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[ [UUA-L] Letter to UUs on Health Care Debate from UUA President Peter Morales]

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Aug 14, 2009, 2:28:48 AM8/14/09
----- Forwarded message from Unitarian Universalist Association <> -----

Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 13:01:35 -0400
From: Unitarian Universalist Association <>
Subject: [UUA-L] Letter to UUs on Health Care Debate from UUA President
Peter Morales


The current hysteria and rancor in the debate over health care policy
are profoundly disturbing. The issues here go far beyond normal public
policy debate. Religious principles central to our shared Unitarian
Universalist (UU) faith are involved.

The first religious principle at stake is compassion. We must be a
strong, persistent voice that reminds our nation and our leaders that
compassion is central to all major faith traditions. We must insist that
health care reform protects those without political clout: children, the
poor, the disabled, the elderly. To stand on the side of love is to
stand with those who are on the margins.

The second principle of our faith we must affirm today is our commitment
to the democratic process. We are witnessing cynical demagoguery that
plays on fear in order to defend privilege. There is no place for
intimidation in our public discussion. Demagogues foment fear and panic
that lead to violence. As religious people we must oppose intimidation.

True democracy can only exist where each voice is heard, where debate is
open and civil, where people can disagree without being threatened. Good
people can and do disagree about health care policy. However, we must
all join together to demand open, respectful debate.

As religious people, let us insist on two things: We must create a
health care system that protects the most vulnerable, and we must insist
on a democratic process that is open to all.

Peter Morales

The complete text of Rev. Morales' letter is at .

Rev. Morales comments on the health care debate:

UUA-L mailing list

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