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Cryonic Life Insurance Company natural ice glacier burial,

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Br Dan Izzo

Sep 10, 2004, 8:01:51 PM9/10/04
Cryonic Life Insurance Company

Hope in a real medical resurrection one day is not a dream but based
on fact. Preserving the body after death through cryonic freezing or
natural ice glacier burial provides people and civilizations with a
real medical sense of a security from death and hope for living again.

Friday, August 20, 2004
Affordable cryonic services at the Cryonic Institute for under $35,000
Below is a cut and paste web site for the Cryonic Institute:
that provides affordable cryonic services for under $35,000.
Arrange for Natural Ice Glacier Burial,
Antarctica; Greenland, Alp mountains
just Transportation costs @$1,500 to
Thule US Air Base, northern most airport
in Greenland's Ice cap plus fees.
The US Air base at Thule's camp Tulo; ice caverns
are a constant 14 degrees F.
A burial box will naturally sink into the glacier ice
due to the earth's gravity.


Cryonics Institute:"Your Last Best Chance For Life--and Your

The Cryonics Institute offers cryonic suspension services and
information. As soon as possible after legal death, a member patient
is prepared and cooled to a temperature where physical decay
essentially stops, and is then maintained indefinitely in cryostasis.
When and if future medical technology allows, our member patients hope
to be healed and revived, and awaken to extended life in youthful good
Cryonics Institute: A Brief History and Overview By Robert C.W.
"The cryonics movement began in 1962 with the private publication of
the first version of my first book, "The Prospect of Immortality." It
gained more attention when Doubleday published the first of several
successful commercial editions, including several in foreign
languages; and with the publication of my next book, "Man Into
"Organizations sprang up immediately. The Immortalist Society
(originally the Cryonics Society of Michigan, and later the Cryonics
Association) was formed in 1967 to promote cryonics, and since 1970
has published The Immortalist magazine.
Then in 1976 a separate organization was formed: the Cryonics
Institute, to offer cryostasis services: careful preparation, cooling,
and long term patient care in liquid nitrogen.
"Our goal was maximum reliability and affordability. And we achieved
it. The Cryonics Institute offers clear-cut advantages over all other
providers. Such as--
The Most Affordable Prices Available Anywhere
"Our prices are lower than any other organization -- in fact, the most
affordable prices anywhere in the world. Our minimum whole-body
suspension fee is $28,000. (For members at a distance, transportation
costs and local help will be additional.) Our $28,000 fee is a
one-time only payment, with no subsequent charges. It's easily funded
by insurance or other means, and funds the best care available for our
member patients. (For last-minute cases, where the patient was not
signed up beforehand, we ordinarily charge $35,000 rather than
$28,000, if arrangements can be worked out at all.)
"Does that lower fee mean lower quality patient care or services? No.
The major part of other organizations' fees are earmarked for
investment provisions totally unrelated to patient care and
preparation. Methods and research differ, but overall we believe our
procedures and policies give a better chance for patient survival than
any other organization's -- and this web site will show you the
detailed reasons why.
"See for yourself. Read our FAQ and see a special section -- clear and
easy to read -- called "Comparing Procedures And Policies." It
explains where your money goes, and why it goes to giving you and
those you love the best possible chance for future survival. Remember:
most CI members can afford the higher prices of other organizations
for themselves and their families -- and often do give more, in
bequests and donations. But we've chosen CI -- because we know it's
our best bet. And yours.
Stability, Safety, And Security
"We have a unique, proven track record of financial security and
stability. Price stability too. CI is the only organization with no
debt, no stockholders, and no landlords. We own our patient care
facilities outright, and all our officers and directors donate their
services voluntarily. We're one of the oldest cryonics organizations
in existence -- and the only such organization that has never raised
its prices, even in high-inflation times like the late 70s and early
80s. Adjusting for inflation, our prices have actually steadily
declined, and we expect this to continue.
"Financially, we are the soundest cryonics organization in existence.
Rapid On-The-Spot Care
"We have a uniquely flexible and rapid system of emergency patient
care based on universally available networks of mortuary assistance
(and often medical assistance). This means that in the critical early
stages, we can bring qualified professionals to you faster than any
other system -- to you, and to travelers, vacationers, and members
throughout most of the world. In particular, London-based F.A. Albin &
Sons funeral directors are trained, practiced, equipped, and prepared
to fly a team anywhere in Europe on short notice to help European CI
members or tourists and business travellers.
Your Best And Most Comprehensive Free Informational Resource
"And lastly, we offer you a continually updated information center --
this web page. The site you're reading will lead you to everything you
need to know about the subject of cryonics, and more. It offers you
free information, free books, the latest news, hundreds of links to
thousands of sources covering health, science, cutting-edge medicine,
nanotechnology, financial help and resources, and supportive people
and organizations. And if that's not enough? We personally will answer
any question you might have about cryonics or the Cryonics Institute
directly by email, or direct you to someone who can. In the world of
cryonics, this is the source to visit, and the place to be.
"So come in. Talk to us, and learn about us. And about the world of
cryonics--the only hope for the elderly or terminally ill, or for
those who die suddenly. Cryonics -- the only alternative to the
despair of death and disease. A new technology of life potentially
without limits.
"But please -- don't wait too long. That can be fatal, and often has
been. Read our web page, send us email, call us, write us, visit our
facility -- tell us what we can do for you to help make your decision
an informed one. We'll be happy to help. But act now. It could save a
life -- just maybe your own. Make a commitment, if you value your life
and the lives of the people you love.
"Remember. You need us, and we need you. Help us to share and build
the long tomorrow."
Search this site!

24355 Sorrentino CourtClinton Township, MI 48035 Phone 1-586-791-5961
Fax 1-586-792-7062 ----------------------------------
[ Site Content How CI Compares F.A.Q About Cryonics What's New?
© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. You are visitor number since
January 15,1998

posted by Rev Dan Izzo @ 10:10 PM 6 comments
About Me
Name:Rev Dan Izzo
View my complete profile

Previous Posts
Affordable cryonic services at the Cryonic Institute for under $35,000
August 2004
BlogThis!Cryonic Life Insurance Company
Hope in a real medical resurrection one day is not a dream but based
on fact. Preserving the body after death through cryonic freezing or
natural ice glacier burial provides people and civilizations with a
real medical sense of a security from death.

Friday, August 20, 2004
Affordable cryonic services at the Cryonic Institute for under $35,000
Below is a cut and paste web site for the Cryonic Institute:
that provides affordable cryonic services for under $35,000.


Cryonics Institute:"Your Last Best Chance For Life--and Your

The Cryonics Institute offers cryonic suspension services and
information. As soon as possible after legal death, a member patient
is prepared and cooled to a temperature where physical decay
essentially stops, and is then maintained indefinitely in cryostasis.
When and if future medical technology allows, our member patients hope
to be healed and revived, and awaken to extended life in youthful good
Cryonics Institute: A Brief History and Overview By Robert C.W.
"The cryonics movement began in 1962 with the private publication of
the first version of my first book, "The Prospect of Immortality." It
gained more attention when Doubleday published the first of several
successful commercial editions, including several in foreign
languages; and with the publication of my next book, "Man Into
"Organizations sprang up immediately. The Immortalist Society
(originally the Cryonics Society of Michigan, and later the Cryonics
Association) was formed in 1967 to promote cryonics, and since 1970
has published The Immortalist magazine.
Then in 1976 a separate organization was formed: the Cryonics
Institute, to offer cryostasis services: careful preparation, cooling,
and long term patient care in liquid nitrogen.
"Our goal was maximum reliability and affordability. And we achieved
it. The Cryonics Institute offers clear-cut advantages over all other
providers. Such as--
The Most Affordable Prices Available Anywhere
"Our prices are lower than any other organization -- in fact, the most
affordable prices anywhere in the world. Our minimum whole-body
suspension fee is $28,000. (For members at a distance, transportation
costs and local help will be additional.) Our $28,000 fee is a
one-time only payment, with no subsequent charges. It's easily funded
by insurance or other means, and funds the best care available for our
member patients. (For last-minute cases, where the patient was not
signed up beforehand, we ordinarily charge $35,000 rather than
$28,000, if arrangements can be worked out at all.)
"Does that lower fee mean lower quality patient care or services? No.
The major part of other organizations' fees are earmarked for
investment provisions totally unrelated to patient care and
preparation. Methods and research differ, but overall we believe our
procedures and policies give a better chance for patient survival than
any other organization's -- and this web site will show you the
detailed reasons why.
"See for yourself. Read our FAQ and see a special section -- clear and
easy to read -- called "Comparing Procedures And Policies." It
explains where your money goes, and why it goes to giving you and
those you love the best possible chance for future survival. Remember:
most CI members can afford the higher prices of other organizations
for themselves and their families -- and often do give more, in
bequests and donations. But we've chosen CI -- because we know it's
our best bet. And yours.
Stability, Safety, And Security
"We have a unique, proven track record of financial security and
stability. Price stability too. CI is the only organization with no
debt, no stockholders, and no landlords. We own our patient care
facilities outright, and all our officers and directors donate their
services voluntarily. We're one of the oldest cryonics organizations
in existence -- and the only such organization that has never raised
its prices, even in high-inflation times like the late 70s and early
80s. Adjusting for inflation, our prices have actually steadily
declined, and we expect this to continue.
"Financially, we are the soundest cryonics organization in existence.
Rapid On-The-Spot Care
"We have a uniquely flexible and rapid system of emergency patient
care based on universally available networks of mortuary assistance
(and often medical assistance). This means that in the critical early
stages, we can bring qualified professionals to you faster than any
other system -- to you, and to travelers, vacationers, and members
throughout most of the world. In particular, London-based F.A. Albin &
Sons funeral directors are trained, practiced, equipped, and prepared
to fly a team anywhere in Europe on short notice to help European CI
members or tourists and business travellers.
Your Best And Most Comprehensive Free Informational Resource
"And lastly, we offer you a continually updated information center --
this web page. The site you're reading will lead you to everything you
need to know about the subject of cryonics, and more. It offers you
free information, free books, the latest news, hundreds of links to
thousands of sources covering health, science, cutting-edge medicine,
nanotechnology, financial help and resources, and supportive people
and organizations. And if that's not enough? We personally will answer
any question you might have about cryonics or the Cryonics Institute
directly by email, or direct you to someone who can. In the world of
cryonics, this is the source to visit, and the place to be.
"So come in. Talk to us, and learn about us. And about the world of
cryonics--the only hope for the elderly or terminally ill, or for
those who die suddenly. Cryonics -- the only alternative to the
despair of death and disease. A new technology of life potentially
without limits.
"But please -- don't wait too long. That can be fatal, and often has
been. Read our web page, send us email, call us, write us, visit our
facility -- tell us what we can do for you to help make your decision
an informed one. We'll be happy to help. But act now. It could save a
life -- just maybe your own. Make a commitment, if you value your life
and the lives of the people you love.
"Remember. You need us, and we need you. Help us to share and build
the long tomorrow."
Search this site!

24355 Sorrentino CourtClinton Township, MI 48035 Phone 1-586-791-5961
Fax 1-586-792-7062 ----------------------------------
[ Site Content How CI Compares F.A.Q About Cryonics What's New?
© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. You are visitor number since
January 15,1998

posted by Rev Dan Izzo @ 10:10 PM

At 10:44 PM, Rev Dan Izzo said...
The Environment Places the definite Stamp on the Individual

1 Once civilizations start to provide cryonic freezing methods of
preservation, cryonics will provide for a chance for a real medical
resurrection of the dead body. Many of the security from death issues
people have can be addressed through science and general medical

Our childhoods are the best time of our lives , once robotic parents
are created for tough labor our lives could be like children again,
and more people would want to be brought back from temporary death.

Reviving to life already after freezing already happens naturally.
Every spring, life that was once frozen in the winter months, suddenly
blooms to life again.

Many plants and animals replace their body water with a natural sugar
anti-freeze to prevent the cell DNA from shattering when frozen.

When Human Beings die; not all of the body is dead, just the brain
stem stops to function.
Please remember that mammals start out the size of a period dot and
grow into a baby in 9 months, using just food and oxygen from the

In the future stem cells can be cultured and the deceased body can be
revived with these cells, like filling a dry sponge with fresh water.

At 10:49 PM, Rev Dan Izzo said...
" Resurrection is the rising again from the dead, the resumption of
life. "

Could this Bible prophesy be Cryonics ?

What does the Roman Catholic teach about the Resurrection of the Dead
Body ?

Below is a quote fromm General Resurrection:
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XII 1911

Resurrection is the rising again from the dead, the resumption of
life. The Fourth Lateran Council teaches that all men, whether elect
or reprobate, "will rise again with their own bodies which they now
bear about with them" (cap. "Firmiter"). In the language of the creeds
and professions of faith this return to life is called resurrection of
the body (resurrectio carnis, resurrectio mortuoram, anastasis ton
nekron) for a double reason: first, since the soul cannot die, it
cannot be said to return to life; second the heretical contention of
Hymeneus and Philitus that the Scriptures denote by resurrection not
the return to life of the body, but the rising of the soul from the
death of sin to the life of grace, must be excluded. (We shall treat
of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ in a separate article; here, we
treat only of the General Resurrection of the Body.)

"No doctrine of the Christian Faith", says St. Augustine, "is so
vehemently and so obstinately opposed as the doctrine of the
resurrection of the flesh" (In Ps. Ixxxviii, sermo ii, n. 5). This
opposition had begun long before the days of St. Augustine: "And
certain philosophers of the Epicureans and of the Stoics ", the
inspired writer tells us (Acts, xvii, 18, 32), "disputed with him
[Paul] ...and when they had heard of the resurrection of the dead,
some indeed mocked, but others said: We will hear thee again
concerning this matter." Among the opponents of the Resurrection we
naturally find first those who denied the immortality of the soul;
secondly, all those who, like Plato, regarded the body as the prison
of the soul and death as an escape from the bondage of matter; thirdly
the sects of the Gnostics and Manichaeans who looked upon all matter
as evil; fourthly, the followers of these latter sects the
Priscillianists, the Cathari, and the Albigenses; fifthly, the
Rationalists, Materialists, and Pantheists of later times. Against all
these we shall first establish the dogma of the resurrection, and
secondly consider the characteristics of the risen body.


The creeds and professions of faith and conciliar definitions do not
leave it doubtful that the resurrection of the body is a dogma or an
article of faith. We may appeal, for instance, to the Apostles' Creed,
the so-called Nicene and Athanasian Creeds, the Creed of the Eleventh
Council of Toledo, the Creed of Leo IX, subscribed by Bishop Peter and
still in use at the consecration of bishops the profession of faith
subscribed by Michael Palaeologus in the Second Council of Lyons, the
Creed of Pius IV, and the Decree of the Fourth Lateran Council (c.
"Firmiter") against the Albigenses. This article of faith is based on
the belief of the Old Testament, on the teaching of the New Testament,
and on Christian tradition.

