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Jutta Haas

Apr 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/25/96
I'm brand new to this group. I'm also a new (early!) retiree. I live in
Canada. My question is: does this group also discuss things Canadian,
i.e. best places to live, best funds to invest in, retirement taxation,
etc.? It's not that I'm not interested in US issues, it's just that
somethings don't apply in this country. Would appreciate a brief answer.
Thanks, J. Haas

Apr 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/25/96

I'm with you. Where/When do we start??

Keep "Surfin"
Rene J.



Apr 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/27/96

The answer is yes. The more people like you will ask questions the
more will contribute to it. I’m looking forward to discuss any of
those questions.
I also retired early, but already eight years ago and enjoy it very
much. I’m from the West coast and ready to discuss any thing.
Regards F.Surken

William R. Watt

Apr 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/28/96

Don't you think it was risky for the Prime Minister to give the BC
legislature, in light of its past wierd performance, a constitutional
veto? Now we not only have to worry about the PQ, but BC as well.


You are what you read.

H. Bowers

Apr 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/30/96

In article <4lomqh$>, () wrote:
>I'm with you. Where/When do we start??
I quess we just start asking questions. For instance What do you think of
Nunziata getting kicked out of the click????

Donald Blakley

Apr 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/30/96

It shows the arrogance of the Libs and their leader John Christian.
Remember Jean telling us it was going to be different? About as good as
their promise on the GST. The tragedy is that Shiela Copout, pardon me
Copps, is still sitting in Parliament.




Apr 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/30/96

> t still surprised me is that anyone, anywhere in the world, still believes
> any promises a politician makes.
> You know most politicians are lawyers, and do you know what a
lawyer does when hi is dead?
He lies still.
Fred <>

Abraham S. Ross

May 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/1/96

am...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Donald Blakley) writes:

What still surprised me is that anyone, anywhere in the world, still believes

any promises a politician makes.

abe ross

who me cynical?

Donald Blakley

May 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/1/96

Abraham S. Ross ( writes:
> What still surprised me is that anyone, anywhere in the world, still believes
> any promises a politician makes.

But like I said about the commercial folk on the newsgroup whenever a
politician doesn't keep a promise we have to swat 'em whenever they pop
their heads up.

The news is this am is that Shiela is doing the honourable thing. After much
prodding. The Reform went after her in question period yesterday in the
House of Comedies. She would't answer but her mouthpiece the PM did all
the replying. You could tell Jean was upset, his English was terrible.
A sure sign the opposition was getting to him.

Next Chretien should do the honourable thing . He hasn't even apologized
for misleading the voters. He has left that to his ministers to wear the
hair shirts.

They are all a rum lot.



Ted Armstrong

May 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/2/96
to (Abraham S. Ross) wrote:

>What still surprised me is that anyone, anywhere in the world, still believes
>any promises a politician makes.

What makes me so cross is that when asked a straight question they
avoid it and postulate on a totally different topic. Today I watched
Question Period from the House of Commons. The pressure was on the
Prime Minister to respond, as Sheila Copps had by resigning, to the
promise that the Government would "scrap the GST if elected" in the
last election. He walked around it completely and then passed the
ball to the Finance Minister, Paul Martin, whose thrust was to defend
all the things the PM had done for the country. Neither of them
answered the questions directly. But we let them get away with it.
(And I also believe the Opposition is in on it too..they know they
will not get direct answers so they make their own grandstanding
oratories.) Surely there should be a procedure, say with the Speaker
of the House, to direct them to answer the question asked.

Now we are going to be conned into the new harmonizing of the GST
which is going to be forced upon some very unwilling provinces.

Oh, and another thing, the PM is working to get Sheila Copps back by
calling an early by-election. This is ironic for if she is re-elected
she still is in a government which did not "scrap the GST"...but I
dare say she has received "absolution" from her constituents so she
can start over again with a clear concience.

Whoosh....there I feel better...

>who me cynical?

"Life is too short to drink cheap wine."

Ted Armstrong
Fort Saskatchewan
Alberta, CANADA

May 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/2/96

Hello H. Bowers:

Interesting start! Shiela Copps - what can I say. 8-> No I'm not comparing
the two of them. I've felt for some time now that regardless of what Party
is governing our Nation and regardless of what Party brings an issue up,
if the issue is one that will benefit all Canadians, then forget about the
party lines and go for it. Mr. Nunziata is to be complimented for taking the
stand that he did. It was (in his words) the point that got him elected.
Therefore, the Liberals not eliminating the GST (as they promised) left him
with no alternative.

Keep "Surfin"
Rene J.

H. Bowers ( wrote:
: In article <4lomqh$>,

: () wrote:
: >Hello:
: >
: >I'm with you. Where/When do we start??
: >
: I quess we just start asking questions. For instance What do you think of
: Nunziata getting kicked out of the click????


William R. Watt

May 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/2/96

Ted Armstrong ( writes:

<on the disorderliness of question period in the House of Commons>

> oratories.) Surely there should be a procedure, say with the Speaker
> of the House, to direct them to answer the question asked.

People often get up in the Commons, or at town hall meetings, not to ask a
question, but to make a statement, although the agenda of the gathering
calls it a "question period". Sometimes MP's get so caught up in hearing
themselves berate the government on some point they forget to ask a question.


May 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/2/96

In article <4m92rk$>,
(Ted Armstrong) wrote:

> (Abraham S. Ross) wrote:
> >What still surprised me is that anyone, anywhere in the world, still believes
> >any promises a politician makes.

> But we let them get away with it.

And there it is in a nutshell--and very discouraging. There's no way in
the world "we" (who have concerns about many, many facets of our world)
can ride herd on all of "them" (each of whom, because of political power
and organization, has the relative luxury of being able to focus his/her
energy) so they get away with "it." For example, how can we possibly hold
people accountable for the truth of their statements? A responsible press
could do it but alas that seems a pipe dream.

H. Bowers

May 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/2/96

In article <4m94mv$>, () wrote:
>Hello H. Bowers:
>Interesting start! Shiela Copps - what can I say. 8-> No I'm not comparing
>the two of them. I've felt for some time now that regardless of what Party

Wow that started something, now who do you think is going to pay for the
income tax cut :)


May 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/4/96
to Ted, Armstrong

Hi, Ted,
Enjoyed your thoughts on politicians. I'm glad you go it all out
of your system.
About Sheila Copps and her resignation over the GST, you are
absolutely right, the situation puts her and her constituents in a very
awkward situation. Her constituents might grant her 'absolution', but
most of the rest of the country will not. I can see a mounting pressure
from the people in the rest of the country to try to influence the people
of Hamilton into not re-electing Sheila. Apart from that the majority of
Hamiltonians will soon come to the realization that by electing Sheila
they are telling the Liberals that they don't mind the harmonizationof
the taxes.
If Sheila is not elected the Hamiltonians will be sending a very
clear message to Ottawa that they can look forward to losing the next
election unless they pull their socks up and get rid of the GST.

Have a great day ,Ted!!

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