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Reports of False Palmer on Net

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Bill Palmer

Apr 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/5/96
In <4k1f7v$> (Bill
Palmer ) writes:
>In> (Wotan) writes:
Changes in brackets are made by me, for reasons
explained below.

>>How cute. [Mr. Palmer] seems to be upset at me calling him
>>[Mr. Palmer]. Note the
>>places where he "edited" my post to eliminate all references to
>>[Mr. Palmer].

Wotan, you are changing your tactics; I have noticed
ore devious half-truths from you lately than BIG
LIES. The Mealy Rat waxes suave, I suppose.

But you have touched on something that deserves
response, Wotan. You are right in concluding
that I have decided in my responses to others'
posts about me, any instnace of my good last
name being mangled in the repulsive way you
and a few other degenerate sewer rats seem to

It's not that I am particulary bothered by your
gross insults against ME, Wotan. They only con-
solidate your postition as one the foulest and
most dishonest trolls on the Net. However, the
fact is, each time to make your reference to
one of your favorite perversions by smearing
my name, you insult every Palmer in the world;
and there are many thousands of them--ALL of
whom have every good reason to hate and despise

You don't merely affront me, Wotan; you vilify
Arnold and Jim, and you desecrate the name
of great British artist Samuel, and you even
insult the memory of Captain Nathaniel Brown
Palmer; you vicious and venomous rodent, Wotan.

Therefore, some weeks back I concluded that when
you and your fellow deviates try to juxtapose
your favorite perversion with the Palmer
name, I owe it to ALL the true Palmer's--inclu-
ding my own beloved ancestor who visited the Holy
Land after the Third Crusade--to efface from
any posting by me the marks of your horrid
profanities, O Exalted Sewer Rat Wotan. To do
otherwise, I would be less than an authentic

Adding to my concern about the abhorrent behavior
of you and your fellow perverts, such as Woof Davis
and Louse-monkey Hausmann [who, I have been informed,
practice simultaneously on the Net the same perversion
you malign thousands with false accusations of] I have
heard disturbing reports that there may a false Palmer
lurking in these newsgroups.

By that I mean there seems to be a unusually
despicable poltroon who has somehow come
by the fine name Palmer and who has been hanging
about these groups under a pseudonym, while
making trouble with lying and poorly written
drivel. In fact, I have information suggesting
that this counterfeit Palmer has been assailing
ME under cloak of his alias! That means, instead
of sternly reproaching those who (like YOU, Wotan)
affront thousands and thousands of Palmers with your
subhuman callousness, this vermiform wretch--seeing
that a REAL Palmer was under attack by thirty or so
rascals--decided to show how "fearless" he was by
jumping in on the side of the many attackers!

Wotan, I promise you this. I shall seek
out the false and pusillanimous Palmer in
the highways and byways of the Net, and
I shall catch him. I shall take him by the
scruff of his neck. I shall make a vidid
example of him on wordscreens of the world--
in New York, London, Dublin, Oslo, Paris,
Madrid, Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Moscow,
and Sidney.

For disgracing the Palmer name, I shall
punish this counterfeit Palmer on thousands
of screens in a way that will teach all
cowards and traitors a terrible lesson.
He shall twist horribly at the end of a
rope, in cyberspace where there is no
up or down.

May the Lord High Ratcatcher confound
you and ALL scoundrels, Mealy Rat Wotan.

"Cyrano of Cyberspace"

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