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1961 Tsar Bomba, 2012 World Overtaken, Military Maimed, Banks Failed 2012, Laws Changed

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Saint Ram Bone

Jun 7, 2012, 10:23:29 AM6/7/12
Below is a post with links from Mobile Audit Club website on the Love
Line 12 page. The World was hit with a new weapon in 1961, the
alleged Tsar Bomba, and since that time the USA military men have been
murdered and maimed and now the children are carrying genetic
defects. The banking system is being robbed due to changes in laws
and murders in the banking industry. Nikola Tesla's principles for
mind control were put to work or a variation therein. I am Kurt
Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC Bank Examiner and Freelance
Investigative Journalist on Government crimes in finance and medicine.

Mobile Audit Club

Segment June 6, 2012:

In 1961 the alledged Tsar Bomba exploded near the North Pole in
Russia.. The information section for a video is in full length here
that was published today on this matter. This section has much more
pertinent banking information and genetic defects information with
links. However the video put out today is titled, TSAR Bomba 1961,
Largest Blast Ever, Leads To Global Mind Control, Warfare Controlled.

I say alleged because the explosion might have been one of Nikola
Teslas inventions or a variation of his ideas. The Tsar Bomba
allegedly had little radiation and this would point to Tesla's
inventions. Also Tesla had spoke of mind control at a Hertz mimicking
brain waves. The alleged Tsar Bomba explosion was near the North Pole
and could have been used in conjunction with natural ion flows that
come from space, and follow longtitudinal lines to the South Pole

As a former federal bank examiner and later an investigator of
government crimes, I realized that any nation that has casinos has
those inside that nation who are predatory to the others. Therefore in
1962, the first casino was established in the United Kingdom. This
would indicate a foreigner came into power in the UK. This was also at
about the time of the Bay of Pigs alleged fiasco in Cuba which was in
1961, a few months before the alleged Tsar Bomba blast.

In 1963 the Aldermaston marches ended that allowed nuclear protests of
a nuclear facility near London. They had started in 1958 and were
ended in 1963.

How I found out about the Aldermaston marches was a woman in a dream
who was crying and she said that God had transmitted the number 463. I
looked up 4 63 and that was the year the Aldermaston Marches were
ended. I also think from a scientific perspective the number could
have been a a pulsing quasar of some variation or several of them.

In 1964, the baby boomer generation of the USA felt the first of the
butcher, the alleged Vietnam War draft heightened. The idea was likely
to usurp the urge for war on Earth, to make money in war for those who
started the mind control machine in 1961 with the alleged Tsar Bomba,
and to destroy and reduce the number of males in the baby boom
generation of the USA.

The USA lost many manufacturers between 1964 and 1991. In 1991 the
FDIC Improvement Act of 1991 was passed allowing banks to be butchered
in the Early Resolution clause of the law. The Savings and Loan crisis
allowed for banks to be butchered under the FDIC Improvement Act of

In 1999 the Financial Services Modernization Act allowed banks to
become more like the Wal-Marts are to retail services. The banks are
difficult if not impossible to audit by regulators and risk is much
higher. Also if a bank falls, the FDIC not only can butcher a bank but
in a sense a whole range of financial service companies. So when the
crime syndicates in government take out one cash cow of a bank, they
take down an entire herd.

I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, was hired at the FDIC San
Francisco in 1999. I was pushed out in 2000 because I did not trust a
supervisor and would not go to their room one night while doing a bank
examination in Hawaii. The prior regional director had been shot in
his head in his FDIC office before George Masa, alleged to exist, took
the position afterward in the early 1990's after the prior FDIC was
murdered and called a suicide. There had been obvious fighting at the
Roseville FDIC office the year prior in 1999 with a bosses subdivision
doused in jet and or diesel fuel in Rocklin California. Also we were
remote at the San Francisco FDIC office. Before I left that office, I
was horrified when an argument and what sounded like a fight broke out
in the bank examiners office who was in charge. Some strangers came in
and they were arguing behind closed doors. I often wondered about mind
control in the agency. I have been injected twice since FDIC
employment and working as a freelance journalist starting in 2001. I
have had a stroke with memory loss. Journalists you should know this
nation was lost to the wolves of war and they do not give back up.
Perhaps all is not lost.

But it appears that like the disappearance of many small retailers,
many banks are failing. The larger banks can be controlled by
international financeers and leveraging so that we in the USA do not
have control of anything. Here is a list of FDIC failed banks.

I am blacklisted from employment in the USA and maimed due to a
faction of the regime in power in the USA. I have done my best and
tried to abide by all laws. When I was injected and tortured in 2004,
it seemed unreal. I recommend you run for your life in this era of
possible mind control if you are attacked with needles while in the
streets or in the hospitals. You are better off dead than to be maimed
with forced injections and torture as I have been since FDIC
employment and freelance journalistic work.

If you are young, you must realize that the USA is controlled by
capitalists who are in the predator lines of work, e.g. casinos and
drugs and money laundering and murder and warfare. You are nothing to
those in power if you stand up to their aggressions and war crimes.

I recommend that young people consider my warnings. If you go into the
military you must realize also that the experiments or procedures and
environments they will subject you to, may not only kill you but leave
your future children maimed for generations to come. I am speaking
about a shift in your family genome. I have seen this happen
repeatedly to the children of the men who were stationed on the West
Coast of the USA.

I am currently seeking a holy nation that does not have casinos,
compulsory military enlistment or selective service registration and
unequal drug laws and no tourniquets on the public in any shape or
form or fashion.

The government has tried to label me insane. They have tried to
permanently incarcerate me twice when I was seeking healthcare, in
2001 and 2004. The last time I went in 2012, they were up to their old
tricks. I ignored their advances and avoided their trap and departed.
The syndicates of the minorities in the USA are often used against us.
I do not believe they control the show. Who controlled the blast after
the alleged Tsar Bomba?

I also often wonder about H.A.A.R.P. because it too is at the North
pole area and I wonder if it too is used against us, to keep us pinned
down and outcast. Who really controls outer space? Does someone
control our minds at times or at all times? Could we have lost free
will? Or is that next?

You got my work at a Bargain. The Who (music)

Mobile Audit Club

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