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Why Do We Lack Character

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Sep 7, 2004, 5:32:41 AM9/7/04
Dear Reader

Here i am posting an article which covers the subject of core
definition of character and its impact or reflection on to one own
personality and society.

Widespread Impression:

"Our people have no character" is acknowledged universally, at home
and abroad, in business and government circles, and in every sphere of
administrative activity. Lack of character produces social imbalance
and leads ultimately to national decline and disintegration. The
malady has been eating up the vitals of our social life too fast to
withstand an unexpected shock.

Meaning of Character:

The outward signs of a weak character are commonly believed to be
bribery, corruption and exploitation but they do not bring out the
true significance of the word. It belongs to the realm of ethics,
which defines character in terms not easily intelligible to the common
man. Here are a few definitions given by Western writers on ethics.

"Morality is character. Character is that which is engraved. Character
is really inwardness. Immorality as energy is also character, but to
be neither moral nor immoral is merely ambiguous". (Soren Kierkegarard
in "The Present Age", page 15).

"Character is the manifestation of Truth, and Truth is the
conformation of Appearance to Reality".(Professor Whitehead in
"Adventures of Ideas", page 309).

"Character is adopting ‘Good' and good is the movement in the
direction of home, ‘evil' is the aimless whirl of human potentialities
without which nothing can be achieved and by which, if they take no
direction but remain trapped in themselves, everything goes
away".(Martin Bubar in "Between Man and Man", page 78).

"Character is the possession of power over oneself; it is the victory
over slavery to oneself".(Berdyaev in "Slavery and Freedom", page 47).

"Each person should in his acts, and behind them in his thoughts and
his emotions, exercise that control which is necessary in order to
assure not only harmony in his own personality but also social
harmony".(Alexander Loveday in "The Only Way").

"Character in the most general sense is a man's attitude towards his
human surroundings which is expressed in his actions".
(Kerschensteiner's essay on "The Concept and Education of Character"
quoted by (Martin Bubar in "Between Man and Man", page 108).

Let us attempt a definition on a layman's level.

Character Defined:

Preservation of life is an animal instinct; not so is the preservation
of honour. The concept of honour is unknown to the animal world. In
fact it forms the line of demarcation between the Animal and the Man.
Honour is a specific human value. Preservation of human values
elevates the level of life, from the animal to the human. Character
may, therefore, be defined as who so preserves human values against
animal instincts is a man of character.

Universal Standard of Character:

Since human values vary with different societies should character mean
harmonizing oneself to the values which a society might stress for the
time being? In days gone by Spartans viewed theft a virtue and held
the smartest thief in the high-test esteem; today theft is a crime and
a thief a criminal. With us conception of a virgin is a disgrace for
the family, in the West sexual intercourse between a willing couple is
neither an evil nor a criminal offense: even homosexuality between
willing parties is condoned there. Is there then no universal standard
of character?

Quranic Concept of Character:

People inhabiting different countries might follow different ways of
life but, according to the Holy Quran, human values are the same
anywhere and unchangeable too. It is not given, however, to human
intellect to determine such values. Human intellect is essentially
individualistic in character. It can seek preservation of the
particular self to which it belongs individually or collectively, but
not that of the other selves. For the well-being and preservation of
mankind as a whole, however, what is needed is not an individualistic
intellect, which cannot see beyond its nose, but a comprehensive and
all pervading intellect, namely God and Revelation. It is Revelation
alone which gives abiding universal values. The revealed values are
preserved in the Holy Quran, the code of life for mankind in all
climes and ages. Quranic values are Permanent Values of life and
provide a universal standard of character or, to use Quranic
terminology, Taqwa.


Thanks & Regards For your patience


Br Dan Izzo

Sep 7, 2004, 3:19:24 PM9/7/04
to (Nawaz) wrote in message news:<>...
> "Character is adopting ?Good' and good is the movement in the
> direction of home, ?evil' is the aimless whirl of human potentialities
What is the best way to stop terrorism ?
Provide People with basic knowledge of psychoanalysis
, educating future would be terrorists with the knowledge of
why people do what they do
psychoanalysis is mental analysis
and knowing why people do what they do , before they do it , will
prevent terrorism.
Did the 9/11 Hijackers really think God would want mass murderers
living with it for millions of years ?
No , why else did some of the hijackers go to a strip bar before the
terror attack
it was the Oedipus complex
evil arouses , complex superior inferior men fighting etc
Civilization is developed on 3 main motivating issues of people and
they are issues of :

1 Power

2 Sex Gratification and

3 Security from Death

Because they hold survival value for people

Easy Cures :

Cryonics provides a security after death

1 Once civilizations start to provide cryogenics for a real medical
resurrection of the dead body , a lot of the security from death
issues people have can be addressed Thur science, not fairy tales.