(1) Old Testament

The words of Martha and the history of the Machabees show the Jewish
belief towards the end of the Jewish economy. "I know ", says Martha,
"that He shall rise again, in the resurrection at the last day" (John,
xi, 24). And the third of the Machabee martyrs put forth his tongue
and stretched out his hands, saying: "These I have from heaven, but
for the laws of God I now despise them: because I hope to receive them
again from him" (II Mach., xii, 11; cf. ix, I4). The Book of Daniel
(xii, 2; cf. 12) inculcates the same belief: "Many of those that sleep
in the dust of the earth, shall awake: some unto life everlasting, and
others unto reproach, to see it always." The word many must be
understood in the light of its meaning in other passages, e. g. Is.,
liii, 11-12; Matt., xxvi, 28; Rom., v, I8-19. Though Ezechiel's vision
of the resurrection of the dry bones refers directly to the
restoration of Israel, such a figure would be hardly Israel, such a
figure would be hardly intelligible except by readers familiar with
the belief in a literal resurrection (Ez., xxxvii). The Prophet Isaias
foretells that the Lord of hosts "shall cast down death headlong
forever" (xxv, 8), and a little later he adds: "Thy dead men shall
live, my slain shall rise again. . . the earth shall disclose her
blood, and shall cover her slain no more" (xxvi, 19-21). Finally, Job,
bereft of all human comfort and reduced to the greatest desolation, is
strengthened by the thought of the resurrection of his body: "I know
that my Redeemer liveth, and in the last day I shall rise out of the
earth. And I shall be clothed again with my skin, and in my flesh I
shall see God. Whom I myself shall see, and my eyes shall behold, and
not another; this hope is laid up in my bosom" (Job, xix, 25-27). The
literal translation of the Hebrew text differs somewhat from the
foregoing quotation, but the hope of resurrection remains.

(2) New Testament

The resurrection of the dead was expressly taught by Christ (John, v,
28-29; vi, 39-40; xi, 25; Luke, xiv, 14) and defended against the
unbelief of the Sadducees, whom He charged with ignorance of the power
of God and of the Scriptures (Matt., xxii, 29; Luke, xx, 37). St. Paul
places the general resurrection on the same level of certainty with
that of Christ's Resurrection: "If Christ be preached, that he rose
again from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no
resurrection of the dead? But if there be no resurrection of the dead,
then Christ is not risen again. And if Christ be not risen again, then
is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain" (I Cor., xv, 12
sqq.). The Apostle preached the resurrection of the dead as one of the
fundamental doctrines of Christianity, at Athens, for instance (Acts,
xvii, 18, 31, 32), at Jerusalem (xxiii, 6), before Felix (xxiv, 15),
before Agrippa (xxvi, 8). He insists on the same doctrine in his
Epistles (Rom., viii, 11; I Cor., vi, 14; xv, 12 sqq.; II Cor., iv,
14; v, 1 sqq.; Phil., iii, 21; I Thess., iv, 12-16; II Tim., ii, 11;
Hebr., vi, 2), and in this he agrees with the Apocalypse (xx, 12

(3) Tradition

It is not surprising that the Tradition of the early Church agrees
with the clear teaching of both the Old and New Testaments. We have
already referred to a number of creeds and professions of faith which
may be considered as part of the Church's official expression of her
faith. Here we have only to point out a number of patristic passages,
in which the Fathers teach the doctrine of the general resurrection in
more or less explicit terms. St. Clement of Rome, I Cor., xxv; St.
Justin Martyr, "De resurrect.", vii sqq.; Idem, "Dial. c. Tryph.",
Ixxx; Athenagoras, "De resur. carn.", iii; Tatian, "Adv. Graec.", vi;
St. Irenaeus, "Contra haer.", I, x; V, vi, 2; Tertullian, "Contra
Marcion.", V, ix; Idem, "De praescript.", xiii; Idem, "De resurrect.
carn.", I, xii, xv, Ixiii; Minucius Felix, "Octav.", xxxiv; Origen,
tom. XVII, in Matt., xxix; Idem, "De princip.", praef., v; Idem, "In
Lev.", v, 10; Hippolytus, "Adv. Graec." in P. G., X, 799; St. Cyril of
Jerusalem, "Cat.", XVIII, xv; St. Ephraem, "De resurrect. mort."; St.
Basil, "Ep. cclxxi", 3; St. Epiphanius, "In ancor.", lxxxiii sq.,
xcix; St. Ambrose, "De excessu frat. sui Satyri", II, lxvii, cii;
Idem, "In Ps. cxviii", serm. x, n. 18; Ps. Ambr., "De Trinit.", xxiii,
in P. L. XVII, 534; St. Jerome, "Ep. ad Paul" in LIII, 8; Rufinus, "In
symbol.", xliv sq.; St. Chrysostom (Ps. Chrysostom), "Fragm. in libr.
Job" in P. G., LXIV, 619; St. Peter Chrysologus, serm. 103, 118;
"Apost. Constit.", VII, xli; St. Augustine "Enchirid.", 84; Idem, "De
civit. Dei", XX, xx; Theodoret, "De provident.", or. ix; "Hist.
eccl.", I, iii.

The general resurrection can hardly be proved from reason, though we
may show its congruity.

a.. As the soul has a natural propensity to the body, its perpetual
separation from the body would seem unnatural.
b.. As the body is the partner of the soul's crimes, and the companion
of her virtues, the justice of God seems to demand that the body be
the sharer in the soul's punishment and reward.
c.. As the soul separated from the body is naturally imperfect, the
consummation of its happiness, replete with every good, seems to
demand the resurrection of the body.
The first of these reasons appears to be urged by Christ Himself in
Matt., xxii, 23; the second reminds one of the words of St. Paul, I
Cor., xv, 19, and II Thess., i, 4. Besides urging the foregoing
arguments, the Fathers appeal also to certain analogies found in
revelation and in nature itself, e.g. Jonas in the whale's belly, the
three children in the fiery furnace, Daniel in the lions' den, the
carrying away of Henoch and Elias, the raising of the dead, the
blossoming of Aaron's rod, the preservation of the garments of the
Israelites in the desert, the grain of seed dying and springing up
again, the egg, the season of the year, the succession of day and
night. Many pictures of early Christian art express these analogies.
But in spite of the foregoing congruities, theologians more generally
incline to the opinion that in the state of pure nature there would
have been no resurrection of the body.

All shall rise from the dead in their own, in their entire, and in
immortal bodies; but the good shall rise to the resurrection of life,
the wicked to the resurrection of Judgment. It would destroy the very
idea of resurrection, if the dead were to rise in bodies not their
own. Again, the resurrection, like the creation, is to be numbered
amongst the principal works of God; hence, as at the creation all
things are perfect from the hand of God, so at the resurrection all
things must be perfectly restored by the same omnipotent hand. But
there is a difference between the earthly and the risen body; for the
risen bodies of both saints and sinners shall be invested with
immortality. This admirable restoration of nature is the result of the
glorious triumph of Christ over death as described in several texts of
Sacred Scripture: Is., xxv, 8; Osee, xiii, 14; I Cor., xv, 26; Apoc.,
ii, 4. But while the just shall enjoy an endless felicity in the
entirety of their restored members, the wicked "shall seek death, and
shall not find it, shall desire to die, and death shall fly from them"
(Apoc., ix, 6).

These three characteristics, identity, entirety, and immortality, will
be common to the risen bodies of the just and the wicked. But the
bodies of the saints shall be distinguished by four transcendent
endowments, often called qualities.

a.. The first is "impassibility", which shall place them beyond the
reach of pain and inconvenience. "It is sown", says the Apostle, " in
corruption, it shall rise in incorruption" (I Cor., xv, 42). The
Schoolmen call this quality impassibility', not incorruption, so as to
mark it as a peculiarity of the glorified body; the bodies of the
damned will be incorruptible indeed, but not impassible; they shall be
subject to heat and cold, and all manner of pain.
b.. The next quality is "brightness", or "glory", by which the bodies
of the saints shall shine like the sun. "It is sown in dishonour,"
says the Apostle, "it shall rise in glory" (I Cor., xv, 43; cf. Matt.,
xiii, 43; xvii, 2; Phil., iii, 21). All the bodies of the saints shall
be equally impassible, but they shall be endowed with different
degrees of glory. According to St. Paul: "One is the glory of the sun,
another the glory of the moon, another the glory of the stars. For
star differeth from star in glory"'(I Cor., xv, 41-42).
c.. The third quality is that of "agility", by which the body shall be
freed from its slowness of motion, and endowed with the capability of
moving with the utmost facility and quickness wherever the soul
pleases. The Apostle says: "It is sown in weakness, it shall rise in
power" (I Cor., xv, 43).
d.. The fourth quality is "subtility", by which the body becomes
subject to the absolute dominion of the soul. This is inferred from
the words of the Apostle: "It is sown a natural body, it shall rise a
spiritual body" (I Cor., xv, 44). The body participates in the soul's
more perfect and spiritual life to such an extent that it becomes
itself like a spirit. We see this quality exemplified in the fact that
Christ passed through material objects.

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Transcribed by Donald J. Boon
Dedicated to Bishop Andre Cimichella of Montreal, and to Blessed
Kateri Tekakwitha

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XII
Copyright © 1911 by Robert Appleton Company
Online Edition Copyright © 2003 by K. Knight
Nihil Obstat, June 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor
Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York

At 10:54 PM, Rev Dan Izzo said...
A Few Words From Our Forefather

In a life filled with many accomplishments, Ben Franklin gained
notoreity for, among other things, "discovering" electricity and
helping to write the U.S. Constitution. But as if those things were
not enough, he also took time out during his busy life to predict,
Nostradamus-style, the future practice of cryonic suspension.

Sort of.

In the letter below, to his friend and fellow scientist Jacques
Dubourg, he says several things that now seem almost eerily prescient.
More than anything, his words convey a general optimism about science
and its value, and a desire to be around in the far future to see how
it all turns out. Today's cryonicists generally find more than a
little to symapthize with in these thoughts.

Too bad that, as he feared, the science of his age was "too little
advanced" to afford him the opportunity for more life. There is no
doubt that having him around today would be a tremendous boon to
historians and the curiousity-filled public. Of course, having Ben
Franklin alive today would have beend an even bigger boon to Ben
Franklin himself, historical figure or not.

"A hundred years hence," will people be saying the same thing about
you? Ruminating your passing? Wondering how you would have liked the
way the world turned out? Unlike poor Ben, you have at least one
option for avoiding that. Will you?

* * *

London, April 1773.

To Jacques Dubourg.

Your observations on the causes of death, and the experiments which
you propose for recalling to life those who appear to be killed by
lightning, demonstrate equally your sagacity and your humanity. It
appears that the doctrine of life and death in general is yet but
little understood...

I wish it were possible... to invent a method of embalming drowned
persons, in such a manner that they might be recalled to life at any
period, however distant; for having a very ardent desire to see and
observe the state of America a hundred years hence, I should prefer to
an ordinary death, being immersed with a few friends in a cask of
Madeira, until that time, then to be recalled to life by the solar
warmth of my dear country! But... in all probability, we live in a
century too little advanced, and too near the infancy of science, to
see such an art brought in our time to its perfection...

I am, etc.


[From Mr. Franklin, A Selection from His Personal Letters, by L. W.
Labaree and W. J. Bell, Jr. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1956),
pp. 27-29.]

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At 10:59 PM, Rev Dan Izzo said...
The Gravitational Instability Cosmological Theory on the Formation of
the Universe.

When did motion first start ?

Science knows the formation of matter in our universe was caused by
the forces of the


These forces are:

(1) The Force of Gravity

(2) The Force of Electro Magnetism

(3) The Strong Nuclear Force

(4) The Weak Nuclear Force

At some point in time, motion within the universe, had to begin.

The paradox would be, what force could cause motion to begin, without
moving in its

present space-time ?

The Gravitational Cosmological Theory of the formation of the Universe
is a theory I

developed that is rooted in theEinstein and the Bondi-Gold-Hoyle
Steady State theories ,

wherein the Steady State theory the universe contains more protons
than electrons that

create dust particles and galaxies formed in their current locations
and the cosmic

matter is recycled therein at the center of the galaxy furnace.

When the Universe started to fall:

The Gravitational Instability Cosmological Theory on the Formation of
the Universe.

The Theory:

(1) The expansion of the universe is a result of the " heat '
contained therein;

(2) The source of the " heat " is the cosmic microwave radiation
backround at 3 kelvin,


(3) The microwave electro magnetic-nuclear energy was formed as a
result of the

interaction of two different static gravitational vacuum fields,
causing gravitational

instability and the motion, void of matter, at this time, wherein;
static gravitational

field (1) began to go into "motion".

Therefore; only (2) static gravitational vacuum fields alone, being
void of E=MC^2

could create E=MC^2; and the matter of the Universe.

Q: When did this motion start?

A: If a neutral particle is able to resist the universal motion, in
theory, that particle

would go back in time. Going back in time the neutral particle would
then enter into (1)

of the (2) motionless-static gravity vacuum fields void of motion, and
cause an unbalance

and gravitational instability and this interaction would create motion
and energy


Q: What causes a gravitational static vacuum field in the first place

A: Pressure force is used to create a vacuum on Earth, perhaps an
exotic something 100,000 times weaker than the force of gravity decays
causing a static gravity vacuum field.

Theory by Rev Daniel Izzo
512 Onondaga Age
Syracuse, New York 13207 July 2002

At 11:07 PM, Rev Dan Izzo said...
December 1st 2003

To The National Institute of Health Grand Challenge:

Solicitation: GC #10) Invent drugs and delivery systems that minimize
likelihood of drug resistant micro-organisms

Project Title:
Electric Drugs for resistant micro-organisms and

electrochemical, electrophoresis treatment

Principal Investigator:
Izzo Daniel Brother BA, MS

In 1998 I developed a new class of anti-viral agents and

anti-microbial agents,that will shatter the RNA/DNA interior of

causing microorganisms with electrochemicals, Electrophoresis activity

with minimal human cell damage that means further research and

development and testing that may destroy HIV infection:

(1) quickly, (2) cheaply and (3)safely, hopefully under $10 U.S.,

The Zinc Carbon pill, compounds, U.S. Patent pending with no cited

references. The process is a new approach for the destruction of

microbes in an effort to blow up the virus like an overloaded

with electrochemicals, electromagnetic force,and find safe treatments

that will treatment will increase the natural voltage inside a human

being from 200 volts up to 300 volts with no amps.

I have listed approximately 57 different compounds and have 16

different diseases that are treated or cured with either carbon

compounds, zinc compounds or electromagnetic radiation. but not in

combination with each other in that with the desired effect and result

described in this grant application. the applicant's belief is that

human cells are much stronger and viral cells in the right

and electrochemical stress therapy, may be that environment that

destroys HIV in the body with minimum harm to the patient.

My research has shown that many household flea powders, and

cockroach and bug sprays and certain pesticides are electric

and by intuition is that if they can kill fleas, ticks and cockroaches

without harming human beings then the electrochemical compound,

process may also be able to destroy the HIV virus or other drug

microbes inside a human being.

Meeting the Grand Challenge:

No microorganism, virus, bacteria or other parasites can ever

be resistant to strong electric drugs, electric current,

electrophoresis activity, and all microorganisms have a physical

weakness that can be exploited and enhanced electrical environment

within the human body.

