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[ [UUA-L] A Letter from UUA President Peter Morales]

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Jun 29, 2009, 4:47:41 AM6/29/09
----- Forwarded message from Deborah Weiner <> -----

Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 02:14:27 -0400
From: Deborah Weiner <>
Subject: [UUA-L] A Letter from UUA President Peter Morales

June 28, 2009


As you know, I have just been elected President of the Unitarian
Universalist Association. I have trouble expressing how profoundly I am
touched by the confidence people have placed in me. I can only say, in
the Spanish phrase, mil gracias, "a thousand thanks."

I am humbled and grateful. The challenges before us are great. We
continue to live in a world where fear and hatred cause suffering and
violence. Greed and acquisitiveness threaten life on our planet. We are
surrounded by millions of people seeking a spiritual home that is free
and open. We face historic cultural and ethnic change in America.

We must learn to express our love and values in new cultural contexts.
We will build on the great achievement of President Bill Sinkford in
social witness. Ours will be a presidency passionately engaged in the
great moral issues of our time: economic justice, peace, and human
rights. I would like to thank and praise the Rev. Dr. Laurel Hallman,
the other candidate for president, for her deep insights and inspiring
contributions to our faith. Her concerns for spiritual depth, covenantal
relationships and stewardship are values I share.

To Laurel's supporters, I offer my warmest welcome. There are no
divisions in our movement, only complementarities. Your call for
spiritual depth has always been a call that leads us to work together to
make a better world. Together, we are answering the same call heard by
Servetus, Ballou, Channing, Parker and Susan B. Anthony-a call to leave
behind what is outmoded and to let compassion guide us as we shape a
future together.

The challenges we face are great. However, together we have the passion,
the spirit, the determination and love to face the tests of our times.
Together, together, we can grow our faith and help heal the world. We
can be, we must be, the religion for our time. Together we are beginning
an exciting new chapter in Unitarian Universalism. We are on a journey
of faith together.

-- Peter Morales

[The complete text of this statement can be found at ]

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