't
going to get more strokes with the rod after all.

"Is it running slow too?"

"Uh... well... yes sir," she admitted.

"I thought as much. You've probably got the same malware on it too.
Maybe I should stop by some time and clean it up for you."

She was astonished at the offer. It was so incongruous with the
beating he'd given her. Her first instinct was to refuse, but her
backside was still exposed and the rod was still handy, so she didn't
want to insult him. "That would be nice. Thank you, sir."

Ryan stood up and walked around to inspect Kate's bottom again. She
shivered, feeling both hot and cold at the same time as he gently
patted and stroked her welted flesh.

"Do you think you need some more to help you remember the lesson?"

"No sir!" she responded quickly.

"All right, then. You may stand up and get dressed."

Kate stood up and grabbed her panties and skirt. Aware of Ryan's
admiring eyes on her, she blushed as she quickly put them on. When she
was dressed, Ryan stepped close to her. She detected the faint trace
of his after-shave as he placed a finger under her chin and tilted her
head up to look at him.


"Yes sir?"

"Now that the necessary business is over, you don't have to call me
'sir'. It's 'Ryan'. I felt I had to take some action, but I hope
there's no hard feelings. What are you doing for dinner tonight? I
know of a nice little Italian restaurant where they have soft cushions
on the seats."

What? Have dinner with him after what he'd done to her? That was
crazy! But as she opened her mouth to say so, she saw again in her
mind that picture on the computer with Ryan's face on the naked stud
with the huge erection. Her face flushed as hot as her bottom, and all
her resentment vaporized in the heat. She felt like putty in his

"Um... okay," she said weakly.

Ryan leaned forward and his lips brushed against hers. "Great! And
after dinner, if you like, we can go to your place and I'll check out
your computer. Since it's your own computer, I'll only give you a
little light spanking over my lap if I find viruses on it."

Kate's heart beat faster. He sounded serious, but his wink left her
unsure. Did Ryan really believe she would bend over his lap and submit
to another spanking in her own apartment, for having viruses on her
own computer? But even as the thought formed in her mind, she knew she
would. And she knew it would be a very different kind of spanking from
the genuine punishment she'd just received. It would be a playful
re-warming of her bottom that would be just enough to fan the flames
of desire to a fever pitch. She closed her eyes and sighed as she
imagined it.

Ryan stroked her cheek with his fingers. He had seen the desire in her
eyes and felt her tremble at his touch, so he didn't think he was
taking too much for granted as he continued. "And then maybe I'll show
you how you can have fun and get some satisfaction without getting
online and messing it up again." He grinned and Kate knew the fun and
satisfaction he referred to wouldn't come from the computer.

Wondering if it might be possible that he had found the woman who
would complement his own desires and make his life complete, Ryan took
Kate's arm as he led her toward the door. "I hope you've learned your
lesson," he said teasingly. "But I get the feeling you may be the kind
of girl who needs an occasional spanking as a reminder to stay out of

Kate blushed as she reached back and rubbed her bottom. She knew Ryan
had her pegged exactly right. She hadn't realized it before, but she
was that kind of girl.

Brian G

Nov 22, 2012, 1:28:46 AM11/22/12
I liked this story, makes me wish I was young and foolish again...


I hope I grow on you....
I'm a Fungi!!!
"Willard McBain" <> wrote in message
Swish - whack! The rod struck again and a second streak appeared just
below the first. Kate did her best to stifle her outcry as she bolted
upright and rubbed it again.

Ryan ordered her back into position. Anger now mixed with Kate's pain
and humiliation as she bent over again. She might have admitted to
deserving some consequence for her actions, but surely this was too
much! It seriously hurt! And adding further insult, it looked like
Ryan was enjoying it!

Ryan leaned over to inspect his handiwork, then reminded Kate to
spread her feet a bit wider as he raised the rod again.

Swish - whack! Kate shuddered and struggled to minimize her reaction
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