Many of the 57 electrochemicals are poisonous in large doses

to human beings and will kill HIV virus and many of electrode magnetic

systems, electric drugs are not harmful to human health. further =

research and development and testing and peer review will find the

course safest process of treatment.

The solution can be implemented easily in any developing

country, in a very cost-effective manner if the projects testing

effective at destroying drug resistant microorganisms with electric



the innovative and novel features that will be employed comprise

of the following claim:

I claim a process that will electrocute viruses and drug resistant

microorganisms within a host human being and will explode said virus

drug resistant microorganisms,

by the inventions ability to increase the natural electric current

and voltage of a human being with electrochemical compounds and a

process of electrophoresis, and electrocution and electrostatic

comprising of:

certain researched chemicals, and Electro magnetic processes

and other compounds known to destroy microbes, wherein combining

these elements increases and amplifies the electrical energy of the

human to a safe level but will explode with electric energy the

interior of drug resistant microorganisms.

First Year Budget:

Number of Years Requested:

Estimated Total Budget:

Telephone Number:

Email Address:


Brother Daniel R Izzo

Principal Investigator:

Title: Chairman

Institutional Subdivision:
Microwave Hot Water Boiler Heating Systems

Institutional Affiliation:
Univeral Life Foundation

Institutional Address:
512 Onondaga Ave
Syracuse, NY 13207

Degree: Masters in Applied Science

Years: 2001

Applied Science and Psychoanalysis

Trinity College and University

Positions Held:
I am a scientist and inventor of over 20 devices, including=20
(1) The Microwave Hot Water Boiler Heating System
(2) An Artificial Liver
(3) The Lever Engine, one of only 4 gas combustion engines in the
world that requires no transmission gears to convert 1 ton of torque
into 4
(4) A microprocessor
(5) A portable nuclear powered engine and electric generator, ( @
50watts output )
(6) The hydraulic pneumatic engine
(7) The artificial womb
(8) A resurrection/cryonic burial tomb
(9) The Thermionic Electron Electric Generator that should convert 10
watts input into @ 100 watts output
(10) The Electric Generator ( same as above,
inpart )
(11) The artificial muscle robot, ( hopefully a WARM artificial heart
soon )

Message sent 11/26/2003 11:23:46 PM

At 11:43 PM, Rev Dan Izzo said...
Why was CANCER Rare 100 Years Ago ?

We are what we eat.
Did you know Marihuana " cake " has always been legal under the
Federal Controlled Substances Act of 1970 ?
What exactly is marihuana ' cake ' and if we are not sure, why are
over 200,000 people currently in Jail and over 600,000 people arrested
every year in the US for marihuana ' cake ' possession ?
Is Marihuana 'cake' the Mulch found under Hemp Harvester Machines ?
Isn't this mulch cake the same material people hold in plastic baggies
and get arressted over 600,000 times every year in the US ?
Marihuana " Cake " is exempt and legal to hold under Federal CSA law
and most State Laws, therefore I hope an executive pardon can be
granted for the 200,000 people currently in jail for marihuana
possession .
Carefully read the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 on the exemptions
(16) The term "marihuana" means all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa
L., whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin extracted
from any part of such plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt,
derivative, mixture, or preparation of such plant, its seeds or resin.

Such term does not include the mature stalks of such plant, fiber
produced from such stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of such
plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or
preparation of such mature stalks (except the resin extracted
therefrom), fiber, oil, or CAKE, or the sterilized seed of such plant
which is incapable of germination "

including marihuana ' stalks, fiber , seed oil and Cake, ect
When I mow my lawn, a grass " cake " is formed inside the lawn mower,
is this what the CSA means by ' cake ' ?
well it is legal to possess and I hope an executive pardon will be
granted for those 100,000 plus people currently in Jail for marihuana
' cake possession under a vague language CSA law.

I think a HUGE mistake has occurred when non scientists, made medical
policy concerning the banning of Marihuana as FOOD and not replacing
Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids in our Human Diets.

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid, it is essential for Human health

only a very few foods with GOOD sources that contain Omega 3 EFAs

The Essential Fatty Oils we need for our health are:

(1) Fish Oil / Cod Liver Oil

(2) Soy Oil ( new in western diets )
( olive oil a tiny bit)

(3) Blue/Green Algae

(4) Flax seed oil ( a great cancer fighter apparently )

And the other is

(5) HEMPSEED Oil, aka Marihuana

Did you know Marihuana Cake is still legal ?

What is Marihuana Cake ?

And if it is legal, what is it exactly, since 100,000s of people have
been arrested for a vague law that I hope can be granted a pardon.

Why would millions of American have risked arrest over Marihuana ?

Answer is not Pot's THC, I think it was for the Essentail Fatty Acid,
Omega 3.

It should be noted that Marihuana usage did go down by @50% in Holland
after Marihuana's legalization in that country, maybe because it was
used for omega 3.

Marihuana Oil is one of the very rare oils that contain Omega 3
Essential Fatty Acids.


CAnCER WAS RARE 100 Years Ago

Why ?

We are what we eat.

100 years ago, hemp seeds where used as a food, ( the hemp fibers
where used for rope and sack cloth / sail cloth )

as food was very expensive, and cheap gruels and porriges where made
from mushed hemp seeds, or those hemp seeds where used as animal feeds
and the omega 3 EFA, being essential to our health, was in the food
chain, thru food animals.

Please Scan the pasted articles below on Marihuana, its vague wording
in law, and science reports on Essential Fatty Acids, namely Curing

PS. If Marihuana is ever formally decriminalized, a good older law was
the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 (below ) Just change the unreasonable
permit requirements, and harse penalties, and the core of this law
will prive the FBI and Attorney General's Office with a good
foundation to regulate Marihuana if a Court or Congress elects to
allow Marihuana for Human Beings again

God Bless You

Br Dan Izzo BA/MS in Applied Science ( inventor of an anti viral agent
and several other medical devices )
512 Onondaga Ave
Syracuse, NY 13207

Controlled Substances Act
The Controlled Substances Act (CSA), Title II of the Comprehensive
Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, is the legal foundation
of the government's fight against the abuse of drugs and other
substances. This law is a consolidation of numerous laws regulating
the manufacture and distribution of narcotics, stimulants,
depressants, hallucinogens, anabolic steroids, and chemicals used in
the illicit production of controlled substances.

The CSA places all substances that are regulated under existing
federal law into one of five schedules. This placement is based upon
the substance's medicinal value, harmfulness, and potential for abuse
or addiction. Schedule I is reserved for the most dangerous drugs that
have no recognized medical use, while ScheduleV is the classification
used for the least dangerous drugs. The act also provides a mechanism
for substances to be controlled, added to a schedule, decontrolled,
removed from control, rescheduled, or transferred from one schedule to

Proceedings to add, delete, or change the schedule of a drug or other
substance may be initiated by the Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), or by
petition from any interested party, including the manufacturer of a
drug, a medical society or association, a pharmacy association, a
public interest group concerned with drug abuse, a state or local
government agency, or an individual citizen. When a petition is
received by the DEA, the agency begins its own investigation of the

The DEA also may begin an investigation of a drug at any time based
upon information received from law enforcement laboratories, state and
local law enforcement and regulatory agencies, or other sources of

(16) The term "marihuana" means all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa
L., whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin extracted
from any part of such plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt,
derivative, mixture, or preparation of such plant, its seeds or resin.

Such term does not include the mature stalks of such plant, fiber
produced from such stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of such
plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or
preparation of such mature stalks (except the resin extracted
therefrom), fiber, oil, or CAKE, or the sterilized seed of such plant
which is incapable of germination "

More Details of Marihuana Laws
Hemp crop 6

Every step of hemp growing involved guarantees that no portion of
crops would be diverted for illicit marijuana use.

Toward the end of the war, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics decided to
regard mature hemp stalks as marijuana if a single leaf remained on
them, a
stand later modified to permit 10% of the leaves. (277) It was unclear
who would count and record the original number of leaves on each stalk
order to calculate the percentage. Because marijuana taxes ranged from
1 to $ 100 an ounce, and stalk harvests were measured in tons, the
would have been to extinguish the American hemp industry. Narcotics
chief Harry Anslinger told the industry that the tax would include the
entire stalk and come to about $ 32,000 a ton. (278) Bureau Assistant
Chief Counsel B. T. Mitchell stated that Anslinger personally decided
classify mature stalks as marijuana. "He handled that himself," agreed
Deputy Commissioner Will S. Wood. Neither Mitchell nor Wood offered an
explanation for Anslinger's action, nor apparently did Anslinger
one. (279)

The reason cannot have been diversion of industrial hemp crop leaves
or flowers from the growing field into the illicit marijuana market.
1937 when Anslinger urged federal regulation of cannabis commerce he
the U. S. Senate that only one instance had ever been involved in the
illicit traffic at all. This case in Texas is the only case I know
(280) In 1945 a private Wisconsin mill operator declared, "In the 30
years we have operated and grown large acreages we have never heard of
instance where there was an illicit use made of the leaves of this
plant....We have never heard of anybody trying to get into a field and
the leaves for illicit purposes." (281) An Illinois hemp plant manager
(who was a former school board member in his community) concurred,
he was "on the alert and made considerable effort to determine if this
hemp plant was being harvested by anyone for narcotic uses...[but]
observed anyone in the act of gathering the plant for this purpose."

Nor can the reason have been diversion of residual leaves of flowers
after harvest. Upon inquiry in 1991, a senior French hemp industry
official dismissed the possibility of marijuana thieves attacking
time of harvest and delivery of stalks to mills: "There is never a
between the harvest and utilization by industry for at this stage the
foliage (leaves and flowers) have practically disappeared as dust."
(283) As to conditions at mills themselves, in 1945 a senior U. S.
Department of Agriculture official stated, "We have never had any
difficulty at our own [government] mills. We have had no reports of
anyone attempting to secure leaves or blossoms nor have I heard of
attempts being made at the privately-owned mills." (284)

The definition of "mature stalks" was discussed when Congress passed
the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act, as hemp industrialists wanted to be sure
harvest was permitted before the plant reached biological maturity,
that regular cultivation, harvest, and milling practices would be
unaffected by the law. (285) The Treasury Department also accepted
amendments to the bill that exempted oil, oil meal, oil cake, and seed
products that happened to contain small residual quantities of "a few
twigs, leaves, or portions of the flowering tops." (286)

The definition of "mature stalks," the acceptance of small amounts
of marijuana in hemp delivered to mills, and the absence of any
diversion of hemp crops were all well established in 1945 when the
of Narcotics issued its ruling about residual leaves on stalks. Having
failed to discover any reason for the ruling, Congress amended the
anti-marijuana law to nullify the Bureau's action.

First, Congress exempted from the marijuana tax "any transfer of
marihuana from one miller to another miller, or from a farmer to a
(287) Millers, like hemp growers, now had to register with the
Department but Congress specified criteria for miller registration:
The Secretary [of the Treasury] shall not permit the
registration of any
person....unless in the opinion of the Secretary such person (or if a
corporation, each officer thereof) is a person of good moral character
unless in the opinion of the Secretary such person is a person of
financial standing, intends to engage in good faith in the business of
manufacturing or producing fiber or fiber products from the plant
sativa L. on a commercial basis, and is not seeking registration under
section for the purpose of facilitating the unlawful diversion of
marihuana. Any person who is registered under this section....shall
agents of the Bureau of Narcotics ready access at all times to any
part of
the premises of such person and the right to inspect any and all
papers, records, or documents connected with the activities of such
in dealing in, manufacturing, and processing Cannabis sativa L.--and
or fiber products thereof, and the handling of marihuana. The
may cancel or may refuse to renew....the registration of any such

Administrative regulations supplemented the law. For example:
Investigation shall include a comprehensive inquiry to determine
whether the applicant is equipped with technical facilities and
skill adequate to establish and maintain the proposed milling
with a reasonable degree of efficiency; whether the applicant has a
for the prospective fiber products; and whether there are or will be
appropriate safeguards against diversion of marihuana while en route
to, or
at, the mill premises. (289)

Upon learning of plans to exempt hemp stalks from the marijuana
transfer tax even if they had residual leaves or flowers, the Federal
Bureau of Narcotics declared that upon passage of such legislation the
Bureau would require mills to erect high fences and to hire guards to
patrol the premises. (290) Apparently no such requirement resulted,

In May 1945 the Bureau's Deputy Commissioner Will S. Wood told
Congress that the Bureau did not wish to destroy the hemp industry.

In the 1940's, as in the 1930's, when hemp industrialists protested
anti-marijuana measures that would harm the hemp industry, Congress
decisive action to guarantee continuance of the industry. Clearly
intended to encourage hemp growing, not discourage it. Hemp producing
states took a similar attitude. Growing marijuana was illegal in Iowa
1946, but the anti-marijuana law said, "Any person, firm, or
engaged in growing cannabis for the purpose of obtaining therefrom
seed or
fiber or engaged in the processing of hemp for either of such purposes
under contract and holding a federal license therefor shall be exempt
the provisions of this section." (292)

In the 1960's Congress provided further protection to hemp growers by
ratifying the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, which took force in
United States in 1967. The treaty explicitly protects "cultivation of
cannabis plant exclusively for industrial purposes (fibre and seed) or
horticultural purposes." (293) Under the long standing judicial
treaties supersede any conflicting federal or state legislation. By
ratifying this treaty Congress protected the hemp industry against any
subsequent national or state prohibition attempt.

Although hemp farming declined dramatically in the late 1940's, a half
dozen private hemp companies remained active. In 1952 the U. S.
of Agriculture published a pamphlet advising farmers how to grow hemp,
in 1953 124 growers were still registered. By 1958, however,
hemp farming no longer existed in the United States. (294) When the
federal anti-marijuana laws underwent a major revision in 1970,
deleted mechanisms for registering growers and processors. (295)
Commercial hemp production and processing remained legal, but federal
registration mechanism under which the industry had operated since
were abandoned, apparently as irrelevant to the production agriculture
scene of 1970.

When the federal government abandoned regulation of commercial hemp,
regulatory authority passed to the states. Each state has authority to
establish a mechanism by which producers and processors of hemp can
register as legitimate business enterprises, with such state
allowing them to operate even though marijuana remains illegal--just
as was
done under the federal system.


The current federal definition of marijuana still keeps the hemp
industry legal:
The term "marihuana" means all parts of the plant Cannabis
sativa L., whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin
from any part of such plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt,
derivative, mixture, or preparation of such plant, its seeds or resin.
Such term does not include the mature stalks of such plant, fiber
from such stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of such plant, any
compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of
mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or
or the sterilized seed of such plant which is incapable of

Missouri statute language is almost the same:
"Marihuana," all parts of the plant genus Cannabis in any species or
form thereof, including, but not limited to Cannabis Sativa L.,
Indica, Cannabis Americana, Cannabis Ruderalis, and Cannabis Gigantua,
whether growing or not, the seeds thereof, the resin extracted from
part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative,
mixture, or preparation of the plant, its seeds or resin. It does not
include the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the oil or
made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture,
derivative, mixture or preparation of the stalks (except the resin
extracted therefrom), fiber, oil or cake, or the sterilized seed of
plant which is incapable of germination." (297)

Hemp growing in Missouri is as legal as it has always been. The
grower, however, must be able to prove that the crop is not being used
illicitly for marijuana. Although technically a state certificate is
necessary for such proof, state registration would officially identify
grower or processor as pursuing legal commerce. Without a registration
system, anyone interested in growing or processing hemp will likely
prosecution for cultivating or transacting in marijuana. A state
registration system would benefit hemp farmers and simplify marijuana
enforcement. Any grower without a state certificate would be hard
to claim that the crop is legitimate.

