In the good old days of the Usenet, when ABPES was active, Syrano
mounted his spavined steed wearing his rusty armor, and lead the charge
against anyone posting depictions of children. When I became 18, and
felt brave enough to post, I helped pile on the scorn.
Most of Warner's drawings just seem bizarre to me. I look at what I
instantly recognize as a well-known picture of some model like Eve, and
see a child in her place. WTF?
But I want to be honest here. Like many spankophiles, I seem to have
been born with the kink. My first memory of a strange excitement I had
no words for related to spanking dates to 2nd grade, when I was 7 years
old. A couple of his drawings are very close to spankings of my friends
that I witnessed. When I look at them, my prurient interests kick into
gear. I would rather it were not that way, but we don't consciously
choose these aspects of our sexuality. We discover them.
While, strictly speaking, Warner's work doesn't depict children
involved in sexual activity, it certainly has the capability to
stimulate sexual excitement in those with the kink, thus my question
for Barrister. Perhaps I should have included the many stories about
the spanking of chldren that have been posted to SSS in my question to
Have I disgusted you, Tony? Am I banned from Shadowlane forever?