2 Power systems , providing civilization with power systems like
encyclopedias , education , energy ( applied science useful here , as
in 1 pound of helium hold enough energy to light a 10 watt light bulb
for 100000 years , 1 pound without explosion ) books and computers
energy water food etc energy is the key to growth of civilizations

The Environment Places the definite Stamp on the Individual

Our Childhoods are the best time of our lives , once robotic parents
are created for tough labor our lives could be like children inapt

In America the number one arrest offense is I think marijuana over
600,000 arrests every year , if tax stamps are allowed for mild
marijuana cake legal under CS then the individual people being
currently being arrested for hemp will not resent the US Government

I live in fear , in the ghetto , many people public ally state " kill
all the white people , like the KKK said about blacks )

arresting minorities and jailing ghetto persons for marijuana leaves (
a violation to start in many states ), instead of allowing marijuana
mulch cake , while not enforcing Obscenity laws a crime if not erotic
art, ( what is obscene vs erotic art is a legal question when the
material will judge itself what it is when we see it )

This clearly shows a bias in allowing satanic murderer photos that
feed evil arousal in psychopaths , while passive hemp is heavily
enforced , this causes urban terrorism

Why is American Civilization suffering a moral erosion crisis ?

Blame it on Organized Nudity

I don't know exactly why , but once a civilization endorses organized
nudity like the Romans or Savage tribes , that civilization becomes
sadistic , Nazi like , as if people where meat food.

Sex Rules are important to civilization , because sex creates children
and a lot of energy is needed to raise children, this is my best guess
why if organized nudity is common in civilizations a moral erosion
occurs , inapt , a balance is needed .

I know a nude woman statue was placed in a fountain circle at the end
of my street @ 1910, the area has houses like church mansions ( power
) built before the statue.

What happened to the area this fountain with a nude woman was placed
in on the street ?

The area began to slide , the women in the area felt embarrassed and
not as sexy as the statues figure , the women of the church mansions
lost power
sex Powers , aka Blame it on Organized Nudity ,
now a serial murder of 3 women was just discovered 100ft from this
former statue area and I am pleading you the FBI to help me relocate
A Government that protects and provides the 3 basic Human Rights to
Life ,Liberty and Property rights equally for all persons without
deprivation under due process
The Famous Psychoanalysis Zurich school 100 Word Stimulus Questioning
from History of Psychoanalysis by Dr Triton 1920
Even pauses, blinks, gasps or refusal to answer ALL HAS A MEANING
using this test.
Note The 3 main motivations of
every Human Action concern one of 3 mental issues of:
(1) Power

(2) Sex Gratification and

(3) Security from Death

Because they hold survival value for people

There are ways to analyze people's minds that you wish to question...
empower yourself with psychoanalysis.

Word Association questioning method:

The patient is asked to remain very quiet for a minute or southern he
is asked to tell the analyst the first thing that comes to mind. The
stimulus words generally employed by analysts were selected by the
Zurich analysts.

" What comes to mind when I say the Word :_______?"

The list follows:...

The Analyst asks the patient:

" What Comes to Mind

When I Say the Word: "

1) head 2) green 3) water 4) to sing 5) dead

6) lung 7) ship 8) to pay 9) window 10 ) friendly

11) to cook 12) to ask 13) cold 14) stem

15) to dance 16) village 17) lake 18) sick

19) pride 20) table 21) ink 22) angry 23) needle

24) to swim 25) voyage 26) blue 27) lamp

28) to sin 29) bread

30) rich 31)tree 32) to prick 33) pity 34) yellow

35) mountain 36) to die 37) salt 38) new

39) custom 40) to pray 41) money 42) foolish

43) pamphlet 44) despise

45) finger 46) expensive 47) bird 48) to fall 49) book

50) unjust 51) frog 52) to part 53) hunger

54) white 55) child 56) to take care 57) pencil

58) sad 59) plum 60) to marry 61) house 62)dear

63) glass 64) to quarrel

65) fur 66) big 67) carrot 68) to paint 69) organ

70) old 71) flowers 72) to beat 73) box 74) wild

75) family 76) to wash 77) row 78) friend 79) luck

80) lie 81) behavior 82) narrow 83) brother

84) to fear 85) love 86) false 87) anxiety

88) to kiss 89) bride 90) pure

91) door 92) to choose 93) hay 94) contented

95) ridicule 96) to sleep 97) month 98) nice

99) woman 100) to abuse

An absolutely normal person will give a reaction to each of these
stimulus words in about 3 seconds..if the patient misunderstands the
word or asks..."What do you mean?"...the word has some very painful
association...From Dr. Triton..1920

May cosmic magnetic force and God Bless You People.