Because hemp commerce is legal and is exempt from drug control laws,
interstate commerce in hemp is legal. Missouri farmers and processors
would have a right to engage in interstate and international commerce.

Note: The federal government has not relinquished its regulatory
authority over drugs. State registration as a hemp grower or processor
would not give the registrant permission to grow or process cannabis
medicinal purposes.

Also: Holders of a state registration certificate would be allowed to
produce hemp, not marijuana. Holders would not be exempt from obeying
anti-marijuana laws. Holders could not lawfully permit someone to
leaves from fields or otherwise divert any part of the crop for
purposes. Such conduct would be liable to harsh criminal penalties,
and we
may be confident that law enforcement authorities would take keen
in observing the fate of hemp crops.

A certificate would merely shift the legal "burden of proof."
Currently, without a registration system, a Missouri hemp cultivator
be presumed to be cultivating marijuana. Upon such accusation, the
farmer would have to prove otherwise. If a cultivator is a registered
producer, however, the legal assumption is that the crop is lawful
and the prosecutor has to prove otherwise. Without a registration
criminal charges against a hemp cultivator would be automatic
the farmer might eventually prevail in court). With a registration
criminal charges would never be filed unless a prosecutor believed the
farmer was diverting part of the crop for use as marijuana--and
never detected even one such incident while the federal registration
was operating. Under state registration hemp farmers could go about
business unmolested, just as corn or hog farmers do. Although a
registration system would not change anti-marijuana laws, the shift in
legal burden of proof would make hemp production a viable agricultural

There is nothing contradictory about encouraging hemp while
discouraging marijuana. Although they come from the cannabis plant,
are different products. While the federal registration system
agriculture agencies encouraged cannabis growth while law enforcement
agencies destroyed unregistered cannabis acreage. This policy is
documented by government records: (298)

Year Registered Growers Legal Harvest Illegal Harvest

1938 371 1,400 acres
12,900 acres
1939 174 1,650
1940 219 2,600
1941 566 9,600
1942 8,929 43,800
1943 14,913 186,700
1944 ------ 54,600

Experience suggests that the following elements would help a state
hemp registration system to succeed.

1. Evidence that grower has identified a buyer for crop, or that
processor will receive raw materials from identified growers.

2. Evidence that applicants have sufficient financial backing for
their enterprise.

3. Posting bond to guarantee compliance with anti-marijuana laws.
A percentage of such bond might be returned annually if good conduct

4. Strict record keeping by which farmers identify exact areas used
for raising crops and report disposition of crops, and records by
processors account for all raw materials received.

5. Periodic renewal of registration, and means for revoking

6. Regulating agency should be one that encourages cannabis hemp
commerce (such as Agriculture, Conservation, Natural Resources) rather
than one oriented toward restricting cannabis marijuana commerce (such
Public Safety, Mental Health).

Examination of old federal statutes and regulations, noted above,
benefit discussion of a Missouri hemp commerce registration system.
systems of Minnesota, France, and Canada may also be of interest.


Minnesota has a system for hemp commerce. For many years registered
persons could harvest wild hemp as well as cultivated crops, (299) but
1969 the law was changed to allow only commerce in cultivated crops.
As of 1981 Minnesota law read as follows:

18.321 Growing hemp (cannabis sativa L.) for commercial purposes;
Growing or maintenance of hemp, Cannabis sativa L., is permitted only
for commercial uses, as herein defined. Commercial uses are such
adaptations of hemp as are necessary and proper for the manufacture of
rope, sacks, and other sisal hemp products and such other
commercial products, including the manufacture of batts, yarn, thread,
cordage, merchandise, cloth, and such other products as may be made
linen fiber, as have been or may be developed; submitted to the
commissioner and approved by him. The commissioner is hereby
and it shall be his duty, to license and authorize the growing of hemp
the derivatives thereof are to be used solely for the commercial uses
herein defined. Any person desiring to grow hemp for commercial
as herein defined, shall file an application for a license therefor
the commissioner, giving a description and the area of land intended
to be
so used. The commissioner shall issue a license to the applicant for
growing such hemp for such commercial uses as are specified in the
application and license, and the growing of hemp, pursuant to the
terms of
the license issued by the commissioner shall be lawful to the extent
granted by the license.

18.322 Licensee to notify commissioner
Any person to whom a license for commercial growing of hemp, Cannabis
sativa L., is issued shall notify the commissioner of the sale or
distribution thereof, and the names of the persons to whom such hemp
sold or distributed.

18.323 Penalty
Any person violating any of the provisions of sections 18.321 to
18.322 is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Those statutes remained essentially unchanged into 1991, except for
modifications designed to remove gender prejudice in Minnesota
Apparently Minnesota had no registered commercial hemp growers in


Although marijuana is prohibited, hemp is protected as a textile plant
throughout the European Economic Community. (301) In France a farmer
wishes to raise hemp must first obtain a contract for the crop. A
cannot simply grow hemp on speculation. Crop yield is estimated and a
price for the crop is set before field production begins. The producer
must notify the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture. Only
certified for producing cannabis with low drug content can be used.
are tested during the growing season to be sure drug content remains
In 1991 a senior hemp industry official described anti-marijuana
regulations as "very strict." (302)


Canadian anti-marijuana legislation is even more stringent than U. S.
law. In Canada marijuana is defined as all parts of Cannabis sativa.
exceptions are made for mature stalks or any other portion of the
(303) This rigid definition is confirmed by case law. The law,
explicitly allows farmers to apply for a license to grow hemp. (304)
Apparently such a license is obtainable, otherwise the Canadian hemp
operation (described above) would have been impossible.




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DRCNet Library | Schaffer Library | Hemp (Marijuana) | Marihuana Tax
Act of 1937

Full Text of the Marihuana Tax Act as passed in 1937

Introduction (in italics) by David Solomon

The popular and therapeutic uses of hemp preparations are not
categorically prohibited by the provisions of the Marihuana Tax Act of
1937. The apparent purpose of the Act is to levy a token tax of
approximately one dollar on all buyers, sellers, importers, growers,
physicians, veterinarians, and any other persons who deal in marijuana
commercially, prescribe it professionally, or possess it.

The deceptive nature of that apparent purpose begins to come into
focus when the reader reaches the penalty provisions of the Act: five
years' imprisonment, a $2,000 fine, or both seem rather excessive for
evading a sum (provided for by the purchase of a Treasury Department
tax stamp) that, even if collected, would produce only a minute amount
of government revenue. (Fines and jail sentences were f urther
increased to the point of the cruel and unusual in subsequent federal
drug legislation that incorporated the Marijuana Tax Act. It is now
possible under the later version of the Act to draw a life sentence
for selling just one marihuana cigarette to a minor.) One might
wonder, too, why a small clause, amounting to an open-ended catchall
provision, was inserted into the Act, authorizing the Secretary of the
Treasury to grant the Commissioner (then Harry Anslinger) and agents
of the Treasury Department's Bureau of Narcotics absolute
administrative regulatory, and police powers in the enforcement of the
law. The message becomes entirely clear when, having finished the
short text of the Act itself, one proceeds to the sixty-odd pages of
administrative and enforcement procedures established by the infamous
Regulations No. 1. That regulation, not fully reproduced here, calls
for a maze of affidavits, depositions, sworn statements, and constant
Treasury Department police inspection in every instance that marijuana
is bought, sold, used, raised, distributed, given away, and so on.
Physicians who wish to purchase the one-dollar tax stamp so that they
might prescribe it for their patients are forced to report such use to
the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in sworn and attested detail,
revealing the name and address of the patient, the nature of his
ailment, the dates and amounts prescribed, and so on. If a physician
for any reason fails to do so immediately, both he and his patient are
liable to imprisonment-and a heavy fine. Obviously, the details of
that regulation make it far too risky for anyone to have anything to
do with marijuana in any way whatsoever.

Regulations No. 1 was more than an invasion of the traditional right
of privacy between patient and physician; it was a hopelessly involved
set of rules that were obviously designed not merely to discourage but
to prohibit the medical and popular use of marijuana. In addition to
the Marihuana Tax Act and Regulations No. 1, the Bureau of Narcotics
prepared a standard bill for marihuana that more than forty state
legislatures enacted. This bill made possession and use of marihuana
illegal per se, and so reinforced the federal act.






















(Act of Aug. 2, 1937, Public 238, 75th Congress)

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress assembled, That when used in this Act,

(a) The term "person" means an individual, a partnership, trust,
association, company, or corporation and includes an officer or
employee of a trust, association, company, or corporation, or a member
or employee of a partnership, who, as such officer, employee, or
member, is under a duty to perform any act in respect of which any
violation of this Act occurs.

(b) The term "marihuana" means all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa
L., whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin extracted
from any part of such plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt,
derivative, mixture, or preparation of such plant, its seeds, or
resin- but shall not include the mature stalks of such plant, fiber
produced from such stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of such
plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or
preparation of such mature stalks (except the resin extracted
therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed of such plant
which is incapable of germination.

(c) The term "producer" means any person who (1) plants, cultivates,
or in any way facilitates the natural growth of marihuana; or (2)
harvests and transfers or makes use of marihuana.

(d) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Treasury and the
term "collector means collector of internal revenue.

(e) The term "transfer" or "transferred" means any type of disposition
resulting in a change of possession but shall not indude a transfer to
a common carrier for the purpose of transporting marihuana.

SEC. 2. (a) Every person who imports, manufactures, produces,
compounds, sells, deals in, dispenses, prescribes, administers, or
gives away marihuana shall ( 1 ) within fifteen days after the
effective date of this Act, or (2) before engaging after the
expiration of such fifteen-day period in any of the above mentioned
activities, and (3) thereafter, on or before July 1 of each year, pay
the following special taxes respectively:

(1) Importers, manufacturers, and compounders of marihuana, $24 per

(2) Producers of marihuana (except those included within subdivision
(4) of this subsection), $1 per year, or fraction thereof, during
which they engage in such activity.

(3) Physicians, dentists, veterinary surgeons, and other practitioners
who distribute, dispense, give away, administer, or prescribe
marihuana to patients upon whom they in the course of their
professional practice are in attendance, $1 per year or fraction
thereof during which they engage in any of such activities.

(4) Any person not registered as an importer, manufacturer, producer,
or compounder who obtains and uses marihuana in a laboratory for the
purpose of research, instruction, or analysis, or who produces
marihuana for any such purpose, $1 per year, or fraction thereof,
during which he engages in such activities.

(5) Any person who is not a physician, dentist, veterinary surgeon, or
other practitioner and who deals in, dispenses, or gives away
marihuana, $3 per year: Provided, That any person who has registered
and paid the special tax as an importer, manufacturer, compounder, or
producer, as required by subdivisions ( 1 ) and (2) of this
subsection, may deal in, dispense, or give away marihuana imported,
manufactured, compounded, or produced by him without further payment
of the tax imposed by this section.

(b) Where a tax under subdivision (1) or (5) is payable on July 1 of
any year it shall be computed for one year; where any such tax is
payable on any other day it shall be computed proportionately from the
first day of the month in which the liability for the tax accrued to
the following July 1.

(c) In the event that any person subject to a tax imposed by this
section engages in any of the activities enumerated in subsection (a)
of this section at more than one place, such person shall pay the tax
with respect to each such place.

(d) Except as otherwise provided, whenever more than one of the
activities enumerated in subsection (a) of this section is carried on
by the same person at the same time, such person shall pay the tax for
each such activity, according to the respective rates prescribed.

(e) Any person subject to the tax imposed by this section shall, upon
payment of such tax, register his name or style and his place or
places of business with the collector of the district in which such
place or places of business are located.

(f) Collectors are authorized to furnish, upon written request, to any
person a certified copy of the names of any or all persons who may be
listed in their respective collection districts as special taxpayers
under this section, upon payment of a fee of $1 for each one hundred
of such names or fraction thereof upon such copy so requested.

SEC. 3. (a) No employee of any person who has paid the special tax and
registered, as required by section 2 of this Act, acting within the
scope of his employment, shall be required to register and pay such
special tax.

(b) An officer or employee of the United States, any State, Territory,
the District of Columbia, or insular possession, or political
subdivision, who, in the exercise of his official duties, engages in
any of the activities enumerated in section 2 of this Act, shall not
be required to register or pay the special tax, but his right to this
exemption shall be evidenced in such manner as the Secretary may by
regulations prescribe.

SEC. 4. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person required to register
and pay the special tax under the provisions of section 2 to import,
manufacture, produce, compound, sell, deal in, dispense, distribute,
prescribe, administer, or give away marihuana without having so
registered and paid such tax.

(b) In any suit or proceeding to enforce the liability imposed by this
section or section 2, if proof is made that marihuana was at any time
growing upon land under the control of the defendant, such proof shall
be presumptive evidence that at such time the defendant was a producer
and liable under this section as well as under section 2.

SEC. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person who shall not have paid
the special tax and registered, as required by section 2, to send,
ship, carry, transport, or deliver any marihuana within any Territory,
the District of Columbia, or any insular possession, or from any
State, Territory, the District of Columbia, any insular possession of
the United States, or the Canal Zone, into any other State, Territory,
the District of Columbia, or insular possession of the United States:
Provided, That nothing contained in this section shall apply to any
common carrier engaged in transporting marihuana; or to any employee
of any person who shall have registered and paid the special tax as
required by section 2 while acting within the scope of his employment;
or to any person who shall deliver marihuana which has been prescribed
or dispensed by a physician, dentist, veterinary surgeon, or other
practitioner registered under section 2, who has been employed to
prescribe for the particular patient receiving such marihuana; or to
any United States, State, county, municipal, District, Territorial, or
insular officer or official acting within the scope of his official

SEC. 6. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, whether or not
required to pay a special tax and register under section 2, to
transfer marihuana, except in pursuance of a written order of the
person to whom such marihuana is transferred, on a form to be issued
in blank for that purpose by the Secretary.

(b) Subject to such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe,
nothing contained in this section shall apply:

( 1 ) To a transfer of marihuana to a patient by a physician, dentist,
veterinary surgeon, or other practitioner registered under section 2,
in the course of his professional practice only: Provided, That such
physician, dentist, veterinary surgeon, or other practitioner shall
keep a record of all such marihuana transferred, showing the amount
transferred and the name and address of the patient to whom such
marihuana is transferred, and such record shall be kept for a period
of two years from the date of the transfer of such marihuana, and
subject to inspection as provided in section 11.

(2) To a transfer of marihuana, made in good faith by a dealer to a
consumer under and in pursuance of a written prescription issued by a
physician, dentist, veterinary surgeon, or other practitioner
registered under section 2: Provided, That such prescription shall be
dated as of the day on which signed and shall be signed by the
physician, dentist, veterinary surgeon, or other practitioner who
issues the same; Provided further, That such dealer shall preserve
such prescription for a period of two years from the day on which such
prescription is filled so as to be readily accessible for inspection
by the officers, agents, employees, and officials mentioned in section

(3) To the sale, exportation, shipment, or delivery of marihuana by
any person within the United States, any Territory, the District of
Columbia, or any of the insular possessions of the United States, to
any person in any foreign country regulating the entry of marihuana,
if such sale, shipment, or delivery of marihuana is made in accordance
with such regulations for importation into such foreign country as are
prescribed by such foreign country, such regulations to be promulgated
from time to time by the Secretary of State of the United States.

(4) To a transfer of marihuana to any officer or employee of the
United States Government or of any State, Territorial, District,
county, or municipal or insular government lawfully engaged in making
purchases thereof for the various departments of the Army and Navy,
the Public Health Service, and for Government, State, Territorial,
District, county, or municipal or insular hospitals or prisons

(S) To a transfer of any seeds of the plant Cannabis sativa L. to any
person registered under section 2.

(c) The Secretary shall cause suitable forms to be prepared for the
purposes before mentioned and shall cause them to be distributed to
collectors for sale. The price at which such forms shall be sold by
said collectors shall be fixed by the Secretary but shall not exceed 2
cents each. Whenever any collector shall sell any of such forms he
shall cause the date of sale, the name and address of the proposed
vendor, the name and address of the purchaser, and the amount of
marihuana ordered to be plainly written or stamped thereon before
delivering the same.

(d) Each such order form sold by a collector shall be prepared by him
and shall include an original and two copies, any one of which shall
be admissible in evidence as an original. The original and one copy
shall be given by the collector to the purchaser thereof. The original
shall in turn be given by the purchaser thereof to any person who
shall, in pursuance thereof, transfer marihuana to him and shall be
preserved by such person for a period of two years so as to be readily
accessible for inspection by any officer, agent, or employee mentioned
in section 11. The copy given to the purchaser by the collector shall
be retained by the purchaser and preserved for a period of two years
so as to be readily accessible to inspection by any officer, agent, or
employee mentioned in section 11. The second copy shall be preserved
in the records of the collector.

SEC. 7. (a) There shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all
transfers of marihuana which are required by section 6 to be carried
out in pursuance of written order forms taxes at the following rates:

(1) Upon each transfer to any person who has paid the special tax and
registered under section 2 of this Act, $1 per ounce of marihuana or
fraction thereof

(2) Upon each transfer to any person who has not paid the special tax
and registered under section 2 of this Act, $100 per ounce of
marihuana or fraction thereof.

(b) Such tax shall be paid by the transferee at the time of securing
each order form and shall be in addition to the price of such form.
Such transferee shall be liable for the tax imposed by this section
but in the event that the transfer is made in violation of section 6
without an order form and without payment of the transfer tax imposed
by this section, the transferor shall also be liable for such tax.

(c) Payment of the tax herein provided shall be represented by
appropriate stamps to be provided by the Secretary and said stamps
shall be affixed by the collector or his representative to the
original order form.

(d) All provisions of law relating to the engraving, issuance, sale,
accountability, cancelation, and destruction of tax-paid stamps
provided for in the internal-revenue laws shall, insofar as applicable
and not inconsistent with this Act, be extended and made to apply to
stamps provided for in this section.

(e) All provisions of law (including penalties) applicable in respect
of the taxes imposed by the Act of December 17, 1914 (38 Stat. 785; U.
S. C., 1934 ed., title 26, secs. 1040-- 1061, 1383-1391), as amended,
shall, insofar as not inconsistent with this Act, be applicable in
respect of the taxes imposed by this Act.

SEC. 8. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person who is a transferee
required to pay the transfer tax imposed by section 7 to acquire or
otherwise obtain any marihuana without having paid such tax; and proof
that any person shall have had in his possession any marihuana and
shall have failed, after reasonable notice and demand by the
collector, to produce the order form required by section 6 to be
retained by him, shall be presumptive evidence of guilt under this
section and of liability for the tax imposed by section 7.

(b) No liability shall be imposed by virtue of this section upon any
duly authorized officer of the Treasury Department engaged in the
enforcement of this Act or upon any duly authorized officer of any
State, or Territory, or of any political subdivision thereof, or the
District of Columbia, or of any insular possession of the United
States, who shall be engaged in the enforcement of any law or
municipal ordinance dealing with the production, sale, prescribing,
dispensing, dealing in, or distributing of marihuana.

SEC. 9. (a) Any marihuana which has been imported, manufactured,
compounded, transferred, or produced in violation of any of the
provisions of this Act shall be subject to seizure and forfeiture and,
except as inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, all the
provisions of internal-revenue laws relating to searches, seizures,
and forfeitures are extended to include marihuana.

(b) Any marihuana which may be seized by the United States Government
from any person or persons charged with any violation of this Act
shall upon conviction of the person or persons from whom seized be
confiscated by and forfeited to the United States.

(c) Any marihuana seized or coming into the possession of the United
States in the enforcement of this Act, the owner or owners of which
are unknown, shall be confiscated by and forfeited to the United

(d) The Secretary is hereby directed to destroy any marihuana
confiscated by and forfeited to the United States under this section
or to deliver such marihuana to any department, bureau, or other
agency of the United States Government, upon proper application
therefor under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary.

SEC. 10. (a) Every person liable to any tax imposed by this act shall
keep such books and records, render under oath such statements, make
such returns, and comply with such rules and regulations as the
Secretary may from time to time prescribe.

(b) Any person who shall be registered under the provisions of section
2 in any internal- revenue district shall, whenever required so to do
by the collector of the district, render to the collector a true and
correct statement or return, verified by affidavits, setting forth the
quantity of marihuana received or harvested by him during such period
immediately preceding the demand of the collector, not exceeding three
months, as the said collector may fix and determine. If such person is
not solely a producer, he shall set forth in such statement or return
the names of the persons from which said marihuana was received, the
quantity in each instance received from such persons, and the date
when received.

SEC. 11. The order forms and copies thereof and the prescriptions and
records required to be preserved under the provisions of section 6,
and the statements or returns filed in the office of the collector of
the district under the provisions of section 10 (b) shall be open to
inspection by officers, agents, and employees of the Treasury
Department duly authorized for that purpose, and such officers of any
State, or Territory, or of any political subdivision thereof, or the
District of Columbia, or of any insular possession of the United
States as shall be charged with the enforcement of any law or
municipal ordinance regulating the production, sale, prescribing,
dispensing, dealing in, or distributing of marihuana. Each collector
shall be authorized to furnish, upon written request, copies of any of
the said statements or returns filed in his office to any of such
officials of any State or Territory, or political subdivision thereof,
or the District of Columbia, or any insular possession of the United
States as shall be entitled to inspect the said statements or returns
filed in the office of the.said collector, upon the payment of a fee
of $1 for each 100 words or fraction thereof in the copy or copies so

SEC. 12. Any person who is convicted of a violation of any provision
of this Act shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more
than five years, or both, in the discretion of the court.

SEC. 13. It shall not be necessary to negative any exemptions set
forth in this Act in any complaint, information, indictment, or other
writ or proceeding laid or brought under this Act and the burden of
proof of any such exemption shall be upon the defendant. In the
absence of the production of evidence by the defendant that he has
complied with the provisions of section 6 relating to order forms, he
shall be presumed not to have complied with such provisions of such
sections, as the case may be.

SEC. 14. The Secretary is authorized to make, prescribe, and publish
all necessary rules and regulations for carrying out the provisions of
this Act and to confer or impose any of the rights, privileges,
powers, and duties conferred or imposed upon him by this Act upon such
officers or employees of the Treasury Department as he shall designate
or appoint.

SEC. 15. The provisions of this Act shall apply to the several States,
the District of Columbia, the Territory of Alaska, the Territory of
Hawaii, and the insular possessions of the United States, except the
Philippine Islands. In Puerto Rico the administration of this Act, the
collection of the special taxes and transfer taxes, and the issuance
of the order forms provided for in section 6 shall be performed by the
appropriate internal revenue officers of that government, and all
revenues collected under this Act in Puerto Rico shall accrue intact
to the general government thereof. The President is hereby authorized
and directed to issue such Executive orders as will carry into effect
in the Virgin Islands the intent and purpose of this Act by providing
for the registration with appropriate officers and the imposition of
the special and transfer taxes upon all persons in the Virgin Islands
who import, manufacture, produce, compound, sell, deal in, dispense,
prescribe, administer, or give away marihuana.

SEC. 16. If any provision of this Act or the application thereof to
any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the Act
and the application of such provision to other persons or
circumstances shall not be affected thereby.

SEC. 17. This Act shall take effect on the first day of the second
month during which it is enacted.

SEC. 18. This Act may be cited as the "Marihuana Tax Act of 1937."

(T. D. 28)

Order of the Secretary of the Treasury Relating to the Enforcement of
the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937

September 1, 1937

Section 14 of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 (act of Congress approved
August 2, 1937, Public, No. 238), provides as follows:

The Secretary is authorized to make, prescribe, and publish all
necessary rules and regulations for carrying out the provisions of
this Act and to confer or impose any of the rights, privileges,
powers, and duties conferred or imposed upon him by this Act upon such
officers or employees of the Treasury Department as he shall designate
or appoint.

In pursuance of the authority thus conferred upon the Secretary of the
Treasury, it is hereby ordered:

1. Rights, Privileges, Powers, and Duties Conferred and imposed Upon
the Commissioner of Narcotics

1. There are hereby conferred and imposed upon the Commissioner of
Narcotics, subject to the general supervision and direction of the
Secretary of the Treasury, all the rights, privileges, powers, and
duties conferred or imposed upon said Secretary by the Marihuana Tax
Act of 1937, so far as such rights privileges, powers, and duties
relate to:

(a) Prescribing regulations, with the approval of the Secretary, as to
the manner in which the right of public officers to exemption from
registration and payment of special tax may be evidenced, in
accordance with section 3 (b) of the act.

(b) Prescribing the form of written order required by section 6 (a) of
the act, said form to be prepared and issued in blank by the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue as hereinafter provided.

(c) Prescribing regulations, with the approval of the Secretary,
giving effect to the exceptions, specified in subsection (b), from the
operation of subsection (a) of section 6 of the act.

(d) The destruction of marihuana confiscated by and forfeited to the
United States, or delivery of such marihuana to any department,
bureau, or other agency of the United States Government, and
prescribing regulations, with the approval of the Secretary, governing
the manner of application for, and delivery of such marihuana.

(e) Prescribing rules and regulations, with the approval of the
Secretary, as to books and records to be kept, and statements and
information returns to be rendered under oath, as required by section
10 (a) of the act.

(f) The compromise of any criminal liability (except as relates to
delinquency in registration and delinquency in payment of tax) arising
under the act, in accordance with section 3229 of the Revised Statutes
of the United States (U. S. Code (1934 ed.) title 26, sec. 1661), and
the recommendation for assessment of civil liability for internal-
revenue taxes and ad valorem penalties under the act.

II. Rights, Privileges, Powers, and Duties Conferred and Imposed upon
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue

1. There are hereby conferred and imposed upon the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, subject to the general supervision and direction of
the Secretary of the Treasury, the rights, privileges, powers, and
duties conferred or imposed upon said Secretary of the Marihuana Tax
Act of 1937, not otherwise assigned herein, so far as such rights,
privileges, powers, and duties relate toÙ

(a) Preparation and issuance in blank to collectors of internal
revenue of the written orders, in the form prescribed by the
Commissioner of Narcotics, required by section 6 (a) of the act. The
price of the order form, as sold by the collector under section 6 (c)
of the act shall be two cents for the original and one copy.

(b) Providing appropriate stamps to represent payment of transfer tax
levied by section 7, and prescribing and providing appropriate stamps
for issuance of special tax payers registering under section 2 of the

(c) The compromise of any civil liability involving delinquency in
registration, delinquency in payment of tax, and ad valorem penalties,
and of any criminal liability incurred through delinquency in
registration and delinquency in payment of tax, in connection with the
act and in accordance with Section 3229 of the Revised Statutes of the
United States (U. S. Code (1934 ed.), title 26, sec. 1661)- the
determination of liability for and the assessment and collection of
special and transfer taxes imposed by the act; the determination of
liability for and the assessment and collection of the ad valorem
penalties imposed by Section 3176 of the Revised Statutes, as modified
by Section 406 of the Revenue Act of 1935 (U. S. Code (1934 ed.) title
26, secs. 1512-1525), for delinquency in registration; and the
determination of liability for and the assertion of the specific
penalty imposed by the act, for delinquency in registration and
payment of tax.

General Provisions

The investigation and the detection, and presentation to prosecuting
officers of evidence, of violations of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937,
shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Narcotics and the assistants,
agents, inspectors, or employees under his direction. Except as
specifically inconsistent with the terms of said act and of this
order, the Commissioner of Narcotics and the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue and the assistants, agents, inspectors, or employees of the
Bureau of Narcotics and the Bureau of Internal Revenue, respectively,
shall have the same powers and duties in safeguarding the revenue
thereunder as they now have with respect to the enforcement of, and
collection of the revenue under, the act of December 17, 1914, as
amended (U. S. Code (1934 ed.), title 26, sec. 1049).

In any case where a general offer is made in compromise of civil and
criminal liability ordinarily compromisable hereunder by the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue and of criminal liability ordinarily
compromisable hereunder by the Commissioner of Narcotics, the case may
be jointly compromisable by those officers, in accordance with Section
3229 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (U. S. Code (1934
ed.), title 26, sec. 1661).

Power is hereby conferred upon the Commissioner of Narcotics to
prescribe such regulations as he may deem necessary for the execution
of the functions imposed upon him or upon the officers or employees of
the Bureau of Narcotics, but all regulations and changes in
regulations shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the

The Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the Commissioner of Narcotics
may, if they are of the opinion that the good of the service will be
promoted thereby, prescribe regulations relating to internal revenue
taxes where no violation of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 is involved,
jointly, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury.

The right to amend or supplement this order or any provision thereof
from time to time, or to revoke this order or any provision thereof at
any time, is hereby reserved.

The effective date of this order shall be October 1, 1937, which is
the effective date of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937.


Acting Secretary of the Treasury.



The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, imposes special (occupational) taxes

Br Dan Izzo

Sep 10, 2004, 8:02:18 PM9/10/04
Cryonic Life Insurance Company



(1) Old Testament

(2) New Testament

(3) Tradition

Sort of.

* * *

London, April 1773.

To Jacques Dubourg.

I am, etc.


[ Previous Section | Index ]



These forces are:

present space-time ?