Rev. Dan Izzy , the Cryonic Life Insurance Company, Dept of General
Resurrection Syracuse, NY

Notice the 3 main motivation of human beings are 1 power, 2 sex
gratification and 3 security from death issues , this is more defined
that Freud's Food and Love issues ( power/sex ) as the 2 main motives
of human behavior because it lacked security from death.

Why else do Muslims blow themselves up, they think the go to heaven.

If Cryonic Preservation is provided to civilizations, a real medical
security from death is possible to believe ( do you think Jesus will
wave his magic wand and POOF they dead are resurrected ? )

I don't expect this within my life time, but reviving the dead body
may already happen in part ( when we die not all of the body is dead,
just the brain stem.)

It would be nice to provide our Military with a cryonics option

Dear Forensic Echo:

Hi, I am a psychoanalyst and I was researching " evil arousal '.

Is this statement true ?

" I am convinced that it is not desire that arouses us but evil "

I think so, it was from the Marque De Sadist ( the sadist writer in
the 18th century )

But why ?

Then I found your web site, on " defining evil "

Is this statement also true ?

" everything we think of, we title as either good or evil "

I wanted to provide you with some simple psychoanalysis tools to help
in your research:

Human Motivations:

Every Human Motivation and Act concerns 1 of 3 issues, and they are
issues of:

(1) Power

(2) Sex Gratification and

(3) Security From Death

because they hold survival value for Humans.

Often people mix food and love

auto cannibalism ( kissing Thur sodomy ) and men's sadist Hunting

can lead to psychopathic behavior.

There is survival value in the male hunting drive, but when this
hunting drive

( hunting is sadistic in nature, aka butchering animals for food ,
takes guts )

turns to Human Beings, even the objects of affection ( love hate ) or
even worse the

Oedipus complex, superior inferior, submissive dominant , a
psychopathic mind can

developer ( all is vanity, I've lost my empowered Childhood, so why
have any

boundaries ? ) " now I can do what ever I please "

Civilizations are artificial, their is nothing natural about them,
they are all man made.

Civilizations are sadomasochistic in nature, : master / slave ; boss /

landlord / tenant ; cop / robber school master / student ( a Totem
system , top dog, pecking order etc )

The best time of our lives was when we where children/

Hopefully soon our civilization will be leaving the sadomasochistic
structure and start and

Empowered Child Culture with Robotic Parents to help us, with cheap
energy, housing,

toys, education and creative Fun ( fun the forgotten power )

This system is also known as Man and Machine.

I hope these ideas help in your psychoanalysis

God and cosmic magnetic force Bless You

Br Izzo

Chaos Entity

Sep 10, 2004, 1:29:36 PM9/10/04
to (Br Dan Izzo) wrote in message news:<>...

> " everything we think of, we title as either good or evil "

That depends on who you are. Many people do think that way, but there
are those who reject any notion of good and evil. It is a subjective


> Civilizations are sadomasochistic in nature, : master / slave ; boss /
> worker
> landlord / tenant ; cop / robber school master / student ( a Totem
> system , top dog, pecking order etc )

I disagree. We typically apply that structure when a particular order
is needed.

For example, a tenant / landlord relationship isn't necisarily a
master / slave relationship. Both parties have certain rights and
responsibilities. A landlord can evict a tenant he doesn't like. A
landlord can lose a tenant he doesn't satisfy. Therefore, the
relationship requires a balance.

In a republic, it is true that the citizens must obey the law. The law
in a republic is created and enforced by the officials. Since the
officials must ultimately face the citizens to remain in power, there
is a balance. The laws that the citizens obey are essentially those
that they allow.

With boss / worker, employment is usually at will. A boss can fire a
worker, a worker can quit his job. Each has power to end the
relationship if a conflict occurs. Rules are obeyed at will.
Superiority is only influenced by responsibility, ie: the one with
more responsibility is considered a superior. The boss has
responsibility for the worker, and is there for the worker's superior.
This does not give the boss any additional authority. The boss must
simply assure the balance is not disturbed: that the worker satifies
the company's needs, and that the company satisfies the worker's
needs. A disruption in this balance can cause the loss of a worker.

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