The Theory:



electrochemical, electrophoresis treatment

Meeting the Grand Challenge:

within the human body.



of the following claim:

drug resistant microorganisms,

comprising of:

First Year Budget:

Number of Years Requested:

Estimated Total Budget:

Telephone Number:

Email Address:


Principal Investigator:

Title: Chairman

Years: 2001

(3) Blue/Green Algae

And the other is


Why ?

God Bless You




















(T. D. 28)

September 1, 1937

General Provisions




upon persons engaging in activities involving articles or material
within the definition of "marihuana" contained in the act, and also
taxes the transfer of such articles or material.

These regulations deal with details as to tax computation, procedure,
the forms of records and returns, and similar matters. These matters
in some degree are controlled by certain sections of the United States
Revised Statutes and other statutes of general application. Provisions
of these statutes, as well as of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 are
quoted, in whole or in part, as the immediate or general basis for the
regulatory provisions set forth. The quoted provisions are from the
Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 unless otherwise indicated.

Provisions of the statutes upon which the various articles of the
regulations are based generally have not been repeated in the
articles. Therefore, the statutory excerpts preceding the several
articles should be examined to obtain complete information.

Chapter I

Laws Applicable

SEC. 7 (e) All provisions of law (including penalties) applicable in

respect of the taxes imposed by the Act of December 17, 1914 (38 Stat.

785; U. S. C., 1934 ed., title 26, secs. 1040- 1061, 1383-1391), as

amended, shall, insofar as not inconsistent with this Act, be
applicable in respect of the taxes imposed by this Act.

ART. 1. Statutes applicable. All general provisions of the internal
revenue laws, not inconsistent with the Marihuana Tax Act, are
applicable in the enforcement of the latter.

Chapter II


SEC. 1. That when used in this Act:

(a) The term "person" means an individual, a partnership, trust,
association, company, or corporation and includes an officer or
employee of a trust, association, company, or corporation, or a member

or employee of a partnership, who as such officer, employee, or member
is under a duty to perform . any act in respect of which any violation
of this Act occurs.

(b) The term "marihuana" means all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa
L., whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin extracted
from any part of such plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt,
derivative, mixture, or preparation of such plant, its seeds, or

resins; but shall not include the mature stalks of such plant, fiber

produced from such stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of such
plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or
preparation of such mature stalks (except the resin extracted
therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed of such plant
which is incapable of germination.

(c) The term "producer" means any person who ( 1 ) plants, cultivates,

or in any way facilitates the natural growth of marihuana; or (2)
harvests and transfers or makes use of marihuana.

(d) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Treasury and the
term "collector" means collector of internal revenue.

(e) The term "transfer" or "transferred" means any type of disposition

resulting in a change of possession but shall not include a transfer

to a common carrier for the purpose of transporting marihuana

ART. 2. As used in these regulations:

(a) The term "act" or "this act" shall mean the Marihuana Tax Act of
1937, unless otherwise indicated.

(b) The term "United States" shall include the several States, the

District of Columbia, the Territory of Alaska, the Territory of

Hawaii, and the insular possessions of the United States except Puerto
Rico and the Virgin Islands. It does not include the Canal Zone or the
Philippine Islands.

(c) The terms "manufacturer" and "compounder" shall include any person
who subjects marihuana to any process of separation, extraction,
mixing, compounding, or other manufacturing operation. They shall not
include one who merely gathers and destroys the plant, one who merely
threshes out the seeds on the premises where produced, or one who in
the conduct of a legitimate business merely subjects seeds to a
cleaning process.

(d) The term "producer" means any person who induces in any way the
growth of marihuana, and any person who harvests it, either in a
cultivated or wild state, from his own or any other land, and
transfers or makes use of it, including one who subjects the marihuana
which he harvests to any processes rendering him liable also as a
manufacturer or compounder. Generally all persons are included who
gather marihuana for any purpose other than to destroy it. The term
does not include one who merely plows under or otherwise destroys
marihuana with or without harvesting. It does not include one who
grows marihuana for use in his own laboratory for the purpose of
research, instruction, or analysis and who does not use it for any
other purpose or transfer it.

(e) The term "special tax" is used to include any of the taxes,
pertaining to the several occupations or activities covered by the
act, imposed upon persons who import, manufacture, produce, compound,

sell, deal in, dispense, prescribe, administer, or give away

(f ) The term "person" occurring in these regulations is used to
include individual, partnership, trust, association, company, or
corporation; also a hospital, college of pharmacy, medical or dental
clinic, sanatorium, or other institution or entity.

(g) Words importing the singular may include the plural; words
importing the masculine gender may be applied to the feminine or the

The definitions contained herein shall not be deemed exclusive.


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Budwig Diet

The Flaxseed (Linseed) oil diet was originally proposed by Dr. Johanna
Budwig, a German biochemist and expert on fats and oils, in 1951. Dr.
Budwig holds a Ph.D. in Natural Science, has undergone medical
training, and was schooled in pharmaceutical science, physics, botany
and biology. She is best known for her extensive research on the
properties and benefits of flaxseed oil combined with sulphurated
proteins in the diet, and over the years has published a number of
books on the subject, including "Cancer--A Fat Problem," "The Death of
the Tumor," and "True Health Against Arteriosclerosis, Heart
Infarction & Cancer."

Dr. Budwig found that the blood of seriously ill cancer patients was
deficient in certain important essential ingredients which included
substances called phosphatides and lipoproteins, while the blood of a
healthy person always contains sufficient quantities of these
essential ingredients.

She found that when these natural ingredients where replaced over
approximately a three month period, tumors gradually receded, weakness
and anemia disappeared and life energy was restored. Symptoms of
cancer, liver dysfunction and diabetes were alleviated.

Dr. Budwig then discovered an all natural way for people to replace
those essential ingredients their bodies so desperately needed in
their daily diet. By simply eating a combination of just two natural
and delicious foods not only can cancer be prevented but in case after
case it was
actually cured. (These two natural foods, organic flax seed oil &
cottage cheese) must be eaten together to be effective since one
triggers the properties of the other to be released.)

After more than 10 years of solid clinical application, Dr. Budwig's
natural formula has proven successful where many orthodox remedies
have failed. Dr. Budwig's formula has been used therapeutically in
Europe for prevention of: cancer, arteriosclerosis, strokes, cardiac
stomach ulcers (normalizes gastric juices), Prostate (hypertopic),
arthritis (exerts a favorable
influence), eczema (assists all skin diseases), and even immune

Thousands have been helped by her protocol. Testimonials can be found
for almost every type of cancer and tumors, even late stage. Dr.
Budwig has assisted many seriously ill individuals, even those given
up as terminal by orthodox medical practitioners, to regain their
health through a simple regimen of nutrition. The basis of Dr.
Budwig's program is the use of flaxseed oil blended with low-fat
cottage cheese.

Dr. Johanna preaches against the use of what she calls "pseudo" fats -
"hydrogenated," "partially hydrogenated" and even "polyunsaturated."
The chemical processing causes the oils to become a harmful substance
deposited within the body. The heart, for instance, rejects these fats
and they end up as inorganic fatty deposits on the heart muscle
itself. They end up blocking circulation, damage heart action, inhibit
cell renewal and impede the free flow of blood and lymph fluids.

Science has proven that fats play an important role in the functioning
of the entire body. Fats (lipids) are vital for all growth processing,
renewal of cells, brain and nerve functions. Our energy resources are
based on lipid metabolism. To function efficiently, cells require true
polyunsaturated, live electron-rich lipids, present in abundance in
raw flaxseed oil.

Lipids are only water-soluble and free-flowing when bound to protein;
thus the importance of protein-rich cottage cheese. When high quality,
electron-rich fats are combined with proteins, the electrons are
protected until the body requires energy. This energy source is then
fully and immediately available to the body on demand, as nature

Budwig claims that the diet is both a preventative and a curative. She
says the absence of linol-acids [in the average western diet] is
responsible for the production of oxydase, which induces cancer growth
and is the cause of many other chronic disorders.

The theory is: the use of oxygen in the organism can be stimulated by
protein compounds of sulphuric content, which make oils water-soluble
and which is present in cheese, nuts, onion and leek vegetables such
as leek, chive, onion and garlic, but especially cottage cheese.

It is essential to use only unrefined, cold-pressed oils with high
linolic acid content, such as linseed, sunflower, soya, poppyseed,
walnut, and flax oils. Such oil should be consumed together with foods
containing the right proteins otherwise the oils will have the
OPPOSITE EFFECT, causing more harm than good.

The best combination is cottage cheese and linseed oil. The linseed
should be freshly ground. Carbohydrates containing natural sugar, such
as dates, figs, pears, apples and grapes, can also be included in the
diet. Honey is also beneficial. She feels most of the synthetic
vitamin A preparations are bad because they contain oxidation
products, but much carotene as pro-vitamin A (from carrot) is
consumed. Vitamin B from buttermilk, yogurt, and natural yeast is

A person requires daily about 4 oz. of cottage cheese mixed well with
1.5 oz. of linseed oil. A blender or egg beater works fine. The
mixture an be sweeten with honey or otherwise flavored naturally.
Fresh fruits can be added.


Dr. Johanna Budwig Mix:

Put in your blender:

1 cup Organic low fat cottage cheese
2-5 Tbsp. of flaxseed oil
enough water to make it soft

1-3 Tbsp. of freshly ground up flaxseed (coffee grinder works fine)
red pepper
For those who can't eat dairy products, you can substitute "Companion
Nutrients" available through Nature's Distributors in Arizona,
1-800-624-7114. These are capsules containing dried sulfurated
proteins and enzymes which activate the essential fatty acids. They
guarantee that one capsule will activate one Tbsp. of oil.

Make it very soft.
Eat some of it every day.

Some people just add the above to their diet, while others follow a
Program that she recommends:

The patient has no nourishment on day #1 other than 250 ml (8.5 oz) of
Flax Oil with honey plus freshly squeezed fruit juices (no sugar
added!). In the case of a very ill person, champagne may be added on
the first day in place of juice and is taken with the Flax Oil and
honey. Champagne is easily absorbable and has a serious purpose here.
(The champagne vehicle IS easier to assimilate and get someone almost
on their death-bed going again. A retention enema of 250 ml (8.5 oz)
of oil is another route to get this precious life-furthering,
ELECTRON-RICH oil into the body. It can also be applied to the skin
for transdermal absorption.)

1) SUGAR IS ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN. Grape juice may be added to sweeten
any other freshly squeezed juices.

2) Other 'forbiddens' are:

- All animal fats.
- All Salad Oils (this included commercial mayonnaise)
- All Meats (chemicals & hormones)
- Butter
- Margarine
- Preserved Meats (the preservatives block metabolism even of Flax

3) Freshly squeezed vegetable juices are fine - carrot, celery, apple,
and red beet.

4) Three times daily a warm tea is essential - peppermint, rose hips
or grape tea - all sweetened as desired with honey. One cup of black
tea before noon is fine.


Before breakfast - a glass of Acidophilus milk or Sauerkraut juice is

Breakfast - Muesli (regular cereal) is overlaid with 2 tablespoons (30
ml) of Flax Oil and honey and fresh fruit according to season -
berries, cherries, apricots, peaches, grated apple. Vary the flavor
from day to day. Use any nuts except peanuts! Herbal teas as desired
or black tea. A 4 oz (120 g) serving of THE SPREAD (directions below).
This is fine to eat 'straight' like a custard, or add it to other
foods taken in the day as you will see.

Morning tea (10am) - A glass of fresh carrot juice, apple, celery, or
beet-apple juice is taken.

Lunch - Raw salad with yogurt-Flax Oil Mayonnaise (directions below).
In addition to 'greens' salads, use grated turnips, carrots, kohlrabi,
radishes, sauerkraut or cauliflower. A fine powder of horseradish,
chives or parsley may be added for flavor.

Cooked Meal Course - Steamed vegetables, potatoes, or such grains as
rice, buck-wheat or millet may be served. to these add either THE
SPREAD or THE MAYO - for flavor and to up your intake of Flax Oil.
Also mix THE SPREAD with potatoes for an especially hearty meal. Add
caraway, chives, parsley or other herbs.

Dessert - Mix fresh fruit other than those used for breakfast with THE
SPREAD, this time (instead of honey), flavored using cream of lemon,
vanilla or berries.

Afternoon Tea (4pm) - A small glass of natural wine (no preservatives)
or champagne or fresh fruit juice with 1-2 tablespoons of honey-coated
Fax Seeds.

Supper - Have this early, at 6pm. Make a hot meal using buckwheat, oat
or soy cakes. grits from buckwheat are the very best and can be placed
in a vegetable soup, or in a more solid form of cakes with herbal
sauce. Sweet sauces & soups can always be given far more healing
energy by adding THE SPREAD. Only honey or grape juice can be used for
sweeteners. NO white sugar (or brown!) Only freshly squeezed juices
and NOT reconstituted juices (preservative danger) may be used. These
must be completely natural.

How to prepare 'THE SPREAD'

Place 250 ml (8.5 oz) Flax Oil into a mixer bowl and add one pound
(450 g) of 1% Cottage Cheese low fat or Quark) and add 4 tablespoons
(60 ml) of Honey. Turn on the mixer and add just enough low fat milk
or water to get the contents of the bowl to blend in together. In 5
minutes, a preparation of custard consistency results that has NO
taste of the oil (and no oily 'ring' should be seen when you rinse out
the bowl).

Alternatively, you can use Yogurt instead of Cottage Cheese in
proportions of 1 oz (30 g) of Yogurt to 1 tablespoon (15 ml) each of
Flax Oil and of honey and blend as above.

NOTE: When Flax Oil is blended like this, it does not cause diarrhea
even when given in large amounts. It reacts chemically with the
(sulphur) proteins of the cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.

How to prepare 'THE MAYO' (Mayonnaise):

Mix together 2 tablespoons (30 ml) Flax Oil, 2 tablespoons (30 ml)
milk, and 2 tablespoons (30 ml) Yogurt.

Then add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of Lemon juice (or Apple Cider Vinegar)
and add 1 teaspoon (2.5g) Mustard plus some herbs such as marjoram or

Next add 2 or 3 slices of health food store pickles (no preservatives!
- read label!) and a pinch of herbal salts.

According to Dr. Budwig, you need to remain on this diet for a good 5
years. If you break the rules of this diet, Dr Budwig reports, (ie.
eating preserved meats, candy, etc), the tumors will sometimes grow
rapidly worse.

FLAX (LINSEED) OIL is readily denatured by oxygen, heat, and light.
Rancid oil is bad for health, so oil MUST be carefully produced,
packed under nitrogen in light-proof containers, refrigerated until
used, used as fresh as possible, and stabilized with protein (THE
SPREAD, etc) promptly once the container is opened..." Brands to look
for include Omegaflo and Barleans. These should be refrigerated and
used within a couple of months after opening.

Flax Seeds may also be used. Seeds need only be cracked in a food
blender, or they may be ground in a coffee grinder. One needs three
times the amount of seed to get the oil equivalent. Seeds are high in
calories, so one may gain weight. The seeds are also high in soluble
fiber, so blending with liquid tends to produce ever-hardening
"jellies". Fresh-cracked seeds can sprinkled on muesli and should be
eaten promptly.


For a complete transcript of a tape of the Budwig Diet at

A forum on flax oil is available. Email

Dr. Budwig can be reached by fax in Germany: 49-7441-85125.


There are several clinics that use Budwig as part of their cancer
protocols. These include Mariposa Clinic in Spain and Taylor's
Wellness Center.

Note: Much of the information on this page came from

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ANOTHER REPORT on Omega 3 EFAs, in Soy Oil curing Cancer

Saturday June 26th
Progress Against Cancer


Genistein is a chemical compound found only in soy in our daily foods.
Dr. Lothar Schweigerer at Heidelberg University discovered that
genistein blocks an event called angiogenesis, the growth of new blood
vessels that nourish malignant tumors. Once a tumor grows beyond a
millimeter, it must foster the growth of new blood vessels into it in
order to become malignant and life threatening. By inhibiting blood
vessel growth, genistein may keep new tumors from growing beyond
harmless dimensions and eventually lead to shrink of the tumor.

"By inhibiting blood vessel growth, genistein may keep new tumors from
growing beyond harmless dimensions and eventually lead to shrink of
the tumor".

These discoveries could have important implications for treatment of
solid tumors, including malignancies of the breast, prostate, colon
and brain.

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Another report concerning Omega 3 in Fish Oil, like Flax Oil, curing


Fish Oils and Cancer

Summaries of the latest research concerning fish oils and cancer

Fish consumption reduces lung cancer risk
NAGOYA, JAPAN. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in
Japan even though the incidence and mortality is still less than
two-thirds of that found in the USA and the UK. Japanese researchers
have just completed a study aimed at determining the association
between lung cancer and diet. Their study involved 748 men and 297
women aged 40 to 79 years who had been diagnosed with lung cancer and
2964 male and 1189 female cancer-free controls.
The researchers found that both men and women who ate cooked or raw
fish five times a week or more had half the incidence of lung
adenocarcinoma when compared to participants who ate cooked or raw
fish less than once a week. Women who consumed tofu (soybean curds)
five times a week or more were found to have half the risk of
adenocarcinomas, as compared to women who consumed tofu less than once
a week. Frequent consumption of carrots was found to be beneficial for
women, but detrimental for men especially smokers. Green vegetables
were found to be highly beneficial for men, but not statistically so
for women. There was also some evidence that increased coffee
consumption is associated with an increased risk of squamous cell and
small cell lung carcinomas in men. Increased consumption of dried or
salted fish was not beneficial for men or women. The researchers
speculate that this is because the processing destroys the healthy
omega-3 oils (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) present
in raw and cooked fish.
Takezaki, T., et al. Dietary factors and lung cancer risk in Japanese
with special reference to fish consumption and adenocarcinomas.
British Journal of Cancer, Vol. 84, No. 9, May 4, 2001, pp. 1199- 1206

Fish oils and the immune system
OXFORD, UNITED KINGDOM. Animal studies have shown that an increase in
fat intake can decrease the number of natural killer (NK) cells found
in the blood and spleen. NK cells are an integral part of the natural
immune response to virus infections and certain types of cancer.
Researchers at Oxford University now report that fish oil
significantly decreases NK cell activity in healthy human subjects.

Their clinical trial involved 48 men and women aged 55 to 75 years.
The participants were randomized to receive one of six supplements for
12 weeks. The supplements were all provided in the form of capsules,
three of which were to be taken with each meal. The nine capsules
(daily intake) contained either a total of 2 g alpha-linolenic acid,
770 mg gamma-linolenic acid (from evening primrose oil), 680 mg
arachidonic acid, 720 mg docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 720 mg
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)+ 280 mg DHA (fish oil) or a placebo (an
80:20 mix of palm and sunflower oils). All the participants had blood
samples taken four weeks before start of supplementation, immediately
before start of supplementation, and then every four weeks during the
trial as well as after a four-week washout period. The researchers
found no changes in killer cell activity except in the group taking
fish oil. Here they observed an average decline of 20 per cent after 8
weeks and 48 per cent after 12 weeks. The decline was completely
reversed after the washout period. The fact that no decline was
observed with pure DHA strongly suggests that EPA was responsible. The
researchers conclude that an excessive EPA intake could have adverse
effects for people at risk of viral infections and some cancers.
Editor's Note: The British researchers' speculation about fish oils
perhaps affecting the effectiveness of NK cells in killing cancer
cells is at odds with the results of many other studies. There are at
least a dozen studies that show a clear protective effect of fish or
fish oil against breast, colon, and prostate cancer. NOTE: This study
was partly funded by Unilever. [54 references]
Thies, Frank, et al. Dietary supplementation with eicosapentaenoic
acid, but not with other long-chain n-3 or n-6 polyunsaturated fatty
acids, decreases natural killer cell activity in healthy subjects aged
>55 years. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 73, March
2001, pp. 539-48

Docosahexaenoic acid halts melanoma
We do not usually report on animal or test tube experiments, but found
the results of this study so intriguing that we decided to make an

VALHALLA, NEW YORK. The incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma is
growing rapidly among persons with fair skin. It is estimated that one
in 75 Americans will develop melanoma within their lifetime. Melanoma
has a pronounced tendency to spread to other organs (metastasis) and
the 5-year survival rate for metastatic melanoma is less than 10%.
There is growing evidence that diet can influence the risk of
developing melanoma. It is now believed that a high intake of omega-6
fatty acids stimulates the growth of melanoma and other cancers
whereas omega-3 fatty acids suppress the growth of cancer cells.

Researchers at the New York Medical College and the American Health
Foundation have just released the results of a laboratory experiment
which clearly shows that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a main component
of fish oil, is highly effective in inhibiting the growth of human
melanoma cells. The researchers treated 12 different human metastatic
melanoma cell cultures (in vitro) with DHA and found that more than
50% of them stopped growing. They urge further testing of their
findings in full-scale clinical trials involving patients with
melanoma. They conclude that "if DHA is capable of suppressing cell
and tumor growth and metastatic potential in in vivo models of
melanoma, a clinical trial of DHA would be warranted as an adjuvant to
current surgical and chemotherapeutic interventions".
Albino, Anthony P., et al. Cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of melanoma
cells by docosahexaenoic acid: association with decreased pRb
phosphorylation. Cancer Research, Vol. 60, August 1, 2000, pp. 4139-

Fish oils combat weight loss in cancer patients
EDINBURGH, UNITED KINGDOM. Cachexia (abnormal weight loss) is a major
problem in many types of cancer especially cancer of the pancreas.
Preliminary research has shown that supplementing the diet with fish
oils, about 2.2 grams of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and 1.4 grams of
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) daily, will stabilize weight in patients
with inoperable pancreatic cancer. Now researchers at the Royal
Infirmary of Edinburgh report that patients with pancreatic cancer can
actually gain weight by consuming a nutritional supplement fortified
with fish oils. The experiment involved 20 patients with inoperable
pancreatic cancer (aged 18 to 80 years). The participants were asked
to ingest two cans of fish oil-enriched nutritional supplement per day
in addition to their normal food intake. The nutritional supplement
provided 310 kcal per can and contained 16.1 g protein, 49.7 g
carbohydrate, 6.5 g fat, 1.09 g EPA, 0.46 g DHA, and 28 essential
vitamins and minerals.

After three weeks the patients had gained an average (median) of 1 kg
in weight and at seven weeks an average of 2 kg. A significant
improvement in performance status and appetite was also noted after
three weeks on the supplement. Other research has shown that EPA
inhibits the growth of pancreatic cancer cells in vitro. It is
therefore of interest to note that the average survival time among the
patients was over eight months. This compares very favourably with the
normal survival time of 4.1 months and is at least as good as the
survival time that can be obtained with aggressive chemotherapy.

The researchers conclude that a fish oil-enriched nutritional
supplement has the potential to be a safe and effective means of
preventing weight loss in cancer patients and may even increase
survival time in patients with cancer of the pancreas. NOTE: This
study was partially funded by Abbott Laboratories, the maker of the
nutritional supplement.
Barber, M.D., et al. The effect of an oral nutritional supplement
enriched with fish oil on weight-loss in patients with pancreatic
cancer. British Journal of Cancer, Vol. 81, No. 1, September 1999, pp.

Fish oils improve survival of cancer patients
PATRAS, GREECE. Chemotherapy and other conventional medical treatments
have proven ineffective in improving quality of life and survival of
patients with end stage cancer. Now Greek medical researchers report
that fish oil supplementation markedly increases the survival time for
cancer patients with generalized malignancy. Their study involved 60
patients with generalized solid tumors. The patients were divided into
two groups with one group receiving 18 grams/day of fish oil (six
capsules of MAXEPA three times daily containing 170 mg
eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA] and 115 mg docosahexaenoic acid [DHA] per
capsule) and the other group receiving a placebo. The fish oil group
also received 200 mg of vitamin E daily to compensate for the
oxidative effect of the fish oil. Each group included 15
well-nourished and 15 malnourished patients. None of the
well-nourished patients suffered from cancer cachexia (abnormally low
weight and general weakness). The researchers measured the level of T
cells, natural killer cells, and the synthesis of interleukin and
tumor necrosis factor before the start of the supplementation and on
day 40 of the trial. The study followed all patients until they died.
Malnourished patients were found to have a considerably impaired
immune function and a decreased production of tumor necrosis factor;
both parameters were restored through fish oil supplementation.
Malnourished patients overall had a much shorter survival time than
well-nourished ones (mean of 213 days versus 481 days). Both
malnourished and well-nourished patients who received fish oil and
vitamin E survived significantly longer than did patients on placebo.
The researchers speculate that fish oils exert their beneficial effect
by decreasing the body's production of prostaglandin E2 which is
believed to play an important role in the initiation and progression
of cancer. They conclude that supplementation with dietary omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids, specifically fish oils with an
antioxidant such as vitamin E may offer significant palliative support
to cancer patients with end stage metastatic disease.
Gogos, Charalambos A., et al. Dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty
acids plus vitamin E restore immunodeficiency and prolong survival for
severely ill patients with generalized malignancy. Cancer, Vol. 82,
January 15, 1998, pp. 395-402

Fat consumption and cancer
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. Several major epidemiologic studies have found
a clear association between a high dietary fat intake and the risk of
developing breast and colon cancer. The correlation is particularly
strong in the case of animal fats. One study found that a high fish or
fish oil consumption is protective against later stage colon cancer in
men, but has no effect on mortality from breast cancer. British
medical researchers now report that fish and fish oils not only
protect against colon cancer in men, but also against colon and breast
cancer in women. This protective effect, however, is only apparent in
countries where the intake of animal fats is high. In other words, a
high intake of fish or fish oils counteracts the detrimental effects
of a high animal fat consumption.

The study compared cancer mortality rates in 24 European countries,
Canada and the USA with fish consumption and the intake of animal
fats. In countries where the animal fat intake was high the
researchers found a clear inverse correlation between the ratio of
fish fat to animal fat and the risk of developing breast cancer in
women and colon cancer in both men and women. A similar correlation
was found between cancer risk and the ratio of fish fat to total fat

The researchers conclude that a 15% decrease in animal fat intake
combined with a 3-fold increase in fish oil intake could possibly
reduce male colon cancer risk by as much as 30% in countries with a
high animal fat intake. A 3-fold increase in fish oil intake could be
achieved by eating fish three times a week or by taking two standard
fish oil capsules daily.
Caygill, C.P.J., et al. Fat, fish, fish oil and cancer. British
Journal of Cancer, Vol. 74, No. 1, July 1996, pp. 159-64

Colon cancer progression associated with fatty acid status
BADALONA, SPAIN. Several epidemiological studies have shown that high
fat diets are associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. Other
studies have shown that diets rich in fish and fish oils are
protective against colon cancer. Spanish medical researchers have just
released the results of a major study aimed at determining if and how
polyunsaturated fatty acids play a role in the progression of adenomas
(benign polyps) to full-blown colon cancer. The study involved 27
patients with sporadic benign polyps of the rectum or colon, 22
patients with cancer of the colon or rectum, and 12 subjects with a
normal colon. The researchers measured the fatty acid profile of blood
plasma and biopsy samples of the lining of the colon from both
diseased and normal areas. They found no differences between polyp
patients and patients with a normal colon as far as plasma profile and
normal colon lining profile was concerned. However, there was a
significant difference between the fatty acid profile of normal colon
tissue and diseased colon tissue in adenoma patients. Diseased lining
tissue was found to have higher levels of linoleic acid,
dihomogammalinolenic acid, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and lower
levels of alpha-linolenic and arachidonic acids. There was also a very
significant stepwise reduction in EPA content of diseased colon lining
from the benign polyp stage to the most severe colon cancer stage.

The researchers conclude that there are significant changes in the
levels of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids early on in the sequence leading
from benign polyps to colon cancer and speculate that these changes
might participate in the progression to colon cancer. They recommend
further work to investigate the benefits of long-term dietary
manipulation in view of the finding that low-dose fish oil
supplementation normalizes the cell proliferation pattern in patients
with sporadic polyps.
Fernandez-Banares, F., et al. Changes of the mucosal n3 and n6 fatty
acid status occur early in the colorectal adenoma-carcinoma sequence.
Gut, Vol. 38, 1996, pp. 254-59

Fish oils help patients with pancreatic cancer
EDINBURGH, UNITED KINGDOM. Cachexia (abnormally low weight, weakness,
and general bodily decline) is common in patients suffering from
pancreatic cancer. Cachexia makes patients more prone to infections,
can shorten their survival, and reduce their mobility.

Researchers at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh have released the
results of a study which clearly shows that fish oil supplementation
can halt and even reverse cachexia in patients with pancreatic cancer.
The study involved 18 patients with inoperable pancreatic cancer (9
had stage IV tumors). The patients were started out on 2 grams/day of
fish oils (containing 360 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid and 240 mg of
docosahexaenoic acid). The dose was subsequently increased by 2
grams/day every week until the patients' body tolerance was reached.
The average final intake was 12 grams/day. Prior to entering the trial
the average (mean) weight loss among the patients was 2.9 kg (6.3 lbs)
per month. After 3 months of fish oil supplementation an average
weight gain of 0.3 kg/month was observed among the patients. Overall,
11 patients (61%) gained weight, 3 became weight-stable, and 4
continued to lose weight, but at a significantly reduced rate. The
concentration of eicosapentaenoic acid in plasma phospholipids
increased from 0 to 5.3% of total fatty acids after 1 month of
supplementation while the concentration of docosahexaenoic acid
increased to 6.6% from a base level of 3.5%. The researchers conclude
that fish oil supplementation arrests weight loss in cancer patients
with cachexia.
Wigmore, Stephen J., et al. The effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids
on the progress of cachexia in patients with pancreatic cancer.
Nutrition (suppl), Vol. 12, No. 1, 1996, pp. S27-S30

Fish consumption and colon cancer
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. British researchers have published a major
epidemiologic study dealing with the association between fish
consumption and the incidence of breast and colon cancer, The
researchers gathered data concerning the consumption of fish in 25
European countries for the periods 1961-63, 1974-76 and 1984-86. They
also determined the standardized mortality rates for breast and colon
cancer for the period 1983-87 for the same 25 countries. A statistical
evaluation of the data showed a strong inverse correlation between
recent fish consumption and colon cancer in men. The correlation was
somewhat weaker for fish consumption 10 years earlier and non-existent
for consumption 23 years earlier. A similar pattern was found for
women, but the correlations were not statistically significant. The
researchers found no correlation between breast cancer mortality and
fish consumption at any time. They conclude that the consumption of
fish and fish oils helps protect against colon cancer in its later
stages, but does not affect the initiation stage. They believe fish
oils exert their protective effect by inhibiting the formation of
prostaglandin PGE2 which has been associated with the development and
progression of colon cancer.
Caygill, C.P.J. and Hill, M.J. Fish, n-3 fatty acids and human
colorectal and breast cancer mortality. European Journal of Cancer
Prevention, Vol. 4, 1995, pp. 329-32

Fish oil supplementation helps prevent colon cancer
ROME, ITALY. The presence of benign polyps (adenomas) is a significant
risk factor for full-blown colon or rectal cancer. Animal studies have
shown that the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic
acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) inhibit the development of
colon cancer and epidemiological studies have shown that fish
consumption is inversely proportional with the incidence of colon
cancer. Encouraged by these findings, researchers at the Catholic
University of Rome set out to determine if fish oil supplementation
would inhibit the development of benign polyps, the precursors of
colon cancer.

Their study involved 34 men and 26 women who had just undergone
surgery to remove benign polyps from their colon. The patients were
divided into 4 groups. Group 1 was supplemented with 1.4 grams of EPA
and 1.1 grams of DHA per day, group 2 with 2.7 grams of EPA and 2.4
grams of DHA, group 3 with 4.1 grams of EPA and 3.6 grams of DHA while
group 4 received placebo capsules containing mainly olive oil. Biopsy
samples from the lower part of the colon lining and blood samples were
taken and analyzed at the start of the trial and 30 days later at the
end of the supplementation period. Overall, patients in the fish oil
groups experienced a significant decline in the number of abnormal
cells in their colon lining as compared to members of the placebo
group. Further analysis showed that the reduction in the number of
abnormal cells was limited to patients who had a large number of
abnormal cells at the beginning of the trial. The researchers also
noted a very significant increase in EPA and DHA levels and a
significant drop in arachidonic acid level in the biopsy samples from
the fish oil supplemented patients.

A separate 6-month trial involving 15 patients taking 1.4 grams per
day of EPA and 1.1 grams per day of DHA also showed a significant drop
in the number of abnormal colon lining cells. The researchers conclude
that low-dose supplementation with fish oils inhibit the proliferation
of abnormal cells (a precursor to polyps) in patients at risk for
colon cancer and that this effect can be maintained with long- term
treatment. They caution that it may be advisable to increase vitamin E
intake during fish oil administration.
Anti, Marcello, et al. Effects of different doses of fish oil on
rectal cell proliferation in patients with sporadic colonic adenomas.
Gastroenterology, Vol. 107, December 1994, pp. 1709-18

Additional References

Burns, C.P., et al. Phase I clinical study of fish oil fatty acid
capsules for patients with cancer cachexia: cancer and leukemia group.
Clinical Cancer Research, Vol. 5, December 1999, pp. 3942-47
Conclusion: Maximum tolerable dose of fish oil in cancer patients is
21 1-gram capsules/day providing a total of 13.1 grams of EPA and DHA.


Copyright © 2001 by Hans R. Larsen
International Health News does not provide medical advice. Do not
attempt self- diagnosis or self-medication based on our reports.
Please consult your health-care provider if you wish to follow up on
the information presented.

My research started with Cod Liver Oil in Nov 2003

When I read it was an Essential Fatty Acid, I said, " well if it is
essential for my health, I'd better get some...

I never guessed it would heal my Heart Angina, persistant heart pains
that I had since May 19th 1997

Cod Liver Oil, healed my broken heart please read this story
Cod Liver Oil-as Close to an Elixir as We May Ever Find
More Than Any Other Single Supplement, Cod Liver Oil Helps Reverse
Disease and Build Health
by Ron Schmid, N.D.

"elixir…a preparation supposedly able to prolong life indefinitely…a
supposed remedy for all ills."
-The Oxford Encyclopedic English Dictionary

Cod liver oil is the richest source of several nutrients in which most
people are deficient. These nutrients include EPA (eicosapentaenoic
acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), and natural vitamins A and D.
Deficiencies are a major contributing factor in the development of
nearly all of the illnesses that plague human beings eating refined
foods. Evidence substantiating these statements is presented in other
articles posted on this web site.

When people start taking cod liver oil, the body basically says, "Good
God, where have you been all my life?" Things often start to change
quickly, particularly when the cod liver oil is part of the overall
program I've described. The omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA)
influence prostaglandins that regulate every system, every cell, in
the body. Natural vitamins A and D from fish oil and animal sources
have their own profound effects. Everything may be effected, from the
immune system to the brain, from skin problems to PMS.

The chloroplasts in land and sea plants contain alpha linolenic acid.
Fish and land animals convert it into EPA and DHA. Humans are able to
make this conversion, but not very efficiently. That is one
explanation for why people in every hunter-gatherer culture in the
history of the world ate all the animals they could get their hands
on. Fish, grass-fed animals (corn doesn't have alpha linolenic acid),
and raw dairy products from grass-fed animals are our natural sources
of these crucial nutrients. People living on modern, carbohydrate-rich
diets (not to mention vegetarians) just don't get enough of these
foods. Health problems are the inevitable result. I've found that cod
liver oil is the single most important supplement my patients can

Even those of us who do eat according to the principles Weston Price
discovered in his studies of traditional cultures do well to take cod
liver oil. However well one may eat, it's hard to get enough of the
nutrients cod liver oil provides. I've taken it daily for nearly
thirty years, and I believe it is a cornerstone in the excellent
health and vitality I enjoy.

I use and recommend from one to three tablespoons per day of
lemon-flavored cod liver oil. Quality is a real issue when it comes to
cod liver oil; a lot of what is available is to one degree or another
rancid, in part because it is imported into this country in barrels
and then bottled here. The best cod liver oil is bottled in Norway
when it is freshly made, and that is what I use. The oil comes from
the livers of fresh cod fish. Because the liver oil content is highest
in the winter and early spring, only cod caught at that time of the
year are used. The oil is separated from the liver tissues without the
use of chemicals. To insure the freshness of the oil, the air inside
the bottle is replaced with nitrogen. Regular independent testing
insures that the oil is free of detectable levels of mercury, cadmium,
lead, PCBs, and 28 other contaminants. The result is the best cod
liver oil you can buy, and the lemon flavor makes it quite palatable
for most people.

Our 500 milliliter (16.8 fluid ounces) bottles of lemon-flavored
Norwegian cod liver oil cost $19.50. We also have 1000-milligram
capsules, 250 per bottle, at the same price.

O Click here for e-mail and toll-free ordering information

O Cod Liver Oil, Lemon-Flavored Liquid 500 ml, $23.90
O Cod Liver Oil, 1000 mg soft gels, 250 soft gels, $23.90

O Home Page O Contact Us

Dr. Ron's Ultra Pure
48 Sperry Road
Watertown, CT 06795

Who is Weston A. Price? | What is naturopathic medicine? | Why
additive-free supplements?


Below is a VERY BAD Essential Fatty Acid Please avoid

CANOLA OIL, it is a Diesel Fuel
CANOLA OIL - Deadly for the Human Body!



Ride the Wave of Health!

Beware of Canola Oil, Canola Oil is an Industrial Oil, Not Fit For
Human Consumption.

Y Before you read the following article, here is a summary of a few
facts regarding Canola Oil:
It is genetically engineered rapeseed.
Canada paid the FDA the sum of $50 million to have rape seed
registered and recognized as "safe". (Source: Young Again and others)
Rapeseed is a lubricating oil used by small industry. It has never
been meant for human consumption.
It is derived from the mustard family and is considered a toxic and
poisonous weed, which when processed, becomes rancid very quickly.
It has been shown to cause lung cancer (Wall Street Journal: 6/7/95)
It is very inexpensive to grow and harvest. Insects won't eat it.
Some typical and possible side effects include loss of vision,
disruption of the central nervous system, respiratory illness, anemia,
constipation, increased incidence of heart disease and cancer, low
birth weights in infants and irritability.
Generally rapeseed has a cumulative effect, taking almost 10 years
before symptoms begin to manifest. It has a tendency to inhibit proper
metabolism of foods and prohibits normal enzyme function. Canola is a
Trans Fatty Acid, which has shown to have a direct link to cancer.
These Trans Fatty acids are labeled as hydrogenated or partially
hydrogenated oils. Avoid all of them!
According to John Thomas' book, Young Again, 12 years ago in England
and Europe, rape seed was fed to cows, pigs and sheep who later went
blind and began attacking people. There were no further attacks after
the rape seed was eliminated from their diet.
Source: David Dancu, N.D.

By Jim Lynn, Essential Oils
It's amazing to me...The more research I do, the more I see a
relationship between the food we eat and fatal diseases. Canola oil is
no exception. Readers of EOO are familiar with the meat industry
practice of feeding rendered meat "by-products" to cattle and poultry
(EOO #015), and the suspected relationship of Mad Cow Disease to CJD
and Alzheimer's Disease (EOO #016). Now comes information that Canola
Oil is the suspected causative agent for Scrapie, a viral disease
transmitted to cattle who were fed rendered sheep infected with
Scrapie. Both Scrapie and Mad Cow Disease destroy the brain's ability
to function. They literally eat the brain away, causing blindness,
loss of mind and erratic behavior.

Canola oil's real name is "LEAR" oil (Low Erucic Acid Rape). It is
more commonly known as "rape oil," a semi-drying oil that is used as a
lubricant, fuel, soap and synthetic rubber base, and as an illuminant
to give color pages in magazines their slick look. In short it is an
industrial oil that does not belong in the human body. It is typically
referred to in light industry as a penetrating oil. Canola oil is a GM
or genetically modified product You have read about GM foods? If not,
you need to go to our page about such products..

In addition, a recent report from the EPA (1998) states that they have
classified canola oil as a biopesticide which ..."has low chronic
toxicities". Further, they say that no studies have been done
regarding toxic effects on Humans. The fact that they state that it is
a pesticide and that there have been no studies, plus the fact it is a
GM food, says to us it is something to stay away from! It is like so
many other things "they" say are good for us like fluoride, canola oil
and fluoride both accumulate and build up in the Human systems.

Back in the 1980's, rape oil was widely used in animal feeds in
England and throughout Europe. It was banned in 1991. Since then,
Scrapie in sheep has totally disappeared.

While that's good for Europeans, it is bad for Americans because the
problem is now ours. Rape seed oil (Canola oil) is widely used in
thousands of processed foods...with the blessings of our own

Canola oil was first developed in Canada. It's proponents claim that
due to genetic engineering and irradiation, it is no longer rape oil,
but "canola" (Canadian oil). They also claim it is completely safe,
pointing to it's unsaturated structure and digestibility. Although, I
could not verify it, it is claimed the Canadian government paid the
FDA the sum of $50 million dollars to have canola oil placed on the
GRAS list (Generally Recognized As Safe). However it was done, a new
industry was created.

The truth is however, that rape is the most toxic of all food oil
plants. Not even insects will eat it. No wonder farmers like growing
it. It turns out that rape is a member of the mustard family of
plants, and is the source for the chemical agent, mustard gas, which
causes blistering on skin and lungs when inhaled. Mustard Gas was
banned after WWI for this very reason.

Studies of canola oil done on rats indicate many problems. Rats
developed fatty degeneration of heart, kidney, adrenals and thyroid
gland. When the canola oil was withdrawn from their diet, the deposits
dissolved, but scar tissue remained on the organs. Why were no studies
done on humans before the FDA placed it on the GRAS list?

Consumed in food, Canola oil depresses the immune system, causing it
to "go to sleep." Canola oil is high in glycosides which cause health
problems by blocking (inhibiting) enzyme function. Its effects are
accumulative, taking years to show up. One possible effect of long
term use is the destruction of the protective coating surrounding
nerves called the mylin sheath. When this protective sheath is gone,
our nerves short-circuit causing erratic, uncontrollable movements.

To test the industrial penetrating strength of canola oil, soak a
towel in both canola oil and regular vegetable oil. Pre-treat and wash
the towel in your clothes washer and compare the area the two oils will notice an oil stain remains on the area soaked in
canola oil. It is so durable, it could take several washings to
completely remove. Now if this is how canola oil penetrates the fabric
of a towel, what damage can it do in your body?

Because canola oil is so cheap, it is now widely used in the food
industry. If you are curious, just read a few food labels the next
time you are in the grocery store. A good example can be found with
commercially prepared peanut butter. In order to give peanut butter
it's spreadability, Jiffy, Peter Pan and Skippy brands remove ALL of
the natural peanut oil and replace it with canola oil. Natural peanut
butter should only have peanuts and salt listed in the ingredients.

If you want to use natural peanut butter, it's available in most
stores next to the canola peanut butter. Stir the contents to mix the
oil and peanuts together then store in the refrigerator. The cold
temperature will prevent the peanut oil from separating. Best of all,
you will have eliminated at least one source of a potential food

Food consumers have headaches enough, without worrying about a toxic
plant oil being added to their food. The problem is you will find
canola oil in bread, margarines, and all manner of processed foods
including potato chips. But the consumer is king. Be informed and make
it a practice to read the package ingredients label as to what is in
the food. Avoid using canola as a cooking oil and salad oil. It is not
a healthy oil. It'll work great for lubricating mechanical items.


OUR RECOMMENDATIONS (what we do): Pure Olive oil only. Safflower and
Sunflower oils are OK, and a new one Macadamia nut oil, but safflower
and sunflower oils contain Omega 6 which is not a good option for the
heart or the mylin sheaths. We automatically reject any foods,
packaged or otherwise, which have in the label "...may contain
vegetable oil, cottonseed, canola oil.." And if the label just says
vegetable oil, we reject it outright since it does not specify which
oil. Go here for an eye opening article of one parent and some of the
effects of using Canola oil.

We strongly suggest you go to the following web site for more on this
subject: This is an extensive web site with
tons of research on the subject.

Additional Resources: One has to be careful of the amount of
information put out about canola oil, much which we consider
disinformation and only related to making money by those who produce
the product or those who have used the product. Again, keep an open
mind and then you will not miss anything., , Perceptions, Aug/Sep 96 issue, The
Great Canola Debate Perceptions, Nov/Dec 95 issue, The Devil's Bargain
Book, Fats That Heal and Fats That Kill, by Udo Erasmus, Another view,,,, Canbra Foods, Canola
Information Site Canola Council of Canada: Canola Connection Canola
Information Service Dr. Weil, Caught in Canola Oil
Confusion? Spectrum Naturals, Culinary Oils Washington Post, Canola
Baloney, Robert L. Wolke, professor emeritus of Chemistry, University
of Pittsburgh, Whole Foods Market, Inc.,More information can be found
in Nexus Magazine August September 2002 issue.

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